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Homestuck [An RP about Homestuck] [Started. WE ARE DOING THIS. WE ARE MAKING IT HAPPEN]


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Deron then activated the SBURB on his computer. He then changed right back to Pesterchum to inform everyone. Deron said out loud to hear it, just to make sure ot sound right. He then typed on his Pesterchum.


PA: Everything under control. SBURB has been hooked up to the computer and is ready to launch. We are going to make history people.


Deron typed on there as he went back to his SBURB.

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OOC: I have doubts that you know all about Homestuck Cid. You should know you can only talk to one person at a time. If you were telling everyone individually the same thing, then okay, just make sure you are acknowledging that.


RN: Ummm...

RN: Dom, you there?

RN: You barely said anything to me

RN: You're the server, so help me

RN: Answer some of my questions maybe?

RN: Also

RN: My server copy is installed

RN: You can be player once I figure this thing out

RN: If the game was designed for partners like this

RN: Then I'm afraid the timer might apply for both of us

RN: Just a theory

RN: Plus, there's only 13 minutes left

RN: So if you're right

RN: And the countdown is bad

RN: And I die becuz you're too lazy to help

RN: I'm gonna haunt you and funk you up

RN: So get back to helping me

RN: Besides, the sooner you help me

RN: The sooner you get to be the player


Nick was still standing next to the totem-lathe, waiting impatiently for his lazy-ass friend to help him. He didn't like that countdown, and the closer it got to 0, the more agitated Nick got.


RN: Now, scroll up to the earlier conversation

RN: So you can answer my questions


Nick waited, his ninja sprite flying behind him. Well, not a complete ninja. It was cut off from the waist down, with only a ghostly tail at the bottom.


RN: Also, what is this... thing floating behind me called?

RN: Add that to my list of unanswered questions

RN: So that you can answer it

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CO: oh god shut up

CO: i mean seriously

CO: look mess around with your totem lathe sheet

CO: then go to the alchemiter or something

CO: or vice versa

CO: because i honestly don't know whats going on


Dom moved his curser over the Totem lathe.


CO: yeah just fuck around with that or something


The sound of a motorcycle was once again heard, meaning his father was back. He wondered how we has going to explain the jeep. Then again dad never checks the garage anyways. Dom glanced back at inventory thing and noticed another item. Quickly he placed it besides Nick.


CO: there enjoy that card thing or whatever

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OOC: Thnx fenrir. I know you're busy and stuff, but I don't wanna die :(

Also, I think we should all start like john did, and then we pass through the first gate, taking us to different individual worlds. Eventually we can meet up. Also, Cid what's your PesterChum handle?




RN: Thnx dude!

RN: I'm going to load up on some stuff first

RN: Then I'll come back

RN: Cya


Nick put away his iPhone, then ran into his house. While running down his hallway, he was confronted by his brother. He was holding two presents. Nick grabbed them. "Thnx bro!" Nick then tried to pass to the left, but his brother stopped him, and tried to make him watch a boring old movie with him. Nick refused multiple times, until he wrapped himself completely in his black cloak, then disappeared and reappeared on the other side of his brother. "Heh heh, not this time bro!" Nick ran into his room and locked it.


He opened the first birthday present. It contained a whole box stack of captchalogue cards. Waaaay more than Nick would ever need. But w/e. In the other present was some gear. One was a cool large stone gauntlet with, with razor sharp claws. There was also a super sticky adhesive pad. Nick captchalogued both in his sylladex. I don't know why I'm taking these, but whatever. Nick went to his closet. He got his RC copter and controller and captchalogued them. Finally, Nick captchalogued a small futuristic robot. It used to have a cartoon where it defeated villains all across the world with missiles, guns, and other weapons. It also had a universal translator. Nick had no idea why he was bringing all this stuff.


Nick then remembered the timer. Oh no... I got to get up there!!! Nick dashed up to the roof, seeing the card Dominic left for him. Good to know that he values my life enough to take a 1 second break from talking to a girl to give me a stupid card. Nick looked at the timer. There was only 60 seconds left! Nick looked for the card. He eventually spotted it on the opposite side of the pool. "Damn it Dominic!" He ran over to the card. Nick noticed a burning sensation, like he was really close to a large fire. Nick looked up to the sky. "Hol...y...sheet..." Nick saw a giant meteor, heading right in his direction. Nick was going to kill Dominic. That is, if he didn't get killed himself. Nick ran over to the totem-lathe and placed the punched card into the slot. He pressed a button and the totem-lathe started up. The machinery was moved, and the cruxite spun around. The totem-lathe carved into the cruxite a weird shape. Nick didn't care though. 17 seconds. Nick grabbed the cruxite, and ran to the alchemiter. He placed the cruxite in, and hit a button. There was 12 seconds left. The machine moved, and a beam created a black banana. "...a banana? What the funk am I supposed to do with a funking banana?!?! Damn you Sburb! Damn you to hell!" 10 seconds left. Nick stared at the banana. 7 seconds. Nick looked around, and he couldn't find anything. 5 seconds. Nick had only one though. Eat... the... banana... Nick paused. funk you brain. Nick grabbed frantically at the top of the banana. 4 seconds. He couldn't get it to open. 3 seconds. Nick duck his finer deep in, the ooze from the squished banana on his thumb. 2 seconds. He ripped open the peel, revealing the banana. 1 second. "Dominic, this better funking work, or you're dead!" The meteor was at impact. Everything moved in slow motion, feeling like a lifetime. Nick reached the banana towards his mouth. His mouth wide open, the banana entered. 0 seconds. The meteor smashed into its destination, leaving a huge crater in the ground. Everything went dark...


