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i want to get into these so please tell me what i did wrong like OCG and rate:


Name:Stardust Spiked Dragon

Type: Dragon/Synchro/Effect

Attribute: Wind

Level: 10

ATK/DEF: 3000/1500

Effect:1 Tuner-Type monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monster

You cannot Special Summon this card unless by Tributing 1 Tuner-Type monster and and 1 non-Tuner-Type monster from your hand. When this card is successfuly Synchro Summoned destroy 1 face-up Trap Card on your opponent's side of the field. When this card is destroyed by a effect pay 2000 Life Points and Special Summon this card at your opponent's End Phase. When this card is destroyed by battle your opponent loses 550 Life Points.

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This is rather UP'd. Regular Stardust is better than this by far. Either forcibly paying 2000 Life Points or making your opponent lose 550 is both random and somewhat useless. And its first effect isn't all too handy, as the only things that are really worth destroying (Royal Oppression, Skill Drain, etc etc) can just shut it down anyway.

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Its effect is massively inferior to that of Stardust Dragon, and it's literally impossible to Summon because you screwed up the Summoning Conditions and required us to Tribute Stardust Dragon - a Synchro Monster that can't be in anyone's hand - from our hand. This is a terribly-designed card and you obviously don't even understand the rules of the game.

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