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YCM Poetry Corner...


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I have made this thread so that people can post poems here that they have writen or other people have written.



You may think this is much the same as the Official peotry Thread but I will put all the poems in the first page, which Napoleon can't do, considering he has left. You may call this the new 'Poetry Thread'.



Please post your poems here, if you wish.






[spoiler=Deranged Yoda][spoiler=Poem 1]Silently came, with arms wide open


Silently left, with doors abroken


Doomed to wander, far and wide


For cease of value lay inside.








[spoiler=Donovyn Mikara Gerra][spoiler=Poem 1]Pain. The pain of a blade sliding through one's flesh.


Pain. The pain of suffering, wishing for Death to visit, but he never comes.


Pain. The pain of being in the land of Bliss, then being forcibly ripped out.


Which is the most unbearable?


Yet, there is one escape they all share: To kill the pain, kill the body.


When one's flesh is left to rot, one can feel no pain.


Or can they?


Should one's soul outlive their body, the pain continues




Why must it be so?


One who seeks to end their pain


Brings upon themselves even more pain.


The universe gives the man bliss,


The universe take the bliss away,


Fiendishly leaving him to suffer.


The man seeks to end his suffering with the blade of a knife,


And as a result brings more pain to himself.


Does pain affect the body,


Or does it seep deeper?


What is pain?




[spoiler=Poem 2]He loved her, she said she loved him.


Why, then. would she hurt him so?


To leave him as she did,


To live without her touch.


Missing her, longing for her.


The memories they share,


Always with him, never leaving him.


He can not escape the sadness he feels,


Wanting her to accept him back.


But she won't. She can't.


She has found another.


To happen so quickly,


As though the two never were.


She has moved on,


Smiling, laughing, with another.


He still holds on, clinging to hope


That they may one day be back together.


The Demon fighting the Angel,


The Arch Angel.


As sadness turns to rage,


The Demon grabs his knife,


The elaborate dragon-tooth blade.


The Arch Angel carries on.


He takes her, makes her his own.


As though she was always his.


As rage turns to hatred,


The Demon stalks in the night,


Hunting, searching, focus intent,


Intentions selfish, but for the best.


To return his peace of mind,


Prevent the misplaced aggression


He knows is coming.


The prey is in sight,


The Demon attacks the Arch Angel.


If the Demon slays the Arch Angel,


She will never take him back.


He would be a murderer, killing her love.


If he fails, he will die, the Arch Angel taking


His life, and the girl he loves.


But then he will be at peace.


As blood leaves his body,


The Demons rage leaves with it.


His body falling before the Arch Angel,


The Demon can be at peace.








[spoiler=The Dragon Duelist][spoiler=Poem 1]Power is not just physicaly strength.. it is power of the heart and the willingness to sacrifice everything you are for a cause... Be the sword that strikes down evil... Be the shield to the weak... Be the weapon of the world.... You are the weapon of the world... Your heart will never fade.. for it is the ultimate weapon..








[spoiler=Tomtekorv][spoiler=Poem 1]Burn me, burn me, tear me apart


Hurt me, for I feel no pain


Like a spear through my stomach, like a headache


I promise, I'll never do it again




[spoiler=Poem 2]What am I in your eyes?


Am I a pearl or a pile of ash?


But before you answer me, tell me one thing.


What are you in my eyes?








[spoiler=Hiyama Kiyoteru][spoiler=Poem 1]Like pi


our feelings are irrational.


We cannot calculate


what we feel



when we lose or gain a beloved.


As we sink into deeper depths


when suffering loss we must


seek the sun and let it shine.



We cannot calculate


feelings, but rather,


we can feel our calculations


and write down the answer.



Search the heart for


the answer to pi,


and you will box the answer.



Like pi


our feelings are irrational.




[spoiler=Poem 2]I was born in


the winter of '92,


with merely a flickering flame in


the basement.


When I went to


school the lights went out;


I had my matches.


When gone on travels,


I always had my matches.


I died poor yet happy;


I had my matches.




[spoiler=Poem 3]What's in a name, that it sounds just as sweet?


Hiatus on the tongue? no...the answer is


Yelling itself at you. can you understand it






[spoiler=Poem 4]Nobody's perfect, we know that.


Nothing can change that, that's common sense.


All in all, just be who you are.



Because nobody can change who you are,


and because we all know that that's common sense,


just live and be yourself.




[spoiler=Poem 5] look over the edge of the tower;


I see the little dots of the people wandering the streets.


I see the cars following their path like ants of a hill.


I see the cobblestone path under the blue-stone lights.


I see the sunlight shining off the windows.


Do you see these wonderous things?



The lights are truly beautiful.



[spoiler=Poem 6]As I dream, I find myself up high.

I look all around, and all I can see are the impossibly high clouds of possibility.


I can't help but smile as I keep on dreaming.

From seas of unending smiles to the

metropolitan cities of bright lights.


I dream of high places

From mountains of passable barriers to the

tremendously powerful volcanic dreams.


Come on and fly,

what impossible things can you find as you fly with the the light of possibility?



[spoiler=Poem 7]These are the times

when the dew dries from the window,

only to come back a next morn.


These are the times

when the light undulates in smiles,

only to say hello to all.


These are the times

when the little things outweigh those grand kings,

only to be forgotten like dust underfoot.


These are the times

when the sun says goodbye,

only to return smiling to all.


