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HOW COULD I IMPROVE !!!!!! HELP DAMNIT...............................................


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what u think guys ??? (possibly girls but im doupting it)




v tiger jet x3

w wing catapult x3

x had cannon x3

y dragon head x3

z metal tank x3


d hero defender

breaker the magical warrior

morphong jar

light and darkness dragon


vwxyz dragon catapult cannon

xyz dragon cannon x2

vw tiger jet x2

xz tank cannon x2

yz tank dragon x2

xy dragon cannon x2


double summon x3

heavy storm

lumionous spark x2

limiter removal x2

back to square 1

lightning vortex


return from diff dimensuin

reckless greed x2

malovent catastrophe

waboku x3

chaos burst


torrential tribute



any help to improve would be nice thankx plz dont say this si sheet construcive critisizim plz =D

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