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The Game 1.0 [PG-13/not started/accepting] co-owned by jeroukoo


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JP quickly grabbed his things and went to his dorm. He wanted to get to his dorm first, something any student would want to do once they were first notified that they had a dorm. As he was walking down the hall, he bumped into the girl with the armor on and almost knocked her down. "Sorry." JP muttered the comment quickly he wanted to get ot his dorm first. He took off and was almost downt he hallway. Yes, I'm going to make it first!

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Jecht saw JP running towards the same dormroom he was and booked it to the door, knocking a rather cute girl over in the process. "Get out of the way!!!" He yelled determined to get to the room first. Jecht ran faster and ran directly into at the doorway. He quickly recovered and ran into the room after fiddling to the lock in his exciment. Jecht ran into and jumped onto the single bed that was beside the window. "Yes!!!" Jecht yelled in triumph.

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Komodo stood in the doorway of her new room, her hand on the doorknob. Other students would be eager to get into their room before their roommate did, but Komodo just stood there. Suddenly, there was a change in attitude for her, and she crashed into the room. She looked around- her roommate wasn't there. She picked the bed near the far corner of the room- so she would hopefully be unnoticed, if she just sat there glaring at whoever may go into the room. Komodo brushed her blond bangs out of her face, so she could actually see. "There is NOTHING to do!" Komodo said, flopping onto her chosen bed, and she decided to walk around and explore.

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Edge stops drawing and looks out the window...nothing but the setting sun. He decides to pack his stuff and heads back to his room...on his way he decides to stop by the library to do some research on on a rare sword he heard about from his parents awhile back... he finds an interesting book and sits down, coffee in hand, and begins to read near the entrance to the library.

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The girl JP bumped into had dropped nothing of hers ... although the thought of elbowing him in the chest and then shooting him did come as the first thing to do she decided not to do that ... on the first day. there was no one in the class room edge had walked into yet, but soon a man walked in with very spikey blong hair. he was writing something sown when he looked up and noticed edge standing there. "uh ... hello. oh you like drawing ... hm thats fine i do to just don't draw when i'm teaching ok. by the way i'm cloud strife your melle fighting teacher we will start as soon as the others get here." he went to his desk. sat there awhile and then started writing again.

ooc: http://eternal-s.deviantart.com/art/Cloud-Strife-Gentleman-126055610 and yes he has the suit on.


Then the door knob started to turn. the door opened slowly revealing that it was the girl with the armor tha was coming in. "hello teacher ... mr.strife, and you you are the one who was here at the office this morning were you not." she looked at adge waiting for an answer.

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Komodo walked around, observing everything in sight. She wanted to know every square inch of this place. She looked around at the people. She was so bored! "Ugh... I don't KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Komodo yelled, agitated. She looked back, blushing at the pairs of eyes that had suddenly become attached to her. She gave a nervous laugh. "Heh heh.... Uh, sorry." Komodo walked off, her face bright red like a rose. She sighed, and looked for something that would entertain her for the time being.

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Edge decided to stop reading for a little bit and walk around the school...On his way to the nearest cafe he noticed a very attractive blonde haired girl yelling that she didnt know what to do, very strange he thought, he shrugged off the incident and proceeded to grab a pretzel, and headed back to the classroom that he was supposed to be in...When he arrived he noticed the teacher sitting there writing and said "Hey teach whats on the agenda for today?!?!?!" And took a big bite out of his pretzel, and decided he wanted to draw again...Hmm maybe its something about this room he thought.

OOC: Oh yah i just called pegasasus character hot, DEAL WITH IT!

PS: Hope jeroukoo doesent kill me....

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Jecht looked at the room. "Well, I got here first . . . what did I really accoplish? Absoluty nothing." He almost pouted as he just celebrated a false triumph. He remembered the principal saying something about a shop and Jecht shrugged. I guess its better than just sitting here. He thought as he left the room, sword on belt, of course. He heard somebody scream. Being his nosy-self he ran to what happened. What he saw was a, cute, blonde girl walking faster than normal, her face like a tomato. "Guess I missed the action." He said, adding a loss to his scoreboard. 1 for getting to the room first. -1 for missing something that had the potential to be awesome. His score was know a big fat 0. Maybe he'd get to find out what she had screamed about later but not right now. He asked someone who looked like a teacher which direction the shop was and headed off to find it.


