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Bleach: Rise of the Bount [PG-13][Co-Owned by Ryuujinn][Second Arc][Accept via OOC]


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(2/2) On your Quincy. It was really good.


@ IceRinger

Fix what Ryuujinn said to fix and your app will be approved. Also, since you described the picture, I don't think there will be any need to have it. Plus, I said no pictures in the app anyway.


@Jcbballer: I actually wanted this to just be custom characters only. Do you care if I added canon characters to it Ryuujinn? I think it'll kinda take away from the creativity.


@Ryuujinn: Your Bount app is accepted. And yes, everything you said about the Quincy and their average stat is correct.


Note: I'm having a little difficulty getting on with all the school work that I have to do plus I'm going to Europe next week in a 9 day concert tour with the band, so we'll be practicing like all this week and next week. I might have Ryuujinn start it off if I can't. I will put all accepted apps into the Accepted App spot when I get time, but everyone I said was accepted and doesn't have their app there is still accepted. Sorry about that.

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@Namelessk: I don't mind Canon characters, but go with what you feel. I agree that they somehow take the creativity away though, coz you can find information over Bleach Wiki. And I don't mind starting this RP, just PM me the details of how you want to start the story.. :D


Edit: We'll start as soon as We get the line ups in order. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow.. :D

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Foreword: I would remind everyone that as we start, please observe all the rules listed on the first page. NO APP MAY BE POSTED ON THE THREAD WHEN THE RP HAS STARTED. PM Namelessk or Ryuujinn if you wish to join midway. APPS POSTED WHEN THE RP HAS STARTED ARE NULLED. Please follow this rule.


Also, the RP's PLOT WILL EVOLVE OVER TIME. THE GAME MASTER (In this case, either Namelessk or Me) will decide when to progress the current plot. As it is, don't do anything that is out of the plot (i.e. Going some place else when everyone is supposed to be in Soul Society, or doing something completely unrelated to the current plot).


Please learn to read the posts of other people. Observe FIREWALLS (your character cannot be all knowing just because you read the thoughts of another player's post. Characters must learn by means of information gathering or attending meetings, etc, the current events of their place.). That being said, I don't expect to see Seireitei suddenly knowing hollows or bounts or quincys are on the attack, and same goes with the Arrancars in Las Noches UNLESS the attackers made themselves known either by leaking their reiatsu excessively, or causing havoc.




AVOID GOD MODDING. NO CHARACTER IS INVINCIBLE, and thus, all your abilities cannot be bulletproof or 100% running all the time. Never Expect to leave a battle with minor scratches if you face someone with superior stats. NO ABILITY IS SURE FIRE ONE SHOT KILL, NOT EVEN FACTION LEADER ABILITIES.


FACTION LEADERS: Bount Leader, Primera Espada, and Captain Commander will be the only ones who will have perfect stats, and cannot be defeated single handedly by ANYONE, not even my character, or Namelessk's character that are non-faction leaders. They need to be teamed up if you plan on confronting them.


Quincys, as such, do not have leaders. Quincy Stats can only reach 65/70, and a maximum of three (3) quincys may hold this stat. Afterwards, the max stat would be 60/70. Seele Schneiders work, but will be stat dependent. Don't expect it to pierce a full powered Captain Commander without any assistance, nor a captain class with superior stats. Quincys may Ally themselves only with Shinigamis or Bounts. Arrancars can only become allies if Shinigamis Allies with them, otherwise, don't expect to be spared by hollows if there are no alliances formed.


NPCs will be introduced throughout the RP, and THEY WILL HAVE STATS. Pay attention to the stats, as fighting an NPC with a high stat can lethally wound your characters. Characters can battle NPCs or other Faction Characters singlehandedly IF and ONLY IF they have STATS AT LEAST LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO the STATS of the NPC or Faction Character, otherwise, either play defensively, or look for someone else to help fight that NPC or Faction Character.


You cannot kill another character without informing either GameMasters via PM and PM ALONE. You must also gain the approval of the GameMasters and the Person controlling the Character you wish to kill.


Lastly, you may control two characters, but they must be of different factions. It is recommended to have 1 shinigami/arrancar and 1 bount/quincy character. Otherwise, its up to you, as long as they are of different faction.





ARC 1: Lurking Darkness

CHAPTER 1: Seireitei's Defensive


Seireitei, where the newly established Captains of Gotei 13, exists peacefully after the Bount Fui nearly brought it down its knees. Defenses were erected around Seireitei, and tighter security by means of more patrols at all times meant that the new Gotei 13 is almost always unsurprised by attacks. However, not even Seireitei has a foolproof defense system.


On the western edges of Soul Society, just outside the Western Rukongai Districts, two Gargantas subtly opened up, revealing an Arrancar with a face wrapped up in bandages, half of which is covered further by an overgrown collar that is attached to an overcoat. His eyes were bloody red, and constantly observing the lay of the land. He flicked his fingers, and the occupants of the other Garganta emerged in front of him.


"While Primera Espada is still resting, we are given orders to scout, and test how powerful the new set of Captains Seireitei managed to procure." The Arrancar wrapped in bandage said in a muffled tone.


The hollows were pearlescent in color, humanoid in size, and each has a rectangular mask that has two eye sockets in a "U" curve, and a mouth socket in a reverse "U" curve. On the sides of the mask are three red lines that stretch across the middle of the mask. Each hollow have muscular arms that are big enough to crush an average sized male. They were silent, and obedient only to the Arrancar in front of them. More over, they are more intelligent than the average hollow.


"Go forth, my berserkers. Test our shinigami friends." The bandaged Arrancar commanded.


[spoiler=[b]BERSERKER STATS[/b]]

Offense: 8/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 5/10

Speed/Dexterity: 5/10

Intelligence: 5/10

Cero: 2/10

Reiatsu: 5/10


Total: 40/70




The 5 berserker hollows lumbered through towards the Western District of Rukongai, demolishing houses and structures they come across to.

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Cringing at the thought of the sudden increase in spirtual pressure around him, Jackel lept into the air with great stride. Forgeting he was in his tabi quickly became Captain Jackel of the 10th squad of the Gotei 13. Walking on air he grasped his mighty blade Hyorinmaru and sped off into the distance looking for the cause.


"I wonder, just wonder if this spirtual pressure matches the old stories of the bounts, it couldnt be."

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OOC: Apologies in advance if my Captain's stats were too high; I assumed the 65/70 cap for the 2-4 Espadas would also apply to the Captains, or at least the higher-numbered ones.


