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Green With Envy: Crab Helmet's Foe Fiction! {Rise of the Dragon Lords}


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3 things...


1....I like when you change the color on the review text. Easier to tell review from fanic.






You made a fool of me for the last time' date=' Crab! It was meant to be funny on its own! [b']Not when some jackass treats me like I have a disorder![/b]


Because of you, you made me sound like I'm back at the bottom when I first came here. I'm not going back that way ever again! So long as you stay away from Territory Thread and never post there AGAIN!!!


And I didn't post it 35 minutes ago. You're a d**khead for calling it that. This was my first time that I did this, so don't think of it as the worst thing you've ever seen in your life! I've seen worse! Oh, I bet you, I've seen worse reviews, so don't go hating on me if you don't know me! You feel me!?!


I got something to say to all who wish to rant my review...




Does this mean this guy will follow Pichu's lead by cursing out a mod and getting banned?


3....Will you review a chapter of my Yugioh SGS fan-fic? I haven't received feedback since chapter 1, and I've done 4 chapters so far. It's in my sig.

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3 things...


1....I like when you change the color on the review text. Easier to tell review from fanic.






You made a fool of me for the last time' date=' Crab! It was meant to be funny on its own! [b']Not when some jackass treats me like I have a disorder![/b]


Because of you, you made me sound like I'm back at the bottom when I first came here. I'm not going back that way ever again! So long as you stay away from Territory Thread and never post there AGAIN!!!


And I didn't post it 35 minutes ago. You're a d**khead for calling it that. This was my first time that I did this, so don't think of it as the worst thing you've ever seen in your life! I've seen worse! Oh, I bet you, I've seen worse reviews, so don't go hating on me if you don't know me! You feel me!?!


I got something to say to all who wish to rant my review...




Does this mean this guy will follow Pichu's lead by cursing out a mod and getting banned?


3....Will you review a chapter of my Yugioh SGS fan-fic? I haven't received feedback since chapter 1, and I've done 4 chapters so far. It's in my sig.

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I love this bandwagoning taking place here.

Yes, I know that Crab Helmet is a linguistic/sarcastic genius and that every single person in the universe should praise and follow his every stroke of the keyboard, but he/she can obviously defend himself.

Yes, I'm looking at you, The Handless Fake. Now I may be criticizing a criticism of a sarcastic criticism, but that wasn't necessary. You basically pointed out when letters were caps. Thanks for the heads up. If I find caps I need identified, I'll contact you.

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I love this bandwagoning taking place here.

Yes, I know that Crab Helmet is a linguistic/sarcastic genius and that every single person in the universe should praise and follow his every stroke of the keyboard, but he/she can obviously defend himself.

Yes, I'm looking at you, The Handless Fake. Now I may be criticizing a criticism of a sarcastic criticism, but that wasn't necessary. You basically pointed out when letters were caps. Thanks for the heads up. If I find caps I need identified, I'll contact you.

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Guise' date=' we have our next meme coming in. D:



Really? I thought it was going to be

Hell, I don't even know what a Parakoopa is either.


Oh, of course. But you have to use #9400D3.


Before that though, someone has to turn it into a picture.


Anyone has access to Demotivational Posters? It should say with #9400D3 text



"I don't know what the hell they are either" With a picture of just some random parakoopa.

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Hm. I come back from vacation and find my fanfic has been trashed. Fantastic. Just kidding, it was a good review, and I plan to take what you say into account. However... I must question some of the things you said in your review. What they are and why I questioned them are listed below.


[spoiler=Anne Frank? What?]

- how' date=' you may ask, could something so well-written have made its way to YCM? Well, the answer is simple. You'll find that it's heavily lifted from a very famous four-line work. Ever read the Diary of Anne Frank? I'll reproduce it here in its entirety for your convenience:


[i']October, 1944. The world has changed. Those Nazis, those blasted Nazis, have turned against us...the Jews...now we live in filth and squall and often die, while those other guys rule the country... There is zero chance of taking back whats ours... Sorry for... all the ellipses... it's important for diaries to reflect... severe breathing problems... like this... fortunately... I was able to record... this incredibly detailed account... of everything... that will make me worth remembering...[/i]


Was this really necessary? I have not, and probably never will, read the diary of Anne Frank. Already, your attack on my opening paragraph has been proven wrong. Also, I highly doubt this was in the diary of Anne Frank- "while those other guys rule the country"? Really? - so why did you even include that? What's the point of that pointless, unhelpful comment, except that of ridiculing my fanfic?



