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Yugioh:Fusion of Worlds:Shadow of the Spirit World [Started/Not Accepting][PG-16]


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Yep, I'm back into rps with another FoW rp. Last one was locked because of the formatting rule. My bad. Won't happen again.


The spirit world is run by Elemental Hero Neos. After a hard day, he was confronted by a being known as Power of Chaos. PoC transformed itself into Rainbow Dark Dragon and battled Neos to a point of weakness, in which he used the time to fuse itseft with Neos to create Rainbow Neos, which was corrupted by PoC. By doing this, PoC brought chaos upon the spirit world as well. It is now up to the signers to return Neos and the Spirit World to it's former glory. Will they be able too?



[spoiler=Rule. READ THEM!]

1. Advance rules apply. i will crack down on this.

2. All YCM rules apply

3. No OOC only posts. see rule #1

4. Custom cards are allowed, but not op'ed

5. No Custom Signer Dragons.

6. Don't ask to be the Main villain. It is taken my me.

Failure to follow rules:

1st time:You will be kicked out of RP. if you continue to post in this thread. I'm not letting this go. One strike, your out!






Group {Signer, Spirit, Other}:

{if signer}

Signer Dragon {no customs}:

Mark {only 10}:


Duel Spirit:


D-Wheel{optional pic}:



[spoiler=My Apps]





{if signer}

Signer Dragon:Stardust

Mark:Dragons Head

Deck:Blackwing/ Dragwing

Duel Spirit:BW Gale, Dragunity Militum

D-Wheel:Yes, pic if i can find one.






Group {Signer, Spirit, Other}:Other (for now)

{if signer}

Signer Dragon {no customs}:???

Mark {only 10}:???


Duel Spirit:Harpie Queen


D-Wheel{optional pic}:Yes, i'll try to find a good pic.


[spoiler=Explaination of 10 Signers]

Often times, people who are signers quit. I have decided to add 5 extra signers. Normal singers have red marks (like in the anime) and sub-signers get blue marks, but the same 5 as the regular signers.

No custom cards as singer dragons, but if you have a favorite already made synchro dragon that is officially released, i will let you have that instead of one of the original 5.


[spoiler=Spirits needed]

Neos Wiseman {might take thisone myself}

Dark Neos

Glow Neos

Flare Neos

Aqua Neos

Air Neos

Grand Neos

Any Dark Counterpart:




An Ice Based Spirirt with a human shape:

Ice Queen

Cold Enchanter

Ice Barrier Monsters


Anything else you want.





The Dragon Duelist

Blackstone Dresden



Me {Rainbow Neos}

Blackstone Dresden







I'll create the app for Rainbow Neos soon.

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Hm.. Tempting... Okay.

Name: Elijah Saha

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Apperence: 6'2, pale, 160lb, Always wearing a black duel academy style outfit, blue eyes, long black hair.

Group {Signer, Spirit, Other}: Signer

{if signer}

Signer Dragon {no customs}: Red Dragon Archfiend

Mark {only 10}: Wings

Deck:Red Dragon Summon

Duel Spirit: Red Dragon Archfiend

Bio{optional}: Doesn't speak of his past, Has little sister

D-Wheel{optional pic}: Is just basically a black and blue chopper style Duel Runner

Other: Is a Psychic

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Name: Drake

Gender: M

Appearance: Mark with black hair and more scars

Group: Other

Signer Dragon: Black-Winged Dragon (Mark's)

Deck: Volcanic/Red-Eyes

Duel Spirit: RE Wyvern, V Hammerer

Bio{optional}: After the events of SDA, he took off with Ilana and Rayos, trying to find Tara and what was left of Mark, and to help Rayos contain his powers. After their search, Rayos again felt pulled towards New Domino, and, knowing what happened the last time, Drake made a point of bulking up his deck for the coming fight.

D-Wheel{optional pic}: Team Catastrophe



Name: Ilana

Gender: F

Appearance: Ilana is blonde with green eyes and lightly tanned skin. She wears a New Domino Duel Academy upperclassmen uniform and predominately red Duel Runner leathers with black accents, and her helmet is a near clone of Yusei's

Group: Other

Deck: Laval

Duel Spirit: Laval Burning Verdant Temptress

Bio{optional}: See Drake's bio, also upgraded her deck

D-Wheel{optional pic}: Placido, only red



Name: Rayos

Gender: Male

Appearance: Same as the last RP

Group: Other

Deck: E-Heroes, M-Heroes, V-Heroes

Duel Spirit: Elemental Knight, EH Avian

Bio{optional}: Same as Drake, got his deck upgraded

D-Wheel{optional pic}: Modified Riding Roid to become just a Duel Runner

Other: Not human


Name: Mark

Gender: M

Appearance: Same as the last RP, only more beat to Hell and with a vacant expression on his face

Group: Signer, technically

Mark: Red Tail

Deck: Vairons

Duel Spirit: ???

