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-.fairy dark type

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lore:You cannot Special Summon this card from your Deck. During your opponent's Damage Step, one time only when this card battles an opponent's monster, increase the ATK of this card equal to the ATK monster attacking this card. During your End Phase after you activate this effect, reduce the ATK of this card by 300.




lore:By tributing 1 DARK Fairy-Type Monster on your side of the field and paying 1000 Life Points, you can Special Summon this card. You can only activate this card up to 3 times per duel. By tributing this card that has destroyed at least 3 monsters by battle, you can Special Summon 1 DARK Fairy-Type Monster from your Graveyard.[/align]



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Wait, I misposted the lore...


By tributing 1 DARK Fairy-Type Monster on your side of the field and paying 1000 Life Points, you can Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. You can only activate this card up to 3 times per duel. By tributing this card that has destroyed at least 3 monsters by battle, you can Special Summon 1 DARK Fairy-Type Monster from your Graveyard.

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2nd cards wording are a bit confusing "you can only activate this card 3 times during a duel" and it doesnt say that it cant resummon itself so basically u can special summon it over and over really difficult but id have to say maha

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