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Naruto: The Untold Legacy [First Arc/Started/Accepting/ADV/PG-16/OOC]

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Naruto the Alternate Universe:


50 Years of Peace. It was made possible among all nations through the interventions of the Land of Iron and its steadfast leader, Jubei Rikudo. He single-handedly mediated every single dispute among hidden villages across the five great nations. Not only that, but he managed to make the five great Kages make amends with each other. For 50 years, there were no arguments and all missions carried out were well within the interest of the Five Great Nations.


However, 2 years ago, Jubei Rikudo has died due to a certain disease. It was not made known how he contracted the disease or how it truly killed him. What was known was that he died from heart disease due to stress. During his death, the Five Kages mourned, and the entire ninja world mourned his loss. The Five Great Nations tried to adapt and continue with the peace they've experienced, however, they failed. Disputes suddenly broke out within the different Hidden Villages across the Five Great Nations. Before the entire world knows it, the ninja world was plunged into its 2nd Ninja War.


It was bloody, and all villages involved were ravaged. None was spared. None was given mercy. Ninjas of all shapes and sizes rampaged throughout opposing nations, destroying everything they can. More than a million lives were lost, and counting. Everyone believed it would be over and peace was far from their grasp. But they were proven wrong. Two Ninja Clans surfaced from out of nowhere, hell-bent on restoring peace. Both clans possessed a unique trait, they all have Eye Techniques.


The Uchiha Clan controls the Sharingan, enabling them great feats of ninjutsu strength that rivals that of even the Five Kages. The Hyuuga Clan, on the other hand, possessed the powerful Byakugan, which sees through even the best illusions and allows them great feats in taijutsu stronger than the common iron fist taijutsu. Together, they forced the Five Kages into submission, allowing everything to calm down, and for the first time in 10 years, a Kage Summit was held in the Land of Iron, under the supervision of Jisuke Uchiha and Heisuke Hyuuga, both the leader of their respective clans. Peace was once again renewed among the Five Great Nations.


The lives of each villages moved on, scars may have been present, but wounds have already healed. Villages are now friendly again towards each other, though some of each villages inhabitants still bear deep grudges against the other villages. The Uchiha Clan decided to join the Hidden Leaf Village, seeing that the village took the worst hit during the war. The Hyuuga Clan decided to join the Hidden Sand Village, under the agreement with the Uchiha Clan to maintain the balance of power. Soon after, both Uchiha Clan and Hyuuga Clan established families in the other Hidden Villages as well, balancing the influence and stability, and improving the relationship of villages.


Little did they know that a new threat has risen. Deep in the bowels of the Land of Iron, a new leader has been proclaimed. His name is Yomi Rikudo, the successor of Jubei Rikudo. No one knows that the two leaders of the Land of Iron possessed a secret; the legendary Rinnegan, one of the three Eye Techniques. He secretly amassed his army of Samurai and prepared for war against the other nations, blaming them for the death of his predecessor. He lives a double life, acting as the mediator for the Five Kages, and at the same time, plotting his revenge, and bidding his time, waiting for the time to strike. The Akatsuki also bids their time, building their forces and plotting to overthrow the peace that has surfaced among the Five Great Nations. They work non-stop to find the secret of the legendary Eye Technique, Rinnegan, and seek entrance to the Land of Iron, where they believe the secrets to its acquisition lies.


Now, where do you stand? Are you one of the Hidden Village's Ninjas prepared for battle, and will defend their own village, or perhaps the steadfast Uchiha Clan member and Hyuuga Clan member working to foster peace? Or perhaps, one of the Akatsuki who seek only their own survival and gains? Whoever you choose, every one will be subjected to the plans of the manipulator, the Dark Steel, Yomi Rikudo, master of the Rinnegan. Will you be the one of the heroes to stop him? or one of the villains to aid him?



First Arc: The Untold Legacy

Second Arc: A Nation's Cataclysm



[spoiler=[b]Village Profiles, Lands, and Other Information[/b]]


Hidden Leaf Village: Ninjas from this village are well rounded users of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, and a select few specializes in Genjutsu. Currently led by a Hokage, and has friendly disposition towards other villages. Ninjas of this village can specialize in Wood and Fire techniques. Taijutsu users from this village can specialize in both speed and strength type.


Hidden Sand Village: Ninjas from this village are great ninjutsu users, and a few taijutsu users. Currently led by a Kazekage, and is friendly only to Hidden Leaf Village, Neutral to everyone else. Ninjas of this village can specialize in Sand, and Wind Techniques.


Hidden Mist Village: Ninjas from this village are great ninjutsu users and excellent genjutsu artists. Sword-user type ninjas can also come from this village. Currently led by a Mizukage, and has Neutral Dispostion towards other villages. Ninjas of this village can specialize in Water and Storm Techniques, or become specialized sword-type ninjas.


Hidden Stone Village: Ninjas from this village are great ninjutsu users, and notable taijutsu artists, and are highly durable. They are currently led by a Tsuchikage, and has neutral disposition towards other villages. Ninjas of this village can specialize in Earth and Crystal Techniques, especially Kekkai (barrier techniques of Earth and Crystal).


Hidden Cloud Village: Ninjas from this village are adept ninjutsu users, and the best taijutsu figters. Sword-user type ninjas can also come from this village. Currently led by a Raikage, and has neutral disposition towards other villages. Ninjas of this village can specialize in Lightning Techniques, and the only village where taijutsu-based ninjas can use ninjutsu along with their techniques. Also, ninjas here can become specialized sword-type ninjas.


Basic Ninja Types:

These are the base Ninja Types, and depending on your chosen Village, may be chosen in two ways. As focused user, meaning you choose one and obtain the full power of that type, or as dual type, meaning choosing two different types, but will halve out the power output, but increases the number of possible attack and defense styles.


Ninjutsu Type Ninja: Can specialize strongly in one element or average strength in two elements. They are well rounded in terms of physical strength. Element will depend on the chosen Village.


Taijutsu Type Ninja: Can specialize in Strength or Speed type Taijutsu. Speed will hit for less damage, but are harder to attack physically, while Strength will hit significantly stronger, but cannot be expected to move as fast. Both cannot use ninjutsu or elemental recomposition unless they came from Hidden Cloud Village. If the taijutsu user is from Hidden Leaf Village, they can choose both strength and speed as their main attribute. Taijutsu users are very durable, physically, and will less likely fall easily. Hidden Stone Village taijutsu users are twice as durable if they choose strength attribute, meaning they can take double the punishment a normal taijutsu user can take.


Genjutsu Type Ninja: Can specialize completely in the use of illusions, or use basic ninjutsu. If the Genjutsu user is from Hidden Mist Village, the illusions are stronger. Genjutsu users are very fragile, and cannot withstand a direct blow from a taijutsu user regardless of attribute, but they can use defensive illusions. Unlike in the Canon universe, Genjutsu cannot be used to completely shut down the minds of opponents. Characters under genjutsu can still fight normally, but will take damage from illusions until they can dispel it from their minds.



Specialized Types:

Instead of choosing one of the three basic types, you can choose one of the specialized types. Take note of the constraints given to each Specialized type. Also, Specialized types can still choose to take basic ninja types, but skills and effects from the basic ninja types are only at half strength.


Kekkei Genkai Users: This can come from any village, and will have their own unique abilities. Ninjas using Kekkei Genkai are subjected to great feats, but will have equally destructive drawbacks inflicted upon themselves. Take note that the Kekkei Genkai abilities must be related to the elements available to the village they will come from (i.e. Haku can manipulate ice since he came from Hidden Mist, etc). Kekkei Genkai Users can choose to be an average Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, or Genjutsu user (meaning their ninjutsu, taijutsu, or genjutsu are not as powerful as non kekkei genkai users).


Sword User Type: This can only come from Hidden Cloud and Hidden Mist Villages. They can use swords with elemental properties, depending on the village of their choice. Sword Users have swords with names, and can specialize in ninjutsu or taijutsu (both if from Hidden Cloud Village) but with ninjutsu or taijutsu at half power. Sword users cannot be Kekkei Genkai Users.



Eye Techniques: These special techniques can only be used by either Uchiha Clan members (Sharingan) or Hyuuga Clan members (Byakugan). These eyes imbue the users amazing feats, but are subjected to drawbacks. Eye Technique users can still specialize in any of the three basic types (ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu) with their powers at full, but not as specialized types. Names of people using one of these techniques must have either "Uchiha" or "Hyuuga" as surname, and can only belong to Hidden Leaf Village (Sharingan) or Hidden Sand Village (Hyuuga).


Sharingan: Ninjas gifted with this Eye Technique can copy ONE technique the opponent has used within the last 2 post (except Kekkei Genkai and Sword techniques), may it be Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, or Genjutsu. Illusions have less effects on Sharingan users. However, this effects are only effective when Sharingan is activated. This technique can only remain active for 5 of the USER'S POST, after which it enters a 2 post cooldown before it can be used again.


Byakugan: Ninjas gifted with this Eye Technique is given the ability to detect opponents from far away, gives the ability to be immune from illusions, and grants the usage of Gentle-Fist Taijutsu, which is twice as powerful as Iron Fist. If you choose Taijutsu as your secondary type as a Hyuuga, Gentle-Fist automatically replaces Iron Fist. Byakugan remains active for 10 of the USER'S POST, after which it enters a 3 post cooldown before it can be used again.



Land Information


All villages are accessible by all factions, regardless of which village you came from. Hidden Leaf and Hidden Sand Village Ninjas are friendly towards each other, as does the village people they can interact with. Neutral villages may behave erratically, meaning they can either be friendly or hostile depending on your disposition.


Outlaws or Akatsuki Members are always treated as Hostile Faction, regardless of disposition. Village guards will always attack them on sight if they enter through the front, but may sneak into a village. Akatsuki Members can only be defeated one on one by Jounin Class Ninjas or Anbu, or by a team of Chuunin Class Ninjas. Take note that Outlaws and Akatsuki are two different factions (Outlaws are NPCs, Akatsuki are mostly PCs)


Land of Iron is inaccessible until I say so. No one can enter it nor survey it until I deemed the plot ready to progress to that part already.