These are the times

when tears fall like rain,

only to be dried by a friend of the heart.


These are the times

when rainbows form life's lyrics,

only to be forgotten like the mist on the window.



[spoiler=Poem 8]One day, I woke, and realized that I was blind. Blind to what I had so much of.

It took me months to find what it was of- love.


It was Saturday, and the sun was high,

high, high, up in the sky.


I walked to the park, passing a what seemed to be a pretty sight.

I thought to myself, "Is it her? Might."


I turned, and caught your gaze.

It made me want to go craze.


I tried to talk, but nothing came out.

Not a whisper, wimper, or a shout.


You told me, "Hush, there is no need to talk."

And with that, you began to walk.


Closer and closer, is how you came.

I thought to myself, "This is some sort of game."


That was until you grabbed my hand.

I got so hot, I needed a fan!


I now love, with all my heart-

All because we did our parts.



[spoiler=Poem 9]Note: Scroll over the poem to reveal it...



Like the shadows in the darkness,

Like the abyss in the blackness,

I wish things would



The world to white,

The blackened ash to the brightest flight,

Even the sun, it too will



Your memory shall fade,

Your smile shall, to disappear be made,

Until nothing is left, till it too shall



But until such a time,

When there is no more other than a dime,

Until nothing will remain, nothing, too, will





[spoiler=Poem 10]What to Write?


What to write,

What to pray,

Can I ask this, if I may?


For little things

Of big inlay,

Deltaic deals in such I may.


On linéd paper, such

Would begin to say,

What to do in middle of May.


For what should I ask;

Better yet, to pray?

This I must, if I may.



[spoiler=Poem 11]Winter's Night


When the snow falls in bluish dues

and the moon shines in ceramic hues,

so begins a winter's wonderous night

in frosted lights anew.


When time falls, second by

second, each one as they lie

by each other; different than the last.

Unique, like every other snowflake.


When the moon has risen high

and all the sky gives out a sigh,

so begins a winter's wonderous night,

when the snow falls once again.



[spoiler=Poem 12]Lost, Like Those In Space


Like astronauts in stars, I once had dreams.

But now, they're torn at the seams.

My heart, it used to be whole,

now, all it has is this hole.


And so I lie down, head on my pillow,

weeping more than the weeping willow.

I want to be able to breathe on my own;

all you gave me was dread that you'd sown.


Perhaps for this, I deserve a condemnation, yet

all I want now, is a one I yet to met.

And now all I have is a sky void of stars,

nothing else but space, not even a Mars.


For, like the astronauts, I had once these dreams.

But now, all I have is tears flowing down these seams.

Lost in space, these dreams forevermore;

for like raven, I quoth, "nevermore."



[spoiler=Poem 13]Bridges


These bridges, that which span the flow of time.

These bridges, they are what defeat the ravages of time.

These bridges, they are what they are.


A spanning dimension that transcends that which we weave

as we go forth in the never-ending ebb and flow in the river of time.

Such is a bridge, that which spans the flow of time.


When the smiles above shine in brightest light,

they remain above bridges forevermore;

eternal, just like the stars you gave me so long ago.


These are what cross the hearts to free the soul within;

These bridges, that which span the flow of time.

Such is the power to transcend the limits of time.


What a beautiful bridge

to span this flow of time;

this bridge with bells that chime.



[spoiler=Poem 14]What a Dark feeling, I have now,

that dwells in the palace of peace.

What a feeling, so Dark indeed,

that it should cause a need.


As for what to write,

I honestly have no clue,

such is a haiku.








[spoiler=Byakuya Kuchiki][spoiler=Poem 1]Deep within, lies an affection,


which works,as a symbol of humanity


Our world is controlled by..thousands


The bonds that share, is in delicate strands,


of fine red velvet and leather,


like how lustrous we are


However, the chain can be broken,


and separated



Like our lives, the chain revolves toward the epicenter..


but falls apart as the old withers in poor fashion,


and falls to the underworld


And is never again seen to the world


Sometimes, this happens too,


but not hypothetically towards the point,


as we still live our lives


as outsiders



Those who don't have any,


is different form us


The uncanny ways,


are more foolish and not towards our base...


for they are not considered to be a part


And also, to have no emotion,


is blank.........




































we cannot see through those who share,


but we always have muck to sell and give away,


in out traversed systems,


clearing the moonlight that is not bright,


but as the sun that gives hope


as a present of gratitude


its okay to share this feeling,


for you will never break away,


because we are one



The world we live in is not peaceful,


but we are the ones who make it possible



Our bonds...together...will never leave the world...



[spoiler=Poem 2]The sky red orange

I sit aside my front porch

As I look beyond




A poor injured dove

A dead man and a lone star

And a stray dog looks



[spoiler=Poem 3]Melody of the Wild Dance



Rush, rush,

A footstep after another

And another

Corrugated arms reach to


gives out lukearm colors

to the scene

A chirp, a cry, and hustle

It's loud as the radio

when its up loud

The ground, barren

shares feet of all kinds

running and jumping

A bounce, and uniformity

comes, as a beat

comes all at once

then it stops, and

returns again.

