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My first sig


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Hes not a pro, he just restated everything 2500st said, so he could make himself look good. Anyway its not bad for a first i must say, but try using HQ renders, the one you decided on is LQ making everything else look low quality, making it unappealing. Try and get some tuts, you'll get better before you know it.

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Ok' date=' first of all it's called a TAG got that?

Second depth is a good idea.

Third, Tuts help a lot with depth, lighting and effects.



Shut up you motherfucker, you don't even know what you're sayin'.


First of all, you need to work your basics, which are mainly flow, depth, ligthing etc., like the others already stated.

I can understand when you begin tag making you easily choose and look for renders and stocks with the things that you like, but if they're low quality, you should keep distance to them. I'm not telling you you should not use renders or/and stocks of the things you like, just that pay attention while choosin' them, 'couse a bad stock/render can just ruin an otherwise good tag.

Keep up the workin', this ain't that bad for your very first try.

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