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The first one I really don't like, I don't know why. I get that you've got kind of a weird style going on there, but I just don't find the background appealing at all, the circle in the middle is totally distracting.


The second one is super epic, I love it.


The third one with the soldier has some cool effects and I'm envious of the BG stock, but while the render blends well with the effects he doesn't seem to fit in that much with the stock.


The fourth isn't your most ambicious concept, but it has cool effects and solid execution.


The fifth I just don't feel like you did enough. It just feels too empty.


The sixth is just too chaotic. Is the splatter supposed to be the focal or something? I don't know, it feels too in your face.

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What's wrong with being gay? I'm bisexual' date=' I take offence to that.


The misleading title rule is a big, stinking pile of s[b'][/b]hit.


Oh, and these tags are smexy. As for the last one, may I wear it?


NIce way of avoiding the censor xD And nothigns wrong with it =P And sure, just credit me.

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Bleh? Don't bleh me' date=' you know that the fifth is bad and that the first two are bad, as well. The other ones were merely personal choice, from me.





thanks for the reply. :P


Bleh? Don't bleh me' date=' you know that the fifth is bad and that the first two are bad, as well. The other ones were merely personal choice, from me.





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