List of NPCs


These are the current lists of NPCs I will introduce. More will be added in the future:



-Village Guards

-Village Ninjas

-Kages (yes, you read it right, I will be controlling the Kages for the sake of the plot. They will be replaced by PCs once the plot has moved enough, in which case I will appoint the Kages depending on the performance in the RP. Note that only Jounin ranks above can be appointed as Kages.)

-Samurai (Land of Iron)


Note**: The GameMaster is the only one entitled to manipulate the NPCs actions to the extreme extent. RP-ers are given leeway to manipulate movements if only for minor reactions such as facial expressions, mood (happy, sad, angry), and automatic responses, such as blocking, or evading. No RP-er other than the GameMaster can dictate whether or not a hit lands on an NPC or if the NPC is killed. I will decide when an NPC dies for the sake of the Plot, as well as the difficulty of the NPC itself (in case of fights).


Teams and Ranks


Throughout the course of the RP, teams and ranks will play a great role in shaping the story of the RP.


People starts off as Chuunin, unless otherwise I am impressed with the Bio in the App. Chuunin ranks cannot be expected to output powerful techniques. They will be led by Jounins in most missions, but can go solo to perform minor missions.


Jounins are more than a few steps higher than Chuunins, and are expected to be good leaders. They can output stronger techniques, and can go toe-to-toe with Outlaws and/or Lower ranked Akatsuki Members. They go to missions with their Chuunin Members.


Anbu are exceptional members of a Village. Only exceptional Applications can be granted Anbu as their status. Anbu members can do their own missions solo, and can output generally stronger techniques than Jounins, and beat Lower ranked Akatsuki Members with ease, and match higher ranked Akatsuki Members on even footing.


Akatsuki Members are hostile Ninjas that are subdivided into two:


Low Rank: These are of equal power as Jounins, and will take at least three skilled Chuunins to defeat, or one skilled Jounin. They usually accompany one high ranked member. There can only be TEN (10) Low Ranked Members.


High Ranks: These are of equal power to an Anbu, and will take at least two skilled Jounins to defeat, or one skilled Anbu. Chuunins cannot match these members regardless of numbers. There can only be TEN (10) High Ranked Members.


You can Rank Up depending on your position:


Chuunins Rank up by defeating Three Class B Outlaw or One Class A Outlaw

Jonin can become Anbu if they defeat Two Class A Outlaw or One Low Rank Akatsuki

Anbu is the highest Rank a normal ninja can attain.


Akatsuki members rank differently.


Low Rank Members can become High Rank Members either by defeating Ten Class A Village Guards from Each Village, or defeating a High Rank Member, or defeating 5 Jounin Rank Ninjas

High Rank Member is the highest Rank an Akatsuki Member can become, and only Ten of them can exist at a given time.


To Be An Akatsuki:

You need to make an App, and fill in the necessary information. Rank can be requested, but approval lies on the quality of the application, especially the Biography Portion.




[spoiler=[b]Abilities-Techniques Information[/b]]


Techniques revolve around Elemental Chakra Composition. They have their strengths and weaknesses:


Fire is strong against Wind, but Weak against Water

Wind is strong against Lightning, but Weak against Fire

Lightning is strong against Earth, but Weak against Wind

Earth is strong against Water, but Weak against Lightning

Water is strong against Fire, but Weak against Earth


This means that if an elemental jutsu is matched against an elemental jutsu of the same level, but of a stronger nature, then the technique with the superior nature will prevail. But if the weaker nature jutsu is at least one level higher than a superior element, then it will overpower it.


There are also some Elementally Recomposed Elements that are as follows:


Wood, Sand, Storm, and Crystal Elements. For the purpose of being in an alternate universe, these recompositions have no strength or weakness when matched against another element.


Players can learn a single element (focused type) and gain access to that element's full power and potential, or two elements (dual type) and gain access to both elements average power and potential. The available elements are dependent on which village you belong.


You may use existing (Canon) techniques, or make up your own.


Kekkei Genkai Techniques

These are extremely powerful techniques, and will defeat any element of the same or higher level, or cancel out another Kekkei Genkai of the same level. However, they will have physical drawbacks.


For the purpose of being an Alternate Universe, I am giving you the liberty of designing your own Kekkei Genkai, BUT I will check on the drawbacks. The stronger your Kekkei Genkai's effects are, the stronger its drawbacks must be, and it must not be a trivial effect (i.e Itachi's eye bleeds when he uses Amaterasu, and causes his vision to become blurry, and also has limited uses.)


Also the Kekkei Genkai must be related to the Village you chose. (i.e Haku can recompose Ice because he's from Hidden Mist Village)



God-like Techniques (GLT)


These are extremely powerful, and nearly unstoppable techniques accessed by the stronger Ranked Ninjas. They can be accessed by Jounins, Anbu, High Ranked-Akatsuki, and Kages/Yomi Rikudo. They will vary in quantity per rank.


Jounins can learn ONE, Anbu and High-Ranked Akatsuki can learn TWO, and Kages/Yomi Rikudo can learn up to THREE. Techniques learned will be retained and cannot be changed. If you rank up during the RP, PM me the GLT you want to add to your character's abilities.


Unlike other techniques, God-Like Techniques cannot be countered, and can only be blocked (meaning evasion is out of the question). These attacks will cause severe damage to anyone caught by it, and will cause considerable damage even if it was blocked. These techniques cannot be easily blocked, and will require very high level techniques to block them (accessible only by ranks equal to or greater than Jounins).


However, there will be very very critical drawbacks to using these techniques. One, there must be ample amount of time to set these techniques up, meaning there should be at least ONE (1) POST dedicated to just setting up the technique. This leaves the user very vulnerable if he or she is careless.


Second drawback, AFTER the usage of technique, it will enter a cooldown of at least 10 of the USER'S POST before it can be used again, and that limit may increase depending on the severity of what the technique's effect can do.


Last drawback, the user will experience physical weakness, or even temporary disability of using techniques, up to being unable to move for a certain time, all depending on the severity of the technique.


Think about all of these three drawbacks when designing your God-Like Techniques.


Sword Techniques


These techniques all revolve around swords. They may increase the speed of the user, incorporate elemental attacks, and the like. Sword attacks varies in elements but is limited to what elements the village you chose can use.


Sword attacks that are elemental are affected by the Elemental Chakra Composition strengths and weaknesses. And sword techniques cannot incorporate long-range strikes. Meaning unless you chose ninjutsu as your secondary type, you cannot engaged opponents in long-range combat.


Sword Users cannot use Ninja Tools such as Shurikens, Kunai, etc. And are limited to using summoning scrolls.


You may design your own sword techniques, but are subjected to my approval, as all the other techniques.


[spoiler=[b]RULES, PLEASE READ[/b]]

1. All Basic YCM Rules Apply


2. Strictly NO GOD MODDING. I will be watching posts closely. If I see you escaping every and all attacks thrown at you or using techniques not approved, that will be considered as GM-ing. Of course, it is not limited to just that.


3. Posts must be at least 4 lines long, no less. You are given one chance to edit a post, until you are warned.


4. Any unnecessary arguments must be done over PM, not in the RP. The Game Master can mediate if the argument is related to the RP.


5. No DUPLICATE GLTs or Kekkei Genkai ir . If a person already has a unique power, you cannot copy it or make minor changes to it and call it yours. Use your creativity and be unique.


6. The Gamemaster's words are the law. Live with it.


7. Vulgar words are allowed, but only up to a certain extent. Do not fill your post with 60% vulgar words.


8. NO OOC ONLY POSTS. This is not tolerated and will be equivalent to two violations unless otherwise there is a very very very very good reason behind the post.


9. FIREWALLING IS IMPLEMENTED IN THIS RP. Definition: Firewalling is the act of cutting off the writer's knowledge from the character's knowledge. Your character's cannot be all-knowing and cannot know what other people know unless it was explicitly made known to all.


10. You can state in the Application under "Rank" section which rank you want to be, but its approval will depend on how well the application was made (50% criteria come from Bio).


11. Grammar. Please check your grammar. While this is minor, I would appreciate it if we can practice good grammar. Typo-graphical errors are naturally occurring, but don't push it too much that the entire post is nonsense.


12. When engaged in battles, let the fight evolve by creating a brief description of what's happening. Saying that "I use raikiri, and hit [insert opponent's name here] in the chest. He dies, I win." is unacceptable and borders on God Modding. Also, NPCs will die when I say so. This means you cannot kill them even if they're already on their last remaining limbs. You cannot also kill anyone just because you like it. PM me if you want to kill a player, and that player must agree first via PM.


13. You are allowed to make 2 characters, but they must be both under the same Village/Faction. Also, you are allowed to create only ONE Specialized Type/Eye Technique User Ninja/Sword User Type. Therefore, if you will create another character, that one will have to be a basic type. Ranks will depend on the quality of the Application, but may be requested on the application field "Rank".


14. Have Fun. :)

First and Second Violations merits warnings. In case of God-Modding, the post is ignored, and will be requested for deletion if necessary. Third Violation and you're booted out.




[spoiler=Ninja App]




Appearance: (No Pics, At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE )

Personality: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Biography: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Rank: (Put your desired Rank here, but it will be subjected to approval depending on how well the Application was done.)

Ninja Type (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu):

Attribute Type: (For ninjutsu, specify whether Focused Type (one element) or Dual Type (two elements)| For Taijutsu, specify whether Strength Type or Speed Type (put both if from Hidden Leaf Village)

Element: (Must be related to the village chosen, ignore if non-Hidden Cloud Taijutsu User)

Skills-Techniques-Jutsu: (put here your desired jutsus. if it's custom made, describe its effects, and any drawbacks coupled with the technique.) (SPOILERS PLEASE)


[spoiler=Kekkei Genkai Ninja App]




Appearance: (No Pics, At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Personality: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Biography: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Rank: (Put your desired Rank here, but it will be subjected to approval depending on how well the Application was done.)

