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OU v.s. Uber


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Salamence with Outrage, higher base ATK, and D-Dance.


Garchomp with Outrage, higher base Spe, and Swords Dance.






  • Also has higher base SpA
  • Is vulnerable to Thunder Wave





  • Has higher base HP
  • Typically has less coverage


What say you?



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If I recall correctly, Garchomp has higher base defenses and hit points, meaning it can take a beating easily, not factoring in Intimidate. Also note that Garchomp has Sand Veil, meaning it can often be annoying to take out with TTar.


And while you already mentioned this, look at its speed. Gamefreak made it a point to say, "Hey, we are going to make this thing JUST over the Base 100's. Not EQUAL to 'em. Over them. And notice how a lot of Ubers are Base 100 and below. Hyuck, hyuck!"


In a one-on-one situation, Garchomp would win because of its speed and it usually has a Scarf to combat a +1 Mence. In terms of team, Garchomp is a good revenge killer in Ubers, while Mence still has its merits doubling with Rayquaza for ultra-double-dragon-sweep. And Salamence can run some gimmicky (loose use of word) support sets in OU.

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Fire Blast is a prime example. Common switch ins are Scizor.

I thought it didn't need to use Swords to kill Mence.


You don't know that. D<

Actually, I've maxed them both with EVs in ATK and Spe and 4 each in HP, and depending on who has the higher outcome in speed, is the one who wins.


So far, it's even. :/

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I hate to say it, but you are looking at this from an askew standpoint. Are we assuming both Pokemon are playing in the OU tier, or in the Uber tier? Is this a one-on-one matchup (in which case Garchomp will usually win), or does it include teams? Because I'm pretty sure Garchomp can't be a DDance partner with 'Quaza.

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I hate to say it' date=' but you are looking at this from an askew standpoint. Are we assuming both Pokemon are playing in the OU tier, or in the Uber tier? Is this a one-on-one matchup (in which case Garchomp will usually win), or does it include teams? Because I'm pretty sure Garchomp can't be a DDance partner with 'Quaza.



No, it can't, and you're right.


It all depends on tier and stats obviously. I ended up raising A Salamence and a Garchomp with even speed. 283 each.


Salamence lived on the Outrage, D-Danced and won.


I used my faster Garchomp, and Salamence fainted. Both had Life Orb.

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Most Garchomp hold Choice Scarf, and are always faster than Salamence, as it's only in the Base 100 Speed category, while 'Chomp over there has Base 102.


So a Scarfchomp can outspeed a +0 and a +1 Salamence. And if you EVd it correctly, Outrage should be an easy OHKO. If not, you have to consider that most teams (ab)use Stealth Rock, meaning 'Mence takes 25% on switch-ins, meaning Outrage HAS to be a guaranteed OHKO.

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