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Rise Of The Crescents [Started/Accepting/OOC]

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Jakeronijo, my character has the power to use wind.......


For the story:

The group made their way to Galdavan to go to the Grand Library of the Ancient, after that, Lucas (my character) absorbed an eclipse orb and transformed into a destructive monster, after awhile of fighting and destruction, the eclipse orb was destroyed and Lucas turned back to normal and is currently unconcious along with Ceodore (Atman's character) who is also seriously injured.

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oh, speaking of unconsciousocity, twig wanted me to post my plot idea involving Luna, the emperor and Chaos (twig agreed that it'll stay with chaos, not eclipse)


Ok, so the emperor is using Chaos. The emperor wants to collect the crystal crescents so he may drain them of their powers and rule the gods, so he may recreate the world in his image (i added that part just now). when the location of Trent's crystal was discovered in aquatis, he sent soldiers to go collect it. however, a mysterious force kept them from getting close. angry and impatient, the emperor had his army attack soladad (the massacre, remember?). he has just recently heard of the warriors, so he 'hired' Chaos to take their crystals when they are collected.


billions of years earlier, Chaos was angry at Luna for the destiny she bestowed upon him (Luna is also the goddess of destiny. But, in the rp, she should be mostly the goddess of the moon), so, to get back at her and maybe change it, he tried to steal her crystals. there was a fight, which led to a stalemate and chaos having to find another way. Luna, for good measure, split up the crystal crescents to secret locations, so chaos wouldnt find them. unfortunately, she gets weak when the crystals are away, which gives chaos the chance to attack. so every few thousand millenia, she sends her warriors to go collect them. Chaos, however, tries to defeat the warriors and take the crystals. he never succeeded. but, this time he's got the shine army, so...


BTW chaos plans to betray the emperor...


any questions?

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How about make the plot between Luna and Chaos as they are twins and long ago the God King chose Luna to be the mmon goddess instead of Chaos to be the Moon God, enraged, Chaos tried to do all of that stuff you mentioned.


Also, I think Chaos should try to betray the emperor, but then the emperor in the end absorbed Chaos and then he would be the final boss.


and I the eclipse crystals will stay the same name

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what is it with you people and twins????


nah i dont like that idea too much...


i like the god king idea, tho


hm... how about Luna and Chaos are NOT TWINS, but the god king made luna the goddess of destiny and had her give everyone their destiny, including chaos. then, you know, he gets pissed and does all that stuff...

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Alright that could work, and what do you mean about twins, this is the second time that it has been mentioned in this rp, sheesh.......


Anyways, so how about that idea of the emperor absorbing Chaos and becoming the final boss, that would be awesome

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easy, just carry Lucas and Ceodore to a nearby inn or something, I'll then post Lucas waking up and we'll take it from there, Ceodore should also be healed by one of the Galdavan Soldiers with his spell ring as a token of gratitude for saving the city, afterwards Ceodore should wake up and we continue our way to Gald to get an airship then get to Arcemeis.


Oh by the way


Spell Rings: Rings made of gold, steel, copper, ect. that contains a small to medium sized crescent crystal. Gives a specific power to the wearer. The weakest form of power available.

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Anyways, I'll be leaving YCM tommorow to earn some money and stuff, so....


I'm leaving, but if the RP is still going when I'm back, I'll play as Ray/Art again, if that's alright with you, Twig.


Maybe Ray and Art leave to search for the crystals alone or something. Maybe a fetch(I think that's the word... Apparation of a Living Person) could appear to them or something.

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Aurora is more of an infiltrater than anything else, as since she can sense and corrupt items of certian degrees of power. Usually her mind projection is pursuasive in that matter, turning one thing into the opposite.


She disassembled and recreate the eclipse orb into something opposite of what it was, and she absorbed it, since she was the only one who probably would've accepted it, being that she's the only one who knows of what it is and all.


It gives her no advantages, just the ability to sense things better.

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aww, u brought me down );


he's been online, but busy. everyone's been really busy lately since school's ending. even me.


but my next post really depends on twig's answer. i gotta go now, cuz i need 2 sleep, but if u see him online, can u pm him for me so he can see my question and maybe continue

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