Kekkei Genkai Description: (Describe your bloodline limit, its uses and/or abilities, its origin if you want, etc.)(SPOILERS PLEASE)

Secondary Type (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu): (ONLY IF APPLICABLE. YOU MAY SKIP THIS IF YOU WANT)

Attribute Type: (For ninjutsu, specify whether Focused Type (one element) or Dual Type (two elements)| For Taijutsu, specify whether Strength Type or Speed Type (put both if from Hidden Leaf Village) (SKIP IF NO SECONDARY TYPE WAS CHOSEN)

Element: (Must be related to the village chosen, ignore if non-Hidden Cloud Taijutsu User) (SKIP IF NO SECONDARY TYPE WAS CHOSEN)

Kekkei Genkai Abilities / Jutsu:

(put here your desired jutsus. if it's custom made, describe its effects, and any drawbacks coupled with the technique. For Kekkei Genkai, drawbacks are required.) (SPOILERS PLEASE)



[spoiler=Sword User Ninja App]




Appearance: (No Pics, At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Personality: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Biography: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Rank: (Put your desired Rank here, but it will be subjected to approval depending on how well the Application was done.)

Sword Name and Appearance: (describe your sword. SPOILERS PLEASE)

Secondary Type (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu): (ONLY IF APPLICABLE. YOU MAY SKIP THIS IF YOU WANT)

Attribute Type: (For ninjutsu, specify whether Focused Type (one element) or Dual Type (two elements)| For Taijutsu, specify whether Strength Type or Speed Type (put both if from Hidden Leaf Village) (SKIP IF NO SECONDARY TYPE WAS CHOSEN)

Element: (Must be related to the village chosen, ignore if non-Hidden Cloud Taijutsu User) (SKIP IF NO SECONDARY TYPE WAS CHOSEN)

Sword Abilities / Jutsu:(put here your desired jutsus. if it's custom made, describe its effects, and any drawbacks coupled with the technique. For Sword Abilities, explain their effects and application clearly.)



[spoiler= Eye Technique Users]

Name: (Must end have either Uchiha (Sharingan) or Hyuuga (Byakugan) as Surname)

Clan: (Uchiha or Hyuuga)


Village: (Hidden Leaf (Uchiha) or Hidden Sand (Byakugan))

Appearance: (No Pics, At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Personality: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Biography: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Rank: (Put your desired Rank here, but it will be subjected to approval depending on how well the Application was done.)

Ninja Type (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu):

Attribute Type: (For ninjutsu, specify whether Focused Type (one element) or Dual Type (two elements)| For Taijutsu, specify whether Strength Type or Speed Type (put both if from Hidden Leaf Village))

Element: (Must be related to the village chosen, ignore if non-Hidden Cloud Taijutsu User)

Skills-Techniques-Jutsu: (put here your desired jutsus. if it's custom made, describe its effects, and any drawbacks coupled with the technique.) (SPOILERS PLEASE)



[spoiler=[b]Akatsuki App[/b]]

[spoiler=Akatsuki Ninja App[/b]



Village: (put "Missing Nin" without the "" at the end of the village name)

Appearance: (No Pics, At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE )

Personality: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Biography: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Rank: (Put your desired Rank (low or high) here, but it will be subjected to approval depending on how well the Application was done.)

Ninja Type (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu):

Attribute Type: (For ninjutsu, specify whether Focused Type (one element) or Dual Type (two elements)| For Taijutsu, specify whether Strength Type or Speed Type (put both if from Hidden Leaf Village)

Element: (Must be related to the village chosen, ignore if non-Hidden Cloud Taijutsu User)

Skills-Techniques-Jutsu: (put here your desired jutsus. if it's custom made, describe its effects, and any drawbacks coupled with the technique.) (SPOILERS PLEASE)


[spoiler=Akatsuki Kekkei Genkai App]



Village: (put "Missing Nin" without the "" at the end of the village name)

Appearance: (No Pics, At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Personality: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Biography: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Rank: (Put your desired Rank here, but it will be subjected to approval depending on how well the Application was done.)

Kekkei Genkai Description: (Describe your bloodline limit, its uses and/or abilities, its origin if you want, etc.)(SPOILERS PLEASE)

Secondary Type (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu): (ONLY IF APPLICABLE. YOU MAY SKIP THIS IF YOU WANT)

Attribute Type: (For ninjutsu, specify whether Focused Type (one element) or Dual Type (two elements)| For Taijutsu, specify whether Strength Type or Speed Type (put both if from Hidden Leaf Village) (SKIP IF NO SECONDARY TYPE WAS CHOSEN)

Element: (Must be related to the village chosen, ignore if non-Hidden Cloud Taijutsu User) (SKIP IF NO SECONDARY TYPE WAS CHOSEN)

Kekkei Genkai Abilities / Jutsu:

(put here your desired jutsus. if it's custom made, describe its effects, and any drawbacks coupled with the technique. For Kekkei Genkai, drawbacks are required.) (SPOILERS PLEASE)



[spoiler=Akatsuki Sword User Ninja]



Village:(put "Missing Nin" without the "" at the end of the village name)

Appearance: (No Pics, At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Personality: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Biography: (At least 4 lines, SPOILERS PLEASE)

Rank: (Put your desired Rank here, but it will be subjected to approval depending on how well the Application was done.)

Sword Name and Appearance: (describe your sword. SPOILERS PLEASE)

Secondary Type (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu): (ONLY IF APPLICABLE. YOU MAY SKIP THIS IF YOU WANT)

Attribute Type: (For ninjutsu, specify whether Focused Type (one element) or Dual Type (two elements)| For Taijutsu, specify whether Strength Type or Speed Type (put both if from Hidden Leaf Village) (SKIP IF NO SECONDARY TYPE WAS CHOSEN)

Element: (Must be related to the village chosen, ignore if non-Hidden Cloud Taijutsu User) (SKIP IF NO SECONDARY TYPE WAS CHOSEN)

Sword Abilities / Jutsu:(put here your desired jutsus. if it's custom made, describe its effects, and any drawbacks coupled with the technique. For Sword Abilities, explain their effects and application clearly.)




[spoiler=[b]My Apps[/b]]

[spoiler= Shuuhei Raigeki]

Name: Shuuhei Raigeki

Gender: Male

Village: Hidden Cloud Missing Nin


  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents


Rank: High Ranked Member

Sword Name and Appearance:

  Reveal hidden contents


Secondary Type (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu): Taijutsu + Ninjutsu (Since he's from Hidden Cloud)

Attribute Type: Focused Type + Speed Type (Half Power both because Ninjutsu and Taijutsu are secondary type)

Element: Lightning

Sword Abilities / Jutsu:

  Reveal hidden contents





For Accepted Apps List, Please refer to my POST #6 Below. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Name: Rekkin

Gender: Female

Village: Hidden Sand Village Missing Nin

[spoiler=Appearance]Physique: Rekkin stands on about 184 centimeters and weighs around 75.6 kilograms. She sports alot of hair ornaments, all which are made of glass, including several beads strapped into her neck hair, a tiara made of glass and mixed with gold, and two larger beads strapped to the sides of her hair, which frames the front of her face. Her hair is in chest lenght, and is colored dark violet with a string of crimson red along her left side. She also has heterochromia, as her right eye is brown, while her left eye is deep crimson.


Clothing: Besides sporting alot of beads and head ornaments, she also wears a scarlet silk cowl around her neck, which stretches down her chest, down to her waistline. Her upper body is dressed in a boiled leather vest, her arms being dressed in silk gloves which stretches over her arms down to her hands, with holes for the fingers. Her lower body is dressed in regular, black pants while she wears leather sandals at her feet.


[spoiler=Personality] Rekkin is usually calm and collected, but can lash out on anyone that comments her hair style in a bad way, may it be friend or foe. She is usually excited during fights, as she takes pleasure in causing pain. She usually acts before thinking, however, and rather relies on her Kekkei Genkai to win a battle. She can, however, think up quick-use strategies from time-to-time.


She is rather calm, like mentioned earlier, and can almost act "lazy" and irresponsible. She is by far the laziest-appearing of the Akatsuki, even though she does have the will and strenght to do things on her own.


Although when someone speaks of her past in a bad way, she tends to get emotional and depressed, or infuriated, depending on the situation. She highly despises her past experiences, hence her reasons for being an Akatsuki.


She loves to drink Sake whenever she gets the chance, and displays an even more carefree personality while being drunk.


[spoiler=Biography]As a child, Rekkin was much of a regular child, having parents who cared for her, friends to play with, but sometimes had a hard time to follow up with the others in the Academy. Her times as a child were brought to a short end, however, as a big riot in the Hidden Sand Village occured. Many families were slaughtered, and love-bonds were broken and shattered. This is where Rekkin discovered her Kekkei Genkai ability, when she accidentally combined a Sand Shuriken Jutsu with a Fire Style; Phoenix Flower Jutsu, and created a lethally sharp Shuriken made out of pure glass. This made the Ninjas in the village see her as a lethal weapon, and possibly, the ultimate mean of winning the struggle.


She was torn between the two sides, as one side contained her best friends, while the other was where her family was still alive. She could not decide which one to choose, and so, both sides were forced to struggle anew, but not for the riot's sake, but for the sole purpose of capturing Rekkin and bringing her to their side. Countless lives were lost in front of her eyes, and much more blood was spilled. In the end, the riot had caused so much life losses, that both of the sides decided to call it off, but the damage was already done. During the struggle for Rekkin, both her parents had been slaughtered in cold blood. With sadness in her mind, and pain in her heart, she left the Hidden Sand Village, and never returned.


Today, she is a member of Akatsuki, and as she claims herself; "My only reason for joining is because of revenge. Revenge against the cold-blooded murderers that killed my family, and countless others in front of me. I will destroy all of those that did not help my village... when they most needed it." With these words, she is a cold-hearted, lethal killing machine, ready to lash out on the world with but a single command.


Rank: High-Ranked

[spoiler=Kekkei Genkai]Glass Style


With her Kekkei Genkai, Rekkin can combine Sand Ninjutsu and Fire Ninjutsu to create solid glass. However, the glass made from the both Ninjutsu types is much more durable than normal glass, and can also be much more sharper if formed to a weapon. The glass is almost impenetrable, and can only be destroyed by a really powerful Taijutsu or Sword Style attack. The glass can also be dismaterialized into sand, should Rekkin need it for a Sand Style Ninjutsu.


