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Bakugan: Modern Brawlers [started/accepting] (PG-13) *PLEASE POST!!!*


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What if you woke up one morning and found yourself talking to your partnerd talking Bakugan? What if Bakugan had enterd the real world? Now you can find out! Kids all over are waking up and finding themselves joining forces with Bakugan to stop a person only known as the "Dragon Lord". Can you put aside all disbeleif and join with others and your partnerd Bakugan to stop the Dragon Lord from plunging the world into chaos?



*YCM rules and Advanced Clause applys

*2 applis. max

*only one Bakugan

*dragons are allowed but please not a lot (as in under 5)

*please post at least a PARAGRAPH!!!!

*Bakugan can be real or your own

*if your partner Bakugan is your own please make sure you have ideas for Ability Cards

*gauntlets exist

*you may chose to have a Trap Bakugan or not

*BattleGear accepted






gauntlet color(s):

attribute you brawl with:

picture link:

partnerd Bakugan name:

Bakugan species:

Bakugan's Real Form pic. Link:

Trap Bakugan (if you chose. this is the only exception to the one bakugan rule):



Pyrus (fire)

Haos (light)

Darkus (darkness)

Helies (ice)

Aquos (water)

Sub Terra (earth)

Ventus (air)


Explination of the Dragon Lord:

The Dragon Lord is a mysterious man that has a male dragoniod of each attribute.

Bakugan: Pyrus Ranthos, Darkus Olos, Haos Yalos, Ventus Viaos, Sub Terra Trotos and Aquos Aioas.

Pyrus Ranthos: http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/pics/5/1945/how-to-draw-a-fiery-red-dragon.jpg Darkus Olos: http://vnmedia.ign.com/nwvault.ign.com/NWN2/creatures/MM35_PG71.jpg Haos Yalos: http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/484553-SwampertLover/553/41/light_dragon_by_pamansazz.jpg Ventus Viaos: http://files.meetup.com/218710/Green%20Dragon.jpg

Sub Terra Trotos: http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/leg_evil_gallery/adult_brown_dragon.jpg

Aquos Aioas: http://www.draconika.com/img/blue-dragon.jpg



Hannah - Helies - Strata

Dante - Aquos - Sirenoid

David - Darkus - Hydranoid

Kyo - Darkus - Pantera

Adam - Darkus - Tiraserus

Irene - Pyrus - Foxen (now = Pyrus Ranthos) - Trap: Pyrus Armorwing

Ben Hiratoma - Helies - Tazving - Trap: Arkin

Rai - Darkus - Phoenus








name: Hannah

age: 16

gandar: female

gauntlet color(s): white and grey

species you brawl with: Helies

picture link: http://www.buzzingkidsworld.com/sites/mrenn/_files/image/Website%20images/anime%20girl%20with%20broom.jpg

partnerd Bakugan name: Helies Stratinoid (Strata)

Bakugan species: fey dragoniod

Real Form Bakugan Pic. Link: http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb299/KyleeAuna/WhiteDragon.jpg



Hannah walked down the city street looking up at the sunny sky. Then a strange white and grey thing that looked like a cross from a ball and mini robot leapt on her shoulder. "What are we going to do today Hannah?", it asked her. The strange thing's name was Helies Stratinod or Strata. Strata was a Bakugan. A very powerfull ice dragon Bakugan who Hannah had found in her room when she woke up one day. The two had been inseperable ever since that morning. Of course the two hadn't really brawled since, as far as Hannah knew, Strata was the only Bakugan or real Bakugan anyway. But even though they hadnever brawled Hannah still knew how it worked with the gauntlets, double abilities and triple abilities."I don't know yet Strata. I am trying to think."

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((Sure and thanks for reminding me about Ventus. I added Helies as a new type...thought it would make things more interesting.))


