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Contest is not Failing|Entries-only 2 more are needed| Compete for Reps

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Just reply to the thread to enter the contest. You may post your card opun entering. ^_^Judging will start when all the places are filled and then all the cards are posted.

Rules:The topic for this contest is to make your own Morphtronic Equip Card. An equip card that successfully adapts to just about ANY morphtronic deck. The judges should stress the card being balanced. The winner will recieve tremendous prizes according to the position they take in the contest.

[spoiler=2 entries needed]



3.light master XX





[spoiler=Judges: no more needed]

1. mahandra g

2. chaos impact

3. parion555

4. Me of course



[spoiler=Grading Scale]

Judges will vote using the 4 categories listed:



Originality & OCG-?/8



Judges plz rate like this in the thread:








The prizes are as follows:

1st- +3 reps!

2nd- +2 reps!

3rd- +1 rep!



Lets get this Contest Started!

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I don't actually understand what morphtronic is (can someone explain?).



I saw the morphtronic cards and I don't think I'm going to get along with doing these cards. Sorry!


Your pretty much making a quite general equip card' date=' you could make it for machines, [b']morphtronic monsters only[/b](best choice), etc.Just remember to make it as interesting as possible while keeping it balanced!

can i be a judge please?


Ok your now a judge

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Meh, it's free.


Here's my entry:




Equip only to a "Morphtronic" monster. If the equipped monster is in Attack Position, it gains 1000 ATK. If the equipped monster is in Defence Position, your opponent cannot attack any monster other than the equipped monster.

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Meh' date=' it's free.


Here's my entry:




Equip only to a "Morphtronic" monster. If the equipped monster is in Attack Position, it gains 1000 ATK. If the equipped monster is in Defence Position, your opponent cannot attack any monster other than the equipped monster.


Great someone posting a card and its not junk let the contest resume!

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I would like to join i will post my Card in a second.

Okay then here is my card:


[spoiler=Morphtronic Death Armor]533630z.jpg

Lore:This card can only be equipped to a "Morphtronic" monster. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 "Morphtronic" monster in your Graveyard. Any monster that battles with the equipped monster is automatically destroyed before the Damage Step.



Edit:And sorry about the picture i couldn't find anything better.

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