Secondary Type (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu): Ninjutsu

Attribute Type: Dual Type

Element: Sand & Fire

[spoiler=Kekkei Genkai Abilities / Jutsu]Fire Style

Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (火遁・豪火球の術, Fire Style: Grand Fireball Jutsu)

Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (火遁・鳳仙火の術, Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu)

Katon: Kasumi Endu no Jutsu (Fire Style: Misty Flames Dance Jutsu)


Sand Style

Suna no Yoroi (砂の鎧, Sand Armor)

Sabaku Kyū (砂縛柩, Sand Coffin)

Suna Bunshin no Jutsu (砂分身の術, Sand Clone Jutsu)

Sabaku Sōsō (砂瀑送葬, Sand Burial)

Suna Shuriken (砂手裏剣, Sand Shuriken)


Glass Style

Glass Clone Jutsu - This Jutsu is just like any other Clone Jutsu, except that the clone created is made of animated glass, which is able to appear "bleeding" through a large enough Chakra transplantation made in the initiation of this Jutsu, which may leave the user exhausted.


**DRAWBACK - This Technique can't be used for ONE(1) post after the effect is negated, and/or if the clone is destroyed.


Glass Wall Jutsu - The user slams his/her palms into the ground to create a wall of impenetrable glass, which can be used for both offensive and defensive means. The defensive side being that the wall is almost impenetrable for most attacks, except a powerful enough Taijutsu or Sword Style Technique, and the offensive part being that with further manipulation, the wall can shoot off numerous glass spear projectiles on command. This technique, however, will greatly drain the user's Chakra, and he/she has to rest for a few minutes after using the technique.


**DRAWBACK - This Technique require TWO(2) posts of initiation, and can't be used for THREE(3) posts after the effect is negated. Rekkin can't use any Kekkei Genkai Jutsu for TWO(2) posts after the effect is negated, or the barrier is destroyed.


Glass Weapons - By using the Glass Style, the user can create a numerous array of weapons made of the glass produced by the Jutsu. The amount of Chakra consumed depends on the size and shape of the weapon.


**DRAWBACK - Rekkin can only use a maximum of TWO(2) large-sized weapons(halberds, claymores, etc.), THREE(3) medium-sized weapons(shortswords, small axes, etc.) or SIX(6) support weapons(SHurikens, Kunais, etc.), and requires at least TWO(2) posts of cooldown after usage.


**ALL Glass Style Ninjutsu require to have one Sand Style Ninjutsu and one Fire Style Ninjutsu to complete the technique. Hence why the level of Chakra used is higher than usual.





I know that the Fire Style ain't related to the Hidden Sand Village, but I need it for my unique Kekkei Genkai, as you may see. Hopefully, this is acceptable.

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  'Ninjew said:

For Akatsuki' date=' can a character have an eye technique and a kekkei genkai?



For the purpose of this RP, Eye Techniques can only belong to Uchiha or Hyuuga, and since they are peace-keepers and the protagonists of this RP, they cannot be Akatsuki Members.


So I'm afraid no.

@Abarai Renji: Request Granted, and since I can see the logic behind the technique, Fire-subtype may be used in the Kekkei Genkai.


2 things, however:


1. Please Note that personality requires at least 4 lines.


2. Specify concrete drawbacks to the custom techniques. You may refer to "MY APP" at the top of the page for details on how to make concrete drawbacks.


--->Good Appearance and Bio Details, but I cannot start you as High Rank unless you fix those things you need fixing.


@Everyone else:


Note that I will give considerations for ranks if I can see a promising App that has at most only 3 flaws that I can see. Otherwise, I'm sorry, and please understand that the APP reflects how much effort a person is willing to give to an RP. :)

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Due to Limitations: I will post my Accepted APPS here. Sorry for the inconvenience.


[spoiler=[b]Accepted Apps[/b]]

[spoiler=[b]High Rank Akatsuki[/b]]

[spoiler=.:Abarai Renji:.]

Name: Rekkin

Gender: Female

Village: Hidden Sand Village Missing Nin

[spoiler=Appearance]Physique: Rekkin stands on about 184 centimeters and weighs around 75.6 kilograms. She sports alot of hair ornaments, all which are made of glass, including several beads strapped into her neck hair, a tiara made of glass and mixed with gold, and two larger beads strapped to the sides of her hair, which frames the front of her face. Her hair is in chest lenght, and is colored dark violet with a string of crimson red along her left side. She also has heterochromia, as her right eye is brown, while her left eye is deep crimson.


Clothing: Besides sporting alot of beads and head ornaments, she also wears a scarlet silk cowl around her neck, which stretches down her chest, down to her waistline. Her upper body is dressed in a boiled leather vest, her arms being dressed in silk gloves which stretches over her arms down to her hands, with holes for the fingers. Her lower body is dressed in regular, black pants while she wears leather sandals at her feet.


[spoiler=Personality] Rekkin is usually calm and collected, but can lash out on anyone that comments her hair style in a bad way, may it be friend or foe. She is usually excited during fights, as she takes pleasure in causing pain. She usually acts before thinking, however, and rather relies on her Kekkei Genkai to win a battle. She can, however, think up quick-use strategies from time-to-time.


She is rather calm, like mentioned earlier, and can almost act "lazy" and irresponsible. She is by far the laziest-appearing of the Akatsuki, even though she does have the will and strenght to do things on her own.


Although when someone speaks of her past in a bad way, she tends to get emotional and depressed, or infuriated, depending on the situation. She highly despises her past experiences, hence her reasons for being an Akatsuki.


She loves to drink Sake whenever she gets the chance, and displays an even more carefree personality while being drunk.


[spoiler=Biography]As a child, Rekkin was much of a regular child, having parents who cared for her, friends to play with, but sometimes had a hard time to follow up with the others in the Academy. Her times as a child were brought to a short end, however, as a big riot in the Hidden Sand Village occured. Many families were slaughtered, and love-bonds were broken and shattered. This is where Rekkin discovered her Kekkei Genkai ability, when she accidentally combined a Sand Shuriken Jutsu with a Fire Style; Phoenix Flower Jutsu, and created a lethally sharp Shuriken made out of pure glass. This made the Ninjas in the village see her as a lethal weapon, and possibly, the ultimate mean of winning the struggle.


She was torn between the two sides, as one side contained her best friends, while the other was where her family was still alive. She could not decide which one to choose, and so, both sides were forced to struggle anew, but not for the riot's sake, but for the sole purpose of capturing Rekkin and bringing her to their side. Countless lives were lost in front of her eyes, and much more blood was spilled. In the end, the riot had caused so much life losses, that both of the sides decided to call it off, but the damage was already done. During the struggle for Rekkin, both her parents had been slaughtered in cold blood. With sadness in her mind, and pain in her heart, she left the Hidden Sand Village, and never returned.


Today, she is a member of Akatsuki, and as she claims herself; "My only reason for joining is because of revenge. Revenge against the cold-blooded murderers that killed my family, and countless others in front of me. I will destroy all of those that did not help my village... when they most needed it." With these words, she is a cold-hearted, lethal killing machine, ready to lash out on the world with but a single command.


Rank: High-Ranked

[spoiler=Kekkei Genkai]Glass Style


With her Kekkei Genkai, Rekkin can combine Sand Ninjutsu and Fire Ninjutsu to create solid glass. However, the glass made from the both Ninjutsu types is much more durable than normal glass, and can also be much more sharper if formed to a weapon. The glass is almost impenetrable, and can only be destroyed by a really powerful Taijutsu or Sword Style attack. The glass can also be dismaterialized into sand, should Rekkin need it for a Sand Style Ninjutsu.


Secondary Type (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu): Ninjutsu

Attribute Type: Dual Type

Element: Sand & Fire

[spoiler=Kekkei Genkai Abilities / Jutsu]Fire Style

Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (火遁・豪火球の術, Fire Style: Grand Fireball Jutsu)

Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (火遁・鳳仙火の術, Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu)

Katon: Kasumi Endu no Jutsu (Fire Style: Misty Flames Dance Jutsu)


Sand Style

Suna no Yoroi (砂の鎧, Sand Armor)

Sabaku Kyū (砂縛柩, Sand Coffin)

Suna Bunshin no Jutsu (砂分身の術, Sand Clone Jutsu)

Sabaku Sōsō (砂瀑送葬, Sand Burial)

Suna Shuriken (砂手裏剣, Sand Shuriken)


Glass Style

Glass Clone Jutsu - This Jutsu is just like any other Clone Jutsu, except that the clone created is made of animated glass, which is able to appear "bleeding" through a large enough Chakra transplantation made in the initiation of this Jutsu, which may leave the user exhausted.


**DRAWBACK - This Technique can't be used for ONE(1) post after the effect is negated, and/or if the clone is destroyed.


Glass Wall Jutsu - The user slams his/her palms into the ground to create a wall of impenetrable glass, which can be used for both offensive and defensive means. The defensive side being that the wall is almost impenetrable for most attacks, except a powerful enough Taijutsu or Sword Style Technique, and the offensive part being that with further manipulation, the wall can shoot off numerous glass spear projectiles on command. This technique, however, will greatly drain the user's Chakra, and he/she has to rest for a few minutes after using the technique.


**DRAWBACK - This Technique require TWO(2) posts of initiation, and can't be used for THREE(3) posts after the effect is negated. Rekkin can't use any Kekkei Genkai Jutsu for TWO(2) posts after the effect is negated, or the barrier is destroyed.


Glass Weapons - By using the Glass Style, the user can create a numerous array of weapons made of the glass produced by the Jutsu. The amount of Chakra consumed depends on the size and shape of the weapon.


**DRAWBACK - Rekkin can only use a maximum of TWO(2) large-sized weapons(halberds, claymores, etc.), THREE(3) medium-sized weapons(shortswords, small axes, etc.) or SIX(6) support weapons(SHurikens, Kunais, etc.), and requires at least TWO(2) posts of cooldown after usage.


