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Pokemon: Anthro Region [started/ONLY ACEPTED MEMBERS] (PG-13) *PLEASE POST!!!*


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Eveon had waited for some time for an answer, yet the Umbreon had not responded. He shook his head in the dream, and walked over to her. He could see her blush, but ignored it. He took her face in his hands, and looked deep into her eyes. I really don't want to have to get physical with her, but it may be the only way to wake her up. Eveon took a deep breath. "Hey...Umbreon girl, wake up, will ya? You've been knocked out for the better part of fifteen minutes now, and I'm sure that more Pokemon have come to getcha. Come on, wake up...Please..."

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"He's entered her dreams and is trying wake her up somehow.", Viena explained, "Wish I could help....WAIT!" Viena took off from Arron and ran over to the Umbreon and Espeon. Hope this doesn't do any damanage if someone else has enterd the mind., Viena begged. "Physic Fire....", she whisperd to herself so that it was bearly audiable. A ring of fire srung up around the gruop from Viena's hands and it slowly began to close in creating a small and warm ring. Viena's eyes glowed purple and a purple ring appeared around the Umbreon's head. It stayed like that for several minutes before it broke. Please have worked!, Viena silently begged.

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Guest TheFinalFan

The Umbreon awoke to find the handsome Espeon from before staring into her eyes. She grabbed him by the neck and hugged him, whispering "Thank you for saving me." She then got up, and looked around at the others. "Hello. My name is Breon, and I'm an Umbreon." She then looked over at Eveon, and realized somehing. "Wait a second! Eveon? Is that you? Remember me? Breon, from the family reunion a couple of years ago? I'm your second cousin!"


((So she isn't IMMEDIATE family...))

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Eveon blinked, shocked. He pulled his mind out, and put it back in his body. Standing, he pulled Breon, and spun her around, examining her. After a minute, he let her stop, satisfied. "I...I don't believe it! Breon, how...you have to tell me your story. Why were you being chased by those Water Pokemon, and what is this Mystic Water you were trying to steal?...Yes, I can still read thoughts expertly, I know exactly what you were trying to steal...though I didn't learn it from you. You've always been more difficult to read. But them..." he motioned to the cliff edge. "Not so much."

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Guest TheFinalFan

"Well, I have recently gotten into the business of a hired hand. Most of it is odd jobs, though occasionally I have to be a bounty hunter or a mercenary. And there is the very rare job that requires my abilities in stealth. A Blastoise warlord a few valleys over is currently in a war with two other warlords, who are a Venusaur and a Charized, respectively. I was hired by all three to get power-enhancing items for them to be able to defeat the others. Of course, I made sure that each warlord was unaware of my contract with the other two, so I could get three times the money for a bit more work. I have a Miracle Seed and a Charcoal, but I needed a Mystic Water, so I simply headed up this mountain to a spring at the top where a local tribe of Polis resides, worshipping a Mystic Water for who-knows-why. I simply liberated them of it, until they got into a hissy fit. I decided that borrowing the item indefinitely would be a bad idea, so I tried to put it back, only for them to caught replacing it. Then I ended up here, with most of the tribe's warriors gone so I can reacquire that Mystic Water!"

She got up and started to walk up the mountain. "Great seeing you again, cuz!"

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Eveon grabbed her arm, and pulled her around. Shaking his head, he swept a hand through the hair on his head. "You...you're going to go back there?! Don't you learn anything from experiences like this, Breon? If you just go back alone, you're going to fall into the exact same situation, warriors or no." He could tell that she was dejected by his response, but he didn't want her to know his reasons for why he was like this. He huffed in disappointment. "You know, I never did like that you stole for a living, whether you like it or not. But...you're going to need someone to go with you. I know you the best so..."

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Guest TheFinalFan

Breon's eyes sparkled. "I knew you would come around!" She then raced up the mountain, with Eveon in tow.


((A few minutes later...))


The Wanagoaliki Tribe was praying the their Goddess of Water, Wanagoa, for the success of their fiercest warriors over the black she-devil that tried to corrupt Wanagoa's avatar with her vile taint and take her away from the Pool of Life, the place where the Wanagoaliki lived, as opposed to off of Aliki, their Mountain God, who protected them from outsiders.

