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Pokémon: Winds of Orlana OoC Planning [Advanced | PG-16 | Started | Not Accepting]

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There will be specific arcs where some of these rare items will become available; I'm guessing you're talking about a Moon Stone, right? Other items that are less rare (such as an Elemental Stone, etc.) will be available in select areas as purchasable items.

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Yes, Proto; please hurry up and find some way to get your character into contact with Nyoko, seeing as she's still not near the forest. Perhaps you could chase after her for romantic reasons or something or other—and then you two could stumble across Eri. Just hurry and work it out before everyone goes inside and you're left alone.

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Hello, everyone. I'm just posting here to tell you that another mass GM Post is on its way, most likely later on in this evening. I also wanted to ask if there were any concerns / suggestions / questions that any of you may have at this time, so that they can be suitably addressed. Remember, you should be using this thread more often than the actual RP one; use it to discuss and plan future battles, possible Pokemon you may want to capture, etc.


Important: Also, I think it would be a good idea if we exchanged contact information to prevent any confusion and to provide easy access. My MSN and email address is gxcyber_ice@yahoo.com , so feel free to add me or contact me as needed.

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It would be cool to have a sort of exhibition battle at one point, since there has only been one battle so far... a three-on-one against a presumably high level wild Pokemon. Only thing is, I'm not sure when this can happen. Maybe at the next town, after the trainers report the happenings to the proper authorities. Lisa would be glad to take on a challenger (even though she only has one Pokemon...)

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Well, I guess that's the nature of the Pokemon universe... Otherwise you'd have people killing each other with Pokemon o.o


Though I wonder what you have in store for us now. After all, Team Galactic (or Cyrus, rather), wanted to remove spirit and emotion from the planet. I can't think of anything more antagonistic outside of perhaps raw destruction or maybe domination.

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Guest Tainted Black

Actually, in the manga (Which is more canon than the anime, and less than the games) has lots of death, experiments, and attempted killing of humans with Pokemon

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Yeah, in the manga, Giovanni actually killed two Magmar by having his Cloyster crush them in half!


I wonder how war in Pokémon would go. Lt. Surge said he used to his Pokémon to shock everyone, but would they still use guns? There is that one banned episode with guns, so I know there are some.

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It'd probably become ridiculous quickly, depending on how many people have Pokemon who can cause widespread havoc. Psychic types in general, for example. And if the games' Pokedex entries are to be believed, and if the Pokemon attacks actually *do* what they suggest... well, guns would still be useful, but Pokemon would be more powerful.


It's a mystery that, in all of the different Pokemon universes, not one person decided to train a bunch of powerful Pokemon, then suddenly steamroll the opposition. None of this Zubat and Raticate stuff the criminal organization shown thus far. It's sometimes a plot point that someone is trying to get a powerful Pokemon, but still. I guess it's due to the fact that the criminal teams present themselves as 'obviously evil' (except that one time in Pokemon Special...) that they are always found out.


...And I'd better stop before I ramble on continuously...

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