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Bleach~A New World[PG-16, Advanced, Accepting,Not Started]

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"Well you see I checked some old database and it turns out the air in hueco mundo is mutch diffrent from here.The air there is full of destructed reatsu and tracking one's spiritual presure is hard to find eaven for people with our level of power.This pills will help us find each other eaven true the garganta it will be hard to pass.Aldo they are not exactly the sweet cotton candy and they're hard to swallow."said Ren making a depressing face.

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Kiri catches the pill looking at it curiously as Ren talked about it. "So it basically is like a small tracking device allowing us to find eachothers spiritual pressure?" Kiri asks talking softly. "Also just one more thing, do we try to swallow them now or when we find a Garganta to pass through?". Kiri then turns to the door slightly as it starts to open two unseated shinigami about to exit and leaave for the S.R.D.I. "the pill doesn't look that hard but if it is i can always try to turn to smoke, that should stop me from spitting it out" he thinks to himself.

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"We have to take it before going true the garganta.That place is a dimention of random reitsu.Once there it's highly posible to get lost."Ren said"We will pass true the senkaimon into the world of the living.There the substitute shinigami have reported a large scale of menos.Once they apear we cut them as soon as possibe and pass true there garganta before it closes.Aldo I have to warn you once in there you have to build your own path of reitsu to walk."

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