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Synchro Warriors expanded (review for a fanfic)

Dr. Cakey

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Hyper Warrior (LIGHT)

(*) x 8


"Hyper Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card destroys a monster by battle, place 1 Hyper Counter on this card. This card gains 800 ATK for each Hyper Counter on it. You can remove 1 Hyper Counter from this card to remove from play 1 face-up Attack Position monster your opponent controls. This card cannot attack in the turn this effect is used.

ATK 2600 / DEF 1600


Ally Synchron (DARK)

(*) x 1


You can discard 1 card to Special Summon this card from your hand and change the Attribute of this card. Once per turn, you can increase or decrease the Level of 1 monster with the same Attribute as this card by 1.

ATK 300 / DEF 100


Ally Warrior (DARK)

(*) x 5


"Ally Synchron" + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, Special Summon 1 "Synchron" Tuner monster from your Graveyard. All other monsters you control with the same Attribute as this card gain 500 ATK.

ATK 2200 / DEF 1200


Dandy Warrior (WIND)

(*) x 7


1 or more "Synchron" Tuners + 2 "Fluff Tokens"

When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can add 1 Level 3 or lower monster from your Graveyard to your hand. Once per turn, you can discard 1 monster to send 1 face-up card your opponent controls to the Graveyard.

ATK 2900 / DEF 1900


Ouroboros Warrior (LIGHT)

(*) x 10


1 Special Summoned "Synchron" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Warrior- or Machine-Type monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, return a number of Spell and Trap Cards on the field to the hand up to the Level of the Tuner used for the Synchro Summon of this card. This card can attack all monsters your opponent controls once each. This card inflicts Piercing damage*.

ATK 3800 / DEF 3000

*Yeah, I did that.


Turbo Archer (WIND)

(*) x 8


Once per turn, you can select 1 monster your opponent controls and apply 1 of the following effects: * Halve the ATK of that monster. * This card is unaffected by the effects of that monster.

ATK 2500 / DEF 2000


Nitro Archer (FIRE)

(*) x 9


Once per turn, you can change the battle position of 1 monster your opponent controls and conduct battle with that monster.

ATK 2800 / DEF 2000


OK, there ya go! What do you think?

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Ouroboros Warrior's first effect is broken. 2 Quickdraws = 5 cards returned to hand.


EDIT: I guess it's balanced in that it has to be exactly 5 cards...but the Summon requirements mean that it's too easily Summoned (Quickdraw + Quickdraw' date=' for starters).



Whoops, the others were supposed to be non-Tuners. Editing...

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