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Have you suffered any injuries?

Professor Cobra

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Sure have. 2 years ago, around January, I was running around, outside of my house, in shorts. Don't ask why. Anyways, I tripped near some stone steps and skinned by knee, BADLY. It eventually healed, but I still have a scar from it. So, yes, I have suffered an injury, which still has not gone away.

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Well umm I broke my neck, And dislocated it 2 other times i fell over and landed on loads of sharp rocks wich cut open my chin and u could see the bone. umm most of the stuff in my mouth came into my mouth when this 15 year old jumped onto me when i was 5. I broke my collar bone too :/ So nothing really -_-"

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well i needed stiches on my head once (dont ask why)

and the 2nd time i had a bloody head accident they put staples on my head instead of stiches. do those count?


I also fell of a balence beam in school and it gave a a very bad fever (i think it was a cuncussion)


I also fall out of tree's alot


Do those count?


And i hit my head on something almost every hour.


but none of those are really bad are they?

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I've never broken a bone. Ever. But I once cut up my head pretty bad on a pipe sticking out of front yard once. HORUS, me, and brother where messing around, and I hit the pipe with my head. I had to get staples. I think I was either 5 or 6. I also get muscle spasms in my right leg sometimes. Its like a cramp where it gets all numb then it feels like you're being stabbed by knives for a few minutes. Those hurt a lot. :shock:

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Yea 6 years ago, and 4 years ago.

6 years ago i was happy to get new shoes when for some reason i tripped(shoes didn't have laces) while running. And i hit some rusty nails. And for no reason blood splurted out and my bone was showing.




4 years ago, same thing happened to my right eyebrow. Instead of tripping i bumped into someone that had buckteeth.

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