**ALL Glass Style Ninjutsu require to have one Sand Style Ninjutsu and one Fire Style Ninjutsu to complete the technique. Hence why the level of Chakra used is higher than usual.





[spoiler=The Dragon Duelist]


Name: Garanth Diaga

Gender: Male

Village: Hidden Village of the Mist Missing Nin


  Reveal hidden contents





High Rank


Name: Shadō

Gender: Male

Village: Hidden Cloud Missing Nin

[spoiler=Appearance:] Shadō stands at a height of 182cm, with the build of most average nin, his weight is 68kg. His eyes are usually the only way he is recognised as most of one eye is black, though when using his kekkei Genkei both his eyes appear to be the same colour (due to genjutsu whihc he often uses), his hair is Pure white and in spikes which shorten in size as the hair moves towards the back of his head, the back of his hair is completely flat. He often wears his Headband from the Village he was originally trained in over his neck, the slashes on it equalling the amount of people he had killed from the village before he left, he also has a long scar down his cheek from one of these fights and it is one of the only things he never disguises.

Clothing: Shadō usually wears the normal Akatsuki robe though when he has found his target he removes it and has clothes on under it similar to the ANBU outfit and puts on a black mask, that looks to be a modified Hidden Cloud ANBU Mask but it extends around the back of his head covering it and has larger eye holes completely showing his eyes. Whilst in this ANBU style uniform he has a red Sheathe which he wears vertically on his back, though it is unknown why he wears it obviously having no sword in the sheathe.


[spoiler=Personality:] Shadō is usually quiet, staying in the shadows unless thinking that talking may help him with information he needs or for if he has a new mission. Shadō treats all other Akatsuki members with equal respect, even the lower-classed members. Shadō usually tries to keep away from fights that obstruct his mission, either avoiding them or finishiung them quickly. Shadō has a personal hatred of the Uchiha clan above all others, and will in anger attack any he sees, when fighting with an Uchiha he will claim that it is in veangence for his clan.



[spoiler=Biography:] Shadō was born under the name of Jaden Raitoningu, in Kumogakure. His clan was one which was many of Great swordsman even his mother and father had been swordsman using their Kekkei Genkei to an advantage. His Parents had both left the village and went into the forests moving towards Konohgakure. When Shadō reached the age of 14 he was informed of his parent's death who he had not seen for two years as he trained at school in hopes to become strong for their return. The information was told that they were killed by an Uchiha who had found them talking nearby a Bandit, thinking they had Allied with him as he went to the town they followed the bandits words drawn, though they may have been going to kill the bandit, the Uchiha struck them first killing them before the Bandit to make sure the village was safe. Upon hearing this Shadō grew greatly enraged towards the Uchiha Clan training harder and pushing his Skills until he unlocked his Kekkei Genkei. After 5 years of training at the Age of 19 Shadō was a Jounin, with high enpough skill to almost match an ANBU member whilst he used his Kekkei Genkei. Another Jounin who had no idea that the people he was talking about were Shadō's Parents as he commented on them being 'stupid' following the bandit like they 'wished they would be killed' Shadō then turned towards him and his eye had turned black as he used a Genjutsu to hide his eye. He then jumped back and while the Jounin was suprised he killed him with Chidori, then Shado ran, soon others had found the body and chased him though these were only chuunin. Shado turned killing them all with Lightning Release: Thunder Twister as they were grouped together before speeding up running away from Kumogakure. Shado had then joined the Akatsuki, adopting the name of 'Shado', and stayed with them, seeing no other place he would be accepted. Shado had since stayed there a year when he noticed a new arrival, he had become a High Ranked member by then, and he dismissed it as he couldn't remember who it was. A month later he realised who it was, his younger brother who by some luck had not inherited the Kekkei Genkei of his clan. Shado had immediately trained him in how to take down a target without killing them as he saw how killing people had affected his younger brother. A year later they had became a team the younger brother allowed with Shado on the higher ranked assignments he was given, soon after his younger brother, James, had took the name of 'Daku' meaning Dark. he had since followed his younger brother hoping he wouldn't be affected too badly at this while at the same time wanting his brother to stay, knowing there was atleast one person he had known on his side.



Rank: High Rank, Right Ring (even though Rings aren't counted for rank, since we're using Akatsuki, they could be a sign showing a High Ranked member couldn't they?)

Kekkei Genkai Description: [spoiler=Kekkei Genkei]

Kaminari no sokudo(Speed of Lightning)


This Kekkei Genkei allows it's user to move faster than the averaeg speed by pushing their muscles over the usual limit through manipulation of lightning within them which slowly harms them but gives them heigthtened speed. Whenever this technique is used the users eyes both have a small blue current of lightning chakra, both indicating that the technique is activated and allowing their optic nerves to see at an enhanced level similar to that of their speed. Throughout the clans history this has led most of them to be taijutsu-focused nin however a few have used this in combination with ninjutsu to form powerful combinations. Most of the Members of the clan who have used this technique have died 20-45 years before the age they usually will have died at, depending on how often the technique was used. A small sub-branch of the cln had decided gainst using this Kekkei Genkei due to this effect, being shunned by most of those who still used it.



Secondary Type Ninjutsu

Attribute Type: Lightning (Focused)

Element: _____

[spoiler=Kekkei Genkai Abilities / Jutsu:]

[spoiler=Genjutsu Disguise] he often uses Genjutsu to either hide one eye mking it ppar black or even at times change his ppearance to go through a town undetected, due to not being highly skilled at Genjutsu most high-level nin would easily see through the disguis and his black eye disguise is disabled whenever he uses his Kekkei Genkei


Lightning Release

Lightning Release: Shadow Clone


Chidori Current

Lightning Burial: Banquet of Lightning

Lightning Release: False Darkness

[spoiler=Lightning Release: Thunder Twister] The user sends blasts of lightning up into the air spinning, these blasts then come back down towards the Opponent Directly above in in the air, spinning so that it could effectively cage the opponent if it was seperated.


Drawback: This technique requires a 4 post cooldown after use, after this technique is used other Lightning release: jutsu cannot be performed for 1 post.


[spoiler=Lightning Release: Blast of Lightning]

The user gathers lightning chakra in their hands focusing and equal amount into each hand, they then push their hands fowards send out a large blast of Lightning in a staright line which can change direction at certain points aslong as lightning is connectyed to hand


Drawbacks: Lightning can only be manipulated on the post after the on this technique was used, requires a 10 post cooldown, cannot use any Lightning Release techniques for 6 posts afterwards



Kekkei Genkei

[spoiler=Lightning Punch]

The user uses speed of lightning to speed their body up to a level at which they can move equal to the speed the lightning rotates, they then cover their hand in lightning chakra, similar to the chidopri but covering the whole hand and resembling a fist. The user then runs up to the opponent and punches them in the gut sending a slight electric current through their body


Drawback: This technique has a cooldown of 5 posts and cannot be used if any Lightning Release: technique had been used within the last 5 posts.


[spoiler=Lightning Run]

The user uses Lightning Release thunder twister, though instead of launching it vertically they launch it horizontally towards the opponent the running along the top of the twisting lightning due to his enhanced speed from his kekkei genkai, he then jumps just before it would hoit the opponent, if the opponent dodges it he launches himself off a nearby object then hitting the opponent and jumping back


Drawback: This technique requires a cooldown of 8 posts and can only be used if Lightning release: Thunder Twister has not been used for the last 6 posts, If the technique is used before 6 posts after thunder twister is used the lightning will dissipate halfway through getting to the opponent and will cause the user to fall off.


[spoiler=Lightning Dodge]

The user speed themself up then moving at a speed similar to lightning to dodge the attack/s that had been sent at him, he then moves to a strategically advantaged point for the battle with the opponent before lowering himself to norml speed lessening the amount pof damage he will take from the speed up


Drawback: must be hit atleast once in that battle before using, 5 post cooldown


[spoiler=Speed Boost]

Allows the user to enhance his speed and movement so that he may have an advantaghe throughout the battle, able to increase in varying amounts.


Drawbacks:listed highest to lowest..

Lightning Speed: must have character rest for 1 post every 2-3 posts depending on the amount of action he does within those posts, once technique ends has 10 post cooldown


Hyper Speed: must have character rest for 1 post every 4-5 posts depending on the amount of action he does within those posts, once technique ends has 8 post cooldown


Enhanced Speed: must have character rest for 1 post every 6-8 posts depending on the amount of action he does within those posts, once technique ends has 6 post cooldown



GLT (God-like Technique)

[spoiler=Lightning Release: Thunderstorm Twister]

Shadō runs up to the opponent using enhanced speed then launches them into the air. Shadō then Charges the electric chakra into one hand lunaches the electricity upwwards. The electricity scrapes around the opponent capturing them in a ball in which three more twisters of lightning from above smash into causing and explosion and as the opponent falls a final twister of lightning slams them to the ground.


Drawback: After launching the opponent requires one post to concentrte chakra into hand, After the ball explodes requires 1 post for the lightning to hit the opponent, cannot use any Ninjutsu for 6 posts if only the explosion hits or 8 if whole attack hits


[spoiler=Lightning Thunder Smash]Shadō activates the power of his kekkei genkei using it to send him into a state in which his speed is faster than the usual max speed. Shadō then runs around the opponent at a speed at which hecan be seen everywhere at once and cn dodge any attempt to stop his movement. Shadō Barrages the enemy with punchs of thunder punch from every direction in combination the amount of electricity put into the enemy enough to leave them in a state of unconsciousness or very low amount of movement. This move does not cause lethal damage but rather makes then enemy unable to move much.


drawback: Requires two posts to set up enough current in body to cause change in speed, must rest for 2 posts afterwards without moving much if at all, cannot use his Kekkei Genkei for 5 posts after he awakens







Name: Matsushita Shigeuji

Gender: Male

Village: Hidden Cloud Missing Nin

Appearance: [spoiler=Matsushita's Appearance]

Matsushita is approximately six feet, eight and one-eighth inches tall, and weighs 197lbs. His hair is long and elegant, reaching the tip of his spinal cord on his back; it is a faded black, almost gray. His eyes are a green hue, but in the light sometimes, they appear blueish-gray. He has high set cheek bones, which compliment his small, stout nose in an unusual way. His mouth is thin, but his teeth are extremely sharp; he can often be seen sharpening them with his finger nails. His shoulders are broad, and his neck well built and toned.