Bio{optional}: After being tortured by the Shadow Droid, something inside him snapped and he became a glorified mind puppet

D-Wheel{optional pic}: Blizzard Wing

Other: He's working for Tara, who's now freelance evil


Name: Tara

Gender: F

Appearance: Same as the last RP

Group: Other

Deck: Gemknights and Flamvells

Duel Spirit: Gemreisis, Neoflamvell Origin

Bio{optional}: After the Shadow Droid was destroyed, she left with what was left of his empire-to-be and kidnapped her brother

D-Wheel{optional pic}: Akiza's, only more earth-toned



Name: X

Gender: M

Appearance: Rayos, exactly like Rayos

Group: Spirit

Deck: Evil Heroes, Hidden Knights

Duel Spirit: HK Hook, EH Infernal Gainer, Dark Lucius

Bio{optional}: The last surviving shadow droid created by the Shadow Droid, he drifted around for a while before Dark Lucius found him and made him one of the kings of the Spirit World under the rule of Rainbow Neos.

D-Wheel{optional pic}: N/A


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Guest TheFinalFan

Name: Cici

Gender: Female

Apperence: A female Dark Signer with black and pink robes. She normally stays wrapped up in her cloak, but her real outfit is quite revealing. She always has her hood on, which only reveals her eyes and the lower half of her face, as well as part of her long hair. Her hair is black with maroon markings like a Dark Signer's tattoos, while her eyes are a royal purple. Her face and body are covered in Dark Signer tattoos, standing out against her incredibly pale skin. She is accompanied by a black cat named Misty, who has purple eyes and red markings as well.

Group: Other

Deck: Mana Power

[spoiler=Duel Spirits]

Dark Signer Magician

DARK/Spellcaster/Dark Synchro/-7/2500/2100

1 Spellcaster-Type non-Tuner monster - 1 Dark Tuner

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.

Once per turn, you may remove Spell Counters from this card in order to activated an effect based on the number of Spell Counters removed:

●1: Add 1 Spell Card to your hand from your Graveyard.

●2: Destroy 1 card on the field. This effect cannot be chained.

●3: Special Summon 1 "Dark Signer Magician Girl" from your Extra Deck or Graveyard.

●4: You can only activate this if you control another face-up LV6 or higher Spellcaster-Type monster. Destroy all cards on your opponent's side of the field.


Dark Signer Magician Girl

DARK/Spellcaster/Dark Synchro/-6/2000/1700

1 Spellcaster-Type non-Tuner monster - 1 Dark Tuner

In order to Special Summon this card, subtract the Level of a Dark Tuner monster from the Level of 1 other monster you control; the value must equal the Level of this card.

When this monster is Dark Synchro Summoned successfully, place 1 Spell Counter on each card you control that can have Spell Counters placed on them. Once per turn, you may remove Spell Counters from this card in order to activated an effect based on the number of Spell Counters removed:

●1: Special Summon 1 LV4 or lower Spellcaster-Type monster from your hand or Graveyard.

●2: Remove this card from play and Special Summon a "Dark Pigeon Token" (DARK/Winged-Beast/1/100/100) in Attack Mode. Negate any damage inflicted to your Life Points while you control a "Dark Pigeon Token". When the "Dark Pigeon Token" is destroyed, Special Summon a "Dark Signer Magician Girl" from your Removed From Play Zone.

●3: Increase the ATK and DEF of this monster for each Spellcaster-Type monster in your Graveyard.



Bio: Unknown as of yet, but she is the only Dark Signer around. For some odd reason, she serves as a wandering mediator/bounty hunter, settling disputes wherever she goes and hunting down dangerous foes thanks to her authority from Endymion. She uses Wiraqocha Rasca, and has the Condor mark, but prefers not to Shadow Duel. She may be enigmatic and mysterious, but she does have a sense of honor and chivalry, being very polite to her opponents, and even giving them tips. She doesn't care whether she wins or loses, just as long as her opponent had fun dueling. She does, however, seem to have an objective she is working towards.

D-Wheel: None. She does use a modified version of the standard Dark Signer Duel Disk.

Other: She is a Dark Signer, but she isn't evil.


Name: Fraea, Queen of the Frozen North

Gender: Female

Apperence: A beautiful woman with icy-blue hair that covers her eyes and looks frozen, pale-grey skin with a blusih tint, and a flowing light-blue, gold and pink dress with matching gloves. She carries an icy staff that can transform into a similarly-designed Duel Disk.

Group: Spirit

Deck: Dominance of the Realm

Duel Spirit: Herself, Ice Master, Ice Barrier Generals and Commanders

Bio: The queen of the cold northern areas of the Spirit World, her country is defended by the elite Ice Barrier, a special military force that protects their nation from invaders. So far, the Frozen North remains neutral among the other nations of the Spirit Realm, rarely taking a side or showing any political action, instead preferring to build up their Ice Barrier forces against anyone who dares try to conquer them for their vast amounts of natural resources.