But pain to

see, no foriegner ever

bothers take

glimpse at this

natural scene

For such irony that

their antecedents

dwelled in that hall



[spoiler=Poem 4]Sunrise over A Dream


A vague poluted world

Disfigured, everywhere

As the miscreants that roam

with bizarre thoughts

And where I live

An unpredictable fate

I close my eyes,

let the darkness seclude vision

of the world

and set off to the wonders

of a sunrise over a dream

As I arrive, the feeling of relief

As I dream over and overture

of peace

I don't sense anymore but,

The only thing that expresses

is that clutch on my hands

as when I raise them in the faked breeze,

I say, "Let it all out".



[spoiler=Poem 5]Soliloquy of The Solitary





Blank as I am

damned from the outside

An outcast

I am

Accompanied by no one

And no one

ever listens to

a soul

Only they listen

to the vision

they see st first

I am but an eternal fire

That drafts with the wind

and wind will gale

unto a new surrounding

And that's where I'll be

forever changing,

and moving,

and going


I am but a flare

The color I am?


as the night sky

while there are stars

who glitter

I am but matter

of darkness

and yet always expanding

Oh fate

precariously set on me

A weight of the imminent

scorches off my back

like a convict whom bears a brace

Too much to handle

Society is but an oblivion

And I am forced to take that matter

as I sit

precariously over a bedroom balcony

I think

whats going to happen


the day after that

whats to come

And I don't know

what do to do for the next day

But as I sip some coffee

I think

forget it

As the world revolves around me

I think nothing

for I dream to be in a state

of death

I don't want to die,

but I want to feel what demise is

I want

to see, feel, hear, touch, and taste

true insignificancy

Away from the outer world

And as I close my eyes

and lay down on that bed, I

say, "let it all out"

"I'll one day be ridden of this curse'

"I'll one day find a true heart in the world"

"And in order to do that,"

"I'll go anywhere"

"And with that in mind, I'm not alone









[spoiler=SuperNarb][spoiler=Poem 1]At night when the sky is black as a raven and when the stars shimmer like gold.


This is when the monsters that go bump play.


When the owls come out to prey.


When the light is away.


When the children are immersed in dreams.


When the street lights are as light as the sun.


Yet i am still up,




Am i disturbed?


Someone, I need help,


I want my dreams back,


I want them back.....


I think they will fade away,


I need help,


I need help......


As your dream fades away and you hear the rooster screaming,




You realize that it is morning,


and starts, a new leaf, a new day, a new chance.







[spoiler=Eros Thanatos][spoiler=Poem 1]Dust to dust


ashes to ashes.


My brothers,


both lost to a cruel,


and evil world.


Wouldn't think it could happen,


no, not to me.


Though I was safe,


from harm and loss.


God taught me the hard way,


friends aren't here to remain.


It's Heaven, to Earth, to Heaven,


or bust.



I turned my back on the world,


and it gave me what I deserved.


An awakening shot to the face


and I felt I did nothing to deserve


such punishment.


Show me where it hurts


and I'll make worse.


Shoot first mentality,


dieing by friendly fire.


I suppose this my attempt


at some sort of, strange


distorted, apology. Forgive me brother,


and brother. I took your lives,


for granted. Like a mother who


brings a child to life, only to hear them scream.


It still hurts, but by God, I'll make it through


this tarnished world.



That is, until I see your faces, on the other side.










[spoiler=War Torn][spoiler=Poem 1]Until Peace Reigns, war will engulf YCM like a Tornado engulfs a house.


Until Peace Reigns, friends will fight each other to no end.


Until Peace Reigns, no one is safe.


Until Peace Reigns, light shall be no more.




[spoiler=Poem 2]Chaos reigns in the dead of night.


When there is not a trace of light.


Darkness and light will fight.


Yet, Chaos reigns in the dead of night







[spoiler= 精神指][spoiler=Poem 1]Penance, from 1 man to 2

I can see Penance coming for you

You shouldn't have broken it

No that wasn't good for you

And here comes Penance

Right out of the blue


Penance, some say it strikes dead

I say, leave when you're ahead

Don't stay back, waiting for them to catch up

What are you, retarded? Cause mumblings all you said

Grow a pair you loser!

And run before your dead


Some say you would do that

Siting back like a rotten fat

Well get your sorry but up and run

Because Penance makes even the fat flat

And I know you don't want to be at the bottom end

That's right, bottom end with that creepy cat


And all you did was break that damn vase

And now your screwed all the way to 3rd base

And no, I can't help you, cause I don't want to

Plus your mean, and your from a cruel race

And all because of Penance

You die without a trace







[spoiler=Kuri][spoiler=Poem 1]Some say that the glass is half empty,

while others say its half full.

Truely the glass is just two times

the size it needs to be.







[spoiler= XSilent.ShadowsX][spoiler=Poem 1]Life,

is it all a dream?

It hurts a ton.

when you lose a loved one.


It gives you purpose

when you feel lost

but then again

there is a great cost.


Death is the awakining,

slow and strong,

The day passes by.

lonely and long.



we shall never no the purpose.

never be any answer.








[spoiler=Fading Black][spoiler=Poem 1]Oh Humanity, what is your aim?

To yourself, you bring all sorts of shame.

Blame all you want, it does no good,

But maybe you are just misunderstood.

A being on danger and conflict,

To emotion, you are such an addict.

Life and Death; Love and Hate;

These are the things we cannot create.

Our happiness and misery abound,

But is that all that is around?

Are we demon with fork, or angel with horn?

Or maybe we are something to adorn?

Fallen from High, seduced down to Earth.

Cursed we are, from the moment of birth.

Life and Liberty are what we were given,

But are they kept 'til the moment we're quiverin'?

