namelessk Posted June 23, 2010 Report Share Posted June 23, 2010 I need to get on this. I gotta finish reading through it so I can post. I don't want it to die. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hotaru987 Posted June 23, 2010 Report Share Posted June 23, 2010 Same here! I don't want it to die either! ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted July 14, 2010 Report Share Posted July 14, 2010 First of all, I must say then I am extremely impressed with this role play and the way that it has been set up. I hope this to be the most successful naruto role play that I am to be associated it with. Now, on to business. You probably already know this but I don't like to join role plays that are close to ending, so it's not uncommon for me to ask if a role play is ending within the OOC thread itself. So tell me, is this role play close to ending? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namelessk Posted July 15, 2010 Report Share Posted July 15, 2010 Ryuujinn said that this RP died, but I am gonna try and post on it tomorrow to revive it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hotaru987 Posted July 15, 2010 Report Share Posted July 15, 2010 Yay! Time to get ready for Rp revival!! Hope it works! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted July 15, 2010 Report Share Posted July 15, 2010 I'll defiantly join if Ryu lets me, I'll just fill out an app just in case Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ryuujinn Posted July 17, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 well, okay.. xD.. we'll resume this.. but the events will fastforward to the Kage Summit then.. I'll bring Kousaru Mugenryu, and Harumi Susume in too, from my naruto character database.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted July 17, 2010 Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 'ryuujinn said: well' date=' okay.. xD.. we'll resume this.. but the events will fastforward to the Kage Summit then.. I'll bring Kousaru Mugenryu, and Harumi Susume in too, from my naruto character database..[/quote'] does that mean I CAN apply? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ryuujinn Posted July 17, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 17, 2010 @Final fantasy revolution: uh yeah.. You're more than welcome too.. xD @Everyone: I'll be putting the Masterlist for the Kages soon.. For now, here's the current NPC list: Hokage: Uchiha ShuutoEntourage:Kusabe (Root ANBU Leader)Hyuuga ReinakoRaito [*]Kazekage - Hyuuga SoujiroEntourage: To Be Announced.. [*]Tsuchikage - Houken JiraisukeEntourage:Tofu Takai - Peak Vanguard LeaderYori Yoshimitsu - Peak Vanguard [*]Mizukage - Junpei TochoumaruEntourage: To be Announced.. [*]Raikage - Gozou KanashibariEntourage: To Be Announced.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted July 18, 2010 Report Share Posted July 18, 2010 my application is almost finished, surprisingly the only problem I have is with my GLT, I can't think of one -_- ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namelessk Posted July 18, 2010 Report Share Posted July 18, 2010 Haha, I had trouble with that too. Especially since I was making a Hyuuga character. I was thinking like "What would be a good GLT for a Hyuuga that wasn't already created?" Because 128 Palms was pretty much the GLT, but I didn't want that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted July 21, 2010 Report Share Posted July 21, 2010 [spoiler=Application]Name: VayneGender: MaleVillage: Hidden Cloud Village-Missing Nin[spoiler=Appearance:] Vayne's facial characteristics are quite average and uninteresting. Vayne has jet black hair that is brought up into spikes and always has a pair of black sunglasses covering his blue eyes. His skin is of a very light tan and he has a pale complexion. The look on his face is pretty much serious all the time accept in battle where he prefers to where a smirk or keep an emotionless face. Vayne wears the traditional Akatsuki cloak but instead of wearing it closed up he wears it in more of an open coat kind of style. Within the cloak and on his upper half he wears a long sleeved black shirt that is covered in the middle with a dark blue ninja vest that he wears for some extra storage space for summoning scrolls and protection. On his bottom half he wears light brown ninja pants that are held with a black belt that has a silver guard on it. On his feet he wears jet black ninja sandals that look no different from any others except for their color. He holds his sword on the left side of the belt and his Akastuki cloak often hides it from view. [spoiler=Personality:] Vaynes personality is usually always serious and clam when out of battle and in meetings with other Akastuki members. However, when in battle he takes on the persona of enjoyment and usually smirks when attacking or being attacked by his opponent. Vayne has always liked to train for impending battles, smiling as he did so and getting a sense of a fulfillment out of it. He doesn't care for meeting or talking to new people and prefers to converse only to his fellow Akastuki members if he wanted to speak to them at all. [spoiler=Biography:] Vayne was born normally in the Hidden Cloud