My Apps:

[spoiler=Shinigami App]

Name: Akiyama Nagano (Given Name: Akiyama; Surname: Nagano)

Age: 235 (Appears 23)


Akiyama has bright blue eyes and short black hair. The former was inherited from his American father; the latter, his Japanese mother. His nose and head are narrow, with thin lips and a small red birthmark on his right temple.

Akiyama stands at 6' even, with narrow shoulders and long legs & arms that give him a lanky, almost twiglike appearance. This often leads overconfident foes to underestimate him; however, Akiyama's human-life background in Muay Thai, Boxing, Ju-Jutsu (Japanese Jiu-Jitsu), and Koryu combined with his rigorous standards of physical fitness have led him to become quite muscular. Akiyama holds bodybuilders and the like in disdain and considers them brutish; as such, he has been careful to ensure his physical structure is as Ectomorphic as possible without sacrificing strength. He has a six-pack on his abdomen, as well as a three-inch-long, horizontal surgery scar just below his left ribs. Akiyama wears the normal Captain's attire, with a Shinigami robe, hakama, and the white Captain's cloak.




Akiyama is very intelligent, and that intelligence has converted itself to high self-confidence. Despite this, Akiyama is not overconfident or arrogant, and knows his limits; on the other hand, he has a tendency to assume people are wrong when they've proven themselves to be unintelligent. He is usually calm and highly analytical; however, when the tide is turned against him, he has a tendency to panic slightly. This panic is suppressed with mild difficulty. Akiyama has little patience for those with nothing useful to say, and dislikes small talk. When he says something, it's either highly valuable or a scathing reprimand of another's unintelligence. From a young age, Akiyama idolized the swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, and has memorized a number of his quotes and much of his philosophy.



Squad: 3

Captain or Vice Captain: Captain

Seat: N/A


Akiyama was not born in the Soul Society, unlike many Shinigami; rather, he was born as a human and retained his human memories when he became a Shinigami. Those memories and the lessons from his human life contained within them have served him well.

Akiyama was born in 1855 to an American sailor who had come to the country with Commodore Perry's forces and that sailor's wife, a direct descendant of Miyamoto Musashi's adoptive son Iori. Akiyama grew up learning to fight from his maternal uncle, who ran a Koryu Dojo, and American boxing/brawling from his father. He also studied Ju-Jutsu for five years with the husband of one of his mother's friends. At the age of 17, Akiyama went abroad to hone his technique, spending two years traveling and training, and going as far as Thailand before discovering Muay Thai. He then studied that art for three years, but after defeating his teacher in a sparring match, he felt he'd learnt enough and took a ship home. He returned to find his parents, two sisters, and brother slain by a group of bandits. Akiyama hunted the bandits down and slew all of them with his bare hands before dying of exsanguination.





Zanpakutou Name: Go-Rin

[spoiler=Zanpakutou Appearance:]

Go-Rin's sealed form resembles a normal Katana, albeit an impeccably forged one. The blade somehow manages to remain completely stainless regardless of use (with the exception of adhesive substances). The tsuba is jet-black, and resembles five identical, black tangent circles forming a ring around the blade. The hilt is not decorated in any way, with a plain, flat kashira (hilt cap) and jet-black tsuka ito (handle wrap). The sheath is as plain- and impeccable- as the sword, with a simple jet-black coloring. Much like the blade it contains, the sheath seems to be immune to wear, tear, and stains.



Shikai Release Phrase: Perceive the invisible... Go-Rin.

[spoiler=Shikai Appearance and Abilities:]

In its Shikai state, Go-Rin becomes two swords rather than one- A Katana and Wakizashi, with Saya to match appearing on either of Akiyama's hips. They are virtually identical but for the blade length, and their design is the same as that of the Zanpakuto's sealed state.

Go-Rin's Shikai grants its user enhanced reflexes, speed, and perception. The user's sight is amplified to a degree that they can distinguish another person's individual eyelashes from two meters away. Their sense of touch allows them to feel the shift in the air when someone standing four feet away inhales and the shift in the ground when they adjust their weight even slightly to either side. The other three senses are amplified as such. The eye is also auto-regulated by the Shikai to adapt instantly to different light, making flash grenade-style sight inhibition impossible. However, the user is still susceptible to illusions and the like; they just can't be blinded by strong light. The user's speed of thought is doubled. Go-Rin's Shikai has another important power- it allows Akiyama to create a field which nullifies any Reiatsu blasts and similar types of attacks, rendering Ceros, Balas, and the like useless. The field is invisible to all but Akiyama, who sees it as a transparent yellow haze. Its shape and size can be controlled by Akiyama, who expends more energy if he uses it to cover a wider area. However, this energy amount is virtually insignificant until Akiyama extends it to cover an area exceeding a three-foot radius.



[spoiler=Bankai Appearance and Abilities:]

Name: Kensei no Ni-Ten (Twin Heavens of the Sword Saint)

Appearance: Akiyama's Bankai appears to be identical to the Shikai. Five golden energy rings float behind Akiyama. They are immaterial, and each is emblazoned with a symbol for Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, or the Void (which is blank).

Abilities: Akiyama retains the passive enhancements of his Shikai, but loses the power to create nullification fields. His Bankai's power depends on which Ring is at the top of the pentagon formation they are in. Akiyama can choose which Ring starts at the top, but they must rotate for him to switch powers. While they are rotating, Akiyama cannot access any Ring powers, but still retains his Shikai enhancements. Their abilities are detailed below, in clockwise order of Rings:

Earth: Allows for manipulation of earth/rocks. Also allows the user to change the Zanpakuto's form to different weapons, such as (but not limited to) a Naginata, a Yari, and a Bokken. The Bankai reverts to its default Katana-and-Wakizashi form when Rings are rotated.

Water: Allows manipulation of water and moisture, including the state of matter. Also allows Akiyama to levitate, hover, and move through the air extremely quickly.

Fire: Allows Akiyama to manipulate fire and heat. Also allows him to create a momentary field of repulsion around an object by touching/striking it with his sword. These fields' strength depends on the amount of Reiatsu he puts into it, but a strong opponent will most likely be able to maintain a hold on an object like their sword unless the repulsion field is especially strong.

Wind: Allows Akiyama to manipulate wind. Also allows him to mimic the attacks, movements, and abilities of others and use them himself. Both the act of recording and the act of reproduction place a significant strain on his stamina and Reiatsu, roughly doubling the cost of any Reiatsu-based technique.