Breon and Eveon were secretly wacthing the tribespeople pray to their Goddess and God, hich was a Hard Stone.

"So, what do we do now?" Breon whispered.


((And I'm going to bed.))

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Eveon smiled. "Just wait. Their thoughts are quite interesting. And their prayers...I have heard nothing as ridiculous as them before." The gem on his forehead was glowing, and he hoped that it wouldn't give them away. "According to them, their 'fiercest warriors' had been chasing you, a 'black she-devil'." He chuckled quietly. "I mean, this is just unbelievable! I never thought I could be so entertained by another Pokemon's personal thoughts...Uh-oh." He blinked, and watched as first one, then two, then more Water Pokemon had noticed his forehead. "You'd better get that Water fast."

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Guest TheFinalFan

((One more post...))


The Wanagoaliki felt confident of their warrior's success, until one of the Poliwags noticed a gem glittering nearby, and cried out. "Momma, look at the shiny thing!" More and more of the tribespeople looked over to see the very she-devil watching them, along with her mate, some sort of purple monster. "People!" The Politoed shaman declared. "There are the monsters from below Aliki, who protects us from the evil outsiders! They have defied the will of our gods, so we must destroy them ourselves!" The women and children of the tribe wooped in agreement, then startd firing Water attacks at Eveon.

Breon, however, had slipped away and sneaked towards the island in the middle of the small lake to get to the Mystic Water...

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Eveon squeaked in shock as Water attacks started coming at him. He turned. "Breon, you bet-" She was already gone. Eveon shook his head. She's quick...but I didn't come up here just to cover her. I want to have some fun too. I haven't tested my physical strength in a while...He flexed his muscles, and leapt down from the ledge they were on. In mid-air, he spun, hoping to dodge some of the attacks. Of course, he could fight...but not dodge. A Water Gun slammed into him, and sent him spinning end over end. He landed on the ground with a THUD, and groaned. Looking up at the Poli-Pokemon surrounding him, he grinned. "Uh, hey there. What are you guys so riled up about?"

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Well, interesting day so far. Maybe finding that river can improve it. Arron looked back at Viena. "I must say, quite a strange turn of events. So, that, what did she call herself? Breon is a thief after all. And now she has her cousin sucked into it. How could she do that? And how can he participate? I guess it must have something to do with family. I wouldn't know." Arron looked to his right, and then to the left. "Which way is this river again? And before I go, do you have any questions perhaps?" Arron looked right at Viena. She seems to be confused. I hope I may be able to help.

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((Enter the Anthro-Legends and DarkAnthros!!!))

Viena pointed in the direction of the river again. Viena sighed. With the Espeon gone suddenly after promising to help her she decited she had no other choice allthough it was wierd and made Viena slightly uncomfortable. Viena faced the cliff and closed her eyes. When she opened them the normal red eyes were glowing purple. She raised a hand a a boulder rose a little in the air with a faint purple glow around it. It fell back to the earth and Viena looked back at Arron, This is what's confusing me. I'm a fire-type but.... Viena's mental voice trailed off.


He lept from tree branch to tree branch untill comming to a stop on a willow branch that over hung the calm river. He looked around and saw a man and women: The women had something like a crown on and an a brillent purple gem on her shoulder. The boy had a brillent blue gem on a crystaline like form on his chest. The brother and sister pair. "You're not useually late.", the women said calmly. Though she did not look up at him her knew he was the target of her words. He jumped down, landed flat on his feet and walked over to the pair by the water's edge. "I've had a long travel. You know that.", he said simply. His tone was respectfull, after all in a sense she was stronger then he was, but it also had a tone that made her know they were still equels. She laughed and finally looked at him, "Yes I do know and I sappose not everyone can controll space either. Come and sit down with us. We have much to talk about...Sucune." He nodded and sat down next to the man , "Then let us begin Palkia."

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Guest TheFinalFan

Breon quickly grabbed the Mystic Water, and decided to swipe the Hard Stone as well.


