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Yugioh Football League


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Yugioh Football League!

Each team has monsters for offense defense and special teams (Note you must post your team) And you can use special abilities or items/powers that are in the cards pictures as help.


Team Name:

Team Captain:

Offensive Team Members:

Defensive Team Members:


Any Magics:

To assure nobody says I automatically dodge I will have a fair person flip a coin. If the person calls it correctly, then they will make a tackle, break a tackle, etc.

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let me explain!

Each member has

11 monsters for offense

11 monsters for defense (your offense and defense can be the same)

1 Kicker/Punter

You can use a monsters special abilities or use any items in the cards picture or card description

If you win a game, you will get a magic!

To assure nobody says I automatically dodge I will have a third party flip a coin. If the person calls it correctly, then they will make a tackle, break a tackle, etc.

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Dang so another team could take the most obvious pick. well ill get started choosing my team


(warning, post subjectable to change...until full team picked)



Battle foot baller

Gilford the legend

Dark magician


wynn the wind charmer

hita the fire charmer

eria the water charmer

Goblin attack force

petit dragon

gagobyte (gigobyte whatever the baby one is)

fire fox.


Millenium sheild


winged kuriboh

assua the earth charmer

dhark the dark charmer

rianna/lyna (ive heard both) the light charmer (only jap, look her up)

Wall of illusion

opressed people

happy lover

meda bat



Also is there a set amount of players, cause i think it should be tourney style

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