Void: Allows Akiyama to open up Gargana-esque portals. These portals are much weaker than Garganta in terms of range, and are usually only used for travel over a mile at most. However, they have various combat applications and can be created at a distance of four yards at most. Akiyama can also become invisible and intangible for brief periods of time, during which his movement and thought speed are doubled, but a constant drain is placed upon his Reiatsu. Akiyama cannot become only one of the two; if he wishes to become invisible, Akiyama must also become intangible.





Kidou: Rikujokoro (Bakudo 61)

Danku (Bakudo 81)

Haien (Hado 54)

Raikoho (Hado 63)

Kurohitsugi (Hado 90)

Soren Sokatsui (Hado 66)

Tenran (Hado 58)



Offense 10/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 8/10

Speed/Dexterity: 10/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Kido: 9/10

Spiritual Pressure: 8/10

Total: 65/70





Arrancar App pending.

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A long, black-haired figure stood on the South Gate of Seireitei. His equally long black bangs cover the left side of his face as he eyes the surrounding forests. His patrol squad from the western gate has not yet returned. His forehead creased as he shook his head, clearly trying to waive off his annoyance.


"I told them to be here hours ago. Where are they?" He said, talking to the shinigamis following him. All they could muster as a reply is a confused look on their faces.


"Jukenjiro Yomi-taicho, should we go look for them?" one of the shinigami asked.


"No need, I will go. Stay here and guard this gate. If anything comes up, shoot up a reiatsu in a flare like fashion just like I taught you." Yomi said calmly.


He travelled lightly, overtaking obstacles by jumping up or evading low. Something was amiss, and I can feel it. I know those shinigamis won't let me down. I hope they're taking a break or something. Yomi thought to himself, dodging a low-hanging branch of an enormous tree.


Meanwhile, at the Western Rukongai Districts, the Berserkers were tearing apart buildings and structures. The West Gate Patrol Yomi was expecting is currently engaged with the hollows, nearly obliterated.


"Yes, yes. Those are cannon fodders. I don't see why any captains have been alerted yet. We've been here for an hour." The bandaged Arrancar remarked, observing the commotion from over two miles away, in the safety of the forest. There is some sort of magnetic field surrounding him, keeping his reiatsu hidden, even from the most talented of shinigami captains and Espada.


One by one, the shinigamis fall to their gruesome death. The berserkers skin proved too tough to penetrate by an average shinigami. As one of the berserkers grab the last breathing shinigami, something appeared out of the distance.


"Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" Yomi chanted, "Bakudo #61, Rikujokoro!"


Six rods of lights formed around the Berserker's midsection, stopping its overall movements. The shinigami it was holding fell down to the ground, immediately caught by Yomi using shunpo.


"I see. No wonder you were late." Yomi said, putting down the shinigami in a safe place, "I will handle this now."


Yomi pointed his index and middle finger at the berserker he binded.


"Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!" Yomi started to chant, "Hado # 63, Raikoho!"


A massive blast of yellowish lightning erupted from his fingers, shooting straight towards the bound Berserker. As it hits, a small explosion occurred, causing debris to fly away from the focal point of the attack. As the smoke subsided, the Berserker still stood, its massive left arm obliterated. It let out a menacing growl.


"You're one tough hollow, aren't you? That was already a high level Kido, with an incantation to boot. And yet it only managed to take out an arm. You even broke my binding Kido during the explosion. You're smart enough to that huh?" Yomi remarked, unsheathing his blade, "Let's dance."


As Yomi prepared to face the berserker, the other 4 are still somewhere in the Western District, ravaging more buildings.

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Tracing the source of the spike in pressure Jackel came in contact with a Beserker with strange demon like wings.


"Boy what is that smell you or you hahaha."


The beserker flew at him with sharp claws slashing a small cut in Jackel


"Okay ya little bastard Take This! Bakudo # 63 Sajo Sabaku!"


Seemingly bound tight the beserkers wings started to glow. Starting at a feint green then turning into a dark purple. AHHHHH! screeched the hollow.


flinching "Okay you have got to be kidding me, but fine its your funeral." pulling out his blade once more. " ' Remember Jackel never ever kill out of malice' I got your malice right here Father.... Sit upon the frozen heavens HYORINMARU!"


With his shikai relesed he sliced down sharply freezing the cutting its wings and arms off. The tip of his blade is now the ice dragon


"Death to all who oppose me."


Jackels eyes were now a stunning deep blue


"End of the line hollow."


Attaking once more the hollow just regenerated AHHHHH! shouted the hollow


"You know your knew nick name is little jabroni BANKAI!"


With his bankai relesed he started to wonder why he didnt do this before.


"Okay little jabroni death to you!"


And with one foul swoop the hollows head and body were no longer attached. He lowered himself to the ground and went back into Tabi so the towns people would think he fell.

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OOC: Uh, Hollow Ichigo, those berserkers don't have wings. Please stick to the description of the NPC. Berserkers have 10/10 Defense Stat, so don't go one shot-ing them. This holds true for all quincys, bounts, shinigamis, hollows/arrancars NPC that will be introduced later. I'll let it go just this once.. :)


IC: The bandaged Arrancar observed as Yomi used a two-part attack using Kido to injure the berserker. From within the bandaged portions, the Arrancar smiled.


"Yes, that should be how strong you are, Seireitei. Primera is not interested in weaklings. They are not worth crushing." The Arrancar said, clapping his hands.


Suddenly, he felt another spike of reiatsu, a couple of ways away from Yomi. He mused his head over to that direction and saw how his Berserker was instantly defeated by the shinigami with frozen wings.


"Ah, now that's an interesting bankai form. It looked almost similar to the Vasto Lorde I tested my powers with long before. Hmm. But I'm not in the mood right now. There are still 3 unoccupied Berserkers. I wonder how that black-haired captain will handle my Berserker." He mused to himself, whistling happily.


Meanwhile, Yomi dodged another thrashing attack by the Berserker. Its arm has regenerated again. No matter how much Yomi sank his blade or cut away at the hollow, it just regenerated its limbs. Its skin is even tough enough to resist some light attacks made by Yomi.


"Re. grrr. lease.." the Berserker groaned as it attacked Yomi again, missing him.


"You're too slow, hollow-san," Yomi remarked dodging the attack effortlessly, "And what release? You're not even an Arrancar."


The Berserker lunged again, this time, causing dirt to rise up in the air as it crashed its arms around a pile of debris. Dirt got caught in one of Yomi's eyes, prompting him to close it. At that instant, a massive arm appeared to the left, going at him in a sweeping fashion. He didn't have enough time to dodge, so Yomi held his sword towards the arm, blocking it. He put his left hand parallel to the blade's blunt side to make sure he can block the attack completely.


