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Yugioh 5D'S! The YCM Nexus! (PG-16/Accepting/Started/OOC Thread)

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Username: Princess Judai

Which anime character are you replacing and why?: Carly, because I asked nicely.

Character's Name: Gwen Siobhan

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Apperance: A young woman with emerald-green eyes and spiky, blood-red hair. She used to wear glasses, but now she has contacts, and a new wardrobe full of cool clothing.

Personality: Peppy and hyper, she loves to try to get the next scoop.

Bio: Gwen used to be a small-time reporter for a blog, until she got wrapped up in the affairs of Danielle Andrews and the other Signers. Through a freak accident, she became a Dark Signer, and almost creamed Danielle with her Spellcaster Deck, until Danielle countered with Majestic Red Dragon. She was restored to life once the King of the Underworld was stopped, but, like the other Dark Signers that were brought back to life in this world, she DOES have her memories of being a Dark Signer. She went into a period of depression for a while, until Danielle brought her out of it, and helped her make a series of reviewing on thatguywiththeglasses.com. Now, she's quite successful, and enjoys her time with Danielle.

Deck: Spellcaster/Spell Counter Deck

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not much of a bump' date=' bump, this bump is to bump it higher above the rest bump, even though the last post was 2day bump, it's just that more posts have been made bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump.


most times "bump" has been used in a sentence!


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Guest TheFinalFan

I was just creating an interesting plot point that the characters dream about their counterparts and their original forms.

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not much of a bump' date=' bump, this bump is to bump it higher above the rest bump, even though the last post was yesterday bump, it's just that more posts have been made bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump


even more times "bump" has been used in a sentence!


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Username: Trimage

Which anime character are you replacing and why?: Kalin Kessler, I like him

Character's Name: Kyosuke Kiryu, i like the name and they changed it in the english which makes me sad.

Age: 16

Gender: M

Apperance: Long Black hair with white skin and green eyes his face looks like Carly even though he's a guy, Kiryu has a marker on his face that looks like 2 lines that go down from his left eye down his cheek. Kiryu is a tall thin man that wears a black cloak and a gray shirt with blue jeans and black sneakers.

Personatly: Calm, cool, and collected to the point of seeming emotionless, but he really does care for people and is willing to put his life on the line for complete strangers confusing people.

Bio: A man like no other, kiryu united the satellite under him by defeating and absorbing every duel gang into his team, Team Satisfaction, but things did not last long for soon Sector Security caught him and sent him to prison under bogus charges. Eventually he simple disappeared reappearing outside in Crash Town, were he saved the people from the oppressive gangs that ruled it. Later he found a letter addressed to him telling him to go to Neo-Domino City.

Deck: Infernity Hell

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