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Your Most Hated Video Game Character.


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Animal Crossing= *coughobviouslymr.ressetticough*


Mr. Resetti is awesome.


And he has a brother named DON.


I hate Princess Peach.


Poor Mario. He's saved her 9001 times' date=' but all he gets is a kiss. Or nothing at all. >_>


Plus, the Mushroom Kingdom needs a serious security overhaul.



This will tell you all you need to know about Peach.


As for me, I would say not Navi, she was annoying, but not the most annoying thing ever. For me it's the Skull Kid. He goes, attacks the Happy Mask Salesman, grabs Majora's Mask, runs off, turns Link into the freaking Deku Scrub, not to mention by grabbing Majora he caused the whole freaking 3 Day Cycle thing.

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I'm not 100% sure about who's my least favorite, but I can say without a doubt that Aquaman.EXE is easily the top candidate. He looks puny, he acts puny, and he overall is even more annoying than his classic counterpart, and this one has NO voice. Regular Aquaman probably makes a close second.

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TLOZ- Navi, the owl, tingle (40 year old men shouldn't wear spandexes)


Mario- Toad (your princess is always in another freakin' castle), the rabbits.


FF- cloud and sephiroth, they're extremely overated (a bunch of fanboys just fainted) and pretty much else in the games because they won't STFU.


And there are problably more

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Ghost isn't confirmed dead yet by Infinity Ward surprisingly because of the massive Ghost fans. Roach on the other hand is dead. But Sheppard isn't so evil.. He is pissed at the Rangers and The TF141 cause he lost 200,000 Men and "the whole world just funking watched", revenge is a beauty.

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I liked her and her levels were fun btw.


Ghost isn't confirmed dead yet by Infinity Ward surprisingly because of the massive Ghost fans. Roach on the other hand is dead. But Sheppard isn't so evil.. He is pissed at the Rangers and The TF141 cause he lost 200' date='000 Men and "the whole world just f***ing watched", revenge is a beauty.



Ghost is dead.


Also it's not revenge. He started a war so that more people enlist in the army.

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My most hated video game character?


The Black Knight from FE. He's not annoying, persay, but he killed Greil and if I fail his fight in Path of Radiance, Chapter 27 (you try doing it without Aether or Mist), then I have to start the whole mission over again.

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Oh' date=' man, that Miltank was the bane of my existence as a child...



I remember playing Crystal in second grade and whenever I had to fight the third gym I was always FUUUUUUUUUUUUU-, because of her damn Miltank + Rollout combo.

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Tails. I mean... Sonic was just fine without a sexually confused fox stalking him all over the place doing positively nothing helpful.


Fuuka Yamagishi from Persona 3. But maybe that has something to do with the atrocious voice-acting.


Lastly, Yu Yevon from Final Fantasy X. Seriously. If you absolutely MUST appear even though it makes no sense whatsoever plot-wise, and you're going to be an evil, all-powerful last boss GOD, couldn't you at least, you know... not give us Auto-Life?

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