[spoiler=Completely Original it may not be, but still]

I question exactly how "Completely Original" this story is.


Erm. Well. This might not be completely true' date=' but if you had actually read farther than the prolouge, you would have found this line to make a little more sense, because most of the originality of my fanfic is found in the actual chapters, not the prolouge. Sometimes writers explain things gradually, instead all at once in the first chapter. Tell me, Crab Helmet: What type of reviewer only read the prolouge/opening chapter? It seems to me your reviews are based on limited information, and this will sometimes give up flawed reviews that might hamper the writers more than help them. Did it even cross your mind that a writer, after writing a couple of chapters, might have realized some of the mistakes he made and fixed them?




[spoiler=Establishing a order to writer a story in']

And I'd love to hear what the point of this gem here was supposed to be:



[spoiler=Cards Used In Prolouge]







ITS CALLED ESTABLISHING A ORDER IN MY STORY CHAPTERS IN. I WANTED TO CREATE A RYTHYM IN WHICH TO WRITE MY CHAPTERS!!!....okay' date=' I've called down. Seriously though, I wanted to include the custom cards used in every chapter, so I decided to put that up in my chapters, and, just for conformity's sake, I decided to put it into the prolouge. That is my reason.




...And that concludes my defense of my fanfic. Thank you for the rest of your review; those parts will help me write a better story. And by the way...


Hell, I don't even know what a Parakoopa is either.


The rise of the meme has begun...

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Great job.

Now we just have to use it. But where? D:


Whenever someone asks something so blatantly obvious that everyone should now it, or makes a statement that is so blatantly obviously wrong that everyone should know what it is.

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Perfect. It's perfect.


Great job.

Now we just have to use it. But where? D:


Whenever someone asks something so blatantly obvious that everyone should now it' date=' or makes a statement that is so blatantly obviously wrong that everyone should know what it is.



Also perfect. I'm going to use this whenever the need want arises.

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You made a fool of me for the last time' date=' Crab! It was meant to be funny on its own! [b']Not when some jackass treats me like I have a disorder![/b]


Because of you, you made me sound like I'm back at the bottom when I first came here. I'm not going back that way ever again! So long as you stay away from Territory Thread and never post there AGAIN!!!


And I didn't post it 35 minutes ago. You're a d**khead for calling it that. This was my first time that I did this, so don't think of it as the worst thing you've ever seen in your life! I've seen worse! Oh, I bet you, I've seen worse reviews, so don't go hating on me if you don't know me! You feel me!?!


I got something to say to all who wish to rant my review...




I love how people have already made mini-reviews throughout this one post xD


The best part is that C4 does half of the job for you. In fact, it's so amazing how easy it is to make fun of it (not including the torture you must go through just to read this ****), you'd think he was actually trying to get it reviewed by Crab. But that's impossible, since that would require actual planning and thought. No. C4 is just that terrible at reviews.







*sniff* Words cannot describe its beauty.


And as for where to use it' date=' I would suggest in siggys. Just have some witty title for the spoiler, and then when someone opens the spoiler, they will laugh in remembrance of this day. In fact you could link it to the review itself.


Edit: What's even better is that he now says, after reading Crab's review, "All comments [b']except critiscm[/b] are welcome!" He even has the same parts bolded. Geez... if he's going to write a review about someone's fanfic and trash them, he should be ready for critiscm. Though it's not fair. C4 sucks at dishing it out, but Crab's a pro.

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Crab, you are a great critic. Because of all the terrible peices of 'literature' on this site we call YCM, you have become a kind of compass to my writing. Your teachings to other's writings became proverbs to be as I began to write a story that was of my own.


We never quite new each other but you were the one acting as the map to my writing.


Okay, maybe not.


But still. Ryu Triforce is my fanfic, and... Well, it would be great if you could rip it to bits. Don't play nice, no sugar-coating, just plain, hard, salt on the raw wounds of my writing. Is that kinda gory? Either way, please, destroy it.

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