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Espada of YCM [Bleach Club] {Whee~ Read the Rules} First Banned Member.


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Guest Tainted Black

WELCOME To the Espada of YCM!

WELCOME To the Espada of YCM!




As the name and intro imply, this is a Bleach Club, but based on the Espada. The ranks are set up the same way, Numeros, except for Fraccion, being the lowest, and Espada being the Highest. The Primera Espada is the "King" of Las Noches



1) Only Level 3+ members may join.

2) Have good grammar

3) Members that have been removed from the club for reasons such as bad grammar or inactivity will usually be allowed to reapply after a period of 2 months. Members who have been removed 3 times will be permanently banned from the club.

4) Provide a sample of good grammar that explains why you wish to join.

5) 2 weeks of inactivity will result in you being thrown out. If you apply and fall out three times, you're banned. There will be exceptions if you alert a co-owner.

6) Do not Speak of Religion. I, as others are, am very devout, and will get angry ^-^

7) Do not Use profanity unless it is censored such as Bad@$$, and it must be at least 50% censored. Also, do not use any curse beyond @$$.



[spoiler=Application Form]

Name (What you want to be called):

Do you read the manga?:

Favorite Character?:

Hated Character?

Best Battle?:




Promotions are decided by the 1, 2, and 3 Espada. Reccomendations can be made by the 4 and 5 Espada, but you may not ask for one.


Also, This is how it works-


1, 2, and 3 Espada are the highest Rank AKA Admins.


4, 5, and 6 Espada are Mods, and can accept members, and ban members with an Admin's approval. Under the jurisdiction of 1, 2, and 3, but can ban and accept at will.


7, 8, 9, and 10 Espada are Captains, Mods that answer to the Espada 4, 5, and 6, and must ask them before banning someone.




The Leader is the same as the 7 through 10 Espada, just given a special position to show their status above the Espada on their level.

Calaveras are a cut above Privaron Espada, and hold more weight in decisions.



[spoiler=Privaron Espada]

An Honorary term for some, goes from 101-110.


Privaron with a number 111 and above is a term of a lost position in the Espada.




An Experienced Member. When you become a Fraccion, you choose an Espada to be the Fraccion for. This means you are mostly under their jurisdiction. Choose Wisely, but there must be no more than 1 more or less than any Espada at any given time.


Example: Primera may not have 2 Fraccion when Segunda has 0 Fraccion.




New to Normal Members. The Number you get is the order you join.





1- Marsuvees Black

2- Andx

3- Tempest Dahlia

4- ProtoMachineKing












Privaron Espada:

101- PrimalFear





11 - DarrenShan

12- Darklink401

13- Cid Raines

14- Zeo (Zeonark)

15- Ryuujinn

16- Freeshooter

17- Scyire

18- el make

19- Ninjew

20- The Tin Trooper

21- Ghost-O


Punsihed Arrancar:

Mask Removed Arrancar:

-DigiMaster Ragnarok

Partially Shattered Mask Arrancar:

Watched Arrancar:




Affiliation Form:

Name of Club:

Link to Club:

Why you want to affiliate:


R.P.820: A Club for RPers

The Chibi Knights

OOPC - The Official One Piece Club

Bleach~The Unified World~Club






Note: If you are in this club, the manga WILL be discussed, and Spoilers will be spoken.


Note 2: We watch everything you do. We have a ceiling Aizen. That's right. All-seeing Ceiling AIZEN. He knows what you do in other clubs, RPs, threads, etc, so watch out. We value everything you do. ceilingaizenplz.gif?1

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Alright, I'm already in here but I'll post my info anyway.


Name (What you want to be called): Andx will do.

Do you read the manga?: Sort of. I don't actively but I spoil myself often anyway.

Favorite Character?: Ummm.... this is too hard. Let's see, I think it's a tie between: Hitsugaya, Rukia, and Byakuya

Hated Character?: Aizen, that's it. I can't think of anyone else.

Best Battle?: This is way too hard. I believe, for me, that it's Ichigo vs. Grimmjow, Rukia vs. Espada #9 (I'm not going to try and spell his name), or Byakuya vs. Zommari. I'm sure this will change as the anime finally gets to the newer manga fights.

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Name (What you want to be called): Darklink, or DL, or any derivative or Darklink.

Do you read the manga?: Yep.

Favorite Character?: Tie between Toshiro Hitsugaya or Byakuya Kuchiki

Hated Character? Hmmm... no one, really.

Best Battle?: Ichigo vs. Byakuya, even to this day.


I wish to join, as 1. Bleach is awesome, and 2. Maru-kun made it.