More debris and a cloud of dirt flew in the air as the arm made contact with Yomi's block. The hollow roared angrily as the smoke clouds subsided. The hollow's arm was cut in half. As its curved mouth opened in pain, Yomi aimed his left index and middle finger.


"Hado #63, Raikoho!" He shouted, shooting an arc of yellowish energy towards the opened mouth of the hollow. The Berserker's howl was drowned by the explosion of the lightning-like attack. The explosion was strong enough to take out the hollow's head cleanly off its shoulders.


"That was a tough one. So your regeneration doesn't affect your head." Yomi remarked, sheathing his blade. He stared around at the demolished landscape. Out of the five shinigami he sent to the patrol, there was only one he could save.


Yomi turned his head towards his right as he felt a sudden burst of reiatsu. It was familiar enough. His lips turned into a thin smile. But it was short-lived as an ear-splitting roar echoed to his left.


"There's more of them?" Yomi said, hurrying towards the direction of the roar.


The remaining Berserker continued on pulverizing parts of the Rukongai Western Districts. It was only a matter of time before they go after the West Gate.

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OOC: I appologize it must have slipped my mind wont happen again.



In a hospital room was where it happened one slash two slashes three four? It was a nightmare of Jackels version of hell. An espada attacked and broke hyorinmaru and started stabbing him. Over and over and over. It felt deadly. He woke up cold as hard as a rock. He then realized he had a dream about hyorinmaru, so he froze himself. He woke in a mortuary in a downstairs floor of the hospital. This felt so surreal to him. It reminded him of hard terrible times. He managed to get out of there and safley in the soul society. When he arrived now in his captains uniform he seemed ratted; shooken. In a way also angry that he couldnt kill a hollow as fast as normal, and how it regenerated.

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Nato sighed. He had felt the prescense of some powerful Reiatsu in the Rukongai Western District for awhile, as he himself was sitting on one of the many rooftops on Serireitei's massive fortress. He stood up then, brushing his spiky, black hair away from his silver-colored eyes, looking towards the rest of the magnificent city of Soul Society, as it was being ravaged by these new foes.


"My, my. Looks like I have to fight again. It's been awhile since I've fought for real. I just hope I am not too rusty." he said to himself before leaping off the rooftop, disappearing as he used Shunpo, and reappearing briefly a bit further below his past position before disappearing anew and repeating the same movements before he was fully down on the ground.


"I better get to the West Gate." he said again, before was about to run off. However, he sensed Yomi's Reiatsu nearby. He Shunpo'd away before he was near Yomi, seeing him run off towards the West Gate. "Yomi!" he demanded as he followed him towards the Gate. "I need a report. What are these guys we're fighting?" he was tactical like this, always wanting a full report of the enemies they fought, their potentional weaknesses, and so on. "Well? You have anything to tell me about them?"

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From the distance, away from the Western Districts of Rukongai, the bandaged Arrancar appeared more amused. He was clapping his hands nonstop as he saw Yomi take down the Berserker with a well-placed Kido attack.


"I expect nothing less, black-haired captain-san. To be able to aim and release that level of Kido without even an incantation, and within split second, now that is truly amazing." He remarked, still happily clapping his hands. "Sooner or later, I'll have to increase those bastards to keep up with Seireitei."


Meanwhile, Yomi met up with Nato, the 11th Squad Captain. He demanded a report from him, something which made Yomi somehow surprised. He immediately stopped in front of the 11th Squad Captain, and dusted his haori casually, before speaking.


"Nato, I certainly did not expected you to be up this early," Yomi remarked, then proceeded with his report, "We're up against hollows, but not just any hollows. They have demonstrated great regeneration ability, and their skins are extremely tough. Their heads, however, are the key to killing them. But be advised, Nato. They are not the same hollows we fought before."


Yomi finished his statement with an air of warning. He knew how dangerous the hollows were, fighting them up close. He wanted to give every bit of information to his fellow captain just so Nato would be prepared when he faced them.


"I must go now. I must find survivors across the Western Districts. Handle the hollows, but be careful. This attack is well coordinated. I wouldn't be surprised if an Espada will appear soon." Yomi said urgently, using shunpo after he finished his statement.


Back at the Arrancar's landing, the bandaged Arrancar stopped clapping. He stood up and gazed as one of his Berserkers have nearly reached the West Gate to Seireitei.


"If that one reaches the gate, I'm going to go. It just proves how weak Seireitei has become if they can't even stop five modified hollows." He remarked, his eyes narrowed down at the Berserker near the West gate."

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"Hollows? With great regeneration abilities?" Nato said curiously, raising an eyebrow as Yomi spoke. He had heard of Arrancars who've had great regeneration skills, but not Hollows. Could it be that they were modified? And if that was the case, by whom? However, he was not startled of the fact that they had enhanced skin, as most Hollows and Arrancars sometimes had. "Sounds like they are indeed special." he summed it up as Yomi ended his report, briefly taking in the fact that their heads seemed to be a weak spot.


"You've done well, Yomi-San. I will go to the West Gate and see if there is anything I can do. You go on and check for survivors in the Western Districts." he told Yomi before he saw him use Shunpo and disappear in front of him. "If there's an Espada with them, this could be troublesome." he said to himself, as he himself used Shunpo to disappear from the place. He later arrived at the West Gate, seeing one of the Hollows Yomi spoke of reaching the West Gate slowly and steady.


"You better step away from that gate, if I were you." he said in a firm, calm tone, as his Reiatsu began flaring up around him, taking a golden tint in color as it emerged from his body, sparks of Reiatsu dancing around his "aura" of spiritual pressure. He raised his hand, as a teal circle of energy was raised and held in front of him. "Gaki Rekkō!" he shouted out, before beams of energy shot out from the circle in a cage-like formation towards the Hollow, hitting him at several places. All Nato could do was to hope the beams hit it enough to weaken it, or hopefully, incapacitate it from further battle.

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The bandaged Arrancar started to feel a level of disappointment. He was eyeing the West Gate for a while now, and his Berserker is almost near it. He can see a pile of debris and bodies scattered around his hollow minion, but he was displeased by the lack of actions taken by the Gotei 13.


"If that hollow reaches the gates, it'll destroy it within seconds, regardless of their so-called barrier and shinigami gate guardian." He said, yawning sleepily.


After a few moments, his eyes widen in excitement as he saw a black-haired shinigami, different from the first two he spied on earlier. He focused his attention towards the West Gate, becoming very interested in the turn of events.


