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Okay so all Normal YCM Rules Apply and the Card should have these Attributes:


1-Must be LIGHT.

2-ATK must be exactly 1000 or a number multiplied of it(2000,3000,etc.)

3-Must have Risky Effect.


Prizes:Winner gets 3 Reputation Points and 20 Points from the Loser.

First to 5 votes wins.


Okay anyone who takes this Challenge post here.Go Go Gooo!


PS.If i need 100 Posts to host a 1on1 as well please tell me i will ask this to be Locked immediately.


Okay here is my card and my opponent's Card:


[spoiler=My card]533630ie.jpg

Lore:This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned by Tributing 1 LIGHT monster you control. When this card is Summoned, select 1 LIGHT monster in your Graveyard with the Highest ATK and Special Summon it to your opponent's side of the field. Your opponent can only attack this card with the Special Summoned monster. When this card is destroyed by a card effect, destroy the monster Special Summoned by this effect and both Players take Damage equal to this card's ATK and the destroyed monster's ATK. During your Standby Phase, if this card is in your Graveyard you can pay 2000 Life Points to return this card to your hand.


[spoiler=AquaMaster's Card]123.jpg

Lore:When this card is Summoned, increase this cards ATK by 1000. If this cards ATK becomes more than 2000, increase the ATK of 1 monster your opponent controls by 500. If this card is destroyed, destroy all cards on the field. Both players take damage equal to the number of cards destroyed by this effect x 500.



Please Start Voting!

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I join


EDIT: My card:



When this card is Summoned, increase this cards ATK by 1000. If this cards ATK becomes more than 2000, increase the ATK of 1 monster your opponent controls by 500. If this card is destroyed, destroy all cards on the field. Both players take damage equal to the number of cards destroyed by this effect x 500.


You know how to upload on tinypic, in that case, have both cards posted on the first post. And you know how to upload cards?

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Okay here is my card on this Post and i will post the card on the opening Thread in a Second.



Lore:This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned by Tributing 1 LIGHT monster you control. When this card is Summoned, select 1 LIGHT monster in your Graveyard with the Highest ATK and Special Summon it to your opponent's side of the field. Your opponent can only attack this card with the Special Summoned monster. When this card is destroyed by a card effect, destroy the monster Special Summoned by this effect and both Players take Damage equal to this card's ATK and the destroyed monster's ATK. During your Standby Phase, if this card is in your Graveyard you can pay 2000 Life Points to return this card to your hand.

Okay i put both Cards in the opening Thread and i changed the name.And now we wait.

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i vote Aqua' date=' sorry light your card seams opd(good ocg though)





I mean Aqua's card is a 1k Level 1 Beatstick <_< and when it's summoned it turns in a 2k Level 1 Beatstick D:

You must be kidding about the OPedness of Light's card <_<


It could get UPed <_< or maybe balanced D:


My vote goes for Light

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I guess that i will be a very important voter in this one.:) I am joking of course but i have to do this.Sorry Aqua but Light Master's Card is better.Because it is the final vote i will elaborate:


1-I like more Complicated Effects.

2-Aqua your Card is a Level 1 Monster who has 2000 ATK the Instant it's Summoned.Did you think of the capabilities of the Card 1 for 1?

3-What were you thinking when you made a Level 1 Monster whose power is 10 times Stronger than one of the strongest banned Cards-Ring of Destruction?


Sorry but for a Level 1 Monster it is greatly overpowered and Light Master's card is really really more balanced than your Card.Plus Light Master had Amazing OCG.

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