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Fairy Tail

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Hiro's getting a little carried away lol.


People are after Lucy again. its almost like the phanthom lord arc.

He does that some time. And yea, as odd as it is to say, their is such a thing is to much fan service. Still, stuff did happen in the chapter, so yay....


You would be after her too if you lived in that world ;)

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Wonder how Luffy will get these. Also, interesting seeing Ophiuchus.


to bad we did not get to see what it really does.


[spoiler=So know we have seen all the zodiac keys]

Lucy: Taurus, Aquarius, Gemini, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, leo, ares, Virgo, and Sagittarus

Yukino: Pisces, Libra, and the 13th Ophiuchus



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Pisces was actually very accurate, even if the face was silly. I'm surprised that Libra is a woman here, but her ability does make sense. Ophiuchus looked awesome, although I hate that they hyped it up (As they should) just so that it can be defeated so easily. Yukina's existence alone justifies Sabretooth's role in the tournament, but she's still just one character. I don't even want to count Rogue or Sting.

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Pisces was actually very accurate, even if the face was silly. I'm surprised that Libra is a woman here, but her ability does make sense. Ophiuchus looked awesome, although I hate that they hyped it up (As they should) just so that it can be defeated so easily. Yukina's existence alone justifies Sabretooth's role in the tournament, but she's still just one character. I don't even want to count Rogue or Sting.

Curious, why?


Oh lol.

O god, what am I doing, I don't even....


In my defense LUffY and LUcY do shair a lot of letters. lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

OH SNAP. This is getting really interesting, if only it wasn't so short.



Fairy Tail is better than Naruto or Bleach these days IMO. Almost as good as One Piece. (Almost.)

Well, it IS the 4th most popular series in Japan right now.


Because we've had like 3 weeks of flashback I would agree about it being better then Naruto. However once we get back on track Naruto will likely be better, cause, you know, final arc and all. Don't know about OP since it is always amazing.


Anyway, the never ending fan service does tilt me a little tbqh. I'm in a weird place where I like it but don't at the same time. Its complicated, lol.


Anyway, anyone thinks that Yukino looks a crap ton like Lisanna. I mean the bodies aren't, but the faces look so similar. I'm only saying this because near the end of todays chapter when you see her I thought it was Lisanna at first.

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