"Now, that's more like it. I'd be disappointed if we can breach Seireitei that easily. Now, there's just two Berserkers left unoccupied. Its time I get them here in a while. If this keeps up, I'd run out of entertainment." He remarked, clapping both hands once in excitement.


The Arrancar held out his left hand and touched the empty space beside him. A small Garganta, the size of an average window pane, opened up. A pale head emerged from it, its face empty, with only two ears and a mouth.


"You called, Zasalamel-sama?" It croaked, its voice misty and very rough.


"Tell my friend, Privaron Espada #666, to prepare his hollows and follow me here," He glanced over at the West Gate to see the shinigami shoot a Kido binding spell at the Berserker before continuing his statement, "And tell him to use those reiatsu capsules I gave him to hide his reiatsu. I wouldn't want Seireitei finding out that we're observing, otherwise it won't be called as testing them. Don't forget that last part, or Primera will be very mad."


The pale hollow head nodded almost quickly, acknowledging his superiors orders. Zasalamel looked pleased. He wanted to observe how the events were going to unfold.


"Come on. Hurry up with those Berserkers. I want to see how far the opposition has come." Zasalamel whistled happily, clapping his hands.


Meanwhile, back at the Western Rukongai District, Yomi was pleased to find so many survivors. He immediately had them escorted to a safer district by his division members, instructing them very carefully to avoid the hollows at all cost and call him if via a reiatsu flare technique he taught his division should they be in trouble.


"This is good. I feared for the worst when those hollows roared. At least most people are able to get away," Yomi sighed in relief, then he stared around his immediate vicinity, "Now, where are the others? So far, two of those hollows are dead, the other one should've been intercepted by Nato-san. Hopefully, that's the last of them."


Much to his horror, he heard another roar, this time, on the far side of the Western Rukongai District, where he had the survivors be brought over to. The roar was so loud, it sounded like two hollows. The roars were immediately followed by terrified screams. Yomi noticed a few flares, bright enough to see even in broad daylight.


"Damn! Were there many of them left? How did this many modified hollow gain entry to Soul Society undetected? Even while using a Garganta, 12th Division could easily intercept the reiatsu count, and mark them as hollows. How did they passed under the radar?" Yomi said, biting his lower lip. There's a sign of worry spread across his face as he rushed towards the source of the commotion.


"Be safe, people, be safe." He muttered as he used shunpo to glide across the field of debris.

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[spoiler=OOC]Just to tell you, Ryuujinn, Gaki Rekkō is not a Binding spell, it's a Destructive spell. It was first shown in the Zanpakuto Unknown Tales Arc, and was used by Koga Kuchiki in the fight between him and Byakuya.



Nato waited to see if his Hado spell had inflicted any damage on the Hollow he had attacked. If it had, it would surely turn the favor to his side in this battle, and hopefully give him a chance to decapitate it and eliminate it.


"Hopefully, it was enough..." he said to himself, always observing the smoke debree as he hoped to see the Hollow's dead body as the smoke lifted. He felt observed as well. Something was watching him, from afar. He didn't pay so much attention to it, however, as he soon saw the shaded figure of the Hollow in the smoke.


"There you are!" he exclaimed, charging at the Hollow and drawing his Nodachi-styled Zanpakuto. The lightning around it made the blade sparkle brightly, hopefully blinding the Hollow before he hit it, and sliced towards his neck to decapitate it.

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A thin blur zipped past buildings in the southeastern Rukongai. It went largely unnoticed, which wasn't surprising; people tended to be more interested in a gigantic Hollow destroying their homes than a dark blur in the middle of the night... even if that blur was the Captain on his way to destroy the aforementioned Hollow.

Akiyama had felt the fluctuations of Reiatsu as Nato, Jackel, and Yomi engaged the Hollows. He'd been heading down to the Seireitei to buy a new Naginata from Tenzo's weapon shop, as he'd just broken the last one in the course of his training. Upon feeling the Reiatsu fluctuations, Akiyama had activated Shunpo and sprinted to the Rukongai, speeding through the Seireitei gate checkpoints. Leaping up onto a rooftop, Akiyama had witnessed the destruction wreaked by the Hollows from a distance. He could just barely make out Nato casting a Hado in the distance, and he felt Yomi speeding towards the far western Rukongai. Akiyama then heard a great crash as a Hollow in the Southeastern Rukongai felled one of the taller buildings, and he leapt back down to the street. Akiyama hit the ground running, pushing himself as far as he felt he could without tiring to reach the Hollow quickly.

Akiyama reached the beast in roughly a minute. He zipped towards it, stopping immediately before the beast as it was about to begin the systematic deconstruction of a house. The sudden appearance of this Shinigami gave the Hollow pause, and it held its disproportionately large upraised arm still for a moment as it studied the new obstacle. The Hollow tilted its head at him, strange mumbling noises issuing from the reverse-U curve that Akiyama believed to function as its mouth.


Akiyama reached for his Zanpakutou, curling his fingers around Go-Rin's hilt.

"Hrrrrr... KILL!!!"

The Hollow brought its arm straight down to crush Akiyama, but he hopped diagonally forward, skipping off of the landing point to bring him directly behind the beast. He raked his sword across the backs of its thighs, slashing twice before the beast brought itself around for another strike. The brute attempted a backhand with its right arm, but Akiyama ducked underneath the sloppy attack, stabbing into the Hollow's armpit as he stood.

A quick glance to the ground told Akiyama that his foe's thigh wounds had stopped bleeding. There should be far more blood down there, so the wound's must've closed up. I might not have penetrated the skin beyond an inch, but this thing appears humanoid, so there should be some blood vessels in the thighs. It must be able to regenerate. If I can't hurt its body...

"I'll take away your mind." Akiyama leapt back a few yards, holding out his left palm. "Hado 54: Haien." The purple blast shot towards the brute's legs, detonating against its knees. The beast fell forward as its kneecaps were incinerated in the blast, throwing its arms down to support itself. It began standing itself back up as the wounds closed.

That was all the time Akiyama needed.

Akiyama closed the distance in a moment, running up the beast's oversized left arm to stand atop its back. He stabbed down into the beast's neck, putting his weight behind the attack to dig the blade deeper into the beast's throat. The Hollow thrashed about, but it was too stupid to attempt to slam Akiyama against another object. Instead, it tried to swat him, but Akiyama proved too nimble for the beast. Once he'd buried the blade halfway, Akiyama knelt beside it, steadying himself atop the thrashing beast by keeping a hold on the blade with his left hand. He placed his right directly atop the back of the Hollow's head.

