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Digimon: Interface [Started/Not Accepting]

Legend Zero

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"You guys sure have a lot of questions. Can't you guys just go with the flow?" Azoth manages to yawn out.


"See? Didn't I say that he was the most mature?" Pointing casually at Zac


He raises his head to make eye contact with Eli. With a hint of irratation he goes on...


"After this no more question until we get there ok? First, you touched the digi-egg after being asked to help change the world, hardly against your will. As for you Silver, you've kinda got the right idea."


Azoth stands up and points up at the city ruins.


"Thats were we are going to get your remaining questions answered, and I can get my next assignment."


With that he continues hiking in silence.

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"Hey umm... Azoth. Right?" Sam said jogging to catch up to the leader on their trek, "I know you said no more questions, but I mean you can't expect us to just go with all of this? You haven't really told us anything that we can use to feel comfortable about being taken from our homes." He didn'texpect an answer, but he looked up at the ruins they were headed twards. They made him feel a little nervous. Dropping back into the rest of the group, Sam finally felt some fatigue from the experience.

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Guest Merciful Idiot

"In stories, people are taken into a world, but when they are returned, no time has passed at all. So I'm hoping the same thing is like it here." Silver said. "I said hoping, I'm not exactly sure. Oh and one more question.....errr....never mind, I'll ask you later. If I don't forget, that is." He then paused as he continued hiking. "But our questions will be answered there, right, Azolf?"


Who gave him these 'assignments'? What are we supposed to do? Who are we supposed to face? How long do you think this might take? The questions rolled about Silver's aching head.

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"You make a good point in some things, but your the least mature here and if you find yourself worthless then how are we going to find you of any worth?!" demanded Miori. "You act like your all that well your more worthless then any of us according to you, so why should we listen to you?! The thing with me is I never touched no damn egg till I got here so dont blame that the stupid meteor crashed right into me, I was expecting death not this!" she finished

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joey moved over to miori and put his hand on her sholder.

"calm down it will be ok as long as we keep our spirts high we'll be fine. besides if he wants to not give us answers then thats fine we can get those later i promise." he said. joey knew how she felt he had never touched his egg either. he had actually fallen into the hole where the metor crashed and grabed it by mistake.

"so how much longer till we get to this place?" he asked.

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Guest Merciful Idiot

"Well, if you don't want to go, you can wait until the timer on your Digi-thingy stops, and then you'll be transported back home. I, on the other hand, am going on a great adventure of my life, and I know full well, I won't have this chance again. So this will, more or less, be the greatest adventure yet." He said. But he then paused for a moment and thought something. "Unless the poor little girly is scaredy?"

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"Silver's right guys. I mean this is a once in a life time opportunity, how many other people do you know have traveled to a different world? Plus this would probably be a great thing to mention on my collage resume." Haaris chuckled as he continued to think about what collage he would want to enter.


"Anyways we're almost there already so you guys might as well join us." Haaris completed.

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Eli walked along the path knowing that the other's were right, but it still annoyed him that he had to wait for the answers when they were right there. I am sure I know how this thing works, but I need all of this confirmed. He thought only to himself as he kept on the path towards the ruined city. He then noticed the guy the same age as him that was declared the leader of the group. And him... what is up with him? He knew that the guy was more mature then the rest, maybe more then him, but he also knew that he himself had the group's best intentions at heart.


After a while of walking in silence Eli finally opened his mouth, but he only spoke to himself as he thoughts again wander back to the digivice. "That explains one thing... The Crests and Digivices react to emotions." He rubbed his chin as he closed his eyes to walk behind them.

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"Who the hell said you could touch me?!" Miori freaked as she jumped away from Joey like he was some kind of disease. "All I know is it is pointless for me to go back, but that doesnt mean I want to be around here clueless! I have nothing to go back to! I am not afraid, I just like to know what situation I am in, is that wrong?!" she demanded, "I am not a loser like you guys with something to fall back on if I dont want to stay here, I have more to stay here for then to return for, so my choice was made for me before I ever came here, because there is nothing for me to go back to!" she had snapped but it was understandable

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"Jeese..." Thomas thought as Miori Freeked out the group. He just looked at the Digivice and mostly the coundowns, Not noticing the sight of the ancient city. But as he looked he Shielded his eyes since the light was going into his eyes. But as he did the Digivice's crest turned darker; like it wanted the sunlight to hit him. Along with that the egg; which by the way was somehow in a shrunken form was attached to his belt felt cold. He noticed that and thought of somthing.


He removed his arm and let the light shine apon him which made both the egg and crest on his digivice return to normal. He felt somthing as it shon. Warmth. he normaly never felt it some reason but now in the digital world he felt warm. Though his crest or egg did not react.


"That feels better..." He though.

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Now climbing the steps to the top, Azoth still strolling in silence. With only a few steps to go he stops to address the group.


"This may seem like a common sense kind of thing to say but use good behavior and judgment. We're about to meet those in charge and they have the power to erase you permenatly. So try to hold your tongues."


As the cluster of kids reach the top the ruins are seen smoldering and some still a flame. No signs of life are seen among the blackened rubble.

