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F.A.R. - OoC: [A Mech Related RP/ Started/ Accepting]

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Iroincally, my computer has a virus, so my responses will be little to no response at all, and just as the new implies, this is strictly the OoC thread for story developing, and ETC. And I still need to add a few more rules here.


Enjoy. Rate. Comment.



The year 2020, a video game developer/ story writter named Erin Farley, created a story where players control Mechs to fight other players, created his fantasy dream, with a game called F.A.R. (Fully Automated Robots).


In the year 2135 A.D. F.A.R., Now a Massive Multiplayer Online game (MMO) has become very popular with the world, where you control your own Mech, and battle against other Players, and their Mechs, via. Internet.

But F.A.R. has been attacked by an violent Virus, where it not only disrupted matches between other players, but also caused DATA lost, and corruption to the system. Where it attacked not only the game's CPU, but used it as a home base to attack any other major CPUs across the globe, such as Russia, China, and the U.S. To counter this, the United Nation, or U.N. put a ban on the very popular MMO game.


But the owners of the game protested, declaring that they can handle it.

Was banned anway, not only because of the very violent attacks from the virus, but also because of an Nuclear bomb threat that the Virus is capable of firing, and they banned it suddenly.


With the sudden banned, many players, experienced, and inexperienced alike, were trapped (only their minds though). Now in this hostile enviroment, it is up to the players to possibly stop the virus, and save the world. But for those are not in the game, they provide technicle serivces.




[spoiler=Character Application]

Before you make a App, on the top, post what character you are, such as Other, Program/A.I. and/or In-Game Player



This App is to determine characters outside of F.A.R.


Name (In the Real-World):




Real-World Appearance: (Pics are allowed, and highly encouraged, but post them in an spoiler)

Other (What do they do? I.E. Worried parent, military technician?):



[spoiler=In-Game Program/A.I. App]

This App is to determine is if your character is an A.I.





In-game Apearance: (Optional. More or less)

[spoiler=Do they control a mech?]

Occupation (What's it's job in the game?):

Mech's Name: (I don't mind names like RX-178, but if you can, please give it an simple name, like Bob, or Steve)


Mech's Appearance: (Pics are allowed, and highly encouraged, but post them in an spoiler)


Mech's Fighting Style: (This is the Strength, and Weaknesses of the Mech)


Mech's Weapon/Gear:






[spoiler=In-Game Player App]

This app is to determine main characters.


Protagonist or Antagonist?


Username: (Put your YCM username here)


Name (In the Real-World):

Username: (Your username in F.A.R., or you can simpley have it the same as your Name)




Real-World Appearance: (Pics are allowed, and highly encouraged, but post them in an spoiler)

In-game Apearance: (Optional. More or less)


Partner: (This is too help you control your Mech during a fight. It can be an A.I. or another Player. NPC, or Player Controlled)

[spoiler=If you choosed an A.I. Partner]

A.I.s Personality:

A.I.s Name:

A.I.s Perfered Fighting Style:

A.I.s Appearance: (They generally in the shape of little orbs. Do a spoiler if you wanna use a pic)





Mech's Name: (I don't mind names like RX-178, but if you can, please give it an simple name, like Bob, or Steve)


Mech's Appearance: (Pics are allowed, and highly encouraged, but post them in an spoiler)


Mech's Fighting Style: (This is the Strength, and Weaknesses of the Mech)


Mech's Weapon/Gear:









[spoiler=Rules & Other Stuff]


1.) All Yugiohcardmaker (YCM) rules apply

2.) Advance RP Rules

3.) If you're going to use a Mech that's from another series, such as Vandread, or Gundamn, it's allowed. As a matter of fact, it's highly encouraged. But if you are going to do it, then at the bottom of your application, post what series is it from.

4.) Then the very important rule.

5.) HAVE FUN!!!!! It's required. If you don't have fun, then I'll bite your head!!!!! (!!!)

6.)Well I don't mind more than 1 app, which is highly encouraged, but please expect them to die at one point in the story. Which explains why I don't mind more than 1 character app.


Other Stuff

1.) If you're also going to use a pilot from another existing series, like Hibiki Tokai from Vandread, or the Main Character from one of the Gundamn series, you must also post what series he/she's from.

2.) If you don't know how to post a image, or how do a spoiler (it's

says "Click Here"), Private Message me, and I'll tell you how to do it.

3.) If you got questions, send me a message.




[spoiler=My Application]

Username: Frybread002


Name: Nion Issei

Username: Nion002

Age: 17

Bio: When one of his high school friends introduced him into F.A.R. he didn't had much interest in it, he had better things to do, like working out, and praticing for sports, your basic Jock. He was always handy with the ladies, and you can always count on him, whether for school work, or for sports.


Personality: Before he was introduced into F.A.R. he was always outgoing, and you could rely on him, but ever since then, he became more, and more distant.....


Real-World Appearance: Has short black hair, and wears casual clothing.

[spoiler=In-game Appearance:] Akira_Runner__colored__by_Apacheburger002.jpg


Partner: A.I.

A.I.s Personality: An hot headed A.I. system that usually hates Nion

A.I.s Name: Rekki-Maru

A.I.s Perfered Fighting Style: Prefers tactics like charging the opponent, and rushing him/her.

A.I.s Appearance: About 6 inches round, blue, and only has a face for his appearance.


Mech's Name: Nirvanna

Mech's Appearance:Nirvanna

Mech's Fighting Style: An all round Mech, with equally balanced strength, and defense

Mech's Weapons/Gear: Heavy Machine-Gun on it’s right arm, has a type of plasma staff, and a headdress for a helmet.



[spoiler=Late Application]

This is the place where I'll put character apps that have been acepted, but came in late.



[spoiler=The Graveyard]

This is the place where I'll put characters after they....er....die.



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Err.......well I'm only 3 months old on this site, and so with that being said, I've no idea of what you're talking about. Well aside from that, let the planning begin!!! (MWAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!)


Well I'll be honest, I wanna do a remake on F.A.R. since there's a lot of planing to do, especially in the begining. Like I wanted to create some NPC characters that you guys could interact with, like a NPC who's an mechinic. But not just that, I was still working on the Character apps too, but if I do that now, you guys would have to re-do your Apps.



With that being said, who here wants to do a remake on F.A.R.


P.S. I've also been planning on doing anothre F.A.R. RP. Not based in the current storyline, but taking place WAy before they storyline that we're in.

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Rather than re-starting now, it'd probably be better to save anything that can't be added in to the current R.P. and just add it to the other one. This one can then be treated as a test, and anything that might cause problems can be resolved for the other one.


You could probably still add the NPC's in at this point - so far everyone's just been wondering around the wilderness, so any in centres of population won't have been encountered, and there's most likely enough countryside for no-one to have met an NPC out there anyway.

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Hahahaha!!!! Don't worry Spartan, since I myself don't know what's going on. But I'm just taking Pysduck's word that everyone's roaming around.


But getting back to my subject here:


The reason I wanna re-do the RP is mainly because there's so much stuff I needed to add, but doing that now, will result in people re-doing there apps, and who here would want another F.A.R. RP? Something like a tornement, and it takes place WAY before our current storyline.


P.S. Durning the RP, was there any other APPs that been submitted? Since I haven't read the pages (which I don't plan too. Not to be pushy though).

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