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My Traditional Synchro Deck

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I used this deck to summon 3 Nitro Warriors in 1 turn :D



Cyber Dragon x3

Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

Junk Synchron x3

Majestic Dragon x2

Marauding Captain x3

Nitro Synchron x2

Quickdraw Synchron x2

Quillbolt Hedgehog x3

Stardust Xiaolong

The Tricky x3


SPELLS (x15)

Double Summon

Heavy Storm

Inferno Reckless Summon

Monster Reborn x3

Mystical Space Typhoon

Painful Choice x3

Pot of Avarice x2

Pot of Greed x3


TRAPS (x7)

Call of the Haunted

Mirror Force

Starlight Road x3

Torrential Tribute

Urgent Tuning


There you have it, 45 cards in total.

Flame away.

Bumpity bump bumper bump with bump sandwhich covered in bump with a side serving of bumping bump ordered by the bumpiest bumper in Bumpville?!

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