This thing called man, it needs to resound,

For such potential is to be found.

Raise your voice, shout it out.

Become what you are, without a doubt.

Ruthless and angry, they fight a fight,

Man will live to see another night.

But is he doing what he should?

Is it really all he could?

Did he leave agood footprint?

Or maybe he left a horrid dent.

Through it all, he rises and falls,

Yet mankind has many dolls.

Useless and placid, they have no view.

Are you one of their crew?



[spoiler=Poem 2]A Sinner am I, fallen from high.

An Angel am I, who lost his wings.

A Liar am I, seeking the truth.

A Victim am I, of my own greed.

An Addict am I, of this sin seemingly sweet.

A Talker am I, of the things I do.

An Idiot am I, for I hurt those near me.

An Oddity am I, for I abhor myself

A New Being am I, stains to be taken away



[spoiler=Poem 3]Fading, Fading, the time has come.

What once was, shall no longer be,

And what could be, no longer shall.

Time rides by, and I am going to hum.

Through it all, I can't stop, I must see!

I know it sounds odd, but I won't keel.


Though this sorrow shreds me...

Though this sadness devours me...

Though this darkness surrounds me...

I must carry on, although I am torn.

For one day, I will see, there was nothing to cry for.









[spoiler=Skarlet][spoiler=Poem 1]He stands shaken in lonely laces

Mind marching through memories

Through far from forgotten faces

In tears he falls, falls to knees


So close he'd nearly made it back

Collapsing under wrenching weight

His heart the soldiers heavy pack

Now he's wounded, and it's too late


Red runs from his wrists

A silent, sanguine symphony

But a conscript that love enlists

Now lays a corpse, affection free, This is me


Her killing kiss the bullet

Her last goodbye the Knife

Drown not in red regret

I'll lay down arms, surrender life







[spoiler=Dark Lightening][spoiler=Poem 1]If my time was endless, I'd watch the sunrise ever morning, I'd stare at the sky, so blue.

I'd share no thoughts of what I thought about you.



If my time was endless, I'd treasure forever what I was lucky enough to hold, I wouldn't age, but oh the stories I would have told.


If my time was endless, I'd chat with you forever, and, oh how our friendship would bloom, we'd chat about the little things we made up, me and you.


If my time was endless we'd watch the stars at night, your hand, holding mine, how it would always feel so right.


But alas, my time is not endless. My soul is quickly fading, these things just don't happen, oh, and I'm much too shy, I let the small things go by, and you will never know how I truly feel about you.







[spoiler=SmileyGuy][spoiler=Poem 1]There once was a man

His ambitions were few

His name was Charles Walliam

And he didn't know what to do.


One day Charles was lying in bed

A brainwave gave him a stun


And his 'heroic' acts begun.


He tried to beat up a rock,

And he tried to stop a train.

When he was discharged from hospital

He tried to catch a plane.


One day Wally was walking

He came to an abrupt stop

In front of Evil Inc, a building

That lay next to a tea shop.


Wally walked inside

And saw an evil-looking guy

With pencil-black hair

And a chip in his left eye


"I am Master Villain"

said the guy, in Wally's face.

And thus ends the poem,

As I've ran out of space







[spoiler=Future Paradise][spoiler=Poem 1]One Day...

..in a summer breeze,

I got down on my knees.

The sun was beaming down,

Which never ever gave me a frown.


And I prayed real hard,

For something close to my heart.

I then felt a big rush,

Which soon quieted with a hush.


I finally opened up my eyes,

And saw the clear blue skies.

Then I got up and slowly walked away,

Saying to myself a silent hurray.



[spoiler=Poem 2]One day, I woke, and realized that I was blind.

Blind to what I had so much of.

It took me months to find what it was of- love.


It was Saturday, and the sun was high,high,

high, up in the sky.


I walked to the park, passing a what seemed to be a pretty sight.

I thought to myself, "Is it her? Might."


I turned, and caught your gaze.

It made me want to go craze.


I tried to talk, but nothing came out.

Not a whisper, wimper, or a shout.


You told me, "Hush, there is no need to talk."

And with that, you began to walk.


Closer and closer, is how you came.

I thought to myself, "This is some sort of game."


That was until you grabbed my hand.

I got so hot, I needed a fan!

I now love, with all my heart-

All because we did our parts.



[spoiler=Poem 3]Into The Sunlight




A free verse, no rhyme sceam.





Into the sunlight, no cares at all. Just reviewing the day.

Thinking about nothing bad, only the good. Seeing the sunlight brings warmth.

Walking in the crowd, not hearing a sound. Warm smiles come my way, and I just grin back.

I'm in an autopilot, going my same usual way. Not running into anyone or anything.

I see my destination, into the sunlight. The sunlight is all that matters.

The sunlight brings back the day, oh what a day! No sorrow, pain, or trouble of any sort.

Everything is bright and happy, just like the sunlight. Nothing to bother me.

I reach my destination, in the sunlight. Into the sunlight I remain.



[spoiler=Poem 4]Today, Tomorrow, and Forever




Today. Today is another day. Not just a day, but a dream. This dream isn't a dream, it's life. I can control life.


I can control life for tomorrow. Tomorrow, something I constantly think about. "What will tomorrow bring?" Maybe joy, happiness, or depression. Will it last forever?


Forever. It's always happening. What I do today, can impact my life tomorrow, which will last forever.




