Insert_Name_Here Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'TechnoDoomedOne said: Thanks. ^^No problem If you want' date=' ill duel you tomorow [can't today'] to help you get used to dueling on it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNo.101 S.H. Death Knight Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'Sound Pulse said: Quote Electrics would have been runnable if their Fusions weren't so restricting and they had either higher stats or TACG cards like Burden of the Mighty or something like that (Static Field falls short in the task of helping them). Mecha... They have too many restrictions and depend too much on each other to be really runnable. They need more support and hell' date=' more cards, possibly archetype-specific searchers that do not suck. Dragonbonds suffer from the same weakness as Mecha, however they are a different whole story, as they aren't as crappy as the others. Also, they get better with each set, and they have considerably more cards to choose from. I do not have any experience with Scopiorns, but I imagine they are just a new archetype and they still have to get more support in the upcoming sets.[/quote']I made the Scorpions. So far, there weak because there supposed to burn via counters, and theres no many up until set 4. Dragonbonds are occasional wins [if your Lucky] Create more cards like Burden of the mighty for the lulz Mecha i wouldn't touch it with a 20 ft pole. For now, go with Shadow Zombies [Test Zombies with Shadow Searcher and Black Shadow Dragon] even though it wont be legal in a tourney [yet]. I'm glad you agree that Dragonbonds are getting better but it still missing the second last monster of the archetype: Dragonbond - Zohryu the Unrestrained and it's the WIND Monster of course but what make it really complete is with the Dragonking that be on the 5th set or so. but I'm thinking few Spell and traps to support more or so. should i make a support for Dragonbond - Terrain Adapter? and i almost forgot that the last 1 is Dragonbond's Planewalker that card is a support for immunity but have its price for that. for the purpose of the Dragonbond is mixed a bit of Blackwing's specialty but what different that they're in a whole new level of needing support, so really their first effect are more powerful but the price is the presence of another Dragonbond but they can swarm but what cool about them that they work in different areas of situation, they're pretty strong, but unlike Blackwings they only have few Synchro for them and this have 6 though. I wanted to add "Angel of Dark Memories as for the 6th set but the problem is the face-down card issue because Xeroxcreative did not add the system of removing from play face-down like the Different Dimension Capsule. so Sound do i send you all the images of the Dragonbond as possible? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Insert_Name_Here Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'Scheath666 said: Quote Quote Electrics would have been runnable if their Fusions weren't so restricting and they had either higher stats or TACG cards like Burden of the Mighty or something like that (Static Field falls short in the task of helping them). Mecha... They have too many restrictions and depend too much on each other to be really runnable. They need more support and hell' date=' more cards, possibly archetype-specific searchers that do not suck. Dragonbonds suffer from the same weakness as Mecha, however they are a different whole story, as they aren't as crappy as the others. Also, they get better with each set, and they have considerably more cards to choose from. I do not have any experience with Scopiorns, but I imagine they are just a new archetype and they still have to get more support in the upcoming sets.[/quote']I made the Scorpions. So far, there weak because there supposed to burn via counters, and theres no many up until set 4. Dragonbonds are occasional wins [if your Lucky] Create more cards like Burden of the mighty for the lulz Mecha i wouldn't touch it with a 20 ft pole. For now, go with Shadow Zombies [Test Zombies with Shadow Searcher and Black Shadow Dragon] even though it wont be legal in a tourney [yet]. I'm glad you agree that Dragonbonds are getting better but it still missing the second last monster of the archetype: Dragonbond - Zohryu the Unrestrained and it's the WIND Monster of course but what make it really complete is with the Dragonking that be on the 5th set or so. but I'm thinking few Spell and traps to support more or so. should i make a support for Dragonbond - Terrain Adapter? and i almost forgot that the last 1 is Dragonbond's Planewalker that card is a support for immunity but have its price for that. for the purpose of the Dragonbond is mixed a bit of Blackwing's specialty but what different that they're in a whole new level of needing support, so really their first effect are more powerful but the price is the presence of another Dragonbond but they can swarm but what cool about them that they work in different areas of situation, they're pretty strong, but unlike Blackwings they only have few Synchro for them and this have 6 though. I wanted to add "Angel of Dark Memories as for the 6th set but the problem is the face-down card issue because Xeroxcreative did not add the system of removing from play face-down like the Different Dimension Capsule. so Sound do i send you all the images of the Dragonbond as possible?Basiclly, just so i can get a good idea on a description for the Fan Fic But they still need more swarm power, which could launch them into Tier 2, thats all you need, other than that, theres nothin else wrong with them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spikeball Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'Sound Pulse said: Anything for the sake of the TACGAlso' date=' I still need images for all TACG cards for the Fan Fic im gonna do later[/quote'] Er yes, I can send them to you in during this day - per PM, right? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNo.101 S.H. Death Knight Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 no problem it's gonna be taken care of. lol Black Whirlwind say hello to you lol 'Sound Pulse said: Quote Quote Quote Electrics would have been runnable if their Fusions weren't so restricting and they had either higher stats or TACG cards like Burden of the Mighty or something like that (Static Field falls short in the task of helping them). Mecha... They have too many restrictions and depend too much on each other to be really runnable. They need more support and hell' date=' more cards, possibly archetype-specific searchers that do not suck. Dragonbonds suffer from the same weakness as Mecha, however they are a different whole story, as they aren't as crappy as the others. Also, they get better with each set, and they have considerably more cards to choose from. I do not have any experience with Scopiorns, but I imagine they are just a new archetype and they still have to get more support in the upcoming sets.[/quote']I made the Scorpions. So far, there weak because there supposed to burn via counters, and theres no many up until set 4. Dragonbonds are occasional wins [if your Lucky] Create more cards like Burden of the mighty for the lulz Mecha i wouldn't touch it with a 20 ft pole. For now, go with Shadow Zombies [Test Zombies with Shadow Searcher and Black Shadow Dragon] even though it wont be legal in a tourney [yet]. I'm glad you agree that Dragonbonds are getting better but it still missing the second last monster of the archetype: Dragonbond - Zohryu the Unrestrained and it's the WIND Monster of course but what make it really complete is with the Dragonking that be on the 5th set or so. but I'm thinking few Spell and traps to support more or so. should i make a support for Dragonbond - Terrain Adapter? and i almost forgot that the last 1 is Dragonbond's Planewalker that card is a support for immunity but have its price for that. for the purpose of the Dragonbond is mixed a bit of Blackwing's specialty but what different that they're in a whole new level of needing support, so really their first effect are more powerful but the price is the presence of another Dragonbond but they can swarm but what cool about them that they work in different areas of situation, they're pretty strong, but unlike Blackwings they only have few Synchro for them and this have 6 though. I wanted to add "Angel of Dark Memories as for the 6th set but the problem is the face-down card issue because Xeroxcreative did not add the system of removing from play face-down like the Different Dimension Capsule. so Sound do i send you all the images of the Dragonbond as possible?Basiclly, just so i can get a good idea on a description for the Fan Fic But they still need more swarm power, which could launch them into Tier 2, thats all you need, other than that, theres nothin else wrong with them. no problem it's gonna be taken care of. lol Black Whirlwind say hello to you lol or something like that XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirtyStan Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'TechnoDoomedOne said: I have a Zombie Deck IRL' date=' so that really attracts my attention. However, whenever Electrics get competitive, I will play with them, because as they can't be splashed into any other deck, I doubt much people will play them. Still, I have no idea of how to duel someone in YVD.[/quote'] W00t! I found me another Zombie user! Hip hip, huzzah! Hey, just for info, can you send me your ZOmbie deck list through a PM? I want to compare mine to yours. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechnoDoomedOne Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'sirtrystan 5 said: Quote I have a Zombie Deck IRL' date=' so that really attracts my attention. However, whenever Electrics get competitive, I will play with them, because as they can't be splashed into any other deck, I doubt much people will play them. Still, I have no idea of how to duel someone in YVD.[/quote'] W00t! I found me another Zombie user! Hip hip, huzzah! Hey, just for info, can you send me your ZOmbie deck list through a PM? I want to compare mine to yours. Yeah, sure. Also, I would like to see yours. I think I'm one of the few zombie users to use REZD and not use Goblin Zombie. (lol) Also, as for the TACG, it is this set paused yet? