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What you would you do if?

Speed Dragon90

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This game is similiar to the the "One day you wake up as...." game except it starts off with the question post and then someone answer, then the next person continues off of what you said you would do and the process repeats its self for a mininum of 6 posts, then someone asks a new question.



Post #1 Question: What would yo do if you were captured by a crazy gunman.


Post #2 Answer: Find a way to get his gun!


Post#3 Cont Answer: Then I shoot him and take someone else hostage.


Post #4 Cont: Then the police arrest me and I go to jail.


And just keep going till you get bored with the subject and ask a new question. I'll start us off.


What would you do if one day you woke up and all your friends were in your room with baseball bats, saying "Give up Yu-Gi-Oh or Die!"

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