[spoiler=Poem 5]En Mi Corazón, En Mis Sueños, En Mi Vida




I found you there. En mi corazón. Just seeing you there, on that cloudy day, instantly brightened my day. I found what I was never looking for. En mi corazón. What joy awaited!

After meeting you there, I yet again found you there. En mis sueños. Happy and delicate, carefree and hopefull, young and beautiful. Not to be bothered. The reality came to me, that I met you, but wouldn't meet you ever again. But with one exception- en mis sueños. At least so I thought.

Then you were there. I found you again. En mi vida. I was overflooded with joy, and continue to feel that joy as love, en mi corazón, en mis sueños, en mi vida.







[spoiler= chedbonlahor][spoiler=Poem 1][spoiler=Part 1]A boy and his mother are overlooking a lake

Together; the time has come.


They approach a small boat moored purposefully,

They play see-saw together.


Each breath, every step all movements are

Bound; around their counterpoint.


The boy is shaking now his mother’s arm falls like a

Jigsaw; about each other, she shakes as he does.


The boy steps into the empty new world of the boat

Alone; he turns and sees the tears of his mother fall,


His eyes too give way,

the patter of his pain hits the coarse belly of the boat.


Together they stand abject, distraught, alone

Together they stand their hearts and mind in union.


The boy feels at peace.

[spoiler=Part 2]The boy waves to all that he is, as he

Kicks; his was from the shore towards his tomorrow.


The distance between the boy and his mother grows, a dark force

Grips; his heart cold.


His mother too shivers, trembling,

as the moist droplets on her cheeks freeze over.


Their pain is shared, together each one can feel the

Other; transcending touch, they grow warm in each other.


The boy converts the air to strength, shoulders poised, chest thrust outward,

He stands at his tallest.


The man turns and witnesses the faint sight of his

Beloved; slumped onto her knees pain twisting through her.


A vicious mist sets and envelops her body,

She is gone.


Alone she falls distraught, abject,

Alone he stands their hearts and minds apart.


The boy feels nothing.

The boy is completely alone.










[spoiler=Ecoboy1324][spoiler=Poem 1]The Muses have been kind to us,

Granting upon to us common urchins,

The privilege of knowledge and the freedom to seek it.


The Muses are kind to us,

For they built this sacred shrine,

This shrine to thought,

This shrine to intellect,

This shrine to reason.


The Muses have been kind to us,

as her representatives show,

for we call them professors,

and through there words we shall grow.


But we have defiled the Muses,

Set fire to her will,

through our greed and corruption we have fallen,

though our laziness we have fallen out of her grace.


The Muses have been kind to us,

And we have been cruel to her,

We have allowed intolerance to fester, Pride to diminish,

We Have Fallen, Like a king we have fallen.


We have defiled this sacred place,

Leaving it to rot, Cutting away at its carcass,


We have defiled this sacred place,

and for that we have payed a hefty sum,


But there is is still time for us,

to start respecting this gift again,


Go forth my friends and preach this message,

To all you can inspire,











[spoiler= MortalKombatSmoke][spoiler=Poem 1]Death, inescapable

Nay! essential!

Blood drips from every being

New life comes and goes,

A heart stops in a Celebrity

the world weeps.

A heart stops in one man

His world weeps.


For shame the underestimating life.

For qua the death of a lover.

For man does thou take in every moment!?

NAY! Man doth not!


Life, unappreciated

Nay! unnoticed

Man goes on,

Unappreciative with what he has.

Man does not notice death,

And death does not weep for man when his time comes.




[spoiler=Poem 2]Blood, a never ending flow

Through out veins it stays

Through our heart it pumps.

It brings life,

Blood brings happiness

It causes you to live.

It allows love to come

It also causes you to go.

War sheds blood

of the innocent

of the peaceful

of the guilty

of the strong.

Blood is good.

Draining it is not

A curse lay on man

who drain each others

of painful success

of pleasurable depression.

A curse of proud death

A curse of ungrateful life

Of the little thing blood is the biggest

Of the little things blood is misunderstood

It should be a glorious thing.

But man has changed it.

The first blood spilled in a battle,

The blood of a wavering teen

The good can come out of it

Is nothing except pain

We have our excuses,

Our cry's for war.

Our chants for peace,

but whats it all for?

Blood, a never ending flow

until man ends it

let Armageddon grow...




[spoiler=Poem 3]My heart is sunk in a river of tears,

A knock went on my heart door.

One that felt familiar to my ears.

Maybe it can lift me up

from this river of tears.

But a wall stops me.

A wall full of evil

A wall full of untrust

A wall full of lies.

It is not supposed to be here

I was wrong.

I can't get through.

The knocking wouldn't stop.

I still sit here behind the wall.

the knocking is pain to my ears.

Knowing I can't go there,

Knowing I must sit here.

Knowing that I will be here

With the endless knocking on my Heart door.







[spoiler=Obsidan][spoiler=Poem 1]As the sun rose between the trees

I toss and turn in nightmared sleep

The haunting faces, the delighted cries

Are these real, or are these lies?


I wake in shock, eyes wide open

My dream still vivid in my mind

The flickering flames, the rushing water

Are these real, or are these lies?


As I get dressed, I wonder aloud

“What are the meanings of these dreams?

Those sunny days, those moonlit nights”

Are these real, or are these lies?


I eat my cereal in silence

Still scared after countless times

The falling snow, the burning heat

Are these real, or are these lies?


