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Misprint Volcanic Doomfire I Got From Tin

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What? What's the point of trying? Fooling others so you can laugh at them for your own monetary gain?


I feel sorry for those who do photoshop just for that.


I also laugh at them.




A lot. :lol:


i dont see how he is gaining money, but i must agree i am laughing.

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i got an misprint gaia the fierce knight...it says last turn


no you didnt. Gaia the fierce knight and Last Turn dont even come in the same pack. Gaia isnt even in print anymore.


Did nobody listen when i said this was fake?


first of all, the card has an obvious bright line to the left of the Attribute image, and if you didnt see that, there is a white space to the right of the card, and the picture is square, so unless he photocopied it, it wont look like this. sorry but this is WAY fake.

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