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The Great Grand Club of the Hidden Arcane...wait a sec...


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Got the idea? Meh, if you didn't it's no problem, it wasn't that easy to spot anyway.


This club has the goal to bring together people with great naming capabilities - basically, people that are good at giving names to things, whether those things are human characters, weapons, subatomic particles, beasts, and so on...


That's one thing we will do here. The other 3 things will be:


1. Discussing cool names everywhere (city names, card names, book names)

2. Random chat

3. RPing (maybe)





Cool Nickname:

Reason why you joined:

Do you want this club to also do RPs: yes/no


[spoiler=Ranks]In this order:


Let there be Light!

FMA writer

Lord of the Letters

Master of the Rule of Cool


Apprentice namer

The Objective one

Imagination 0



[spoiler=Members]Versatility (New Sire of the Fresh Renewal) - Let there be Light!


Yu-Gi-OH 5D's (5D's bish) - German


Night Walker (+Vendetta) - The Objective one


Shradow (General Ragaror, Piercer of Heavens)


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Name: Shradow

Cool Nickname: General Ragaror, Piercer of Heavens

Reason why you joined: You had me with that title, I just couldn't resist...

Do you want this club to also do RPs: yes, though I probably won't do it, because I'm not good with multitasking RPs, and I'm doing one right now

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