School goes by without my notice

School is nothing compared to fear

The vibrant grass, the sandy deserts

Are these real, or are these lies?


The computer is my home

The only place I can hide

The shining colors, the dim shades

Are these real, or are these lies?


Dinner is here, and just in time

Hunger has almost surpassed my fear

Those delicious tastes, those rotten smells

Are these real, or are these lies?


Time is now, time for sleep

But I’m too scared to try

Those smooth plains, those rough things

Are these real, or are these lies?







[spoiler=Yankee][spoiler=Poem 1]She's mine, she's mine, forever to be mine.

She flies to high, oh my she's a nine.

Up, down, all around, oh how she can fly.

But I soon learned this painful, heartfelt cry.


She flew so high, and met another guy.

One to end her problems and make them nigh.

I pleaded and cried, OH! how I tried,

But soon she was gone, forever too high.


So now I am alone - I just can't try

The sun has set, oh how I miss that shine.

I sit and whine, but it's too late - oh my

That bullets for me, and I understand why...



[spoiler=Poem 2]Are they just simply words of false hope,

leaving my heart broken and torn,

teasing my heart with what they show,

only leading me to cry and mope,

until I finally quiet down and mourn?


Or is it something more?

Is It something that I feel?

Is it something that reaches the core,

of the soul and be there for,

the time that I open my seal?


The sad truth is,

that it is both of these,

that cause me to miss,

and case me to press,

for a taste of those birds and bees.


So strange, so mean,

this feeling of love.

So red, so green,

so pretty to be seen.

To beautiful to stop, so I must...



[spoiler=Poem 3]The wind cries for her voice,

it yearns for her touch.

It calls for her once, and it calls for her twice,

But still her beutiful hand, it cannot clutch


Her voice has long sense drifted away

Into the Earth that she gave her heart.

Even still, the wind calls her name,

it still searches for that wonderful work of art.


Soon enough, the wind will learn

That the one it loves is gone.

Until that day, it will continue to yearn,

and search for its only one.



[spoiler=Poem 4]Is there any flower more ugly than a rose?

They just grow, and grow, and grow,

As if they are the ones that the world had chose

To be the one that shined for those

Not looking at that wicked crow.


That black death that surrounds us all,

Waiting to show its power.

Making us slow to a crawl,

Until we finally fall

In front of loves black tower.


And as the world continues to move, the rest of us complain

For we are the ones that sit by the coast

That watch the waves, and dream of a different today.

For those of us, the question remains,

Is there any flower more ugly than a rose?



[spoiler=Poem 5]That lunar being, so high, so high

It just makes me want to fly and fly

So beautiful I cry, I cry

As it rests up in the sky, the sky


That solar being so bright, so bright

It makes me feel like a kite, a kite,

Oh so beautiful a sight, a sight

Here all day, but gone tonight, tonight


Theat godess of life, so sweet, so sweet,

It just makes me want to tweet, to tweet,

So pretty, I want to meet, to meet,

The one who created the sheet, the sheet.


The Sun, the ocean, the moon, the moon

All three are so great, the crew, the crew,

So magnificent the view, the view

Oh but none compare to you, to you



[spoiler=Poem 6]Only They - Yankee


Only the rightious bleed

Only the good ones need

Only those who tend

Need all those who mend

Only the rightious bleed


Only the masters cry

Only the great ones die

Mother, father, sister, and brother

Only they will lay six feet under

Only the masters cry


Only the loving sing

Only they know that thing

Only the ones who cry, beg, and moan

Know the feeling of being alone

Only the rightious bleed







[spoiler=Wiseman Fusion][spoiler=Poem 1]Friends.

They give you strength,

They give you power,

They are your life,

They form your tower.

Yet at times tragedy will strike

And the tower will destabilize

And the friend will leave

And you can only agonize.

But do not lose hope,

For friendship is forever,

And even when it's hard to tell,

You will surpass this endeavor.

There will come a day

When you're with your friend again,

And all you'll have to say

Is welcome back my friend.







[spoiler=Sondance][spoiler=Poem 1]I Feel different, So many new things.


I Scream and run.


I Try too get away but he's so fast.He found me, me in the closet.


I try to get away, now i look in the mirror.



I see my black eye, and busted lip.


I cry.


It's my past and not my future coming to get me.


I try to run fast enough.


I can't get away From him.


I begin to cry.






[spoiler=Some Guy in a Wanbulance][spoiler=Poem 1]The Red and Blue War

On a summer's eve a war was declared,

The Reds and The Blues had enough,

On the dark plains of the Valley of Hades they fared,

the ragged soldiers had it rough.


Armand, the General of The Blues, took the left flank,

Steven, the General of The Reds, took the right,

Suddenly from nowhere, a gunshot rang,

and so began the fight.


The Reds took to the bunkers and threw their grenades,

While the Blues charged forward, rifles in hand,

that epic war in the Valley of Hades,

founded on things we don't understand.


The Reds were attacked by the Blues and Armand,

The Blues were attacked by the Reds and Steven,

they took out civillians, children, and a farmhand,

the civillians attacked the Reds and Blues to get even.


Thousands of lives were lost that day,

in a battle founded on hate.

The remaining Reds and Blues, years later, formed Purple,

we lost ourselves to a cruel and wicked fate.






[spoiler=Darkrai][spoiler=Poem 1]District of Paris.


