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Lelouch vi britannia vs light yagami


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Anime:Code geass


-Lelouch's Geass, bestowed upon him by C.C., gives him "The Power of Absolute Obedience," allowing him to plant commands within a person's mind upon eye contact in a manner comparable to hypnosis.

-Even without his Geass, Lelouch is a formidable opponent. He is highly intelligent, possessing a genius-level intellect, and is capable of devising and executing strategies with incredible speed and precision.

-Physically, Lelouch is underwhelming. He possesses the physical prowess of a teenager who engages in little to no strenuous physical activity.

-Shortly after gaining the power of Geass from C.C., Lelouch assumes the secret identity Zero, a mysterious, masked revolutionary dressed in a black helmet and cloak. The helmet has a retractable plate over the left eye so Lelouch can use his Geass. In this guise, he forms the Black Knights, initially composed of the members of Kaname Ohgi's resistance group. The goal of this vigilante group is a campaign against powerful individuals who oppress the helpless, which he eventually expands into reforming Japan as an independent nation.

-Lelouch is willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish his goal, even if it means lying to his followers and using people as bait for the outcome he desires. However, he has trouble putting those he is close to in harms way for the sake of his goal, which is a weakness as a commander but a remnant of his humanity and sanity.




anime:Death note


- At the start of the series, he discovers the Death Note and uses it to kill criminals, then becoming known to the people of Japan as Kira (based on the Japanese pronunciation of the English word "killer").

-Light is characterized as an extremely intelligent yet bored young man, confident in his own sense of logic and how clever he is in regards to others. He is frustrated by the lack of justice in the world. Believing the world to be "rotten," he desires a means by which he can enact his will to purge the world of all evil.

-Light Yagami discovers a mysterious notebook on the ground at his school. Written on the cover: the words "Death Note". The Death Note's instructions state that if a human's name is written within it, that person shall die.

-Light feels that he is the only one fit to judge humanity, thus he decides to create a New World where he alone is "God." After meeting the previous owner of the Death Note, a Shinigami named Ryuk, Light seeks to control the world with Divine Rule, passing judgment on those he deems to be evil or those who get in the way of his goals.





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Light may be a genius, but Lelouch is a super-genius. If it came down to the Death Note versus the Geass, Lelouch has a clear edge. If they were face-to-face (which is how they would end up), Lelouch would Geass Light before he finished writing in the Note. (And he would have somehow been assisted by L in the process.)

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Light may be a genius' date=' but Lelouch is a super-genius. If it came down to the Death Note versus the Geass, Lelouch has a clear edge. If they were face-to-face (which is how they would end up), Lelouch would Geass Light before he finished writing in the Note. (And he would have somehow been assisted by L in the process.)



I agree completely.


Lelouch would have to have eye-to-eye contact with Light to use the Geass. Light could simply take a quick glance at his face and then bury his head in the book to write his name.


You forget that Lelouch has the identity of Zero, just as Light has the identity of Kira. This provides Lelouch with a considerable advantage.

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Kira just needs to get a cellphone, sell half his life for the eyes that will see his name, and just look secretly through a reflection off his cellphone and write it out.


+1 Win.


And all Kira needs to do:


"Just a moment Lelouch, just calling someone before I die."


And then he just secretly looks through a reflection.

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Lelouch would simply pretend to that his last name is Lamperouge or he would wear his Zero helmet, preventing Light from learning his name if he were to use the Shinigami eyes, but that contradicts Light's character.


Light's died pathetically, defying that he could die as he did. For all that he achieved over the course of the series, his death proved that he was not the god he claimed he was. However, with Lelouch, even in death he won, as he had succeeded in a Zero Approval Gambit and united the world under his iron fist, only to die JUST AS PLANNED.


So I vote for the FABULOUS Lelouch.

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Kira just needs to get a cellphone' date=' sell half his life for the eyes that will see his name, and just look secretly through a reflection off his cellphone and write it out.


+1 Win.


And all Kira needs to do:


"Just a moment Lelouch, just calling someone before I die."