"Well well. Hello there Hannah." A tall man with a cape and hood on appearred grinning in fron of Hannah. "Who are you and what do you want?!", Hannah yelled at him. "My name is the Dragon Lord and as far as what I want...I want to brawl with you right now.", the man laughed. Hannah looked at the Bakugan on her shoulder,"What do you think Strata? Up for a little brawling with this creep?" "Of course.", Strata said. "Let's Brawl!!", both Hannah and the man yelled. "Gate Card set! Bakugan Brawl! Helies Stratinoid stand!", Hannah yelled as Strata appeared. "Let's do this.", Strata said before she let lose a roar. The man smilled,"Gate Card set! Bakugan Brawl! Pyrus Ranthos stand!", the man yelled. The huge red dragoniod appeared and roared, "Hello Strata. Prepare to lose!" "Ability activate! Pyrus Cannon!", the strange man yelled as the red dragoniod shot a jet of fire into the sky. The flames then headed toward Strata. "Double Ability activate! Ice Spear plus Ice Armor!", Hannah yelled. Strata was coverd by thick armor made from ice as her Gs doubled. When the Pyrus attack hit her Strata mearly stumbled back before regaining her balence and flying up into the sky at an incrediable speed. Her wings, tail and legs seemed to be glued to her body as she plunged back toward the male dragoniod. Her body glowing a pale white she slamed into him before she stood in front of Hannah again. "Yes Strata! Allright! It did work!", Hannah yelled smiling up at white and grey Bakugan who turned and looked back. "Yes it did didn't it.", Strata said pleased as the male dragoniod returned to ball form and zipped to the man's hand at the same time Strata returned to Hannah's.

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Guest Random Dude


name: Kyo

age: 16

gandar: Male

element: Darkus

picture link:



partnerd Bakugan name: Pantera

Bakugan species: Panther

Bakugan's Real Form pic. Link:




Has black fur and silver armor


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Dante was laying beside the river on a hill, he stayed quiet for some reason until he heard the voice of a young woman. "Dante.. you are being awfully quiet; are you well?" Dante looked down at his chest to see Sirenoid looking up at him. He quickly replied to her in a calm warm tone. "Of course Sirenoid.. What were you worried about me?" He smiled sweetly to his bakugan. She replied in a quivering tone. "O-of course I was Master... you were so quiet." He patted his bakugan lightly not making her revert to ball form, right as he picked her up he said something. "Thank you Sirenoid." The bakugan went from pink to a crimson red color as she turned around and reverted to a ball. He chuckled lightly knowing good and well that his bakugan liked him. "So Sirenoid... shall we go home?" He stayed turned around and in ball form, but she said something in reply. "Yes." As she did he jumped up catching her. He placed her on his shoulder and began to walk away from the river.

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All new applis. are acepted.


The man smiled,"Interesting. Gate Card set! Bakugan Brawl! Ventus Viaos stand!" Hannah was shocked to see he changed the attribute of the Bakugan and it was anouther dragoniod. Strata hoovedred by her shoulder,"I'm ready Hannah. Put me back in." Hannah looked at her partner and nodded before setting the Gate Card,"Bakugan Brawl! Helies Stratinoid stand!" "So Ventus this time. Let's do it!", Strata flew up in the air. "Ability activate! Wind Torrent!", the man yelled as the green Bakugan's wing's glowed green and the wind started to pick up as it glowed the same color as the Bakugan's wings. "Here we go Strata. Ability activate! Cold Vengence!" Strata let lose a beam of ice into the sky. After a minute shards of ice came hurtling back down towards Viaos and pumled him and Strata landed to avoid his attack. Viaos slammed into the ground and returned to ball form. Strata to returned to her ball form.

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David was sitting in his room.

His black and purple gauntlet with purple was plugged into his computer and on the screen, an image and battle data of his Darkus Hydranoid could be seen along with an additional image of a turret like equipment trying to merge with Hydranoid.

"Well, what´s the news?" A slightly dissorted male voice asked.


At first, David didn´t answer, his thoughts were absorbed in the data in front of him.

"You know I hate being ignored" The black and dark purple ball on the gauntlets scanner slightly opened up to reveal something that crudely resembled a snake with four legs.

This time, David responded.

"Sorry, I zoned out, according to this, the battle gear is about halfway synchronized but before it is, it WILL be painful for you to use it in a brawl, especially if we go all out"


"Painful? It barely tickles right now"

"You know I can tell when you´re lying Hydranoid, until the battle gear has been fully synchronized with you, using it in a real brawl is out of the question"

Hydranoid was about to object when David interrupted him

"This is not up for discussion"

"Fine" Hydranoid replied in a tone dripping of sadness and disappointment.


David knew how much Hydranoid longed for being able to use it in a real brawl, he did to.

But it wasn´t safe, the battle gear was still being rejected by Hydranoids body and it caused intense pain to his partner

in the process.


Hydranoid had been his best friend and brawling partner ever since David found him in his room one day and he would not risk killing or damaging Hydranoid severely by using an unsecure weapon.

The battle gear had been found the day after on almost the exact same place as Hydranoid the day before.