village to an average man and woman who were both honest and hard working people during their lives. Vayne grew up as a normal child and when he was the age of eight he started having a passion for swords. The ninja instructor told this to Vayne's father and Vayne started under going special training to learn how to wield a sword and different sword styles. Vayne didn't make the decision to be a ninja specializing in swords right then and there, but he believes that's when it all started. He finished his days at the academy and eventually started going off on his own missions and forwarding his own sword techniques and styles. Throughout his battles he learned how to control his sword better and how to gain the upper hand in close quarters combat but he couldn't let go of the thought that maybe there was a blade out there meant just for him to wield. After becoming a jonin of the Hidden Cloud Village at the age of twenty, he set out on his own journey to find the blade that he was meant to wield. After numerous trips to different towns, villages, and counties and spending a year of his life searching he came up with nothing; but was notified of a great sword that was once wielded by the ninja's of the early ages and was foretold to have been wielded by the first hokage. This legend took Vayne to cave that was deep beneath an active volcano. Once inside he feasted his eyes on a giant lizard of some kind that immediately started to attack him, using his version of Kenjutsu he was able to defeat the lizard but did not kill it, wanting to show some mercy to the creature. Vayne stumbled upon an old case buried amongst the rocks and ashes of the cave and brought it into his arms. He opened and looked into and saw the blade that was apparently destined for him, but at that moment the volcano started to erupt and the cave was bound to fill with magma. Vayne, not wanting the lizard to die, quickly made a pact with it and ran out of the cave as fast as he could. Once he was safe from the harm he summoned the lizard from the cave and into the open clearing he had found within the mountainous region, he has had no need to summon this creature again in his life and by his standards he'll never have to. Vayne was on his way back to the Hidden Cloud Village when he saw it was on fire from afar. When he got into the village he was told that enemy ninja had attacked the village and had killed some ninjas and civilians, including his parents. For some reason, Vayne didn't care that his parents were dead, he only cared about the battles that were soon to come wit his new weapon. After this event had taken place in Vaynes life he started his new attitude of seriousness and calmness rather then wanting to be outgoing and caring. Vayne could no longer stay in his village, he had to leave and he never wanted to go back. Shortly after he left he was confronted by a small group of enemy ninja who wanted to challenge him just from being from the Hidden Cloud Village. Vayne took on the grunts quickly with his normal physical attacks and sub-weapons but drew his blade for the leader, who was also a sword wielder. They fought to the death but Vayne killed him in the end with almost no effort. A shaded character was watching his battle and his skills from afar and offered him a chance to change the world and become a super power of a ninja, he agreed fully and joined the persons organization, Akatsuki. Vayne followed his orders and did as he was told by his superiors for a few months and then climbed to a higher ranking member and started gaining the respect of the other higher ups. He has been with Akatsuki for four years and is with them till this day, Vayne is currently twenty five and plans on staying with Akatsuki for a long long time. Rank: High Rank Akatsuki Member[spoiler=Sword Name and Appearance:] Vaynes sword name is Kaisaku Chishio, and it is Rapier. It's blade is blood red with a silver outline and it's crosspiece is in the shape of silver wings and its hilt is twenty five percent silver and seventy five percent black. Kaizaku Chishio has an extending knuckle bow that originates from the it's crosspiece to protect it's wielders hand; it is a curved piece of think blood red metal that has three silver and equally spaced lines going down it to the bottom of it's hilt. Secondary Type: NinjutsuAttribute Type: Focused TypeElement: Lightning[spoiler=Sword Abilities / Jutsu:]Kaizaku Chishio has the power to generate a cloud of energy particles that will electrify the surrounding area of the caster for a few seconds, virtually creating a force-field of electricity. Kaizaku Chishio also gives it's wielder the ability to shape said particles. However, the wielder must wait one minute before dispersing more energy particles and once used for an attack the energy particles dissipate. Free Energy ArmorVayne summons forth the free energy particles in the normal way, so that they surround him. Vayne then forms the energy particles into an armor that forms around him, increasing Vayne's overall speed and strength. To maintain this form without injury Vayne must secrete a thin layer of chakra between the armor and his person, thus draining his chakra reserves for as long as he remains