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SirtyStan Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 Quote It's pretty different than most Zombie builds I have encountered' date=' but I think it is pretty solid. Some of the cards are proxies as I don't still have them in real life (pretty much Mirror Force, 2 more Dimensionals and some of the Synchros like Goyo or Brionac). [b']MONSTERS: 22[/b]2x Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon1x Malevolent Mech Goku-En2x Paladin of the Cursed Dragon3x Zombie Master3x Pyramid Turtle1x Mezuki3x Breaker, the Magical Warrior2x Kycoo, the Ghost Destroyer1x Dark Valkyria1x Snowman Eater1x Plaguespreader Zombie1x Krebons1x Rose, Warrior of Revenge SPELLS: 123x Book of Life2x Zombie World1x Lightning Vortex1x Heavy Storm1x Mystical Space Typhoon1x Brain Control2x Smashing Ground1x Shrink TRAPS: 102x Bottomless Trap Hole2x Compulsory Evacuation Device3x Dimensional Prison1x Mirror Force1x Torrential Tribute1x Waboku EXTRA DECK: 151x Magical Android2x Iron Chain Dragon1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier1x Goyo Guardian1x Ancient Fairy Dragon1x Black Rose Dragon1x Psychic Lifetrancer3x Stardust Dragon2x Red Demon's Dragon1x Colossal Fighter1x Mist Worm Great deck! I don't have as good of cards as you do, but here's my deck list (if the cards don't have a rarity next to them, then they're commons): Monster Cards (20): x2 Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon (UR)x2 Il Blud (SR)x1 Malevolent Mech - Goku Enx2 Paladin of the Cursed Dragonx2 Zombie Master (SR)x1 Mezuki (GOLD)x3 Pyramid Turtlex2 Goblin Zombiex1 Spirit Reaperx1 Morphing Jar (Rare)x1 Card Trooperx1 Rose, Warrior of Revenge (SR)x1 Dandylion (SR) Spell Cards (12): x3 Zombie Worldx3 Book of Lifex1 Terraformingx1 Lightning Vortexx1 Mystical Space Typhoonx1 Heavy Storm (SR)x1 Brain Control (SR)x1 Allure of Darkness (SR) Trap Cards (8): x2 Bottomless Trap Holex2 Sakaretsu Armourx1 Dust Tornadox1 Call of the Haunted (UR)x1 Torrential Tributex1 Widespread Dud Side Deck (10): x1 Dandylion (SR)x1 Malevolent Mech - Goku Enx1 Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon (UR)x1 Zero Gardna (Rare)x1 Card Destruction (SR)x1 Starlight Road (SCR)x1 Magic Jammerx1 Tuner's Scheme (SR)x1 Wabokux1 Compulsory Evacuation Device Extra Deck (4): x1 Stardust Dragon (SR)x1 Ancient Fairy Dragon (UR)x1 Red Dragon Archfiend (SCR)x1 Reaper on the Nightmare (SR) <---Just for Fun!x3 Tokens (different pictures XD) NOTES: The Stardust Dragon and Ancient Fairy Dragon cards are the pack versions ^^ None of my cards are proxied.By the way, you should enable PM's... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechnoDoomedOne Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 Didn't know it was disabled, thanks for telling me. :PYou also have a good deck, I see that you focus more on swarming than me. Never been a fan of Il blud though, I find him too weak.I usually play against my sister's Zombie Deck, so she always stole my Il Blud when I played it with her REZD. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Insert_Name_Here Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 Zombies are epic win, I side REZD. But on the Fan Fic, send the pics to your cards Via pm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Morgan LeFlay Posted July 12, 2010 Author Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 Set will be paused on the 14th, and the submissions will all be double-checked, as well at the ban list, by the end of the day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Insert_Name_Here Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'Guybrush Threepwood said: Set will be paused on the 14th' date=' and the submissions will all be double-checked, as well at the ban list, by the end of the day.[/quote']Ok, I can't wait for the pause, so I may finally test my new Galactic Turbo deck Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNo.101 S.H. Death Knight Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'Guybrush Threepwood said: Set will be paused on the 14th' date=' and the submissions will all be double-checked, as well at the ban list, by the end of the day.[/quote'] well that only leave 2 days left, and btw sound pulse, it's funny how though Dragon are usually powerful themselves most of the time but when i read dragonology about habits, behaviour and such as. supposedly the Dragon actually swarm...when their kin died! so it's i realize that probably the reason Konami didn't make cards for swarming Dragon like crazy because it will be Op'ed to the end. lol but REMDD is a system of warming but only limit to 1. so i will make the card base on the legend it said Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Insert_Name_Here Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 Fan Fic update: I got most cards to have a good description [Need Saiznuh, Dragonbonds, and a few others ill think about later], Got two Characters. Bio is still lacking, but still some characteristics.[spoiler=Characters]Jesse Daniel: A rookie Duelist who uses a Devestated Shining Flare deckHe is cocky, arrogant, but can back most things he says. He is the main Protgonist Alex Stone: A duelist with multiple Tourniment wins. He uses a Saiznuh deck.He is selfish, rude, and thinks way too highly of himself. He is the main Antagonist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNo.101 S.H. Death Knight Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'Sound Pulse said: Fan Fic update: I got most cards to have a good description [Need Saiznuh' date= Dragonbonds, and a few others ill think about later], Got two Characters. Bio is still lacking, but still some characteristics.