His arms are very built, and his fingers are slender and smooth; besides that, his fingernails are at least three inches long, pointed as though sharpened. He's not visibly muscular, but is in great shape. His legs are bulky, and almost appear to be stone. His skin tone is a bright green, but noticeably fades as it crawls to his back. Without his Akatsuki robes, a large sword gash is seen across his back and chest. He wears the average Akatsuki robes, but his clouds are not red. They are emerald green, and whenever he enters combat with his robe still on, they discolor and begin to fade, a sign of his strength.


Personality: [spoiler=Matsushita's Personality]

Some would think Matsushita arrogant, but he is actually quite silent. He doesn't speak much, but his voice is noticeably deep. He often feels compelled to not interfere with other nations, except when he is given an assignment. He seems to despise the Hidden Village of Sound most, because he depicts them as foolhardy and close-minded. He is widely respected amongst the Akatsuki, and shares that respect, despite the fact that he usually keeps to himself.


Biography: [spoiler=Biography of Matsushita]

Matsushita was born in the Village Hidden in the Clouds, promptly after Hinata's uncle was buried there. He was raised to be outspoken, and adamant; yet he was made the silent type, ever disclosing his will only to himself. His parents were not from he Village of Clouds, however. They were taken in while they were under attack by stray ninja, possibly from the Village of Sound (thus his hatred for said Ninja types). His mother died giving birth to him in the Village of Clouds, and his father of old age. He firmly believes that his father did not die in peace, because he had been receiving headaches for weeks. He died in his sleep, when a vessel burst in his brain. Matsushita believes it was a Sound Technique that was implemented the night his family was taken in.


As a result, Matsushita raised and trained himself, until he was about 27 years of age. He came across a robed sword beneath his home. He found it when he heard a loud buzzing late at night, and went to investigate it. It was robed and trapped in a special wire. He has unwrapped it, and taken it to many battles. That is until, he was being observed by the Akatsuki. They adored his elegant movements, and powerful fighting style, taking him under their wing. Now he has vowed to use his new found power to take vengeance in the name of his father, so that he too may rest in peace.


Rank: High Rank

Sword Name and Appearance: [spoiler=Oni Rai Kaze]

Literally meaning "Demon Lightning Wind". It is engraved on the sword's magnificent hilt. The blade is very broad, approximately seven feet, three inches in length from blade tip to hilt. It is cut in the shape of a "V", but multiple times, layered atop one another. When Matsushita touches the hilt of the blade, the blade itself turns color to match that of his skin. The hilt itself is diamond encrusted and held in place by the claw of a demon, and under it, an emerald orb. The guard is spiked, before the hilt, and is apart of the demon hand. The hand is blood red, and the rest of the guard and hilt is green.


Secondary Type: Ninjutsu

Attribute Type: Dual Type

Element: Wind / Lightning

Sword Abilities / Jutsu: [spoiler=Sword Abilities / Jutsu]

Dividing Winds

The blade is pointed directly at it's target, and begins to glow, like it is storing energy. Then, the energy is released in the form of concentrated wind, sharp enough to cut through tempered steel, but in two waves of three, in a "V" pattern.


Set-up requires two posts.


Lightning of Sorrow

Matsushita holds his blade straight in the air, and calls forth a lightning storm to strike it on each point of the beginning "V" of the blade. He spins it rapidly, and the blade begins to rapidly fire bolts of lightning in all directions.


Set-up requires one post, strike requires two.


Full Body Chidori


Lightning Clone



Demonic Storm

When the winds begin to blow, and the clouds are dark, it is Matsushita's signature technique. Wind encircles his blade, and lightning follows, forming a tornado around the blade, and making him inapproachable. However, it also heavily damages him in the process, because of the surroundings. This increases the blade's length by two feet, but the only damage done is if the blade strikes while the tornado has enveloped it. If one is caught within the tornado, they are--in most cases--trapped like a rat, because the tornado will only draw them in towards the blade itself, and tear them apart.


Set-up requires three posts, and if successful, three posts to recover.





[spoiler=[b]Low Rank Akatsuki[/b]]


Name: Daku

Gender: Male

Village: Hidden Cloud Missing Nin

[spoiler=Appearance:]Daku stands at 177cm high and weighs 68kg. He is mostly recognised by the suit he wears as instead of an Akatsuki cloak like most members of the Akatsuki he wears a Dark Grey Shirt under a Dark Black Coat, with Black pants. His hair is pure white and is spiky at the back yet straight at the front, only noticeably spiky if he turns around. He wears the Headband of his former Village on his neck similar to Shado however he has no slashes on it, instead the metal plate had been replaced, and on the new plate was a symbol which meant darkness. He has a scar in the shape of an 'X' on his cheek, he often wears a mask when going after a target this mask hiding all but his blue eyes.


[spoiler=Personality:] Daku is usually calm and unlike Shado enters the sun freely not hiding as he is able to deal with others and communicating very well. Daku often appears kind though in battle he appears to change in personality sounding cold and often also sounding unresponsive to reasoning if he fights a Uchiha Clan member. Daku always tries to knock his opponent's out rather than kill them unless they are of the Uchiha clan to which he hates and will try to kill if not interrupted, and usually only listens to his brother while fighting an Uchiha.


[spoiler=Biography:] Daku was born to the name of James Raitoningu and was the younger bother to Jaden Raitoningu. He was 12 when his brother had heard about their parents death, it had been hard on them the next couple of weeks, though they eventually got through the worst of it able to live on. 5 Years later he was just lower skilled then his brother who had passed the jounin Exams. Daku had failed the Exams the first time hed had took them but after a year he tried again passing the exams. After this he decided to try to find his brother, however when enquiring about it he was usually shunned. Daku had eventually forced a nin to tell him where his brother was before he left the village, in hopes of finding him. He had joined the Akatsuki a couple months later doing small jobs around the base until being appointed to Shado. Daku had later learned that Shado was his brother, Jaden, and had began training with him often. It was then that he tok on the name of 'Daku' which means Dark. Daku is now loyal to his brother and the Akatsuki but will only follow commands given by his brother not by the Akatsuki. Daku is often looking for a way to knock his opponent out so his brother will not have to kill them.


Rank: Low Rank

Ninja Type: Taijutsu

Attribute Type: Strength Type

Element: Lightning (and if it's non-cloud village taijutsu not allowed, why have the element have to be relative to the villge depending on village?)


Lightning Release Armor (a weaker version, only covering him in lightning and enhancing his strength and speed slightly)



Guillotine Drop

Liger Bomb ( a weaker version only capable of Knocking his Opponent out if hit successfully and doesn't shatter much ground instead making a very small crater instead of shatter)

[spoiler=Thrust] The user uses Lightning Release Armor to make themselves stronger then thrusting their hand towards their opponent's neck in the hopes of hitting them, able to Knock an Opponent out if able to connect fully, thrust is slow though and easily seen


Drawback: If used Liger Bomb cannot be used for the next 3 posts. Has a cooldown of 2 posts





Name: Sen

Gender: Female

Village: Hidden Cloud Missing Nin

[spoiler=Appearance:] Sen has elbow length black hair with blond streaks shooting down the middle, and on either side of her head(For a total of three). Underneith her manditory akatsuki cloak, she wears a plain, form fitting, dark blue shirt with fishnet sleeves. The sleeves stops at the base of each finger. Her plain black pants. Her eyes, which seem to always be set in a blank stare, are electric yellow with a blue ring around the iris. Reaching the height of 5'3, and a weight of 138 she's quite short and is often looked at as being the weakest. During battle her eyes seem to be alive dancing with the very lightening she weilds.


[spoiler=Personality:] Sen can be described as very childish, and naive. She's always humming "Ring Around The Roseys" because it's her favorite song. Sen always follows directions, no matter what it may be. There's only one thing she's afraid of, and that's being unable to move as it sends an unconscious reminder of when she was younger. When fighting she uses taijutsu, and can only use lightening when using her Kekkai Genkai. However, when using her Kekkei Genkai she becomes insane, and looses all control of her emotions. She only seeks to kill the target and everything else becomes unimportant even her companions. She'll do whatever it takes to complete the mission no matter how many casulties.


[spoiler=Biography:] Sen was born in the Hidden Cloud village, with black hair and grey eyes, to two low paid parents who could barely get by with what they made. Her parents loved her, and tried to do there very best to provide for her. They couldn't afford school and had to home school her. At 8 she had the natural tallent for taijutsu, and got in countless fights with other kids in the village.


To keep her fed, her parents often went some time without food, and in the end they both died from fatige and mal-neutrition. At 10 years old she came to realize that in this world you are on your own, and no one will help you but yourself. There were people would could've helped them with money, and she knew that, but no one cared. As the day went on and she listened to their false sympathy she closed herself off, vowing to never be weak like her parents. For thats what she saw them as, weak pathetic people who refused to take matters into their own hands, and do whatever it takes to survive.


At 14 she kidnapped, and for the next five years it's pretty much a blur. The only thing she remembers is a shocking pain constantly running through her body like lightening. Next thing she knew she was in the Akatsuki hide out, with an entierly new look, and no memory of who she was or where she came from. There she was given the name, Sen, and a headband of the Hidden Cloud village.


Rank: Low Ranked Akatsuki

[spoiler=Kekkei Genkai Description:] When her Kekkei Genkai is active her body has a white glow, and lightening cackling around her. She can keep it active for 10 post, but after the 6 post the chances of her loosing control and self destructing is higher. After it's done it requires a 10 post cooltime, and it leaves her paralized for 2 post.


Secondary Type (Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu): Taijutsu/Ninjutsu(Only when using Kekkei Genkai)

Attribute Type: Focused/Speed

Element: Lightening

[spoiler=Kekkei Genkai Abilities / Jutsu:]


Thunder Fists - Focuses the lightening to her hands and feet, to enhance the power of her taijutsu. It the attack hits, it sends almost 100 volts of electricity through the person's body. It can only be used for 7 posts.