The districts of Paris, a quiet place yet filled with all the hustle and bustle of normal city life,

The districts of Paris, easy to get shot with an echoing 'BANG!',

Yet at the time things move forward with colour without even giving it a second thought,

The districts of Paris, denies you the freedom to speak,

The districts of Paris,

Everyone hears you scream and yet no one listens. The districts of Paris, who is next for the violent take?


And with the city lights blaring all around, shimmering and blurring past and through your eyes,

One can only wonder who is next for this toll that is, the district of Paris.






[spoiler=Samurai][spoiler=Poem 1]King in the blind mans country




Take for granted what you have,

Wish for more and get more,

You may be the King in the blind man’s country, - You may be rich in a poor man's country.

But the blind man is the country the king dominates,




One eye man king in blind man country, - No matter how bad you have it there is always someone worse off then yourself.

One eye man king in blind man country




You just see and blind, hear and deaf, - To not get involved you shut your eyes and close off your ears.

But the country is the people which reside,

And as the king dominates the people will join hand and hand

Singing “I and I will not surrender”

Thousands of souls flying like humming birds,

King stays to the ground while the people soar,




It just one eye man king in blind man country,

Just one eye man king in blind man country,




Thousands of souls flying like humming birds,

King stays to the ground while the people soar.






[spoiler=Umbra][spoiler=Poem 1]The Tragedy of Nathan Bramsbury


Life Ain't Easy (When You're Immortal)


As the centuries pass by

passing leaves in an autumn storm

love will come and go

as everything will die


As you all have learned

there is an exception to every rule

one man that faced the wind

when all the leaves had burned


The man that lives forever

who never lived the way he should

the man was Nathan Bramsbury

who made a deal most clever


He met the prince of lies

on a cold autumn day

He made a hellish bargain

with the devil, in disguise


For the love of his beloved

Nathan Bramsbury sold his soul

He'd have no afterlife

and he would never go unloved


The devil did his part

and soon they fell in love

married, and had children

the devil's flame in her heart


As the years went by,

she started to turn gray

while Nathan still was young

as he could never die


He cried at her grave

once again alone

he traveled from his home

with nothing left to crave


The devil still stayed true

to the deal they'd made

if Nathan fell in love

they would always do so, too


Nathan couldn't stand

crying by another grave

He traveled to the sunrise

where the Middle Sea met the holy land


He walked along the shore

Spoke a few last words

He went under the surface

where he would forever be


At the ocean floor

Bramsbury still walks

Crying tears of salt water

his scream a thunder's roar


He grew a beard of kelp

As he walked through empty space

deprived of mind and thought

he only sought the devil's help


As the centuries went by

he scavenged all the ocean floor

he found the gates of Hell

and finally could die






[spoiler=Rokai Yuki][spoiler=Poem 1]Only They - Yankee


Only the rightious bleed

Only the good ones need

Only those who tend

Need all those who mend

Only the rightious bleed


Only the masters cry

Only the great ones die

Mother, father, sister, and brother

Only they will lay six feet under

Only the masters cry


Only the loving sing

Only they know that thing

Only the ones who cry, beg, and moan

Know the feeling of being alone

Only the rightious bleed






[spoiler=supersonic4ever][spoiler=Poem 1]Haiku 1:

Everyone, somewhere,

Sitting in the dark, trembling,

A scream is then heard.


Haiku 2:

Light through the windows,

Visible bars of amber,

Soft and delicate.


Haiku 3:

Refreshing breezes,

Rushing through all the plantlife,

Giving Sun's power.



[spoiler=Poem 2]Fire and Ice by Robert Frost


Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire, I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate,

To say that for destruction, ice is also great,

And would suffice.






[spoiler=Dark][spoiler=Poem 1]The poetry in this thread is quite bad,

It would make any critic quite glad,

As the critics would speak,

The poets would look meek,

When hearing their word choice was sad.


Limericks are so easy to write,

With stanzas you put up a fight,

These poems have five lines.

And contain many symbolic signs,

And now hopefully you see the light.


Haikus are fun, too,

They take no effort to write,

And make little sense.


Poems here are bad,

I think you should stick to these,

Haikus are simple.



[spoiler=Poem 2]So let's try again,

What did I say about you?

You can't write poems.


Stick to haikus, please,

As they take a lot less thought,

Which suits you quite well.



How I hate it so, so much,

But you guys make me!


Make sure to listen,

My advice will help you much,

Cheerio, mateys!



[spoiler=Poem 3]The quality of these poems is great

Their authors won't meet an untimely fate

You shan't notice my sarcasm

I am now having an orgasm

Upon thinking that these poems incur hate.


The meanings written are so deep

They can't put an avid reader to sleep

I quite enjoy reading this thread

And believe me, I mean what I said

But go to a cliff and take a leap.


Terrible poems,

The internet really sucks,

When it comes to this.


You guys are trying,

But can't write poems at all,

Stop, we beg you to.


Not poetry, no,

Try some other writing forms,

...not essays, either.


This thread no good stuff,

Bad poems, bad everything,

It hurts eyes and brain.



[spoiler=Poem 4]I don't believe my eyes, could it really be?

Can someone actually write poems, to set me free?

You write poems so well, good sir named Clair.

But challenge my poems, why would you dare?


I apologize for calling you male,

But everyone knows your trolling is fail.

You try to trick is into thinking you're a girl,

But I'll expose the truth, you're real name is Mearl!


