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Club Magic [Current Event - Deck Building Contest]

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I'm not a huge fan of the Unearth mechanic, either. I don't like having things exiled and I prefer to hold my field presence as much as possible.


Why not run both? The River Boa can defend you until you get out the Cudgel Troll. That's what I'd do at least.


I have a Creakwood Liege. Ain't that a fun card? I put it in a black and green prototype deck along with Noxious Hatchling and Woodlurker Mimic (which turns into a 5/3 with Wither if you play a spell that is both black and green; it starts out as a 2/1). Shadowmoor and Eventide have GREAT multicolor spells - some even better than those from Ravnica.


Yeah, some commons and uncommons are harder to find than others. Seriously, good luck trying to get a Hedron Crab from a Zendikar pack. I once opened 20 packs - and only got ONE. Those things are good, but so damn hard to come by. The site I use to get cards sells them for a dollar a piece. =/

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Why not run both? The River Boa can defend you until you get out the Cudgel Troll. That's what I'd do at least.


I have a Creakwood Liege. Ain't that a fun card? I put it in a black and green prototype deck along with Noxious Hatchling and Woodlurker Mimic (which turns into a 5/3 with Wither if you play a spell that is both black and green; it starts out as a 2/1). Shadowmoor and Eventide have GREAT multicolor spells - some even better than those from Ravnica.


Yeah' date=' some commons and uncommons are harder to find than others. Seriously, good luck trying to get a [b']Hedron Crab[/b] from a Zendikar pack. I once opened 20 packs - and only got ONE. Those things are good, but so damn hard to come by. The site I use to get cards sells them for a dollar a piece. =/

The problem is deck space. It's already at like 63/64 cards and it's getting harder and hard to take stuff out with out.


Yea, I looked through most of the green card from those packs and they had some great cards, so the others most be just as good.


Wow, that sucks. With all the packs I would buy back when I was REALLY into yugioh I learned that I'm better off saving the money for good intro packs or just single cards.

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@Flame Dragon - I recommend that decks consist of no more than 60 cards (unless you're just having off-the-wall fun, since there IS a card that lets you win if you have 200 cards in your deck - no joke). You should have between 20 - 22 lands. Other than that, go nuts.


It all depends on your style. I wanna make a black/red Elemental deck with their selection.


Yeah - although it's awesome to get a REALLY awesome card worth a bundle of money for dirt cheap. That and you never know what you'll pull - perhaps something you hadn't considered that may be of some use.

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So' date=' I had some of my first losses in the past two days.


I hate flying monsters, both times they were the main reason for the loss.


On a side note I now have my Moment's Peace. Also I want another Grazing Gladehart.



Fliers are a pain in the butt. White and blue specializes in flying creatures. Green doesn't really have much in the way of fliers, but they DO have some fun ways to stop them.


One of the newest ways is Gravity Well. It's 1 colorless and 2 green for an enchantment that makes flying monsters lose flying when they attack. MWAHAHAH!

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So what's your opinion of the new level creatures from the Rise of Eldrazi set?


MUCH better than the YGO level monsters' date=' that's for sure. They add a whole new level of play to the game (although TECHNICALLY this mechanic was already introduced in Eventide with [b']Figure of Destiny[/b] - but these are MUCH better IMO).


My favorite one so far is the Echo Mage. I like that it is Twincast in creature form.

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Good if you've leveled up your guys enough. Can't go wrong with an unblockable - especially if you care to dabble into some Kamigawa cards and use creatures with Ninjutsu. ;) It's good that it's a rebounder also.


I'm sure I don't have to say this (but I will for the sake of those who don't know), I hope you're running 4 Venerated Teachers. Those will help IMMENSELY (if you can get ahold of them, that is. I haven't had much luck in pulling any).

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I only have like 1 Venerated Teacher. (Wants more) I do have 3 Wall of Omen and Inquisition of Kozilek, though. Yay!


Thinking of making a white Ally deck. It will have Coat of Arms (basically a staple for Allies) and Sunscour (Cheaper version of Wrath of God since I would only have to exile 2 white permanents instead of payings its high casting cost)

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So' date=' I had some of my first losses in the past two days.


I hate flying monsters, both times they were the main reason for the loss.


On a side note I now have my Moment's Peace. Also I want another Grazing Gladehart.



Fliers are a pain in the butt. White and blue specializes in flying creatures. Green doesn't really have much in the way of fliers, but they DO have some fun ways to stop them.


One of the newest ways is Gravity Well. It's 1 colorless and 2 green for an enchantment that makes flying monsters lose flying when they attack. MWAHAHAH!

Yea. Red also as a fair number of creatures with flying. And I've seen Gravity Well, in fact I have it. One of my fav cards to stop flyers is Guard Gormazoa. Cheap, has flying, and takes no combat damage.




So what's your opinion of the new level creatures from the Rise of Eldrazi set?

I like them' date=' but some are a little costy for my liking. Tuskcaller is my fav.


I'm sure I don't have to say this (but I will for the sake of those who don't know), I hope you're running 4 Venerated Teachers. Those will help IMMENSELY (if you can get ahold of them, that is. I haven't had much luck in pulling any).

They come in the intro packs, so if your having trouble get on of them. You'll also get a bunch of other cards out of it so it is worth it IMO.

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