DrawBacks: No lightening based attacks can be used for 2 posts. It requires a 1 post of charging up, and a 3 posts cool down time.


Lightening wave - Just as it says. Slams her hands on the ground producing a massive shock wave that explodes from her in a 7 yard radius. Anything caught in the explosion has a 3out of 10 chance of exploding from the extreme electricity running through the object.


Drawbacks: Can only be used once every 15 post. The attack has a recoil and the user is paralized for 1 turn.


Thunderstorm - Just as it says. Creats a thunderstorm in a three mile radius with Sen as the center. This stays active for 10 posts.


Drawbacks: After the technique is used, Sen has no control over where the lightening may strike. She can get hit herself if she's not aware, however she will only recieve a quarter of the damage while anyone else will recieve the full brunt.


Explosion - Even though it's a drawback of her Kekkei Genkai it can also be used as a last resort. She condences all of her energy into a tiny ball of electricity between her hands, then seperates them for a massive explosion.


Drawbacks: It requiers a 2 post charge up, and after it is used the user is knocked unconcious ranging from minor to sevear injuries. She is usually out for 5 posts(Of the other users posts).





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Rings don't matter as much in the RP.. and all High Rank Members are of equal hierarchy.. Low Rank Members also have equal Hierarcy among each other, albeit being lower than High Rank Members.


and sure, you're reserved.. :D

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ok.. just one question.. would i be able to make an akatsuki and a basic from the village that the akatsuki member used to belong to or would i only be able to create 2 akatsuki or 2 village members?..


(gonna start working on the app after i read reply to question..)

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You can apply for one High Rank Akatsuki Member, then apply for one Low Rank Akatsuki Member that's partnered solely to him/her. Take note though, that their Bio must be related in some way, and the App for the High Rank Akatsuki must show some effort in it.. :)


Akatsuki in this RP are going to play a very important role, so I really hope to see good Akatsuki RP-ers as High Ranks. In line with this, please have patience with the requirements for the High Ranks.. :)

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Finished for the most part!


Name: Garanth Diaga

Gender: Male

Village: Hidden Village of the Mist Missing Nin


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High Rank


Name: Shadō

Gender: Male

Village: Hidden Cloud Missing Nin

[spoiler=Appearance:] Shadō stands at a height of 182cm, with the build of most average nin, his weight is 68kg. His eyes are usually the only way he is recognised as most of one eye is black, though when using his kekkei Genkei both his eyes appear to be the same colour (due to genjutsu whihc he often uses), his hair is Pure white and in spikes which shorten in size as the hair moves towards the back of his head, the back of his hair is completely flat. He often wears his Headband from the Village he was originally trained in over his neck, the slashes on it equalling the amount of people he had killed from the village before he left, he also has a long scar down his cheek from one of these fights and it is one of the only things he never disguises.

Clothing: Shadō usually wears the normal Akatsuki robe though when he has found his target he removes it and has clothes on under it similar to the ANBU outfit and puts on a black mask, that looks to be a modified Hidden Cloud ANBU Mask but it extends around the back of his head covering it and has larger eye holes completely showing his eyes. Whilst in this ANBU style uniform he has a red Sheathe which he wears vertically on his back, though it is unknown why he wears it obviously having no sword in the sheathe.


[spoiler=Personality:] Shadō is usually quiet, staying in the shadows unless thinking that talking may help him with information he needs or for if he has a new mission. Shadō treats all other Akatsuki members with equal respect, even the lower-classed members. Shadō usually tries to keep away from fights that obstruct his mission, either avoiding them or finishiung them quickly. Shadō has a personal hatred of the Uchiha clan above all others, and will in anger attack any he sees, when fighting with an Uchiha he will claim that it is in veangence for his clan.



[spoiler=Biography:] Shadō was born under the name of Jaden Raitoningu, in Kumogakure. His clan was one which was many of Great swordsman even his mother and father had been swordsman using their Kekkei Genkei to an advantage. His Parents had both left the village and went into the forests moving towards Konohgakure. When Shadō reached the age of 14 he was informed of his parent's death who he had not seen for two years as he trained at school in hopes to become strong for their return. The information was told that they were killed by an Uchiha who had found them talking nearby a Bandit, thinking they had Allied with him as he went to the town they followed the bandits words drawn, though they may have been going to kill the bandit, the Uchiha struck them first killing them before the Bandit to make sure the village was safe. Upon hearing this Shadō grew greatly enraged towards the Uchiha Clan training harder and pushing his Skills until he unlocked his Kekkei Genkei. After 5 years of training at the Age of 19 Shadō was a Jounin, with high enpough skill to almost match an ANBU member whilst he used his Kekkei Genkei. Another Jounin who had no idea that the people he was talking about were Shadō's Parents as he commented on them being 'stupid' following the bandit like they 'wished they would be killed' Shadō then turned towards him and his eye had turned black as he used a Genjutsu to hide his eye. He then jumped back and while the Jounin was suprised he killed him with Chidori, then Shado ran, soon others had found the body and chased him though these were only chuunin. Shado turned killing them all with Lightning Release: Thunder Twister as they were grouped together before speeding up running away from Kumogakure. Shado had then joined the Akatsuki, adopting the name of 'Shado', and stayed with them, seeing no other place he would be accepted. Shado had since stayed there a year when he noticed a new arrival, he had become a High Ranked member by then, and he dismissed it as he couldn't remember who it was. A month later he realised who it was, his younger brother who by some luck had not inherited the Kekkei Genkei of his clan. Shado had immediately trained him in how to take down a target without killing them as he saw how killing people had affected his younger brother. A year later they had became a team the younger brother allowed with Shado on the higher ranked assignments he was given, soon after his younger brother, James, had took the name of 'Daku' meaning Dark. he had since followed his younger brother hoping he wouldn't be affected too badly at this while at the same time wanting his brother to stay, knowing there was atleast one person he had known on his side.



Rank: High Rank, Right Ring (even though Rings aren't counted for rank, since we're using Akatsuki, they could be a sign showing a High Ranked member couldn't they?)

Kekkei Genkai Description: [spoiler=Kekkei Genkei]

Kaminari no sokudo(Speed of Lightning)


This Kekkei Genkei allows it's user to move faster than the averaeg speed by pushing their muscles over the usual limit through manipulation of lightning within them which slowly harms them but gives them heigthtened speed. Whenever this technique is used the users eyes both have a small blue current of lightning chakra, both indicating that the technique is activated and allowing their optic nerves to see at an enhanced level similar to that of their speed. Throughout the clans history this has led most of them to be taijutsu-focused nin however a few have used this in combination with ninjutsu to form powerful combinations. Most of the Members of the clan who have used this technique have died 20-45 years before the age they usually will have died at, depending on how often the technique was used. A small sub-branch of the cln had decided gainst using this Kekkei Genkei due to this effect, being shunned by most of those who still used it.



Secondary Type Ninjutsu

Attribute Type: Lightning (Focused)

Element: _____

[spoiler=Kekkei Genkai Abilities / Jutsu:]

[spoiler=Genjutsu Disguise] he often uses Genjutsu to either hide one eye mking it ppar black or even at times change his ppearance to go through a town undetected, due to not being highly skilled at Genjutsu most high-level nin would easily see through the disguis and his black eye disguise is disabled whenever he uses his Kekkei Genkei


Lightning Release

Lightning Release: Shadow Clone


Chidori Current

Lightning Burial: Banquet of Lightning

Lightning Release: False Darkness

[spoiler=Lightning Release: Thunder Twister] The user sends blasts of lightning up into the air spinning, these blasts then come back down towards the Opponent Directly above in in the air, spinning so that it could effectively cage the opponent if it was seperated.


Drawback: This technique requires a 4 post cooldown after use, after this technique is used other Lightning release: jutsu cannot be performed for 1 post.


[spoiler=Lightning Release: Blast of Lightning]

The user gathers lightning chakra in their hands focusing and equal amount into each hand, they then push their hands fowards send out a large blast of Lightning in a staright line which can change direction at certain points aslong as lightning is connectyed to hand


Drawbacks: Lightning can only be manipulated on the post after the on this technique was used, requires a 10 post cooldown, cannot use any Lightning Release techniques for 6 posts afterwards



Kekkei Genkei

[spoiler=Lightning Punch]

The user uses speed of lightning to speed their body up to a level at which they can move equal to the speed the lightning rotates, they then cover their hand in lightning chakra, similar to the chidopri but covering the whole hand and resembling a fist. The user then runs up to the opponent and punches them in the gut sending a slight electric current through their body


Drawback: This technique has a cooldown of 5 posts and cannot be used if any Lightning Release: technique had been used within the last 5 posts.


[spoiler=Lightning Run]

The user uses Lightning Release thunder twister, though instead of launching it vertically they launch it horizontally towards the opponent the running along the top of the twisting lightning due to his enhanced speed from his kekkei genkai, he then jumps just before it would hoit the opponent, if the opponent dodges it he launches himself off a nearby object then hitting the opponent and jumping back


Drawback: This technique requires a cooldown of 8 posts and can only be used if Lightning release: Thunder Twister has not been used for the last 6 posts, If the technique is used before 6 posts after thunder twister is used the lightning will dissipate halfway through getting to the opponent and will cause the user to fall off.


[spoiler=Lightning Dodge]

The user speed themself up then moving at a speed similar to lightning to dodge the attack/s that had been sent at him, he then moves to a strategically advantaged point for the battle with the opponent before lowering himself to norml speed lessening the amount pof damage he will take from the speed up


Drawback: must be hit atleast once in that battle before using, 5 post cooldown


[spoiler=Speed Boost]

Allows the user to enhance his speed and movement so that he may have an advantaghe throughout the battle, able to increase in varying amounts.


Drawbacks:listed highest to lowest..

