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My awesomely traditional deck

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just to let ya know, i dont worry about the banned cards(me and my friend could care less lol) but heres my deck thats had a losing streak lately, it wins about 3/5 duels. let me know what i could do to make it better! =]



x1 Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke

x1 Marauding Captain

x1 Slate Warrior

x1 Man-Eater Bug

x1 Morphing Jar

x1 gemeni Elf

x1 Skelengel

x1 Gorz, emissary of darkness

x1 Obelisk The Tormentor

x1 Insect Knight

x1 Kuriboh

x1 Great maju-Garzett

x1Maiden of Macabre

x1 magician of Faith

x1 Medusa Worm

x1 Dark Driceratops

x1 Archfiend Soilder

x1 Super Conductor tyranno

x1 Blast Sphere

x1 Tyrant Dragon

x1 Chaos Emperor Dragon

x1 D.D. Warrior Lady


Spells 12:

x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

x1 Ekibyo Drakmord

x1 D.D. Capsule

x1 Pot of greed

x1 Graceful Charity

x2 Double Summon

x1 Monster Reborn

x1 Lightning Vortex

x1 Wave-Motion Cannon

x1 Swords of R. Light

x1 Change of Heart


Traps 10:

x2 magic Cylinder

x1 Sakauretsu Armor

x1 Defense Draw

x1 Dimensional Prison

x1 Torriental Tribute

x1 Torriental Tribute

x1 Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

x1 Waboku

x1 Negate Attack


About 44 Cards total!



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