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Four Elemental Gauntlets: War against the World [Acc./Now Started] In need of evil people

Enma Kozato

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Britney Finally Stopped The Wind As She Fell To The Ground Exhausted. "Its So Hard To Make Wind At A Category 3 HUrricane And keep it For So Long" . Britney Said As She Looked At The Wall Which Was Completely Messed Up. "Can yoU Guys Do Something To The Wall Before I Pass Out And Die From Exhaustion" . Britney Said In An Exasperated Voice. Britney Stood Up And Took In One Quick Breath As She Began To Focus Again On The Winds. The Wind Began To Blow But Only At The Speed Of A Weak Storm.

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"Ya know what, screw it." Jason walked up to the wall and punched with flames around his fist as hard as he could. "I'm just going to punch the wall until it falls. This wind thing takes up to much energy." He punched the wall again and again until it finally fell apart. "Well that does that in." He turned to Britney, who was trying to stay awake. "Come on, you can sleep. I got you." He picked up Britney and walked through the hole in the wall. "You can pick up Zane, Jack. I want to get out of here."

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As Jack bandaged his ribs and shoulder from the crash and fall that he had taken, Jack heard Jason's request and looked back at Zane's unconcious form and sighed. "Great, this is just my luck" With much hesitancy, Jack slung Zane's body up over his shoulder with his right arm; carrying him like luggage, and slowly walked down the path while clutching his bandaged ribs with his left arm while his left shoulder was in constant agony. "It feels like I broke my ribs and my shoulder feels like its shattered in 3 places." said Jack. "You might want tell me to stay clear when you unleash that hurricane storm or you'll end up being the death of me." said Jack.

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Jason chuckled a little at Jack. He just met the guy, already he was starting to like him. "Yeah, I'm just lucky how I didn't break anything." Jason took another step forward. "I think my instincts just kick in at the last second. My fire also was a miracle, I could barely breath, so I don't know how my fire burned." Jason shook his head. "I just got really luck, that's the only way I lived." Jason breathed deeply.

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Jack was slowly walking, when all of a sudden he heard footsteps coming from behind him. "Jason, did you hear that?" Jack turned around and looked and his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Their stood a large robot-like thing clad in red and black steel armor with fingers that resembled claws with bandages that covered up its eyes. The figure looked like something out of a horror movie. "I have found you" the monstrosity like creature yelled out at them. "Ummm.... JASON!!!! I THINK WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!" Jack screamed as he ran clutching his ribs and Zane's limp body. Jack's mind suddenly went into overdrive, "How did they find us so quickly? That thing.... it could've only been made by NGL. I thought the rebels were safeguarding the hole nearby" thought Jack. Jack immediately ran, panic overtaking him as he fled. Can't I just shoot electric bolts at him? Jason and Brittney controlled Fire and Wind, Zane is water, so maybe mine is electricity." The minute Jack's last thought crossed his mind, he immediately turned around and willed electricity to come out of the gauntlet. Suddenly a large bolt of negatively charged electricity shot out of the gauntlet and hit the figure stark in the torso. "Lets run, Brittney is out of it, Zane is unconcious, I have a broken rib and shoulder and you can't even control your gauntlet yet. We need to run!!" Jack grabbed Jason's hand with his left hand and ran as fast he could only briefly shooting a few bolts of electricity at the figure from his right hand as they fled down the rocky corridor.

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Britney just jumped out of Jason's arms and stood infront of the creature. "You guys go i can handle him, or at least attempt to blow him back a size or two" . Britney said as she began focusing on the wind. She was stilll weak but she couldn't let her friends get killed by the monster so she tried to at least knock it out. The wind began blowing again, stronger and stronger every minute until it got to a tornado. Britney had manipulated the wind so it will only blow against the monster and push Jason and Jack forward.


The wind began to blow faster and faster as she grabbed a wall almost about to knock herself out. "I gotta keep doing this" . Britney said as the wind kept blowing faster onto the creature until it had finally was blown into the chamber with the pillars as the creature slammed into all four pillars and broke them, it had slammed into a wall and Britney had fell onto the ground unconscious from using up all her energy.

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26 saw the bolts fly towards him and he just stepped aside. "So this is the power of the gauntlets? Iam unimpressed." 26 held his hand againts his commincation piece, "Master, i have found them. There running and i could easily take them out. Unless you want me to follow them." 26 heard static at the same time he started to walk in the direction of the people. "26, follow them. We need to know what they will try to do, and if your luckey, try to join their side and find out whats happening." 26 smiled as he was walking.