And then he just secretly looks through a reflection.



You forget that Light, being the arrogant douche that he is, would never give up half his life for the eyes. He wants to rule the world, and won't trade a second of his life to achieve that goal. If you would change that one detail about him, then it's not the same character anymore.

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Kira just needs to get a cellphone' date=' sell half his life for the eyes that will see his name, and just look secretly through a reflection off his cellphone and write it out.


+1 Win.


And all Kira needs to do:


"Just a moment Lelouch, just calling someone before I die."


And then he just secretly looks through a reflection.



You forget that Light, being the arrogant douche that he is, would never give up half his life for the eyes. He wants to rule the world, and won't trade a second of his life to achieve that goal. If you would change that one detail about him, then it's not the same character anymore.



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He's an effing beast I mean sure lelouche coulde geass your ass but light will just f***ing kill you he takes no s*** from no one. Sure he dies but all good things come to and end there will be a bad ass light shinigami YAYAY go Light




Translated into actual English: Light is screwed.

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Kira just needs to get a cellphone' date=' sell half his life for the eyes that will see his name, and just look secretly through a reflection off his cellphone and write it out.


+1 Win.


And all Kira needs to do:


"Just a moment Lelouch, just calling someone before I die."


And then he just secretly looks through a reflection.



You forget that Light, being the arrogant douche that he is, would never give up half his life for the eyes. He wants to rule the world, and won't trade a second of his life to achieve that goal. If you would change that one detail about him, then it's not the same character anymore.




Except Light is not like any of them.

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Kira just needs to get a cellphone' date=' sell half his life for the eyes that will see his name, and just look secretly through a reflection off his cellphone and write it out.


+1 Win.


And all Kira needs to do:


"Just a moment Lelouch, just calling someone before I die."


And then he just secretly looks through a reflection.



You forget that Light, being the arrogant douche that he is, would never give up half his life for the eyes. He wants to rule the world, and won't trade a second of his life to achieve that goal. If you would change that one detail about him, then it's not the same character anymore.





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He has a hidden identity that not even his government knows about until late in the series. He heads a revolutionary group. Light has no possible way of discovering his identity, due to the fact that he's freaking Zero, and due to the fact that Light's police connections don't mean sheet against a revolutionary group that doesn't keep their members on government record.


Light can't get any of his followers to find out Lelouch's name either - he is never seen in public or even around his followers without his mask on. And when he IS in public, Light wouldn't know who to look for.


If it came down to it, Lelouch could just raze the entire city with his army of Knightmares to kill Light.


And if it came to a face to face confrontation, Light is dead, just like that.


On top of all that, Lelouch can control his victims indefinitely. Light can only do so moments before their death. Lelouch could turn the entire city against Light with ease.

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No one can overpower a Geass, regardless of willpower. The only way to even partially resist it is if the command is so completely against the victim's nature - such as the case with Euphemia, who resisted for all of three seconds before happily running off to slaughter hundreds.


Light might resist momentarily, but he would die in the end.


And Ryuk would be no help at all to Light, Half Vamp. Ryuk never ONCE helped Light in the entire series because Light asked him to. The only time I can remember something even close to help was when he checked Light's house for cameras / soundbugs, and when he told Light he was being followed (which he only did because it was bugging him).


Ryuk never told Light L's name, even though Light asked him to. So yeah, that's out of the question.


Also, again, Knightmares razing city = dead Light.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Lelouch, no question. His supporters are far more powerful than Kira's, and his and C.C.'s powers are uniquely suited to disabling Kira and his team. The only way Light could win would be to somehow convince Ryuk to wipe out Lelouch's party — and even then, C.C. would remain to exact revenge.

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Keima Katsuragi


Sure he doesn' have any superpowers but he can beat any human being at any game. REGARDLESS of whether or not he knows how to play.


Plus he's awesome with his game obsessions.


However I'd go with Lelouch if that is not an option because I read Death Note and stopped because I hated Light.


I haven't watched Geass but he looks cool.

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