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Club Magic [Current Event - Deck Building Contest]

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I'm not big on downloading stuff. Only more so since my desk top is crap. Still I don't mind judging.


I'm on board with it' date=' sure :)


About the Deck, Flame Dragon, I don't know what cards you can actually get, but I think you have way too many creatures. Also, I prefer running 4-ofs when I can, and I spot a Gatekeeper of Malakir couple that could use another pair. ;) Also, I'd drop the Pulse Trackers for the obligatory Doom Blades/Terrors, since nowadays you can never have too much removal.


As much as I love removal you don't always need that much. With 4 Nighthawks, 3 Cutthroats and 2 Drana it helps cover the fact I am a little removal light. And as much as I like Gatekeeper and Doom Blades I don't like the little control you have with Gatekeeper and that fact that Doom Blade is useless against other Black creatures. However since I know I won't get all the cards I want I know I'm going to end up using them any way.


:P I'd also drop the 3 Guul Draz Vamps for 3 more Bloodghast' date=' but since those aren't cheap, perhaps 1 more Bloodghast and 2 more Malakir Bloodwitches. I'd add 4 Cabal Coffers, perhaps removing 2 Blood Seekers and 2 Pawns of Ulamog, and remove the last Pawn for a Phyrexian Arena. I'd drop the 2 Piranha Marsh for 2 more Sign in Blood but I can see why you put them there.


I don't like Guul that much so odds are she'll be on of the first cards I out. Bloodwitch is great but getting her is going to be pain. It's only going to be worse for Cabal Coffers, and I'd rather take out other lands then creatures for it. Also Crypt of Agadeem kind of works a bit like Cabal Coffers. The deck is already a little light on lands so I'd rather avoid taking them out. However I will try to work in more Sign in Bloods, but sgain unless they reprint it in M11 it might end up being a small pain to get.


As a side note' date=' if you really can get your hands on a Sorin, I am now officially envious. :P


Had I posted this a few hours ago I would have said "I know he's going to be a huge pain to get, and TBQH I don't think I'll be able to find him, but it would be cool if I did." The reason I'm not saying that now is because I went out and got some Zendikar packs and pulled him :D.


Sadly I got none of the uncommon Vamp stuff I need. Also I can't even find the intro pack that had most of it which only makes me more mad and sad since I know that would be the easiest way to get all of it. I did pull a second Bloodwitch as well as get Nirkana Revenant and my second Kalastria Highborn as single card.


I also got 3 Unstable Footings in the 6 packs bring that total for me to 4 >_>

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I feel asleep and just got back. So any news on whether or not we got the rules down for the thing? I mean, 1-on-1 against everyone to see who has the most wins is good I think. And anything else really.


Also, I'll get to figuring out MWS, since it seems the best way, and also the one with most trust since you can't lie while playing over a program like that (at least, I didn't think you could lie).

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My only problem with MWS is that I use a family desktop and on it I can't download applications without administrative consent which is on that computer.... My parents. So I'd have to ask them. Sorry' date=' so I may not be able to participate yet.



Then we should have another way to duel. But you would need to do what other people I know do when they want to play with cards they don't have. They write the name of the card on the front of a card sleeve, and put it over a card. Of course, you would need card sleeves.


Edit: How do I add the new sets to MWS? All it has when I open it is a bunch of weird looking cards that don't even look like they're from MTG.

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If you downloaded the MTG Card Database all you gotta do is run the program which should be called mtg_gamepack. Once done just open up MWS and it should have MTG cards instead of what it had before.


No, the weird cards are still there. Do I have to open a file or change some preference or something? Cuz I ran the thing after downloading.


Edit: Do I have to download the pictures and put them in the MWS folder? Cuz I've searched what to do and it says I should.

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If you downloaded the MTG Card Database all you gotta do is run the program which should be called mtg_gamepack. Once done just open up MWS and it should have MTG cards instead of what it had before.


No' date=' the weird cards are still there. Do I have to open a file or change some preference or something? Cuz I ran the thing after downloading.


Edit: Do I have to download the pictures and put them in the MWS folder? Cuz I've searched what to do and it says I should.



Well i reinstalled it to see what was going on and i think i got it maybe. Go to View and pick Deck Edit Mode. The three cards that said Sample Card should be gone. The first card now should be Ach Hans! Run.


Edit: You dont have to have the pictures and theme but it'll help you out

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If you downloaded the MTG Card Database all you gotta do is run the program which should be called mtg_gamepack. Once done just open up MWS and it should have MTG cards instead of what it had before.


No' date=' the weird cards are still there. Do I have to open a file or change some preference or something? Cuz I ran the thing after downloading.


Edit: Do I have to download the pictures and put them in the MWS folder? Cuz I've searched what to do and it says I should.



Well i reinstalled it to see what was going on and i think i got it maybe. Go to View and pick Deck Edit Mode. The three cards that said Sample Card should be gone. The first card now should be Ach Hans! Run.


Edit: You dont have to have the pictures and theme but it'll help you out


That's not what I mean. I have none of the card names, even though I installed it.


[spoiler=What's going on]







Those are my screenshots for both the deck views. I have a bunch of weird cards that I have never seen before, but they don't seem to be from any Magic set I know. IF they are even Magic cards. Anyways, how do I get MWS to list the cards from the newest sets? I don't even need the pictures, but it would help if it registered the names of the cards.

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I dont know why but it looks like its not overriding the Master.mwBase.Im at a lose here youd probably have to wait until MarbleZone replies to this bcuz i have got no clue now. Im assuming you uninstalled it and then re-installed MWS and the database? If you did and its still doing that then i dont know, unless its putting the database elsewhere.

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