"Hado 63: Raikoho."

A massive blast of golden energy comparable to a Gillian's Cero issued from Akiyama's palm, incinerating the beast's head and cauterizing the exposed throat. As Akiyama's Kido dissipated, he pulled his sword from the Hollow's throat and leapt back, about to initiate a Bakudo in case the Hollow again. However, the beast simply fell straight forward, hitting the ground with an anticlimactic thud.

Akiyama ran the blade of his Zanpakutou between his fingers, cleansing it of the Hollow's blood. He felt the sticky red syrup running down his arm and staining his sleeve. No matter.

Akiyama sheathed his Zanpakutou, activating Shunpo and dashing to the western Rukongai. It was time to check in on Yomi.

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OOC: I saw it, Abarai Renji. Its cool.. Thanks for letting me know though. :D




As the Berserker's head fell from Nato's attack, its body bursts open, revealing a multitude of human-sized, pearlescent hollows with no faces. They have tiny spikes growing around their backs, from the base of their neck all the way down to their lower backs. They have tails which have a large tail-end in the shape of a spearhead. Their hands have very long nails. They move very roughly, and they seemed to be drawn to strong reiatsu. One of the faceless hollow slashed another faceless hollow adjacent to it, cutting it vertically in half. As the two halves split, limbs started to grow on the severed part, making them whole again.


From Zasalamel's position, he excitedly jumped up and down, clapping excitedly as he observed the events unfold at the Western Gate.


"Ah, so that's the sleeper I've implanted. I wish I could've put my Hormigas on each and every Berserker, but that wouldn't be fun. A group of five can multiply into more than a hundred when cut down or be obliterated." Zasalamel laughed, stil clapping his hands, "Now, how are you going to handle my Hormigas, captain-san?"


[spoiler= [b]Hormiga Stats[/b]]


Offense: 7/10

Defense: 0/10

Strength: 9/10

Speed/Dexterity: 6/10

Intelligence: 5/10

Cero: 0/10

Reiatsu: 10/10

Total: 37/70


OOC NOTE**: Zero Defense means you can kill them in one attack, even without releasing. Zero Cero means they cannot fire Cero of any level, 10 reiatsu meant they cannot be affected by spiritual pressure's crushing effect. 9 strength meant that they have 90% chance to free themselves from binding effects before the duration of the spell ends. 6 Speed/Dex meant they have just enough speed to match seated shinigami (3rd-8th) class shunpo, or Arrancar (#20-#99) class sonido. 5 int means they have the ability to formulate basic strategies.**




Zasalamel looked pleased as the Hormigas slowly lumbered about. Each Hormiga is sightless, and will find its target using shinigami reiatsu. Using this talent, the hollows slowly homed in on Nato, and a detachment made their way towards Yomi, Jackel, and Akiyama.


Meanwhile, Yomi has reached the survivors not a moment too late. One of the Berserker have already started to push the group into a corner. The shinigami escorts have been reduced from ten to just three. Yomi shook his head, dismayed at the loss of troops.


He flashed towards the back of the hollow, which seemed oblivious to his presence. As the Berserker continued towards the shinigamis and the survivors, Yomi stretched out his left hand, index finger and middle finger outstretched.


"Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" Yomi chanted, "Bakudo #61, Rikujokoro"


Kido exploded from Yomi's outstretched fingers, hitting the hollow squarely. 6 rods of light hit each hollow around the midsection, completely stopping its movements.


"RUN! Get away from here. I've already sent word in Seireitei. They will escort you inside. Proceed to the Northern Gate, NOW!" Yomi shouted, as he made his way towards the front of the Berserkers.


The hollow monstrosity tried to resist the shackles, violently shaking around. Yomi shook his head as he aimed his outstretched index and middle finger at the head of the Berserker.


"Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!" Yomi chanted once again, "Hado #63, Raikoho!"


As soon as the massive yellow Kido energy erupted from his hand, the hollow managed to break free from the Binding Spell. It charged at Yomi at a much faster rate, instantly closing the gap in mere seconds. As it roared and pulled its massives arm up, Yomi shouted out, "Hado #4, Byakurai!"


A concentrated blast of white lightning punctured a hole through his sleeveless haori, hitting the hollow at the torso, piercing its chest as the lightning continued towards the sky. The hollow just got hit by Raikoho milliseconds after Byakurai struck the torso. It fell to the ground, dead, with smoke issuing where its head used to be.


"Now that's done--" He remarked, when he felt a sinister reiatsu from behind. He instantly turned and saw a group of faceless, pearlescent hollows, walking towards him. They have long nails, and their tail moves ceaselessly and gradually from left to right.


"What are the heck are those?" Yomi remarked, his face filled with disbelief. "More hollows? This is getting out of hand, really!"


Away from the action, around the outskirts of the forest, Zasalamel was laughing hard. He enjoyed how Yomi dispatched his Berserker at a quicker pace than earlier, and now faces the Hormigas.


"Now, the real show starts." Zasalamel said, his voice sporting a darker tone.

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Nato watched in horror as he saw the Berserker Hollow become a group of numerous, horrifying Hollow beings, being blind by the looks of it as they lumbered about slowly, not really finding a true direction. What are these beings? Nato thought for himself as he observed the beasts, finding them rather disgusting. Are they Hollows? No, they cannot be! At least... not natural ones. They seem to be modified, or else they would not be this vicious or long-lasting. he then saw one of them head towards him, followed by the others. He quickly deflected an attack from one of them, and then leaped into the air.


"I see now." he said to himself. "They must be able to track my Reiatsu, since their eye-sight is forever lost. And as I recalled..." he remembered how one of them got sliced up before, turning into two exact clones as the halves regenerated. "They multiply by splitting themselves in half, or regenerate their limbs when sliced up. I must use another form of approach." he held up his hand, as a rod of light appeared in it.


"Bakudō #62. Hyapporankan!" he yelled out, as he threw the light rod downwards onto the Hollows. As it travelled in mid-air, it split into numerous others, raining down on the Hollows and pinning them to the ground with ease. As this was done, Nato then charged up a massive, red-glowing sphere in his hand, until it grew to the size of himself, almost. "Kongōbaku!" he commanded, flinging the sphere down at the Hollows, as it detonated upon them with a giant explosion, probably visible from a few miles distance.

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Zasalamel contently nodded his head as he observed Nato obliterate the Hormigas coming after him. He even applauded when the Shinigami Captain deduced almost 90% how the Hormigas abilities functions.


