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Zombie contest PeterClarke vs Prosora


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1. All other YCM Rules apply. Duh.

2. Make a Level 6 or lower ZOMBIE effect monster

3. First to 7 (or next higrst after 7 days) votes wins.

4. 3 Reps to winner.

5. The last contest was suspected to be made by someone except the maker. You must make the "Circulation" (the place that says "1st Edition" in real cards) say "PETERCONTEST". That proves you made it.



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Once per turn during your Main Phase you can remove from play 1 Level 6 or lower monster from your Graveyard to have this card gain ATK Points equal to the monster removed from play until your opponent's next End Phase. If this card enters a battle while in Defense Position you can pay 500 Life Points to negate the attack.

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