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the wicked beast gods deck plz help to make competitive


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if u read the orgional manga of yu-gi-oh you would know that the gx anti god cards aint the first anti god cards the orgional were the wicked beast and sing they are all finaly released iv atemped to design a deck that could be used in a competitive deck.

(addmitedly this deck will cost aload of money, too much if u ask me but im gonna try and make it) plz help me to improve this deck!!!!!


19| monster


2| Wicked Dreadroot

2| Wicked Avatar

2| Wicked Eraser

3| thunder dragon


3| Hydrogeddon

2| Apprentice Magician

1| magican of faith

1| spirt reaper

2| Evil Hero Infernal Gainer

1| Treeborn Frog


14| spells

2| lighten the load

2| re-load

1| heavy storm

1| mst

1| prem burial

3| stray lamb

1| brain control

2| creature swap

1| scapegoat


8| traps

1| call of the haunted

3| Cyber Shadow Gardna

3| Stronghold The Moving Fortress

1| ultimate offering


***** edited version******


21| monster


2| Wicked Dreadroot

2| Wicked Avatar

2| Wicked Eraser


3| bazzo the soul eater

3| Hydrogeddon

3| dd survivor

1| magican of faith

1| spirt reaper

2| Evil Hero Infernal Gainer

2| necoface


12| spells


2| lighten the load

1| heavy storm

1| mst

1| prem burial

3| stray lamb

1| brain control

2| creature swap

1| dimention fusion


7| traps

1| call of the haunted

2| Cyber Shadow Gardna

2| Stronghold The Moving Fortress

2| return from the different dimention

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can i ask why thunder dragons


i would rather put in cyber dragons instead but thats like 45 for 3 =/


hmmm well maybe put in card like marshmallon if not 3 spirit reaper but they might be limited sooo mabe all 3 =D


just a suggestion tho cos i see no advantage for 3 thunder dragon

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thunder dragon is only in their to thin my deck out coz of its effect no other reason. this is a stapple card for any 1st turn or one turn kill decks. also i was thinkin treeborn coz spirt doesnt comeback after u trib it, and treeborn does if u av on spell of traps on the field. i supose i could change it for twin headed behemoth tho, so ty

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well ok fair enough but then they might serve that purpose but then you dont really need speed for this deck as they wicked cards will stay for a while


might i suggest tho, a necroface and gold sarcofogus (sorry cant spell)

and like 3 different dimimension capsulse and return from different dimension that will defo thin your deck outand you can get the wiked cards in your hand fast but use gold sarcofogus on necroface


necoface: When this card is Normal Summoned, shuffle all removed from play cards into their owner's Decks. This card gains 100 ATK for each of those cards. When this card is removed from play, both players remove from play the top 5 cards from their Deck


just gold saprcofogus on it or ddc it get removed from play bam 5 cards off the top of deck that thinned out more than 3 thunder dragons and you can use rfdd to bring back some monsters (if u want you could also tribute the monsters for the wicked cards)


sorry about this being soo long lol

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hmmm maybe and add more rfdd and maybe use card discarding teckniques to get cards removedfrom play then use them as tributes for the WGds and if u do put in a macro cosmos then a card trooper bazoo the soul eater and dd survivor would be a very good ddition




i hope im helping

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