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Yugioh Football League


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This looks like a reasonable amount of fun a although, of course, being British, what I would call football you would call soccer...I'll prepare a team. Do I have to avoid any cards that have already been used?

Team Name:

The Only


Team Captain:

Gaia Plate the Earth Giant


Offensive Team Members:

Super Conductor Tyranno

Axe Dragonute

Small Piece Golem

Medium Piece Golem

Big Piece Golem

Gogiga Gagagigo

Roc from the Valley of Haze

Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare

Spined Gillman

Spear Dragon

Gaia Plate the Earth Giant


Defensive Team Members:

Banisher of the Light


Guardian Sphinx

Guardian Kay'est

Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster

Neo Aqua Madoor

Big Shield Gardna

Labyrinth Wall

Pyramid Turtle

Giant Soldier of Stone

Exxod, Master of the Guard



Cannon Soldier


Any Magics:

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