OoC:Maybe Jecht will kill you for that instead.

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Name: Alex Ryder

Age (10-20): 15

Begining Weapon (sword,2 daggers, bow): Sword with a Diamond front blade, normal back blade.

Pic or Description (must be 4 lines long): 208541174877ad0a2e3421cf695e3fa0.jpg

Bio: Alex has been always a young girl yearning for adventure & lots of friends. She said this school was like said adventure with alot of friends. Little did she know of this game. Now it is around, & she will be happy of the coming things & will leave her mark, LITERALLY, on said adventures.


EDIT: The pic for her is a bit taller.

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ooc: DIE KYLE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALex, this is a high school, you might want to run verek over the app though.

JP ran into the classroom, seeing the girl he knocked over, the one kid Edge, and another person, a girl that reminded him of his sister. He looked over at the teacher, sitting there staring at him. "Sorry, Mr..." JP paused for a moment, then shrugged. "Mr.Mr. I don''t know your name yet, sorry, teach." JP then slumped down next to Edge, and accidentally hit him on the head while sitting down. "Whoops. Sorry."

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((What now?))


IC: Komodo continued to walk around, shrugging off the incident- for now, at least. She saw teachers, students, and simply outcasts, rouges, standing around, drifting- and she realized that was exactly what she was doing. She simply waited for something to happen- usually things did when she was around. Komodo stood there, bored out of her mind, and leaned against a wall, staring at her shoes. Her hair fell into her eyes, and she pushed it out yet again. She shoved her hands into her pockets, and waited.

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OOC: That was intentional! I know it! And yes i know you want to kill me :D

Edge notices the boy walk in and feels a slight rush of anger, but decides to keep it to himself and instead continues to draw, his sword is now complete and is drawing matching armor, he admires his handy work and takes another bite out of the pretzel...After he finishes his armor however he gets bored and puts his sketchpad away, and instead pulls out a nintendo DS ultra-mega, the newest nintendo electronic system available, and also the most expensive on the market, he hopes no-one notices this because its origins are...a bit shady

OOC: Sorry i hate it when people spell rogue wrong, while rouge is actually a word, rogue is the correct spelling of the word you ment to use, as you see i play an online game where people mis-spell is everyday...quite annoying really

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As JP turned to the the boy to ask if he was alright, he saw him pull out a Nintendo U.O (Ultra Omega) from his pocket. "Wow. Really?" JP sighed and smiled a little. "Well at least you don't play that one game. What was it called again?" JP thought but couldn't pull it out of his head. HE thought harder about the game and then it popped into his head. "At least you don't play WoW. World of Warcraft? I know this one kid who spends his practically his whole life on that thing..." JP chuckled at little and shook his head. "No, no. That's something you'll have to ask him personally."

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OOC: Dont you DARE bring that crap to the RP forums!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IC: "I do play that game as a matter of fact, i dont personally see whats wrong with it..."" Well im SICK OF WAITING FOR THE TEACHER to do something so i think im going to just walk around"" Wanna come with?" And without waiting for an answer edge walks out of the room and approaches the blond haired girl he saw yelling earlier and says" Hey whats your name, mines edge" with a wide, friendly, grin on his face.

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Jecht thought he saw the same, cute, girl from eariler, just waiting, and he thought it was rather strange she was just kinda standing there . . . doing nothing. He admired her for another moment or two, with a look of almost confusion while he stared at her, before shaking off the strange feeling he had gotten. Then some guy, he didn't know, walked infront of his line of view and he shook his head, Jecht's silvery white hair flying all over his head. He pushed the hair from his eyes, trying to efficently straighten it, and failing. He procceed into the shop, done fiddling with his hair, to see if they had anything actually worth paying for.

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Before Edge could do anything else, JP pulled him by the collar and dragged him out of the room. As they entered the hall, JP turned to Edge with a very angry look on his face. "Alright, this is nothing against you. And I'm sorry. But you remind me of a friend, one that I DO NOT trust with my sister. So I'm going to keep you away from her. Sorry." JP then smiled. "So where do you want to go?"