"You, monster!" The Politoed shaman pointed a staff at the Espeon. "You are from below Aliki, our Mountain God, who protects us in the pool in the middle of his chest! Therefore, you are a monster that only wants what our tribe has! We have remained here in peace for hundreds of moons, with anyone who dares disturb the order we have, either a monster from below Aliki or one of our own children of Wanago and Aliki, is destroyed! You and your she-devil mate have come to steal away our idols to our God and Goddess, so therefore, by our law, you must be destroyed!"

Then one of the Poliwags noticed "Look! Wanago and Aliki have vanished!"

Then a familiar voice whispered into Eveon's ear. "It's Breon. I'm inisible thanks to Faint Attack. I have a plan." She then whispered the plan to Eveon.


((Spartan919, PM me instead of responding to this.))

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"Thank you. That is quite strange, and it hasn't happened in history before. Let's see, hmm, no. That wouldn't explain it... Nothing. I have nothing. Could be the time you were born, a certain event could have brought it out of you, maybe one of your ancestors had Psychic blood in them. So much could be, and yet so little is known. Of course, Vulpix have been considered to have some link to psychic abilities before, but I dismissed it as a simple rumor." Arron looked in the direction Viena had pointed. The river can wait. She looks quite distrought. "If you wish, I can prolong my search, and help you."

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Viena didn't want to stop Arron from his search and shook her head, "No. I wouldn't mind help but I don't like distracting other's from a goal of their's." After a minute, "If you want though I can show you the way to the river. Maybe along the way I can find answers or if there is anyone else there then maybe they have the answers I am looking for." Viena suggested but she highly doubted Arron would let her come with him to the rive. Even if she showed him the way. Maybe I have to figure this out for myself?, she thought. There were a lot of things she was not sure off but one thing she was......something was changing.......something big.....something that would rock the world to it's core.......

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"Of course you may. Travel gets so dull when your alone. I have found that the time I have spent traveling is some of the loneliest and saddest times of my life." Arron looked down sadly, remensicing about not so pleasant times. "Sorry, don't want to bore you with my troubles. Anyway, let's get going, and I'll try to answer any questions that I can." With this statement, Arron looked away from Viena, and stared down the path to the river. Well, at least I have a travel partner now. And she seems interesting as well. I hope I can answer some questions, but... I know as little as she does about her current predicament. Combined with what I have heard and seen, it just keeps getting stranger and stranger.

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Viena ran to catch up with Arron before falling into step next to him. She felt realived when he had agreed to let her come to. She relaxed and let her mind drift while she walked. Ocasionally picking leaves from the long branches of the trees around her. These she braided before tossing the newly created small rings onto the ground. Despite how she felt even still Viena was much more relaxed then she had been in days.

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Eveon took a deep breath. "This is going to be tough," he muttered. I'll have to manipulate the air above us...yes, that will save me the most energy. He closed his eyes, to better concentrate, and the gem on his forehead glowed brighter than ever before. The Poli-Pokemon were taken aback at first, then began to make their way towards them. Suddenly, a cry rang out. Floating above the Pokemon were what appeared to be two deities, a Politode and a Poliwrath. Eveon concentrated more, forcing a voice to be embodied by the illusion. The Politode spoke first.


"Do not fear, my children. These Pokemon have been sent here. They are on an...an important mission, and they must not be killed." Then, the Poliwrath illusion spoke.


"The two of us," it said, its voice booming, "will have to leave you for a short time. I am certain that you will all be perfectly fin-" At that moment, Eveon lost control. There was a flash of light from the gem on his forehead, and he fainted.

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"Well, let's start with anything that may have caused a Psychic power awaking inside of you. Have you ever expearnced something that still haunts you? Without this information, I won't be able to guess much..." Arron looked behind them where a long trail of braided leaves lie. "Oshi, we can't leave those there." With this, Arron lifted his hand, focused every single leaf in the trail, and then just curled his hand into a ball. With this, the leaves vanished, and there was no need for him to worry. "I'll tell why I did that later, if I can that is. Long story."