Empty nothingness... It was all over...





Or was it? Nick woke up, lying on the roof of his house. He looked up, the meteor gone. In it's place was black nothingness. "Uggghhhh... Where am I? Did I die? If so, was I able to kill Dominic too?" Nick pinched himself. Ow! Nope, definitely awake. Nick got up, and walked around. He looked over the roof. His house was... floating. No wait, it was on top of some tall pillar. There was blackness all around though. They were out in some... empty space. Nick looked back, and saw his sprite acting weirdly. The kernel around it then "hatched" and a dark and light version of it went in two separate directions. It was trying to speak to him again. Crap! I still can't understand this stupid thing! Wait a minute... Nick hatched an idea. He took out his futuristic toy that was from the show. He threw it at the Ninja, and they collided. Once again, there was a glow. When the light disappeared, there was standing a figure. It was a completed ninja. But not just any ninja. It was a super cyborg ninja, complete with all the armor the toy had. It then spoke in english with it's translator. It told Nick completely about the medium, which was the land he was in, and all the things it could. It also told him that there were things that Nick had to find out on his own. Nick decided to take a break from being a player. He walked back to his computer in his room. He got on PesterChum.


RN: Okay Dominic

RN: Apparently the countdown was to a meteor

RN: And Sburb was designed to warn us


Nick told Dominic in detail everything his sprite told him


RN: Okay

RN: so now that you know

RN: we should get you hooked up IMMEDIATELY

RN: I've got my server going

RN: Connect to it, so you don't die

RN: I'll tell the others

roboticNinja stopped pestering colossalOrion


Nick then contacted Deron.





Nick also told Deron everything he knew. Including about the meteor.



RN: NOW!!!


RN: The meteor could come at any moment.

roboticNinja stopped pestering (insert Cid's PesterChum handle here)


Lastly, Nick contacted Alice.


RN: Yo girl!

RN: Can't really talk right now

RN: Just talk to Deron

RN: He can tell you everything I told him

RN: It's a matter of life and death!!!

RN: I'm not even kidding

RN: Just know this

RN: If you don't get Sburb running soon

RN: You WILL die.

RN: Wish I could tell you more

RN: But I've gotta save Dominic's life now

RN: You can thank me twice later

RN: One for saving your life

RN: And two

RN: For saving your precious Dominic's too ;)

RN: Bye now

roboticNinja stopped pestering literalGenius

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((Rag, don't go creating your world yet. I'll mostly be deciding that stuff. :P))


CO: interesting i guess

CO: hey look at that weird spiral thingy above your house

CO: ask your sprite thingy about that


Dom then began to connect to Alice using his player client. Outside, he could hear the sound of heavy rain and thunder. Strange. He could also hear the sound of pots and pans crashing together, meaning his dad was probably screwing around in the kitchen.


CO: alright are you ready

CO: lets do this

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OOC: Srry fenrir :( wasn't trying to make my own world. But I do want to say I have had in mind a great idea for the world I would be in (like how Dave was the land of fire and metal (or machinery or something) and rose was land of light and rain, and john's was wind and darkness). So where should I start? The place I said? Cuz you gotta tell me in advance where I start if you want to choose fenrir.




Nick got out his iPhone and got on PesterChum


RN: You gettin on Alice's server?

RN: GL man

RN: Also, my sprite already told me

RN: It's a gate

RN: There's 7

RN: We need to pass through all 7 eventually

RN: Use everything I taught you

RN: Who knows when your meteor will come

RN: Ima host Deron's player copy

RN: Cya

roboticNinja stopped pestering colossalOrion


RN: Yo Deron!

RN: You got your player copy installed?

RN: Cuz I'm gonna be your server

RN: okay?

RN: I set it up

RN: You just need to join

RN: You should know what to do

RN: Since I told you and Dom everything


Nick waited for his friend Deron to respond.