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Komodo looked at Edge, who had just been dragged out of the room by- she didn't know, but he looked familiar to her- way too familiar- could it be- her brother? She tried to shake the thought out of her head, but it was no use. There was a little voice, always saying to her, in the back of her head, "It's your brother, stupid girl! It's your brother!", but she tried to ignore it. For now. Now, what she would do was unknown, as she walked around the "classroom" ((I think)), running her fingers through her hair.

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OOC: Really man, cmon im making a move here ;)

Edge looks back at JP "What, im just making polite conversation...I didnt say anything else...yet!"

And with that edge walks back to his dorm room, fed up with all the annoying-ness of jp, and decides to take a shower, and then go to his computer and troll forums...


Some passing people may hear occasional TAKE THAT NOOBS! and YOU JUST GOT PWNED !

OOC: PS if you wish to contact edge at this time, simply knock.

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OoC: Jecht will get to you if JP doesn't first.


IC: Jecht examined what the store had for sale. Some very decent swords and some really sturdy bows. He always thought it would be awesome to learn how to shoot from far with amazing accuracy. He picked up one of the bows, in his own fantasy land now, dreaming about the awe filled things he could do with the curved wood, some string, and another piece of wood with a rock on the end. This was heaven for him.

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OOC:that was a ooc only warning!

IC: cloud looked around ... "well i guess everyone's off the hook ... for now." the prinable walked into the class room. she walked up to komodo. "ah ... hello komodo". said the princable. " could you help me find a few guys named ... jecht,JP, and edge." he then described there features. "sorry to spring this on you but i need your help it is important."

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((If some people don't start improving their grammar, this thread may be locked by a Mod :O and I don't want that to happen so IMPROVE YOUR GRAMMAR))


Komodo looked at the principle strangly, a confused look on her fragile features. "So you want me to get JP, I know him, Edge, I know who he is, and Jecht, I think I've seen him before too." Komodo then stopped for a few seconds, and processed in her brain what the principle had said to her. "What makes this so important to you, Mr. Principle Guy? Why do you need these three people? I'm not trying to be nosy or anything, but seriously, what is it?" Komodo said, as she was ready to go and find the three boys.

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He looked at her then had a look on his face ... a happy face almost as if he had, acomplished something. " so you want to know why i need these three boys, well first i don't only need them i need you to." he then paused for quite some time. Then he looked over to her "Well for your question about why i cannot tell you untill we are with the others i have told you about."


The girl in the UNSC armor was walking to her room, when she saw komodo and the princible walking by. She dropped her stuff off in her room then stood there thinking out loud "i wonder who my roommate is". she walked over to the next door and knocked.

ooc:kyle thats you.

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Komodo sighed, a little bit annoyed at the principle. Sure, it was secret, but why couldn't he tell her now, she was bored, and it would motivate her to find the other boys...? No, she couldn't think like that. Too evil for her. She set off to find Jecht, JP, and Edge. She looked into the room where Edge was, playing something she knew nothing about. "Hey Edge, I need you, thanks for cooperating, come on now." Komodo said, and walked off, not really waiting for a reply of conformation from him at all. "Oh yeah, if you don't come, I'll rip your head off after I skin you alive." That was the kind of evil she didn't mind using. Komodo soon found Jecht and JP, and brought them both to Mr. Principle.

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the princable was sitting at his desk writing a story ... he then turned around from his desk to see all of them standing there. He looked at each one of them , he paused for awhile and there was complete silence. he the broke the silence by saying "while hello there. I am sorry to spring this up on all of you but i have read into your background and looks like none have you have past the beginners test here" he looked down at a few papers and wrote something down. "none of you will possibly amount to anything without passing this test and if you don't amount to anything people take advantage of your weakness and kill you." he said this almost as if it did not bother him at all. he started writing again "to pass the test all you have to do is go up the mountain to the east of here. stop by the city, and don't worry about your classes i will tell them about this test now go ... oh and by the way if you have any questions i don't care". he then started to write again.

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