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Guess The Anime [clue 4 & 5 now added]

Hollow Ichigo!

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Its fairly simple


All you have to do is guess the anime from the clues given. Correct guess get 1 rep any other prize given for hard ones will be posted as such.



1 guess per day

Only post one guess in a post

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[spoiler=Clue 1 Solved by 7poiuyt]

I am a monster no. A creature yes. I live in a barren land that is well the hell of my world. My job is to swallow all of the souls I can get.





[spoiler=Clue 2- Solved by eliteduelists]

I have a special little black book. If anyone found out about it they would kill me for sure. I have a little buddy who likes apples.


Death Note




[spoiler=Clue 3- Solved by 7poiuyt]

Monsters Rule My world.


PS I like balls





[spoiler=Clue 4]

Yellow Chikens FTW



[spoiler=Clue 5]

Imma rocking that orange suit



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