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Her fingers clattered impatiently on her desk as the bar finished loading. Alicia took another bite of the bar as the game window opened. Suddenly, a full view of Dominic's room appeared on her screen, from a sort of diagonal position. He wasn't there at the moment, probably in the jeep, she guessed.


LG: Okay, this is interesting.

LG: Let me get started.


His room was quite large. Scrolling around his room and testing the various zoom options, she clicked the Select button, clicking her mouse on one of his various JAPANESE MECHAS. Picking it up, she zoomed out, placing it on top of a tree, which was flat at the top due to it being somewhat dead.

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Dom re-entered his room, with a bottle of ginger ale in his hand. He coughed slightly, sitting back down on his comp.


CO: alright

CO: lets do this sheet i guess

CO: check your inventory sheet and put that stuff somewhere on my house

CO: just dont make too much noise

CO: cuz my dads here


Dom nodded to himself, then looked aorund his room. Maybe he'd have enough space for an item. By the looks of it, his room was too clustered for anythin- HEY.






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LG: I didn't mean to do it.

LG: I'm new to this.


Alicia grasped the mouse and clicked the next icon; the green, SBURB mouse was almost identical to the first, but some of the blocks making up the house-like shape were raised and lowered. Clicking at the corner of Dominic's room, she made a short corridor leading to another square room.


LG: It seems any actions I take use Build Grist.

LG: Of which we only have twelve left.

LG: I'll deploy one of these things.


Opening the menu and clicking on the Alchemiter, she placed it in the corner of the new room she had created.

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After finally cleaning the house, Isabella sat down at her computer and activated it. She waited as the computer booted up before selecting her profile and typing her password thing. Some things ARE private ya know? Looking at her desktop, which was of a very nice armada of cleaning items. She double-clicked pesterchum and logged in as desireableDelila, noting her other friends were online. She clicked on CO.


DD: OMG I'm so sorry for taking so long Dommy.

DD: I was cleaning the house.

DD: .....

DD: Yoo-hoo?

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OOC: ...I'm in the medium fenrir... Not rushin you... but when you are ready, you can tell me that world you said you wanted to make or w/e... till then I'm waiting for Cid to post more than once every week or two -_-


Nick waited for a response from his friend. ...Screw this... If he wants to get hit by a meteor, fine by me.


RN: Dude

RN: Okay you have 5 seconds

RN: 5

RN: 4

RN: 3

RN: 2

RN: 1

RN: 0

RN: Okay, get hit by a meteor

RN: Don't come crying to me though

RN: I'll leave the server open

RN: In case you actually want to live


Nick waited, with still no response

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Isabella noted another one her friends on, having gotten fed up with waiting for 'Dom-dom', she then went for her friend Nick. She double clicked his chum handle.


DD: I sooooooo can't believe Dom.

DD: Why be online and not sya your AFK.

DD: But you're not AFK, so I'll pester you.

DD: So what is going on? I heard something about SBURB Beta or something like that. Care to enlighten me on the workings of it?

DD: I've been too busy to play mine yet you see.

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OOC: Is it just me, or do we know more about Cid's freestyle basketball crud than about his room, house, or anything about him (besides the interests in his app). Such as his Chum Handle. Also, fenrir, if you get the chance, can you put the punch-designix up on the roof too? Just put it on the floor of the shallow end of my pool. The pool is empty, and the bottom is flat, so I could get it easily.




RN: Oh w8

RN: Looks like Isabella's pestering me

RN: And you seem to be AFK

RN: Sooo... bye

RN: Enjoy finding a way to escape the meteor

Rn: Because I'm taking down my server now

roboticNinja stopped pestering (insert Cid's chum handle here)


Nick decided to spend his time talking to someone who didn't go afk for 30 minutes after talking for 5 seconds every time they got online.


RN: Sup Isabella

RN: OMG yea I got my beta

RN: But it is sooooo crazy

RN: You have NO idea!

RN: Do you have your player and server copy?

RN: Cuz if so

RN: You need to get it running right away!

RN: It's a matter of life or death

RN: I can't explain it all right now

RN: I already explained it to Dom and Deron

RN: And that took WAAAY too long

RN: Your sprite will tell you later

RN: I'm guessing you have no idea what that means

RN: Anyways, run your player copy

RN: I'll have my server ready for you to join

RN: Unless of course, you WANT to be hit by a meteor

RN: ;D

RN: Seriously though

RN: Join

RN: Now

RN: Or you will die

RN: By a giant flaming rock

RN: I'll explain more later

RN: AFTER I get you to safety

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--My handle is ProphecyArisen.


Deron saw and heard what had happened to Nick.


PA: So you got one too?

PA: Great another one.

