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[Multitype Terror!] Clair Wins. Please destroy this thread.


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[align=center]So yeah. I want a challenge. ^^

-Challenge: Make a card that is treated as multiple Attributes.

-First to 5 gets 3 Reps.

-Rate the cards on OCG, playability, balance, and name/pic.


I can reject your vote if it's not specific enough.


Everyone get that? Good. <3


[spoiler=[b]Luminous Justifier (littlem101)[/b]]



Effect: This card is also treated as a DARK monster. Once per turn, you can tribute 1 face-up DARK or LIGHT monster you control, your opponent cannot declare an attack during his/her next Battle Phase.





[spoiler=[b]Pantonius (Clair)[/b]]



Effect: This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card can only be Normal Summoned by discarding 1 Level 4 or lower Effect Monster from your hand while your Life Points are lower than your opponent's. This card's name is treated as the discarded monster's name, and it gains the discarded monster's effect(s), until the End Phase. This card is treated as a WIND, WATER, FIRE, and EARTH monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard.




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Guest War Torn

Clair's card gets my vote.


On a professional level, her card is harder to summon, but is balanced by gaining the effect of the level or 4 monster needed to summon it. However, having all those attributes makes it a little OP'd, but a little OP'd beats UP'd in my book.

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