When he tried to ask Hydranoid later on for what the thing was, he simply got the reply "I don´t know but since it arrived on almost the exact same place as I did, it is either from Vestroia, and I haven´t seen it, or it is at least related to Vestroia"

However, since it closely resembled a turret and cold combine with a bakugan, they choosed to call it a battle gear.


Finally, after a long time of testing due to weak opponents, they were starting to get close.


(He will not use his battle gear until Hydranoid is strong enough, and I´ll let you all know when it happens)

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((Yes gauntlets exist and Trap Bakugan is really up to you. Some people may chose to have it and some may not. I'll add it to the rules.))



"Hahaha. We'll see you again soon Hannah and Strata.", the strange man laughed. With that he disappeared when the outline of anouther dragoniod appeared. "He's gone.", Hannah said staring at the spot the man had been in shock. Strata rested on her shoulder still in ball form,"Yes but I have a feeling he was right and we have not seen the last of him." Hannah knew her partner was right and nodded,"Well we know some of the combinations work. We'll be waiting for him and we'll bne ready next time!" Still for her confident mask Hannah was still worried and bothered by somethings. Like how the man knew her name, who was he and how did he seem to have a dragoniod of each attribute? As if reading her mind Strata spoke up,"Don't worry Hannah we will be ready next time he shows up." Slightly comforted and appresiative of the Bakugan's positive attitude and words. She laughed and walked along the sidewalk with Strata on her shoulder.

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Dante was so lost in thought that he didn't realize what was happening. He bumped into Hannah lightly making his Sirenoid fly off his shoulder. He jumped noticing what was going on then. "No! Sirenoid!" He jumped seeing that she would have fallen off into a river. He held his bakugan close almost in tears at the thought of loosing her. "Are you okay Sirenoid?"


She nodded turning bright red as she quickly answered the question. "Yes Master... There is no reason to cry." He smiled as he kiss her small head. "Thank God you are okay..." He looked back calling out to the girl. "Sorry.. Are you okay?!"

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Hannah looked at the boy calling to her,"Oh, yeah I'm fine. My mind was just a litle preocupied there." Strata reapeared on Hannah's shoulder after stumbling off it when the two bumped into eachother. "I'm Hannah and this is Strata.", Hannah introduced holding a hand out to indicate Strata. "I'm Helies Stratinoid. Please to meet you.", Strata replied back to Dante. Hannah noticed the coloration on the Bakugan the boy was holding,"You're an Aquos bawler.", she noted smiling. At the moment all thoughts of the strange man in the cape and his different attributed Bakugan seemed to be pushed to the back of Hannah's mind. She thought she was the only one that had woken up with a real Bakuan talking to her untill now.

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He smiled bowing as his bakugan did the same. "I am Dante and this is my best friend Sirenoid." The bakugan turned a scarlet red saying something. "M-Master... I.." She turned to the girl. "I am Sirenoid pleased to meet you." As Dante stood back up he heard her say his element. "Yes I am an Aquos Brawler.. In fact I am the best in town. By the color of your bakugan i'd say Helies the Ice element." He smiled warmly walking to her extending his hand out to her. ""It's a pleasure to meet you Hannah, Strata."

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Hannah noded and shook hands with Dante, "I am glad to see I'm not the only one who woke up one morning talking to a Bakugan.", she laughed. "And I am glad I am not the only Bakugan. I had a feeling there were more but the only others we came upon were...well...I'm not sure.", Strata said. Suddenly Hannah was reminded of the strange man. "That reminds me, were you and Sireniod challenged by a strange man in a cape that had a dragoniod of each attribute?", Hannah asked after letting go of Dante's hand. Maybe with any luck Dante and Sireniod had heard or had an encounter with the Dragon Lord. "He calls himself the Dragon Lord.", Hannah added. "His Bakugan were Pyrus Ranthos and Ventus Viaos. I've never heard of them either.", Strata told Sireniod. Maybe she had heard of these Dragoniods before.

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Dante shook his head as Sirenoid spoke. "I have no idea." As he stood there Dante smirked lightly. "Hey.. how about a battle? Just for fun." He looked down at Sirenoid as she nodded in aggrement. "I think you should, get some practice in, and it would be fun."


He stood there looking at hannah and strata to see what they would say. He closed his eyes quickly thinking to himself. Come on... please... please. He had a few things hidden in his pockets waiting to be used.