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He felt the strangest sensation that he was home. He looked around the area only to check his egg noticing that his crest was glowing brightly. "Wow... This place... Feels exactly like home." He said out loud before sitting down to rest. "I feel so.. drained." He felt his energy leave him quickly as he sat there away from the group. "Uh..." He began to feel light headed before he fell back.

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Guest Merciful Idiot

Silver marveled in delight. He was about to meet....something. He first imagined old men with a lot of jewelry, but then realized that they were the only humans on this world, or whatever. So then he imagined a bunch of four, golden dragons. Either way, he was prepared. This chance will never be given again. Not once. Not twice. And definitely not three times. And even thinking of four is just plain stupid.

"Hurrah, here we go!" He exclaimed. Though he couldn't help realizing that he was the second youngest and second smallest of the group, but tried as hard as he could to ignore it.

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joey felt pretty calm even though they were getting ready to meet who ever sent for them. as they started walking closer he felt an overwhelming sense of hope rush through him and his digiegg and crest began to glow a bright yellow.

"this feeling....it feels like a thousand angels are all praying for me at once." he said as he walked closer to the sorce of this feeling.

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"This isn't right." Azoth exclaims as he paces around the ruins, frustrated.


Breathing heavily, the boy rushes from building to building searching for something. Now stopping, Azoth runs his hands through his hair then places them behind his head in breathing out deeply, looking baffled.


"What happened? Who could've found the meeting place so quickly?"

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Sam looked around the ruisn that they had hiked to get to. They were impressive, but there was nothing special about them. They looked exactly like the kind you woud see on a school field trip. There looked to be some very new destruction aroud the place though and there was a feeling of darkness in the air.

"Sooo... This is the place where we are meant to learn why the hell we are here?" Sam asked Azoth who had begun to pace, "Doesn't sem to be that important to me."

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Guest Merciful Idiot

"Oiiii, Azotttttthhhhhh, what isn't right? When will our questions be answered? How long do we have to wait here? Oiiiiii...." And so on. He kept calling Azoth and kept repeating his sentence. "Oiiii, Azotttttthhhhhh, what isn't right? When will our questions be answered? How long do we have to wait here? Oiiiiii, Azoooootthhhhhh, what's not right? How long must we wait here? When are you going to answer our questions? Oiiiiiii.............So?"

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As Haaris entered the the city he was filled with delight. It was unlike anything he had ever seen. "Huh?" Haaris looked down to see his crest glowing juts as it did when the meteor had touched him. The Crest glowed a deep shade of purple and was glowing greatly. Haaris walked around the cities entrance a little.


"What is this place? And why do I feel like I've been here?"

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Azoth heads to the stairs frantically trying to get the others to follow.


"We have to leave NOW! This place was found out and we need to..."


Before he could finish a crimson beam hits the stairs a few feet from the boy. He is sent flying back, slaming into the ground. With a thud Azoth tries and fails to get back to his feet.


"Is it too late?"

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Eli woke up a moment later looking around at what was going on. He raised his left hand up to his head groaning in pain. "Ugh.." He saw what happened to Azoth and forced himself onto his feet dashing towards Azoth trying to keep him from the line of fire. He yelled out quickly to them all not fully comprehending what was going on. "Azoth what is going on here?!" His crest began to glow even brighter and his digivice began to react as well.


He looked around checking to see if everyone else was okay. "Is everyone okay?!" He looked up to where the black came from to try and get a glimpse at what had attacked them. "What was that?!"

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joey moned in pain as he stood up. the force of the blast had sent him flying backwards.

"im fine" he said answering eli's question." what the heck just happened though and let me say what ever did that is in for a beating." he said as he got his bearings back.

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Guest Merciful Idiot

"Found? Found by who?! Are my questions EVER going to be answered??!??!!" He shouted as another crimson beam was fired. Silver simply ran around in a childish kind of way, which was somehow effective enough to dodge them. "Azoth, WHO or WHAT found this place????!!!" He shouted as he ran around in circles like a little girl screaming, only he wasn't screaming. He ran towards Azoth instead, and within the few seconds, he dragged Azoth as hard as he could to shelter, if there was any.

"By the way, are you alive?" He asked heavily. Azoth was heavier than he thought.

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A sinister laugh is heard throughout the mountain top as a dark figure emerges. As it steps into the light a bright red devil is seen.


"So this is what everyone was waiting for..a group of kids. I'll have fun picking you off one by one." It proclaims boastfully.


Azoth manages himself back to his feet as he sways lightly. Sweating intensly after being knocked back.



"You guys make a break for it. Head South until you approach a set of railroad tracks. Follow them until you reach a city, from there you should be fine." The boy weakly orders.



He steps forward and stands in a ready position, preparing to fight.


"I hope this either works, or I give them enough time."


The devil digimon chuckles mildly at the thought of resistence.


"They won't run far. For you will die in record time"

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"not a chance you idiot" joey yelled as he ran up behind azoth. "we need answers and im damn well not letting you get killed with out them." joey had no clue what he was doing but for some reason he felt compelled to help out azoth. as he stood there his crest and digivice started to glow.

"besides what kind of person would i be if i just gave up when something like this happened." he said but he knew he was scared crazy his legs shook as proof. but he couldnt leave azoth and give up hope not now.

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