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Pokemon Riddles (Nothing Like PokePokePoke's)


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This is a remake of my old Pokemon Riddle thread from 2009.


I'll give 3 hints. None at first. Once people have guessed I'll give my first hint, which is the Generation. Then after guesses, the second hint, which is the Stage, eg. Basic, Stage 1 ect. Then after guesses, I'll give my third and final hint, which will be it's either Type or Name Hint, like if it were Chansey the name hint would be oh... -H---ey. Then after the last guesses, I will name the pokemon if it hasn't been named already.


I will give out "Gold Stars" to the person who gets it corret. If noone is correct, I will give out the Gold Star to the person who is the closest in Pokedex Number, an example is... The Pokemon is Charmander and Red guesses Charmeleon and Blue Guesses Charizard. Red would get the Gold Star.


If you make it to TEN! Gold Stars, you will win either 3 Reps or 50 Points.


[spoiler=Gold Stars]

Łεσ™ - 1

Dizzy~ - 1







So on with the game...


I am one of 3, but I'm not Legendary.



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