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Jack saw Brittney vanish from Jason's arms and stand to fight against the robotic like mechanism. Suddenly he felt a weak wind push him and Jason further down the corridor. Unfortunately, Jack; with broken ribs, tripped on a large stone in the middle of the corridor and went tumbling over onto the hard rocks of the corridor sending a large jolt of pain from his ribs and shoulder and sending Zane's body hurling over him and landing a good 10 feet away and throwing Jason scrambling to the ground. When Jack looked up, he saw Brittney unconcious in the middle of the floor. "That idiot... that thing said it found us, so it must've been looking for us which is not good." Jack stumbled over to Brittney still clutching his ribs, and with his brain in complete and total panic, he hoisted the unconcious Brittney onto his back and quickly retrieved Zane's crumbled body and gently put it over his right shoulder once more. He quickly sent a quick 2 bolts hurling at the figure and turned around to find Jason getting up from the fall. With the 2 unconcious Gauntlet users in tow, Jack grabbed Jason's hand and hobbled further down the corridor with his ribs and shoulder in increasing agony as he carried the unconcious Zane and the semi-concious Brittney on his back. "It looks like Brittney's curse is starting to come back to haunt me, I REALLY NEED A DOCTOR!!" As Jack and Jason ran down the corridor, they suddenly stopped with their eyes nearly not believing what was in front of them. "OH GREAT!!! Its a dead end!!" Jack said in complete and overflowing panic.

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OoC: That's kinda GMing Crisis. You're controlling another character's actions

IC: Zane was begining to stir. He slowly opened his now blue eyes, and stood up carefully. "Well it looks like I might help a little." Zane formed his short blade on his left hand and the small wisp appeared. Only now the wisp was gray. "I think this may slow down our pursuer and give us time to recooperate." Slowly, steam began to form a dome around all 4 of them. "And now," Zane snapped his fingers, and the wisp changed to white. The mist almost instantaneously changed to ice, forming a thick dome around the four and the rest of the cave. "Now let's get our act together while we still have time."

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OOC: Sorry, kinda got carried away there. Didn't mean to, my fault.


IC: Jack was in awe as a barrier of ice formed all around them. "I'm not sure how long this is gonna hold." So long as they had minute to recuperate, Jack dropped Brittney and Zane and applied more bandages to his injured shoulder and ribs that had been damaged by the hurricane-like winds that Brittney had created. "You guys have any ideas on how we're going to get out of this mess?" Jack sighed and look at the other 3.

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"Well, I can likely get us out with the water supplied at the fountain. I'll send stem throgh the miniscule cracks in the wall and change the form to ice. If I made it dry ice, Jason couuld use it as a form of TNT. Althouhg, doing that would require me to drop the dome. Also, do any of you have somewhat of a cursor you use to control your element like me?" Zane showed the small blade with the white wisp on its point.

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Character name: Montag Faber McCelllan

Age: ...13...

Gender: Male

Apperance: My avatar, dressed in a white suit, complete with a blue tie and a fedora with a blue ribbon around it. Carries a suitcase, eblezoned with a large "10."

Role:(NGL, Gauntlet, Rebel, outside character/ all except gauntlet be specific): NGL special agent and leader of the Ten Men, a special organization filled with ruthless (yet well dressed) beussiness people who are named Ten Men because they have ten ways of hurting you...The best are labeled 1-10, with 10 being the most deadly and 1 being the worst of the best.

Gauntlet element(Wind, Fire, Electricity only for gauntlet users):

Personality: Montag is a fickle person. While being short of staure, he makes up for that in the freosity of his mood swings. He's a master of censorship, burning books and other reading material. His prime objective is to keep the general public happy: and keep the Gauntlets and rebels as miserable as possible.

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Jason shrugged. "I don't know never tried. Let me try right now." As Jason thought about a weapon one instantly appeared in his hands. He was shocked at first but then regained his coolness. "I guess it's a basic thing for the gauntlet's being able to do this." Jason looked a this weapon that he just made. It was a spear with red iron and a giant spearhead at the end. It had a little glow to it, made by an aura of heat. As Jason noticed the final part mention about his weapon he recalled it back into his gauntlet. "Don't want hot things in ice now do we?"

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"Ok, I'll give it a shot now."

Jack pointed his gauntlet forward and tried to conjure a weapon from Electricity. A very small blade of electricity popped out of his gauntlet hand before it dissappeared in a fury of sparks.

Jack gasped and pushed his gauntlet out once more and willed a sword of electricity to be produced from the gauntlet 1 more time. This time a large bolt of electricity shot out of his gauntlet, bounced into the wall of ice and shot back at hit Jack square in the chest, effectively knocking Jack out and into the other wall of the dome, violently causing blood to pour from his torso from having his ribs broken once again as electric sparks danced around and Jack's eyes closed.


o Jack's Dream o

This had to have been the worst day in Jack's entire life! Not only had he not gotten the Lieutenant job that he so sorely wanted, he had been demoted to a private and the Lieutenant job had been given to one of the other applicants! Jack was absolutely furious! None of the other applicants had been in the resistence as long as he had and Jack had more talent in his left pinky than all of the other Lieutenants combined! As Jack rampaged out in the deep forest, he suddenly felt burning anger like none he'd ever felt. He wanted to leave this stupid resistance and go to where he was appreciated. Jack however, knew he had to stay here. If he left the resistance, NGL would be constantly on him for how he had stolen a prized mech from an NGL factory in his hometown and that he'd been caught and fled, leaving his hometown to be burned to the ground. As Jack fumed, he suddenly felt a hand on shoulder and Jack turned around only to find.....