[spoiler=Characters]Jesse Daniel: A rookie Duelist who uses a Devestated Shining Flare deckHe is cocky, arrogant, but can back most things he says. He is the main Protgonist Alex Stone: A duelist with multiple Tourniment wins. He uses a Saiznuh deck.He is selfish, rude, and thinks way too highly of himself. He is the main Antagonist do you want the images as in Card image like the one we post in threads??? or just the images of the pics we use for the cards? how many characters r u making, you need help in character creation profile? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Insert_Name_Here Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'Scheath666 said: Quote Fan Fic update: I got most cards to have a good description [Need Saiznuh' date= Dragonbonds, and a few others ill think about later], Got two Characters. Bio is still lacking, but still some characteristics.[spoiler=Characters]Jesse Daniel: A rookie Duelist who uses a Devestated Shining Flare deckHe is cocky, arrogant, but can back most things he says. He is the main Protgonist Alex Stone: A duelist with multiple Tourniment wins. He uses a Saiznuh deck.He is selfish, rude, and thinks way too highly of himself. He is the main Antagonist do you want the images as in Card image like the one we post in threads??? or just the images of the pics we use for the cards?Card Picture how many characters r u making, Enough to atleast get a good story you need help in character creation profile? No, ive just been busy latelyAlso As a member of the TACG and Leo's CCG, I figured we could do a Little competition. Byakk said that if we get enough votes to do it, Ill bring it up to Guybrush. If Guybrush approves, Negotiations between Byakk, Guybrush, Me, Leo, and Seattliete will begin. If we are gonna do the tourney, we''ll need more Generic cards *coughset4cough*. Ill be playing on the side of the TACG but more details will come once we get approved. Post yes or No if you like this idea Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechnoDoomedOne Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 CCG has all TCG cards, doesn't it? That leaves at severe disadventage, seeing how TCG decks are pretty broken, even with tweaks on the banlist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Insert_Name_Here Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'TechnoDoomedOne said: CCG has all TCG cards' date=' doesn't it? That leaves at severe disadventage, seeing how TCG decks are pretty broken, even with tweaks on the banlist.[/quote']NoThey deleted all TCG cards and added CCG cards to the set fileall we'd have to do is delect all TCG cards in regular YVD set. and add both ours and their cards to it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNo.101 S.H. Death Knight Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'TechnoDoomedOne said: CCG has all TCG cards' date=' doesn't it? That leaves at severe disadventage, seeing how TCG decks are pretty broken, even with tweaks on the banlist.[/quote'] i don't think it will have the TCG cards along with CCG cards though, it should be more uniques with our cards there. so it's a fanfic with a tournament and another word it's RPG? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Insert_Name_Here Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'Scheath666 said: Quote CCG has all TCG cards' date=' doesn't it? That leaves at severe disadventage, seeing how TCG decks are pretty broken, even with tweaks on the banlist.[/quote'] i don't think it will have the TCG cards along with CCG cards though, it should be more uniques with our cards there. so it's a fanfic with a tournament and another word it's RPG?Fan Fic and Tourney2 seperate thingsBesides, we still have no votes yet, then Guybrush and Leo must both approve Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNo.101 S.H. Death Knight Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 'Sound Pulse said: Quote Quote CCG has all TCG cards' date=' doesn't it? That leaves at severe disadventage, seeing how TCG decks are pretty broken, even with tweaks on the banlist.[/quote'] i don't think it will have the TCG cards along with CCG cards though, it should be more uniques with our cards there. so it's a fanfic with a tournament and another word it's RPG?Fan Fic and Tourney2 seperate thingsBesides, we still have no votes yet, then Guybrush and Leo must both approve to vote to go on with this in that case i'll say yes. XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Insert_Name_Here Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 OK, 3 votes yes[You, Byak, and Me]0 votes no Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CNo.101 S.H. Death Knight Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 i'm sure Technodude may say yes, he seem interested enough to say so lol By the way check out a anit-meta archetype against Dragonbond XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechnoDoomedOne Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 It would be interesting enough, I suppose, but some balancing should be done to make both games go in par. Maybe our standards are higher than theirs, or viceversa. xD PS: That means YES. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Insert_Name_Here Posted July 12, 2010 Report Share Posted July 12, 2010 2 more yes vtes, and Ill tell Guybrush about it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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