in this form. Requires energy particles. Fist of the Thunder Giant:Vayne forms the free energy particles into a giant fist of lightning energy that hovers to the right of him. On the next swing of Vayne's sword the fist of particles will attack the opponent as well, causing them to be electrified. Requires energy particles. Free Energy Prison:Vayne forms the free energy particles into thirty needles that surround the opponent in a dome like fashion. Vayne then raises Kaizaku Chishio into the air and the needles rapidly attack anything caught within the dome. Requires energy particles. Lightning Release: Raiya Houchou-ADV-By harnessing the earth's electrical fields to generate electricity, this works as long as the user's legs are connected to the earth. When in use, this allows the user to nearly instantly close short distances and strike within the same motion and is usable at distances of several feet or less. If no contact is made between the ground and the user's legs, this is unusable. There is a downside as the user cannot move his legs for several seconds. Lightning Release: Crashing Javelin:Vayne concentrates chakra into his left hand and turns it into lighting. Vayne is then able to fire a physical bolt of lightning from his hand at the enemy. Summoning Technique: Cave Dweller Lizard:Once Vayne lays out the appropriate summoning scroll, he is able to summon a giant fire breathing lizard that will aid him in battle. GLT Free Energy ImplosionVayne uses free energy particles to form a fist that snatches his opponent up, and then uses the same wave of particles to make five spears from them. By using Lightning Release: Raiya Houchou he slams the spears through the opponents body. The particles then implode in on the opponent causing a massive explosion of lightning to shock and immobilize them. This attack takes 1 POST to set and 6 POSTS to recover from the use of energy, but 2 MORE POSTS to recover the uses of ones legs. Basically a total of 8 POSTS to recover let me know if my GLT is to well, GLTish >.> lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namelessk Posted July 21, 2010 Report Share Posted July 21, 2010 Hey Ryuu, I won't be able to post for the next three days. I will try, but I doubt I can from my phone because sometimes the page is too big to load. Tell Zouma this as well for me please. I had Shika tell him, but I'm not sure if he'll get on soon enough to tell Zouma. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hotaru987 Posted August 6, 2010 Report Share Posted August 6, 2010 WAAAA!!! Our atempt to revive it didn't work! :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namelessk Posted August 6, 2010 Report Share Posted August 6, 2010 Ryuu's busy nowadays that's why. He got piled up with work or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hotaru987 Posted August 6, 2010 Report Share Posted August 6, 2010 ah I see....Oh well I guess. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Final Fantasy Revolution Posted August 6, 2010 Report Share Posted August 6, 2010 NO! I want to role play with this one! Do you know how f***ing long it took me to make my application! lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namelessk Posted August 6, 2010 Report Share Posted August 6, 2010 lol. How long did you spend on the app? Well, if it means that much to you, I can try to start a Naruto RP or something. I have a BA character I've been working on for a few Naruto forums and I haven't had a chance to really test him out. If you have any ideas on a Naruto RP, pm them to me and we can co-own one or something. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghoulish Posted August 6, 2010 Report Share Posted August 6, 2010 hey are you'se still accepting akatsuki members? if so here's my application, if i have done something wrong then please let me know.(sorry for spelling errors my laptop is reacting slowly to my presses) I put alot of effort into it lol. Name: Ryoko TempaiGender: MaleVillage: Village Hidden in the Mist, Missing Nin [spoiler=Appearance]He wears the Akatsuki black robe with red clouds, except the 2 sleeves on his arms are torn off, he also has a black hoodie attached to the robe. He has Spiky medium long black hair with shades of white in it, his hair style has a big strip of hair going over each shoulder. He wears Dark purple robe like pants underneath the cloak and no shirt. His gloves are long and go up to his shoulder like sleeves with holes on the palms, they are dark purple colour. He is quite pale white and has purple shaded eyes. He wears a black necklace and has dark purple thong like shoes. He carrys around with him a 2 sided black scythe that has 2 blades on each side of it. His facial exression is often emotionless, he has thin black eyebrows and has a black cloth like belt wrapped around his waste. He stands at 6"2 and weighs 80 kg. [spoiler=Personality]He has no relations with anyone except the akatsuki. He often travels on his own relying in hs own abilities to cause chaos and mayhem. His facial expression is emotionless, he doesn't get happy, surprised, supportive or any other type of state except anger and frustration. When talking he will often not pay attenton to the