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A dark figure loomed over Jack, as his eyes closed to his nightmare. "Say goodbye to these few, little pest." The figure held out a hand covered with a black leather glove, holding out a briefcase enscribed with the number "1." "Gavroche is not kind when it comes to the gauntleted..." From the breifcase, he pulled out a crumbled-up paper ball. "Boom." He muttered, and threw the paper against the ground. From it, a dense cloud of smoke bellowed, and when it cleared, the ten man and Jack where both gone.

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"Showtime," Wellesley muttered as the rebel force emerged haphazardly from the trees. Instantly several large machine guns, sitting on the ridge, opened fire on the trees. As much as the rebels were willing to fight, they were still human, and it would take an impressive leaded to persuade them to walk into the hail of bullets. Unfortunately - or perhaps fortunately - for them, there was no such leader there, and the rebels slunk back into the trees.


"Well that wasn't very impressive. Either they didn't realise there was a whole battalion here, or they're missing part of their command structure. Still, they're probably not going to want to try again in a hurry."

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A black, tusedioed man with slick black hair walked up to Wellsely. "So...I suppose the rebel forces are cowering in fear?" He swung his briefcase, marked with a "2," back and forth. "If not, I can easily arrange for fearless leader to send a firm of ten men over to deal with them." The man sighed. "I'm number 2, Marius, if your wondering...Pesky, are't they?" He asked, watching the rebels hide in their hidey-holes like little bunny rabbits.

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A special agent, out here? Wellesley wondered, and why his he volunteering to arrange a task force? He observed the man. Whoever he was, he apparently wasn't military.


"That won't be necessary," the Colonel replied, "as it is, they know that if they break from the trees they'll get cut down; if they're going to charge they'll already have called for reinforcements, and there'll be too many of those for any ten men to deal with, regardless of how good they may be. Besides, if they really had to be removed -" he gestured up at the Morgan standing above them, "- these have shrapnel missiles, as do the infantry, so the trees aren't even safe. I just don't see the need to kill them all when they can't win anyway."

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The man smiled. "Very well, then. But don't underestimate them, however weak they are. You never know if the cat has claws...But you have them prefectly under controll." He glanced at the shapnel missles. "Be carefull. You never know if you have rebels under your power or not. I admit, it would take a very good leader to pursuade them to be cannon-foder, but you never know." Marius sat down. "Mind if I take a seat and watch?"

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"I don't see why not, but make sure you don't get in the way," Wellesley replied, "and I think you ought to see our armoury officer about a helmet and body armour. Even if this cat doesn't have claws, I wouldn't be surprised if they have snipers. He should be somewhere behind those mechs," he added, gesturing past the machines.


This guy seems to know more about military affairs that I first though, he mused, although he's probably not in the army himself if he's in a battle zone without protection or support. He suddenly got a strange feeling, almost as if something big was going on, and no-one had told him about it. He pushed it aside as a group of the rebels gathered the courage to attempt to rush the line. Three of the machine guns swung around and opened fire. The front of the group vanished in a mass of red, and the rest stalled, turned, and ran back towards the trees, several of them stumbling into the ground before they could reach the relative safety of the tree line.

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"I'll be fine." He tapped his bowler hat. "Stronger then it looks." As if to prove his point, a bullet richoed off a post and shot towards Marius. In the blink of an eye, he took off his hat, and threw it like a firisbee. As it spun, it it the bullet and sliced it in two, like a knife cutting through an apple. Finally, like a boomerang, the bowler hat came spinning back to him. Marius cooly placed it back in its orginal position as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

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Wellesley raised an eyebrow. "Well, if your clothes are enough, that's fine," he said, after the machine guns had finished dealing with the rebel brave enough to fire. Although if they can create materials that tough why don't we have it? he wondered, turning back to the woods. A group of rebels had attached a white cloth to a branch, and were waving it desperately.


"We just want to collect our wounded," one man, presumably the one now in charge, called. Wellesley pulled out a pocket watch and glanced at it.


"You have 15 minutes," he replied, speaking through a megaphone, "send no more than 10 men, unarmed, and they cannot go more than 10 feet ahead of where your wounded are." He passed the megaphone to a junior officer. "Make sure all the gun crews understand we have a 15 minute ceasefire," he told the man.

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Jack's eyes suddenly shot open. He'd had the worst nightmare in the history of nightmares! He dreamed that he had been kidnapped and about the day that he had been denied the Lieutenant position. He tried to stand up, but he suddenly felt an enormous pain come from his ribs and left shoulder. He looked down at his ribs as they were soaked in blood. Jack quickly pulled out what was left of his last roll of bandages and wrapped them around his ribs and used the rest of it on his shoulder. As soon as he finished that, Jack spoke to Zane, Brittney, and Jason, who all appeared to be completely wrapped in thought. "Geez, thanks for worrying about me, I'll just lay here and bleed to death." Jack pouted at the other 3 and said, "Well it looks like I can't make weapons yet, I'll have to play support for you guys until I have more training with this stupid gauntlet. It seems now all we need is a plan to get out of this mess." Jack leened against the wall and stared at the other 3 gauntlet users.

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