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Hannah looked at Strata. "It would help us be prepared for when we next meet the man that calls himself the Dragon Lord.", Strata said. Hannah smilled and looked from Strata to Dante,"Ok then. Let's have a battle! Go Gauntlet Power Strike!" The gauntlets glowed and Hannah set the Gate Card as it grew larger and faded into the ground. Strata reverted o her closed ball form and Hannah closed her hand around her. "Bakugan Brawl! Helies Stratinoid stand!" Strata appeared and unfolded her wings before roaring, "Ready Sireniod?", she said and touched down on the ground in front of Hannah.


name: Irene

age: 18

gandar: female

gauntlet color(s): red and orange

attribute you brawl with: Pyrus

picture link: http://i232.photobucket.com/albums/ee105/stephariara/anime-fire.jpg

partnerd Bakugan name: Pyrus Foxen (Foxen)

Bakugan species: Pyrus

Bakugan's Real Form pic. Link: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs42/i/2009/083/5/6/Nine_tailed_Fox_by_Vyrilien.jpg picture this only less evil looking and red and orange and you have Foxen:)

Trap Bakugan (if you chose. this is the only exception to the one bakugan rule): NONE

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He smirked seeing Strata in her true form. "Beautiful..." He whispered as he drew his hand back preparing to throw Sirenoid. He grabbed her getting in a baseball pitcher like stance. "Bakugan Brawl!" He threw Sirenoid with a great speed making her touch the field opening up. She did not appear instantly instead a gust of wind blew as she gracefully began to rise out of the field as if it was made of water. She looked back at Dante. "I am ready when you are master."


Dante chuckled crossing his arms as he looked at Hannah. "I should warn you.. Sirenoid may not look strong, but she is one of the deadliest bakugan you will ever see." He had a card in his hands, but he didn't seem to want to use it just yet.


(Are custom abilities aloud?)

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Now it was Hannah's turn to smirk a little. Hannah knew all too well from being partners with Strata that looks weren't everything. "We're going to take it safe first Strata. What do you think?", Hannah asked Strata. "I agree Hannah.", Strata noded. Hannah set a card into the gauntlet,"Ability Card activate! Ice Armor!" Crystal clear ice coverd the top of Strata's wings, her body, the exposed part of her legs and a plate appeared on her face. Strata's Gs rose. The armor gave Strata a crystaline-look. "The armor may look heavy but Strata can still move fast with it on.", Hannah said.

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He withdrew a card from his pocket and laughed. "Nice trick.. let me show you one of mine." He held up a card as it started to glow. "Ability Activate! Harmonic Tune!" Sirenoid started to play a song on her harp. The field started to shake and Sirenoids G's rose greatly. "This Ability is one of the strongest Aquos there is. It reduces your monsters Gs by 150 and raises mine by the same amount!" He chuckled as Sirenoid attacked Strata by making a spear of water and throwing it.

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The armor shatterd and Hannah laughed,"Ability Card activate! Cold Vengence!" Strata shot balls of ice into the air and after a moment iceicles started to rain down and hit both Sireniod and Strata. Both of them returned to ball form and zipped back to the Brawler's hands. "Cold Vengence can only be used when an opposing Bakugan is attacking Strata. It causes both Strata and the attacking Bakugan to retreat and both our gadges go down.", Hannah explained to Dante as their meters fell. She looked at Strata, "You ok Strata? I'm sorry I had to use it." "I'm fine Hannah and ready to go back in.", Strata told her.


"Let's finish this!" Irene smirked and noded lookng at the giant fox, "Triple Ability activate! Blaze Controll plus Purple Fire plus Pyrus Reactor!" The gaint fox charged and lounged. Just like that it was over. The boy stared blankly at Irene, I can't believe it. You defeated Ciaros and me....." Irene cought the red glowing sphere and opened her hand. The spere opened up to show a ball like form of the gaint fox. Irene put Foxen on her shoulder, "Yes we did. You and Ciaros don't seem to make a strong team.", Irene said slightly harshly. That's how she was. She told the truth, no matter how harsh it was. As they left the boy standing there shocked into silence at her words, "That may had not been the toughest brawl but it was still good practice.", the red and orange Bakugan said. "Yes it was. Wasn't it Foxen. I just hope we come accross better teams soon."


((Seeing as I added Helies and Strata isn't an real attribute...yes custom abilities are allowed as long as they are not completely OP))

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He laughed lightly to her. "Good job, but now it's my turn. Gate Card Set!" He threw a card which outlined blue before disappearing into the ground. "Bakugan Brawl!" He reared his hand back throwing Sirenoid onto the field. "Sirenoid stand!" She opened up gracefully appearing once again. "Your move!" He chuckled looking at a few cards he had. "Perfect." Sirenoid looked back to him and nodded lightly.

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