opposing person, he at times doesn't hear what they said and tells them to repeat it. He always has his arms folded, this is used as a sign of confidence and pride that which is not ever shown in his facial expression. Whenever he fights he is always calm and often assumes his victory prior to the fight, he is confident and will do anything to be on top of the ninja world, for now however he serves the akatsuki. He always meditates due to his Kekkei Genkei ability. [spoiler=Biography]Born into the village hidden in the mist he was bullied alot at a young age from the neighbouring kids, claiming he was soft for not attending missions like killing animals or assasinations, he often wished he was not in the hidden mist village. The only thing that kept him motivated were his parents who constantly told him that just because he didn't have an evil heart didn't mean he couldn't be a ninja. One day mysteriously Ryoko's parents were killed prior to the examination exams that meant only 1 of the 15 ninjs would survive. Torment after torment during the fight he was ganged up on during the exam, everyone ridiculed his parents and him, calling him weak and his parents worthless, then something inside ryoko snapped. He went crazy and viciously killed all the other participants with his newly discovered Kekkei Genkai that was brought about mysteriously through his rage. After this he wandered from the village unable to express emotion except anger and frustration as desperate times, he always has a straight face, he vowed vengence on the world for the way he lived with his torment. A new hope came to him however through a man he teamed with to destroy the mist village, he trusted the man with all his heart as they trained together for years, when the day came to head back to the village an army attacked Ryoko along with the man he trusted with his life. However Ryoko had had an almost full grasp of his Kekkei Genkei and used it to its full abilities destroying the small army. He joined with the Aktsuki as they shared the same hatred for life as him when they went out to recruit him Rank: High Ranked Akatsuki Member [spoiler=Kekkei Genkai Description] From the extinct Baruk Tempai clan, Baruk was a powerful ninja who created the Kekkei Genkei through meditation traning, he was able to control the movement of objects touched, his chakra was able to coincide with the objects presence. However he could never master the ability to control a person or animals chakra. After coinciding with the objects presence Baruk dicovered that he could manipulte the objects size and shape with extra amounts of chakra.Through this he was able to teach his fellow clan members who forever passed on the Kekkei Genkei. Ryoko secretly aims to control his chakra so well that he can control a persons chakra and how much is exuded. There is a crucial negativity to this however. When the chakra coincides with an objects presence, ryoko loses alot more chakra then normal elemental moves. Secondary Type : NinjutsuAttribute Type: Focused StyleElement: Earth[spoiler=Kekkei Genkai Abilities / Jutsu]Kekkei Genkei: Able to control the size, movement and shape of objects when coinciding his chakra with an objects presence through touching it with his hands.Abe to control the movements of a ninja and manipulate the chakra a ninj releases through touching it with his handsAble to regain chakra quite rapidlyWeaknesses: Wastes a lot of chakraRequires a lot of focus to maintain control over a ninja or object Leaves himself open to attacks as his movement is limited. Jutsus: Existing Jutsus-Mud Dragon Bomb Jutsu - the user creates a dragon made of mud which fires off bombs at the enemy.-Mud Wall Jutsu - the user creates a wall of mud to protect themself from an attack from the enemy.-Dark Swamp Jutsu - the user creates a large swamp under their opponent, this makes it impossible for the opponent to move leaving him open for another attack-Replacement Jutsu - user gets replaed by a log or another object Created Jutsus-#Pillars: Say number then claps his hands, the number dictated creaets pillrs equasl to the number said.-Duel Stance Pillars: hits the ground with both hands forcing a pillar to appear underneath him and his opponent, the pillars take the 2 high into the air.-Inpenetrable wall: Claps his hands together making a huge earth barrier appear from the ground that surrounds were he desires. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghoulish Posted August 6, 2010 Report Share Posted August 6, 2010 took me ages to make my app is this rp dead? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namelessk Posted August 7, 2010 Report Share Posted August 7, 2010 Yeah, until Ryuu gets back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghoulish Posted August 7, 2010 Report Share Posted August 7, 2010 ahhkk where is he? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
namelessk Posted August 7, 2010 Report Share Posted August 7, 2010 Busy with school and stuff. I'll ask him to post on it the next time I see him on the other forum I'm always at with him. It's the one in my signature. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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