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Guest Tainted Black

Andx, you're auto-accepted


Ragnarok, I told you you could be Espada 7 for now. Welcome.




EDIT: DL-Kun, accepted! Numeros 12!


And to Answer Darren, you do NOT need spoilers to post Plot Spoilers.

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Guest Tainted Black

IT's just... They can look at the present topic and see that we are talkin' bout the manga. Constant spoilers would be annoying...


EDIT: First Topic!


[spoiler=My Bleach Theory, plus some]





DL-kun saw this version, but Andx has not yet.


Discuss theories and what you think of mine. Please, no stupid theories.

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Name (What you want to be called): Raines, i guess.

Do you read the manga?: Yes and i watch the anime as well.

Favorite Character?: Between Kenpachi Zaraki, Byakuya Kuchiki, Hitsugaya Toshiro, and Grimmjow

Hated Character? Jin Kariya, and Aizen

Best Battle?: Ichigo vs. Hollow Ichigo, Grimmjow vs. Ichigo, Aizen vs. Ichigo and Renji

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Well, as someone who doesn't read the manga, I personally don't care all that much about being spoiled on Bleach. One Piece, now that's different, but I don't mind Bleach manga spoilers. Now of course that's just me. So I think if people don't want to see things from the manga they can just skip the convo as Black suggested. Then again, it's not all that tough to put manga spoilers in spoilers. The tough part is to remember what's a manga spoiler and to be sure to hide it in a spoiler.


(I'm decently sure I'll go crazy if I say the word spoiler again.)


EDIT: Curse my slowness. Now to go read the above posts and get on topic.

Black, the link to your theory only links me to this thread. Is your theory hidden somewhere in here? *looks around* I see nothing, lol.

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Guest Tainted Black

... CRAP! I did't copy it by mistake -,-



[spoiler=My Bleach Theory]

Aizen is a Half/Half like Ichigo. He got his powers from Isshin, which is how he knew about Ichigo, how Isshin lost his powers, and how Rukia knew she could transfer powers to "humans". Aizen said he orchestrated. Aizen and Isshin know each other, but it was never explained. Isshin had no powers til they recently came back. Aizen was first seen as a Youngish man, not a child. Aizen also is letting the Hogyoku use him, rather than use the Hogyoku, thus doing its god-like bidding.



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I'm sorry. I guess i didn't read the post you had about the two samples.


1, If we can discuss about the different battles that included the espada then i can be of service.


2, Bleach is by far the #1 best anime manga to read and anime show to watch in America, well in my perspective point of view.

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Guest Zeonark

Name (What you want to be called): Zeo

Do you read the manga?: I did, but I stopped when Ichigo came back to help fight Yammy.

Favorite Character?: Ulquiorra/Hitsugaya/Hollow Ichigo

Hated Character?: Ichigo.

Best Battle?: Ichigo vs Ulquiorra, Last Round.


A sample of good grammar? Well I happen to like Bleach, so I wanted to join. Don't know how else to put it.

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Guest Tainted Black

... I would like you to please read the rules and do the small sample of grammar and likes, but I will accept you... just please do that. You like Ulqui, Ulqui vs. Hichigo, and Hichigo.


Welcome, Numeros 14!

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Name (What you want to be called): ryuujinn

Do you read the manga?: Yep

Favorite Character?: Ulquiorra Schiffer

Hated Character? Jin Kariya

Best Battle?: Nnoitra Jiruga vs Zaraki Kenpachi


Reason for joining: I want to join because first and foremost, I am an avid Arrancar fan. Yes, Shinigami characters are also good, but there's something about Espada and Arrancars that make them more than just villains. Also, since this club will be focusing on the manga, more specifically, Espada (and I assume Arrancars in general) characters, I would want to be a part of it as a matter of sharing the same interest. :D

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Guest Zeonark

Alrighty. Let me just get my input then before we change:



Aizen is a Half/Half like Ichigo. He got his powers from Isshin, which is how he knew about Ichigo,

Wait. So this is saying that Aizen got his power from Isshin, correct?


how Isshin lost his powers,

He lost them?


and how Rukia knew she could transfer powers to "humans".

This is basically saying that Rukia is like them too.


Aizen said he orchestrated. Aizen and Isshin know each other, but it was never explained. Isshin had no powers til they recently came back.

Isshin is probably a Vizard in diguise.


Aizen was first seen as a Youngish man, not a child. Aizen also is letting the Hogyoku use him, rather than use the Hogyoku, thus doing its god-like bidding.

...Actually, this makes perfect sense.




Most of my replies will make no sense, since I haven't been up to date with Bleach. >_>

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