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"I remember running from something. Something dark, scary and floating but that's it. I wanted to hurt me...and others too. Then I just blacked out and woke up later and the thing or whatever it was wasn't around. I've tried to recover my memory of it lots of times. Using a combination of hypnosis and mind reader but it's still never worked.", Viena offered not sure if this was something that could help but she said it anyway. Viena slightly shiverd at the distent and hazy memory. It still sent chills through her.

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Guest TheFinalFan

The shaman thought for a moment, and decided. "We have been tested by the gods, my children, and we have succeeded! Our faith has been determined as pure enough for our magnificent God and Goddess to leave our presence and go down to the lands below Aliki to convert the monsters. Soon, in the future, they will return with new converts, and we will be blessed!"

The Wanagoaliki started worshipping the very tired Breon and the fainted Eveon, who were leaving. "Goodbye, servants of the Gods!" The shaman waved as they crested the mouth of the pool and went down the mountain.


((A few mnutes later...))


Breon arrived back at camp with Eveon on her shoulders. "A little help here?!?" She asked.

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Guest Merciful Idiot

Soul walked through a particular forest. He had, once again, saved the lives of many from an earthquake that almost consumed them. But he was getting tired now of this stuff. One time, he had sailed all the say to Sinnoh and arrived in time to warn the humans there from the disaster. But it was very, very, VERY stressing. "Will I ever have a vacation on this?" He asked to nobody in particular.

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"That sure sounds like it could be enough to cause anybody to have trouble. Wait... did you here something back the way we came? It sounded like the same voice that was heard when that Umbreon had been attacked by the Politoad, and Poliwrath. Should we go back and see what happened?" Arron looked at his new companion. As much as theives disgust me, I can't just leave someone who needs my help... Oh well, it's up to Viena here. "Should we head back and see if we are needed?" Arron looked back at th path they had came from. It could mean trouble for anyone who travels with me.

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Viena stoped and looked back down the path before looking back at Arron. "I think we should. They could be in trouble. Not that I want to get tangled up in something else like that or be ignored by another big happy family reunion but....let's go see anyway. What do you think?", Viena asked Arron. If they kept going forward then Viena hoped it was nothing major. But if they could help in some way and Arron agreed then they might as well try. Besides., Viena thought slightly grinning, It really wasn't THAT bad fighting.


Palkia looked at Sucune, "The time has come. I am sure you are aware that this peacefull and strange world of ours is begining to crumble around us all." She said in a calm but authorotative voice. Dialga, Palkia's brother, squezed her hand before adding to her words. "The first DarkAnthro has been identified and will no doubt try to attack the other's. Stranger yet is that something just as big or bigger may be heading this way. We,", he indicated Palkia and himself, "Have no clue what that might be. It's oddly and disterbingly beyond our abilities to figure out." Palkia expected what happened next. Sucune got up, "Beyond the reach of time and space! How can that possibly be?!" Palkia's purple gen glowed slightly as she narrowed her eyes, "Why do you think my brother and I have called this meeting of all the Anthro-Legends!? Of all those who have more power then the others!? We must find and eradacate this problem else the world that we now know will fall into the power of an unknown and very powerfull threat." Palkia shook her head and sighed.

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"Yes, I feel as if we should go. I feel a sinking feeling in my gut, and I bet something bad has happened. Let's get going." Arron ran down the path they came from. "Danger, I should tell you this now. We could be running into a trap. I upset a certain pokemon a long time ago, and to be honest, he still hasn't forgiven me. I am worried he may still be following me, and before you ask, no, it wasn't thieft. I would die before resorting to stealing." Arron looked back at Viena, and motioned back down the pathway. Please don't let this be a trap... please...



"Sorry I'm late. The Isles I take residence at keeps me far away from here." A new anthro had walked into the sight of the beings of Time and Space. Suicune is here. How wonderful. Articuno walked to the far edge away from the others. "Why was this meeting called? I may not be able to stay long. There are problems in my domain, and I won't tolerate them continuing." She looked down to the south, and let her mind wonder until she got the answer she was looking for.

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