Lightning Speed: must have character rest for 1 post every 2-3 posts depending on the amount of action he does within those posts, once technique ends has 10 post cooldown


Hyper Speed: must have character rest for 1 post every 4-5 posts depending on the amount of action he does within those posts, once technique ends has 8 post cooldown


Enhanced Speed: must have character rest for 1 post every 6-8 posts depending on the amount of action he does within those posts, once technique ends has 6 post cooldown



GLT (God-like Technique)

[spoiler=Lightning Release: Thunderstorm Twister]

Shadō runs up to the opponent using enhanced speed then launches them into the air. Shadō then Charges the electric chakra into one hand lunaches the electricity upwwards. The electricity scrapes around the opponent capturing them in a ball in which three more twisters of lightning from above smash into causing and explosion and as the opponent falls a final twister of lightning slams them to the ground.


Drawback: After launching the opponent requires one post to concentrte chakra into hand, After the ball explodes requires 1 post for the lightning to hit the opponent, cannot use any Ninjutsu for 6 posts if only the explosion hits or 8 if whole attack hits


[spoiler=Lightning Thunder Smash]Shadō activates the power of his kekkei genkei using it to send him into a state in which his speed is faster than the usual max speed. Shadō then runs around the opponent at a speed at which hecan be seen everywhere at once and cn dodge any attempt to stop his movement. Shadō Barrages the enemy with punchs of thunder punch from every direction in combination the amount of electricity put into the enemy enough to leave them in a state of unconsciousness or very low amount of movement. This move does not cause lethal damage but rather makes then enemy unable to move much.


drawback: Requires two posts to set up enough current in body to cause change in speed, must rest for 2 posts afterwards without moving much if at all, cannot use his Kekkei Genkei for 5 posts after he awakens





I will post the app for Daku afterwards, if i need to expand on anything please say..

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@Anbu_Leader: Accepted. High Ranked Member


@Dragon Duelist: I need to see concrete drawbacks. Refer to either Anbu_Leader, Abarai Renji, or my post to see what a drawback should be. Also note that Kekkei Genkai require drawbacks more than any normal jutsu.


We'll be starting even with just Akatsuki Members soon.. :)

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Name: Matsushita Shigeuji

Gender: Male

Village: Hidden Cloud Missing Nin

Appearance: [spoiler=Matsushita's Appearance]

Matsushita is approximately six feet, eight and one-eighth inches tall, and weighs 197lbs. His hair is long and elegant, reaching the tip of his spinal cord on his back; it is a faded black, almost gray. His eyes are a green hue, but in the light sometimes, they appear blueish-gray. He has high set cheek bones, which compliment his small, stout nose in an unusual way. His mouth is thin, but his teeth are extremely sharp; he can often be seen sharpening them with his finger nails. His shoulders are broad, and his neck well built and toned.


His arms are very built, and his fingers are slender and smooth; besides that, his fingernails are at least three inches long, pointed as though sharpened. He's not visibly muscular, but is in great shape. His legs are bulky, and almost appear to be stone. His skin tone is a bright green, but noticeably fades as it crawls to his back. Without his Akatsuki robes, a large sword gash is seen across his back and chest. He wears the average Akatsuki robes, but his clouds are not red. They are emerald green, and whenever he enters combat with his robe still on, they discolor and begin to fade, a sign of his strength.


Personality: [spoiler=Matsushita's Personality]

Some would think Matsushita arrogant, but he is actually quite silent. He doesn't speak much, but his voice is noticeably deep. He often feels compelled to not interfere with other nations, except when he is given an assignment. He seems to despise the Hidden Village of Sound most, because he depicts them as foolhardy and close-minded. He is widely respected amongst the Akatsuki, and shares that respect, despite the fact that he usually keeps to himself.


Biography: [spoiler=Biography of Matsushita]

Matsushita was born in the Village Hidden in the Clouds, promptly after Hinata's uncle was buried there. He was raised to be outspoken, and adamant; yet he was made the silent type, ever disclosing his will only to himself. His parents were not from he Village of Clouds, however. They were taken in while they were under attack by stray ninja, possibly from the Village of Sound (thus his hatred for said Ninja types). His mother died giving birth to him in the Village of Clouds, and his father of old age. He firmly believes that his father did not die in peace, because he had been receiving headaches for weeks. He died in his sleep, when a vessel burst in his brain. Matsushita believes it was a Sound Technique that was implemented the night his family was taken in.


As a result, Matsushita raised and trained himself, until he was about 27 years of age. He came across a robed sword beneath his home. He found it when he heard a loud buzzing late at night, and went to investigate it. It was robed and trapped in a special wire. He has unwrapped it, and taken it to many battles. That is until, he was being observed by the Akatsuki. They adored his elegant movements, and powerful fighting style, taking him under their wing. Now he has vowed to use his new found power to take vengeance in the name of his father, so that he too may rest in peace.


Rank: High Rank

Sword Name and Appearance: [spoiler=Oni Rai Kaze]

Literally meaning "Demon Lightning Wind". It is engraved on the sword's magnificent hilt. The blade is very broad, approximately seven feet, three inches in length from blade tip to hilt. It is cut in the shape of a "V", but multiple times, layered atop one another. When Matsushita touches the hilt of the blade, the blade itself turns color to match that of his skin. The hilt itself is diamond encrusted and held in place by the claw of a demon, and under it, an emerald orb. The guard is spiked, before the hilt, and is apart of the demon hand. The hand is blood red, and the rest of the guard and hilt is green.


Secondary Type: Ninjutsu

Attribute Type: Dual Type

Element: Wind / Lightning

Sword Abilities / Jutsu: [spoiler=Sword Abilities / Jutsu]

Dividing Winds

The blade is pointed directly at it's target, and begins to glow, like it is storing energy. Then, the energy is released in the form of concentrated wind, sharp enough to cut through tempered steel, but in two waves of three, in a "V" pattern.


Set-up requires two posts.


Lightning of Sorrow

Matsushita holds his blade straight in the air, and calls forth a lightning storm to strike it on each point of the beginning "V" of the blade. He spins it rapidly, and the blade begins to rapidly fire bolts of lightning in all directions.


Set-up requires one post, strike requires two.


Full Body Chidori


Lightning Clone



Demonic Storm

When the winds begin to blow, and the clouds are dark, it is Matsushita's signature technique. Wind encircles his blade, and lightning follows, forming a tornado around the blade, and making him inapproachable. However, it also heavily damages him in the process, because of the surroundings. This increases the blade's length by two feet, but the only damage done is if the blade strikes while the tornado has enveloped it. If one is caught within the tornado, they are--in most cases--trapped like a rat, because the tornado will only draw them in towards the blade itself, and tear them apart.


Set-up requires three posts, and if successful, three posts to recover.


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alright.. I've seen it.. Accepted. High Rank.




There are 5 High Rank Akatsuki already, so there's only 5 slots left for the High Rank.


10 Free Slot for Low Rank Akatsuki


Note also that Low Ranks have powers in between a Chuunin and a Jounin, and they're assigned a High Rank Member as their leader (reminiscent of Fraccion choosing an Espada, but instead of choosing, they are assigned.).


Starting in a bit.

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Name: Daku

Gender: Male

Village: Hidden Cloud Missing Nin

[spoiler=Appearance:]Daku stands at 177cm high and weighs 68kg. He is mostly recognised by the suit he wears as instead of an Akatsuki cloak like most members of the Akatsuki he wears a Dark Grey Shirt under a Dark Black Coat, with Black pants. His hair is pure white and is spiky at the back yet straight at the front, only noticeably spiky if he turns around. He wears the Headband of his former Village on his neck similar to Shado however he has no slashes on it, instead the metal plate had been replaced, and on the new plate was a symbol which meant darkness. He has a scar in the shape of an 'X' on his cheek, he often wears a mask when going after a target this mask hiding all but his blue eyes.


[spoiler=Personality:] Daku is usually calm and unlike Shado enters the sun freely not hiding as he is able to deal with others and communicating very well. Daku often appears kind though in battle he appears to change in personality sounding cold and often also sounding unresponsive to reasoning if he fights a Uchiha Clan member. Daku always tries to knock his opponent's out rather than kill them unless they are of the Uchiha clan to which he hates and will try to kill if not interrupted, and usually only listens to his brother while fighting an Uchiha.


[spoiler=Biography:] Daku was born to the name of James Raitoningu and was the younger bother to Jaden Raitoningu. He was 12 when his brother had heard about their parents death, it had been hard on them the next couple of weeks, though they eventually got through the worst of it able to live on. 5 Years later he was just lower skilled then his brother who had passed the jounin Exams. Daku had failed the Exams the first time hed had took them but after a year he tried again passing the exams. After this he decided to try to find his brother, however when enquiring about it he was usually shunned. Daku had eventually forced a nin to tell him where his brother was before he left the village, in hopes of finding him. He had joined the Akatsuki a couple months later doing small jobs around the base until being appointed to Shado. Daku had later learned that Shado was his brother, Jaden, and had began training with him often. It was then that he tok on the name of 'Daku' which means Dark. Daku is now loyal to his brother and the Akatsuki but will only follow commands given by his brother not by the Akatsuki. Daku is often looking for a way to knock his opponent out so his brother will not have to kill them.


Rank: Low Rank

Ninja Type: Taijutsu

Attribute Type: Strength Type

Element: Lightning (and if it's non-cloud village taijutsu not allowed, why have the element have to be relative to the villge depending on village?)


Lightning Release Armor (a weaker version, only covering him in lightning and enhancing his strength and speed slightly)



Guillotine Drop

Liger Bomb ( a weaker version only capable of Knocking his Opponent out if hit successfully and doesn't shatter much ground instead making a very small crater instead of shatter)

[spoiler=Thrust] The user uses Lightning Release Armor to make themselves stronger then thrusting their hand towards their opponent's neck in the hopes of hitting them, able to Knock an Opponent out if able to connect fully, thrust is slow though and easily seen


Drawback: If used Liger Bomb cannot be used for the next 3 posts. Has a cooldown of 2 posts


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Accepted, Anbu_Leader. Low rank it is. So this char is automatically partnered up with your High-Rank Member..


As for your inquiry, its more of preference, so there's a unique distinction between villages. Also, since its an Alternate Universe, people would have to choose which village they belong to for tactical reasons. depending on the elements they need and all.




I'll start with the RP Now. Please refer to the IC section of the RP section for the IC THread.. :) Just wait for a bit while I post it up. :)

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