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Characters Needed For ~Broken Destiny~ (Fanfic)(NEED 1 Dark Signer) (Always accepting others) STARTED

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Name: Kiru Sasuky

Picture: [spoiler=Dark Signs] it__s_a_dark_signer__by_qu_kopng.jpg


Age: 18

Backround: I have loved dueling since before I could read. While growing up I dueled against some top competitors. A dueling prodigy until they day I was lost at sea and lost all memories of dueling and then upon being rescued I noticed these 5 great duelists that each had a mark of sorts. I was willing to do anything for a mark of my own and that's when a man who talked about dark magic told me i will become a great duelist but I will lose something precious to become one.

Why they became a DS: Upon seeking the ways to get a mark a man promised me power and thus I agreed. In favor he began to strangle me and I confused on what just happened til' i was reborned into a revenge-seeking maniac with the mark of the Wolf

Deck(must be in YCM or real): Universal Hero Deck

Key card: Universal Hero - Zombie Mistress

Earthbound Immortal: Earthbound Immortal Piscu Lobo

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Here's a signer for you.


Name: Blake "That Guy" Hawkins

Picture: 8yf3ib.jpg

Age: 15

Backround: What can i say. He was a normal person grew up in a good neibor hood he just had a feeling he wood do something great. He started dueling when he was 13. The dark signers came along and he new his place

Deck: [spoiler=DECK]


Evil thorn x3

Nettles x1

Rose Tentecles x2

Mystic Tomato x2

Hedge Guard x2

Dandylion x1

Gigaplant x1

Wall of Ivy x1

jerrybeans man x1

Horseytail x1

Lord Poison x1

Violetwitch x1

Copyplant x1




The world Tree x2

Mind Control x1

Mage Power x1

Emergency Provisions x1

Mirical Fertilizer x1

Double Summon x1

Thundercrash x1

Giant Trunade x1

Torn of MAlice x1

Ookazi x1

Fragrance Strom x1

Swords of revealing ligt x1

Seed Cannon x1

Rush Recklessly x1

Mass Driver x1




Negate Attack x1

Tuners Scheme x1

Ivy shackles x1

Torrential tribute x1

Wall of thorns x1

Compulsory evacuation device x1

Sanguin swamp x1

Plant Food Chain x1

Sakuretsu Armor x1

Trap Jammer x1

Magic cylinder x1





Key card:Dandylion

Sign: Wing

Dragon:Black Rose Dragon

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Name: Mark Angel

Picture: ???


Backround: At the young age of 10 both his mother and farther died of an illness that was spreading through out the city, and his brother was shot dead. He was forced to raise himself with no-one to care for him. He eventuly was named Mark Angel after his deck. When he was 23 he found a card on the floor and picked it up, the card was his earthbound immortal shortly after he fell of the edge of a cliff.

Why they became a DS: Because he wanted revenge on the person who killed his brother

Deck(must be in YCM or real):

[spoiler=Ark-Angel deck]

1x Archlord Christia

1x Archlord Zerato

2x Warrior of Zera

1x Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua

2x Zeradias, Herald of Heaven

2x Honest

1x The Agent of Judgment - Saturn

1x Radiant Jeral

2x Nova Summoner

2x Airknight Parshath

1x Neo-Parshath the Sky Paladin

1x The Agent of Force - Mars

1x The Agent of Creation - Venus

3x Mystic Shine Ball


3x The Sanctuary in the Sky

2x Terraforming

2x Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x Field Barrier


1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force

3x Aegis of Gaia

1x Beckoning Light

1x Call of the Haunted



Key card: Agent of Judgement - Saturn

Earthbound Immortal: Chacu Challhua

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Well Then I Want to Join ^^


Only 1 Question


Does the dragon have to be one in the series? ^^


Name: Jian Kimura


  Reveal hidden contents



Backround: In progress...

Dragon: Black Winged Dragon => Black Winged Accelerated Dragon

Deck(must be in YCM or real): In Progress...

Sign: Body

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may i join as a dark signer?


Name: Tyson (phoenix) goodwin





Age: 19


Background: His real name is Tyson walker he was a orphan who was adopted by Rex Goodwin as a heir. even though he never liked Goodwin the somewhat admired him and secretly claimed to be just like him. he looks on people who where from the satellite as fiends on a account of a traumatic experience. while he is very predigest against former satellite but he loves new domino city will protect it and its citizens and may occasionally and unknowingly team up with a signer to protect it against criminal organizations 



Why they became a DS: After Rex Goodwin had disappeared he was willing to do what ever it takes to avenge his adopted father. he learned about Yliaster and joined the organization when he was 10 and after nine years he and wies had formed the Dark Signer Resistance and they each gathered the earthbound immortals and dark signers and wishes to destroy the signers but he hopes to be directer of Director of Security

but will his quest to destroy the signers destroy the city the wishes to protect?


Deck(must be in YCM or real): earthbound crystal deck / yubel deck

(you can make the deck add all the cards but just make one deck a pure dark type deck)



Key card: hundred eye dragon/yubel/dark armed dragon


Earthbound Immortal:Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca


Dark sign:Condor ( he claims to be phoenix)


syncro chant : stars of the night combine into a force that shake the heavens of the night!! syncho summon !!!

Dark synchro chant: powers of darkness lend me your power to crush all that stand in our way!! dark synchro summon!!

earth bound chant: Earthbound Immortal i offer my soul to destroy a signs of red blood and protcet what is precious to me!! be Re-born!! Wiraqocha Rasca!!!!

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