And poetry format, surely you don't know,

Otherwise you'd use stanzas, like Poe.

Your rhymes are decent, I cannot disagree,

But your poem lacks coherence, that you must see!


You challenged me greatly, and for that I applaud,

But I'm not used to writing these poems, you are such a fraud!

Haikus and limericks, those are much more deep,

If I wrote those, my poetry title I would keep.


These writers are terrible, are you entirely blind?

I would go as far as to say they should be fined.

You aren't much better, only by a tad,

But writing emo poetry is such a large fad!


You attack me always, for no reason I can see,

You coward, you fool, come and fight me!

These poems are bad, mine, yours, and theirs,

But at least I wrote the poem that gave the final scare.


Haikus are so deep,

Meanings embedded within,

Read between the lines.


You don't understand,

Haikus contain emotion,

Not emo bullshit.


Just give up, you're done,

I have beaten you again,

Rhyming is quite fun.


Octopi on shelves,

Eventually make the,

Jelly for my toast.







[spoiler=Endless Nightmares][spoiler=Poem 1]Sleeping

I lie here in bed with a smile on my face

Determined to find divine grace.

I want to wake up, get away from it all

But I know I can’t.

They follow me, reaching out with blood covered hands and green-tinged fingers

Wanting to grasp but knowing they can’t.

I’m running away with a scar on my face, I’m one of them now

So I join the chase.

They run fast but I run faster

Yet I still can’t catch up no matter how hard I try.

I start to sweat, they still run

So I just slump to the cold muddy floor

Praying that I may hopefully die.






[spoiler=Flakman4000][spoiler=Poem 1]There once was a girl named Clair

Who said she was as strong as a bear

She punched a brick wall

Thus made a loud call

But no one had given a care



[spoiler=Poem 2]there once was a boy named kane

who always traveled by plane

when set start to rise

kane said his goodbyes

that was a random story of kane














Thanks to all who help make this thread a success.

















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What is Pain

Pain. The pain of a blade sliding through one's flesh.

Pain. The pain of suffering, wishing for Death to visit, but he never comes.

Pain. The pain of being in the land of Bliss, then being forcibly ripped out.

Which is the most unbearable?

Yet, there is one escape they all share: To kill the pain, kill the body.

When one's flesh is left to rot, one can feel no pain.

Or can they?

Should one's soul outlive their body, the pain continues


Why must it be so?

One who seeks to end their pain

Brings upon themselves even more pain.

The universe gives the man bliss,

The universe take the bliss away,

Fiendishly leaving him to suffer.

The man seeks to end his suffering with the blade of a knife,

And as a result brings more pain to himself.

Does pain affect the body,

Or does it seep deeper?

What is pain?

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Here is my poem.


Power is not just physicaly strength.. it is power of the heart and the willingness to sacrifice everything you are for a cause... Be the sword that strikes down evil... Be the shield to the weak... Be the weapon of the world.... You are the weapon of the world... Your heart will never fade.. for it is the ultimate weapon..

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Here's my poem:


Irrational Numbers


[align=left][/align]Like pi

our feelings are irrational.

We cannot calculate

what we feel


when we lose or gain a beloved.

As we sink into deeper depths

when suffering loss we must

seek the sun and let it shine.


We cannot calculate

feelings, but rather,

we can feel our calculations

and write down the answer.


Search the heart for

the answer to pi,

and you will box the answer.


Like pi

our feelings are irrational.

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What's Inside


Deep within, lies an affection,

which works,as a symbol of humanity

Our world is controlled by..thousands

The bonds that share, is in delicate strands,

of fine red velvet and leather,

like how lustrous we are

However, the chain can be broken,

and separated


Like our lives, the chain revolves toward the epicenter..

but falls apart as the old withers in poor fashion,

and falls to the underworld

And is never again seen to the world

Sometimes, this happens too,

but not hypothetically towards the point,

as we still live our lives

as outsiders


Those who don't have any,

is different form us

The uncanny ways,

are more foolish and not towards our base...

for they are not considered to be a part

And also, to have no emotion,

is blank.........



































we cannot see through those who share,

but we always have muck to sell and give away,

in out traversed systems,

clearing the moonlight that is not bright,

but as the sun that gives hope

as a present of gratitude

its okay to share this feeling,

for you will never break away,

because we are one


The world we live in is not peaceful,

but we are the ones who make it possible


Our bonds...together...will never leave the world...


My best poem!

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I read Spoon River Anthology, and that book inspired me to write this poem. You do take more than one poem from one person, right?


[align=center]Ignatius Parvon


I was born in

the winter of '92,

with merely a flickering flame in

the basement.

When I went to

school the lights went out;

I had my matches.

When gone on travels,

I always had my matches.

I died poor yet happy;

I had my matches.[/align]




I always did like symbolism.

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Here's my poem, I'm only 11, so it's probably bad compared to everyone elses poems, but hey, at least I tried.


At night when the sky is black as a raven and when the stars shimmer like gold.

This is when the monsters that go bump play.

When the owls come out to prey.

When the light is away.

When the children are immersed in dreams.

When the street lights are as light as the sun.

Yet i am still up,


Am i disturbed?

Someone, I need help,

I want my dreams back,

I want them back.....

I think they will fade away,

I need help,

I need help......

As your dream fades away and you hear the rooster screaming,


You realize that it is morning,

and starts, a new leaf, a new day, a new chance.

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