Fraea, however, wants to take a slightly more diplomatic approach. She enjoys leaving her beautiful frozen homeland to travel to other nations and try to solve things peacefully instead of with brute military force. However, as pleasant as she might seem, she is a very good haggler, and usually goes out of a negotiation with the better part of the deal.

Now, with this new threat looming, she is trying to rally the other nations under one banner to fight this new threat. But can she succeed?

Other: She is the queen of the Northern Reaches, the north pole area of the Spirit World, and has control over any ice-related Duel Monster.


I might make more.

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Name: Xavier


Apperence:Sleeveless hoodie


Signer Dragon {no customs}:

Mark {only 10}:

Deck:Blades of the elements

Duel Spirit: Dark Neos

Bio{optional}: Only person left in his whole family and #7 world ranking duelist

D-Wheel{optional pic}: Black and Gold with Extra turbo speed atachments

Other: Doesn't like to be around other people

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TheFinalFan, accepted.

nnnaruto1, not accepted. you filled out the app wrong. Spirit is like duel spirits, if you are a human, use others. dark neos is not someones spirit. it is a seperate character. PLease edit. And seeing how you are new with only 4 posts, i would like an example of your rping, following all rules posted in the rp section. I will accept you if your rping is ok.

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Name: Dark Lucius/Warrior Dai Grepher

Gender: Male

Appearance: Really?

Group: Spirit

Deck: Non-chess Archfiends as Lucius, Warrior/Dragon as Grepher

Duel Spirit: He IS a Duel Spirit

Bio{optional}: After losing a fight against Gogiga Gagagigo, Lucius was weakened to the point where he was forced to return to his LV2 form and is now on a self-imposed to the human world until he regains his former strength. Upon arrival, he bonded himself with a Riding Roid in human form calling himself X and became his Duel Spirit.

D-Wheel: Kiryu as Lucius, Spirit Ryu as Grepher



I've decided to make Lucius a character


Can we start now?

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Name: Germaine

Gender: Male

Apperence: Everything about him is aggressive. His clothes are bright and carnal colors, his hair is spiked and bright blond, and he almost always has a scowl.

Group: Signer

Signer Dragon: Ancient Fairy Dragon

Mark: Left Claw

Deck: Ryoma-ru

Duel Spirit: Ancient Fairy Dragon

Bio{optional}: He is distrusting and destructive. He has yet to grasp the realization that the situation isn't "some hocus-pocus mind trick". It will take time, but his true nature will come to light...



Name: Ancient Gear Gadjiltron General

Gender: ...use male pronouns.

Appearance: A sort of fusion between Soldier and Knight

Group: Spirit/Other

Deck: Ancient Gear

Bio: The immortal ruler of Geartown. Is fiercely devoted to his town and people. His town is the only remnant of the Machine Empire.


Cookie for who the first is supposed to seem like. Blackstone and FinalFan should remember the second...

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[spoiler=So yeah, I got bored last night and made counterparts for Dragoequites, tell me what you think.]Surging Dragon Knight Dragovigoratus


Level 10

1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster + 1 Fiend-Type monster

This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck except by Fusion Summon. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster in either player's Graveyard to have this card's name treated as that card's name and gain its effect(s) until the End Phase. Also, if this card is on the field in face-up Attack Position, during your Standby Phase, gain 300 Life Points for each set Spell or Trap Card on your side of the field.



Surging Dragon Knight Dragocontego


Level 9

1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster + 1 Plant-Type monster

This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck except by Fusion Summon. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster in either player's Graveyard to have this card's name treated as that card's name and gain its effect(s) until the End Phase. Also, if this card is on the field in face-up Attack Position, once per turn, if a Monster on your side of the field would be destroyed by battle, it is not destroyed.



Surging Dragon Knight Dragoruina


Level 9

1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster + 1 Fairy-Type monster

This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck except by Fusion Summon. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster in either player's Graveyard to have this card's name treated as that card's name and gain its effect(s) until the End Phase. Also, if this face-up Attack Position card is destroyed, destroy all Monsters on the field with Levels less than or equal to this card’s level.



Surging Dragon Knight Dragolegio


Level 10

1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster + 1 Winged Beast-Type monster

This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck except by Fusion Summon. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster in either player's Graveyard to have this card's name treated as that card's name and gain its effect(s) until the End Phase. Also, if this card is on the field in face-up Attack Position, once per turn, during your Main Phase, you may destroy the Monster on your opponent’s side of the field with the lowest ATK.




I don't really like their unique effects but I sorta slapped them together last minute so yeah, feel free to improve them and the names if you wanna use them.


I think their intended counterparts are pretty obvious but in order: RDA, BRD, AFD, BWD.

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