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Duelist Genesis (pack after light of destruction)

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um why is this funny' date=' blackbird?




What, you don't get it? There's an "i" in "Duelist"!!!!!!!one!11!LOLOLOLOLOOLOLOROFLCOPTERLOLZMUFFINZ :lol: :lol: :lol:


Actually thats not even the slightest bit funny. :-| .............. :lol:


Anyway, looks okay I guess. I hope this pack actually as good things as apposed to like, 2 or 3 good things.

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um why is this funny' date=' blackbird?




What, you don't get it? There's an "l" in "Duelist"!!!!!!!one!11!LOLOLOLOLOOLOLOROFLCOPTERLOLZMUFFINZ :lol: :lol: :lol:


Actually thats not even the slightest bit funny. :-| .............. :lol:


Anyway, looks okay I guess. I hope this pack actually as good things as apposed to like, 2 or 3 good things.


i dont get the whhole ELEMTNAL thing... is there going to be more Attributes or somthing?

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what? i didnt type it wrong in the first place. i didnt edit. it would say i had...wtf???


dude its like 2 in the morning i have no clue what is going on... xD


yeah manjyoumethunder has some cards from LIOD but only like 1 is good. the one dude light guy. and hes not good. at all. sucks. fail.

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Lets just hope the new catagory is great like the monarchs and not like the E-Hero's.


Nah,I don't think that :P I think that would be smt like geminis :D I heard that the new booster brings new rules,aka it's gonna be KUUUUUL! :D


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Strangeness, curiosity, stupidity and dimwitted ideas that Konami is throwing out these days come at a price, that is, your money, your time, your patience and your breath. Don't even bother when things come and things go, especially when they're too brain-damaged to actually think about things with some common sense. Think, people, THINK, GOD DAMMIT!





I have no idea what I just said, but if I can simplify it, which I can't, I basically said, this doesn't seem like a good idea. With a new monster element and rule element, (God dammit, Konami, when things look bad to you, don't make the cards and see how it turns out, think things through, or hey! How about this! Instead of thinking how good they're gonna be, DON'T EVEN BOTHER MAKING THEM AT ALL! EVER THINK OF THAT?), it could get, um, strange. The whole Gemini craze died down just as fast as the crappy Guitar Hero franchise.


Whatever, sounds interesting, and if they're going to have more anime cards come out, (please no Dragoon D-END, please no Ultimate Golem), dim down on the overpoweredness, will ya, Konami? It's bad enough you're making crappy cards, but please don't force us to call you "Komomi". Even THAT is as stupid as the Geminis and Guitar Hero.


I mean, don't get me wrong, it was good for a while. Hear that? FOR A WHILE! You just had to lose your mind in the pile of trash known as the Geminis just for all *** to break loose. Sure, they weren't ALL bad, but most were. If we could judge cards that Konami makes, and complain to them, it'd occur just as the duck game at the carnivals; shoot down the ones we don't like, and let the cards that "could" be useful pass on by so you can make them.

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Strangeness' date=' curiosity, stupidity and dimwitted ideas that Konami is throwing out these days come at a price, that is, your money, your time, your patience and your breath. Don't even bother when things come and things go, especially when they're too brain-damaged to actually think about things with some common sense. Think, people, THINK, GOD DAMMIT!





I have no idea what I just said, but if I can simplify it, which I can't, I basically said, this doesn't seem like a good idea. With a new monster element and rule element, (God dammit, Konami, when things look bad to you, don't make the cards and see how it turns out, think things through, or hey! How about this! Instead of thinking how good they're gonna be, DON'T EVEN BOTHER MAKING THEM AT ALL! EVER THINK OF THAT?), it could get, um, strange. The whole Gemini craze died down just as fast as the crappy Guitar Hero franchise.


Whatever, sounds interesting, and if they're going to have more anime cards come out, (please no Dragoon D-END, please no Ultimate Golem), dim down on the overpoweredness, will ya, Konami? It's bad enough you're making crappy cards, but please don't force us to call you "Komomi". Even THAT is as stupid as the Geminis and Guitar Hero.


I mean, don't get me wrong, it was good for a while. Hear that? FOR A WHILE! You just had to lose your mind in the pile of trash known as the Geminis just for all *** to break loose. Sure, they weren't ALL bad, but most were. If we could judge cards that Konami makes, and complain to them, it'd occur just as the duck game at the carnivals; shoot down the ones we don't like, and let the cards that "could" be useful pass on by so you can make them.




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