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Do you think Apple's iPad is nice?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do you think Apple's iPad is nice?

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I just got one. Pretty cool. Just faster, bigger, and easier to type on than the iPod Touch. Other than that, same thing .___.


• Hollow Ichigo - Yes. The iPad, a big version of an iPod Touch, does not have Music, just like a Macintosh doesn't. Derp -________-


Do your research. Don't make assumptions. You will mislead someone.

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It _still_ doesn't have Flash and it doesn't even play music?




It's even WORSE than an iTouch now.


Bigger does not mean it is better.


I am not walking around holding this dollar store binder-looking screen that doesn't even play at least music.


It plays music. Who said it doesn't? YOUR SARCASM DETECTOR IS BROKEN!

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