PA: Well i just set up my player and server so whenever your ready i am.

PA: Well.... i better learn how to dodge a meteor. Just Pester me later.


Deron typed as he looked at his clock. He said still looking at the clock.

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OOC: Your handle has to be in this format Cid, adjectiveNoun. First letter of adjective is lower case, first letter of noun is capital




Nick began pestering Deron when he had come back.


RN: You there finally?

RN: Cuz if so

RN: Alicia will need someone to be her server

RN: And so do you

RN: And isabella

RN: Sooo...

RN: You should be the server for Alicia

RN: Isabella can be server for you

RN: And I can be server for Isabella

RN: That way

RN: She can copy everything I do for her

RN: Onto you

RN: And you do everything Isabella does for you

RN: To Alicia

RN: And bada-boom-bada-bing

RN: We all live

RN: So

RN: You in?


Nick was nervous. Something didn't feel right. Like there was a... presence in the house besides his. Meh... probably just my bro... hopefully... Nick was not sure what to think. Being in some weird other world did that to people. He decided to pester Isabella.


RN: Yo

RN: Just told Deron the plan

RN: We're making a chain

RN: Dom is my server

RN: I'm yours

RN: Your Deron's

RN: He's Alicia's

RN: And we already know the rest

RN: So, this sound like a good idea?

RN: Cuz when we start

RN: You're going to have copy everything I do

RN: Except you do it for Deron

RN: Kay?

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--My handle is now propheticBaller



PB: Yeah i'm in.

PB: Although something tells me it's going to be hell.

PB: But.... we can fight through it.


Deron pestered Nick as he waited for Alicia's arrival. Dammit Nick. Almost destroying our lives with a damn meteor. What the hell were you thinking? Deron thought to himself as he went to the washroom to use the bathroom. Deron said as he checked himself in the mirror. He then cleaned his nose and then went back to his room and back on his computer.

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Dom shrugged, walking into the new room. He approached the Alchemiter. It was bigger than he expected, then again everything wasn't to size on his screen probably. But still...


CO: alright

CO: deploy the other sheet

CO: although i think we dont have space for at least one

CO: and my house is pretty crowded

CO: so maybe the roof


The rain was pouring much harder now, something felt wrong.

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(((Um, little note here. This isn't a last warning, but since the RP's format requires a lot of broken lines, I can't accurately judge how long a post is. Therefore, to avoid this excellent little thread from getting locked, I ask that you guys count up the lines before you split them up. Thank you.)))

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OOC: How about every three pesterchum lines = one full line?


Isabella looked quizically at Nick's desperate words. However, she didn't want to be hit with a meteor she knew the only option to make. She looked around the desk for he discs, but they were nowhere to be found. 'Bart's found something shiny' she grumbled and followed the only direction they would've gone.


She entered Bart's room to find him playing around witht he disc packages. His little infant toddler arms couldn't break the seal. 'Bart; don't go stealing from the computer room. What if you broke the discs?' she coddled. Bart looked down as he handed her the discs. 'If you want, you can come watch sissy play' she added. The little child's face lit up as she took his hand to the computer room. She installed both discs and waiting for the server to run. She pestered Nick for some clues.


DD: What now?

DD: I put the discs in and installed the server, now it says I'm waiting for something.

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OOC: Rinne, what if we have over 4 lines of text w/o the formatted lines? I usually do. But yea, I'll count to be safe (BTW, I counted, my PesterChum Speak alone is more than 4 lines). I like Broken's Idea though. Fenrir... any news on that world yet? Cuz, you seemed to want to choose it. IDK if you are waiting for me to pass through the first gate or not, but I'd like some news. Not trying to rush you though. Take your time.




Nick saw Isabella's questions, and decided to respond.


RN: Well

RN: You've got to wait for someone with their player copy installed to join

RN: So you just have to wait for Deron

RN: But who knows how long that could take :/

RN: Anyways

RN: I think you should join my server too

RN: Since you can join mine and host your own

RN: At the same time

RN: So...

RN: Are you ready to learn about the world of...

RN: SBURB?!?!?!?


Nick decided to eat the pizza he captchalogued earlier. He was getting hungry. Nick quickly shoved the whole pizza into his mouth, and ate it quickly. No use thinking on an empty stomach, Nick thought to himself. Only one more thing to do. Isabella just had to join Nick's server, and he could begin.

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'Alright Bart, let's do this' she said to her brother and activated the game. A rather spectacular opening reel began to pplay of bright flashy colours. Finally, the game logged in to Nick's server....and his house? 'This is amazing, I can see Nick from halfway across the country this is so cool' she squealed. Bart imitated her squeal of delight, even though he didn't know why she did it.


DD: This is so cool I can see the inside of your house, and you as well.

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