"He, however, is clearly underestimating my minions." Zasalamel remarked, a sinister smile forming behind his bandaged face.


The Hormigas' remains that got obliterated by Nato's Kido scattered across the area. A gentle breeze blew, scattering the ashes even more. After a few seconds, each fragment or ash suddenly started to boil, then gradually, it grew from a tiny speck of material to a small, ball-like material, then into a bigger, now pearlescent ball, and finally, into a humanoid form. After a while, they became complete Hormigas again, and this time, their numbers exponentially rose from just a dozen to exactly a hundred, each tracking the Captain's Reiatsu.


"Now that's what I would consider horrifying." Zasalamel said, eyeing the Western Gate area which is now infested by a large number of Hormigas.


The Hormigas now started to move again towards Nato, this time, scattered around, clearly learning from the Kido attack the shinigami unleashed on them earlier.


Meanwhile, Yomi's having his fair share of trouble. His own group of Hormigas have suddenly multiplied as well, as he has cut them more than once. He now has three dozen Hormigas assaulting him from nearly every conceivable angle. All he can do was defend himself.


"Damn it. I didn't know they would regenerate from wounds. And that Raikoho surely didn't do me any good. They just multiplied." Yomi remarked, parrying another attack from two Hormigas with his zanpakutou. He now makes effort to block their attacks without severing any part of their body, or completely obliterating them altogether.


Five Hormigas lunged at him with a horizontal slash using their nails. Yomi instinctively dodge low, crouching low enough to avoid the attacks. He aimed the blunt portion of his zanpakutou at the group of Hormigas and did a sweeping low attack, knocking the Hormigas down, but making sure none of their legs were cut.


"Let see you reproduce through this!" Yomi said, aiming an index finger at the nearest Hormiga, shouting, "Hado #4, Byakurai!"


A concentrated blast of white lightning erupted from the index finger, taking out its head. The Hormiga frozed, then dropped to the ground. The other Hormigas seemed unaffected, continuing their assault on the Shinigami Captain.


"At least I know the head is still their----" Yomi started but was cut off with shock as he saw the Hormiga he took out rise again, its head reformed. What's worse, two new Hormigas stood beside it, playing with their claws, as if mocking him.


"Impossible!" Yomi exclaimed, blocking another attack.


Far from the shinigami captains, Zasalamel intently watched on the progress they've made against his Hormiga Minions.


"Its not impossible, captain-san. That's called modifications!" Zasalamel laughed out hard. Suddenly, a big garganta opened within his magnetic field, revealing a shadow inside. The shadow stretched its hand.


"Zasalamel-sama, you called?" the shadow spoke in a majestic manner, bowing low.


"Ah yes, Privaron Espada #666. Welcome. I have something for you to do. I need to report on Primera Espada later about Seireitei, but these shinigamis are holding back. I need you to do something about that." Zasalamel said, then he approached the Privaron, whispering something in its ear. It nodded, then disappeared back into the Garganta it came in.


"Now, Seireitei, things just got interesting." Zasalamel remarked excitedly, looking at Nato and Yomi.

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Nato was truly paralyzed in fear when he saw that the Hollows had now multiplied into at least a hundred more, looming over the West Gate area and clattering their claws together. "N-No! Impossible! There must be something that can stop them!" he said out loud, before he noticed the Hollows charge at him, roaring and slashing their claws at him. He brought out his lightning-sparking Nodachi, blocking and deflecting the numerous blows that his surpressors dealt to him. However, due to being so many, the Hormigas managed to slice up parts of his robes and Haori, and one even got a clear shot on his chest, as three large slice-wounds tore up through his skin and robes, blood splattering out from his wounds.


"A-Agh!" Nato gritted in pain as he Shunpo'd away from the Hormigas. Their strenght seemed to be not in physical prowess, but rather in numerous assaults. "D-Damn it... they're too strong. Where's Captain-Commander when you need him?!" he stood up, however, and held his Zanpakuto up, preparing to battle again. "I won't go down that easy, however!" he said confidently, before he raised his blade, and charged at his enemies, hoping that his battle would be over soon. He began parrying and blocking the Hormigas' attacks, and sometimes using quick Byakurai shots to keep them at bay from him, shooting them right in the head and watching their bodies fall to the ground below.

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Akiyama halted his dash to Yomi when he was confronted by a trio of Hollows. These specimens resembled humans, with the exception of their tails, claws, and the absence of any facial features. Their heads were... blank, that was the only word for it. They had no eyes, nose, or mouth, and Akiyama was somewhat confused as to how the creatures could even breathe.


The beasts splayed their claws, about to lunge at Akiyama when a massive Kido blast was detonated a few miles away. The blast was barely audible here, and the shockwave couldn't be felt, but the Reiatsu was distinguishable from here. The creatures halted their lunge and turned to face the blast for a moment. How did they know it was there? They can't see, as far as I know; do they sense Reiatsu to that much of a degree? Yes, that must be it.


Akiyama lunged at the beasts, decapitating the one nearest him. He was about to move on to the next ones when he saw the first Hollow's head regenerate, and the severed head generate a completely new body for itself.


The other two Hollows lunged at Akiyama. Not wanting to make his current problem worse, Akiyama merely sidestepped the lunge, smacking one of the beasts with the hilt of his Zanpakutou and kicking the other in the stomach. I should probably go Shikai... I'll be able to solve this more quickly if I do.


"Perceive the invisible... Go-Rin." Akiyama's Reiatsu flared as he released his Zanpakutou. He felt the Wakizashi materialize before his left arm, and snatched it out of the air before it could fall. Akiyama's mental processes were doubled in speed now, and he wasted no time in solving the problem.


So they regenerate when they're sliced apart... How else can I kill them? I could skewer them each and pin them, but what if they escape? There has to be a more permanent solution. They track us by Reiatsu, so could we confuse them? No, that still doesn't solve the issue of their regeneration. Wait... they regenerate from wounds by regrowing any parts that are lost, but what if I incinerate them completely? Most of the particles will be gone, and any left over will be dead cells. The creatures regenerate with live cells separated from the main body, but cells fried with Haien will be dead. No tissue can regenerate from necrosis. Well, it's worth a try...


Akiyama deactivated his Bankai. "Hado 63: Raikoho." Akiyama fired the blast over the heads of the Hormigas. The Hollows' innate Reiatsu-sense led them to be momentarily distracted by the concentrated Reiatsu of the Kido.


"Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, ashes to ashes, ye who bear the name of man! Cast to hell, the demons burn, reduced to naught but dust! Hado 54: Haien!" The same hand



Made up the Haien incantation. Sorry, but I wanted to use it with an Incantation and had to make something up.



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Akiyama halted his dash to Yomi when he was confronted by a trio of Hollows. These specimens resembled humans, with the exception of their tails, claws, and the absence of any facial features. Their heads were... blank, that was the only word for it. They had no eyes, nose, or mouth, and Akiyama was somewhat confused as to how the creatures could even breathe.


The beasts splayed their claws, about to lunge at Akiyama when a massive Kido blast was detonated a few miles away. The blast was barely audible here, and the shockwave couldn't be felt, but the Reiatsu was distinguishable from here. The creatures halted their lunge and turned to face the blast for a moment. How did they know it was there? They can't see, as far as I know; do they sense Reiatsu to that much of a degree? Yes, that must be it.


Akiyama lunged at the beasts, decapitating the one nearest him. He was about to move on to the next ones when he saw the first Hollow's head regenerate, and the severed head generate a completely new body for itself.


The other two Hollows lunged at Akiyama. Not wanting to make his current problem worse, Akiyama merely sidestepped the lunge, smacking one of the beasts with the hilt of his Zanpakutou and kicking the other in the stomach. I should probably go Shikai... I'll be able to solve this more quickly if I do.


"Perceive the invisible... Go-Rin." Akiyama's Reiatsu flared as he released his Zanpakutou. He felt the Wakizashi materialize before his left arm, and snatched it out of the air before it could fall. Akiyama's mental processes were doubled in speed now, and he wasted no time in solving the problem.


So they regenerate when they're sliced apart... How else can I kill them? I could skewer them each and pin them, but what if they escape? There has to be a more permanent solution. They track us by Reiatsu, so could we confuse them? No, that still doesn't solve the issue of their regeneration. Wait... they regenerate from wounds by regrowing any parts that are lost, but what if I incinerate them completely? Most of the particles will be gone, and any left over will be dead cells. The creatures regenerate with live cells separated from the main body, but cells fried with Haien will be dead. No tissue can regenerate from necrosis. Well, it's worth a try...


Akiyama deactivated his Shikai to free up his left hand, which he raised to point just above the Hollows. "Hado 63: Raikoho." Akiyama fired the blast over the heads of the Hormigas. The Hollows' innate Reiatsu-sense led them to be momentarily distracted by the concentrated Reiatsu of the Kido.


"Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, ashes to ashes, ye who bear the name of man! Cast to hell, the demons burn, reduced to naught but dust! Hado 54: Haien!" The same hand that had fired the Raikoho issued forth a massive purple energy wave more than large enough to engulf all four Hormigas. The Hollows were burned away to nothing but dead cells and ash. Akiyama decided to wait a moment. Nato (whose energy he'd sensed firing the red Kido from earlier) and Yomi could take care of themselves, and he might've just discovered these monsters' weaknesses.



Made up the Haien incantation. Sorry, but I wanted to use it with an Incantation and had to make something up.



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[spoiler=[b]OOC:[/b]] Haien has an unknown incantation, so its okay. :D I appreciate the creativity..



Zasalamel looked very impressed as he saw Akiyama incinerated his Hormigas very finely, leaving very little, if none at all, particles for them to regenerate. From his vantage point, he kept clapping his hands, clearly very happy at the turn of events.


"That's a good show, captain-san! Keep that up!" Zasalamel said, then he flicked his fingers once, before talking again. Zasalamel closed his eyes, focusing on the Hormigas.


"Minions, Hear Me. I command you, ADAPT!" Zasalamel said, communicating telepathically to the Hormigas.


As Zasalamel was communicating, all Hormigas stopped in their tracks, their head buzzing with information. They stared at each other with their faceless visage, then started vibrating. They stood there for half a minute, vibrating very violently. The spikes on their back suddenly became flatter and flatter, expanding covering all parts of their body with a gray, metal-like substance. Their faces also grow some sort of curved lines.


[spoiler=[b]Hormiga Status Upgrade[/b]]


Offense: 7/10

Defense: 0/10

Strength: 9/10

Speed/Dexterity: 8/10

Intelligence: 5/10

Cero: 0/10

Reiatsu: 10/10

Total: 39/70


NOTE**: Hormigas can now move at the speed of lieutenant class shinigamis, and are immune to explosive or incineration-type attacks. Also, try to include in your post how your character discovers this info. :)**



Zasalamel looked rather pleased as all his Hormigas have suddenly changed their pearlescent appearance to a gray, metal-like one. He pondered how the Captains will react to the adaptation of their opponents.


Meanwhile, half of the Hormigas attacking Nato suddenly shifted their attention towards Akiyama. They turned their heads and started moving towards Akiyama's direction, moving considerably faster than earlier.


Yomi, on the other hand, hasn't had much luck with his own wave of Hormigas. He did a fair job of preventing any more multiplications, but the staggering number of Hormigas (now at 50 Hormigas) is enough to keep him at bay. The mere fact that he cannot cut or blow them apart is a testament to the difficulty of the situation.


"If you regenerate using individual pieces, then I will incinerate you till there is nothing left!" Yomi exclaimed, evading a Hormiga's attack by jumping up.


As he jumped, he did a 180 flip so his head is pointing towards the head of the Hormiga who just attacked him. He stretched out his left hand, index finger stretched and pointed it at the Hormiga.


"Hado # 63, Soren Sokatsui!" Yomi shouted, firing a Kido attack in nearly point blank range, engulfing the Hormiga in an intense, doubled-up, blue-flames. It caused a small, contained explosion. All this happened in the split-second Yomi evaded.


As the smoke cleared up, the shinigami captain was shocked at the effects of the flames. The Hormiga stood there, unfazed, and definitely unharmed. Not even a mark of burn or a limb severed. It turned its faceless head towards Yomi, and started to move again.


This time, Yomi wasn't able to dodge as the Hormiga swarmed him. A Hormiga managed to stab him right through his left shoulder, causing a puncture wound. Yomi roared in pain, kicking the Hormiga away with his foot. Blood splattered across the floor as his wound bled profusely. He used his zanpakutou as support, trying to stand up.


"So that armor of yours isn't just for show huh?" Yomi remarked, the earth around him quivering slightly, "If explosive or incineration won't work, then there's only one thing left I can do."


Yomi stabbed his zanpakutou in the earth, deep enough for the entire blade to be buried, with only the hilt showing.


"Shatter the Earth, Tatsu no Koku!" Yomi said, releasing his shikai.


The earth around him suddenly raised up, blocking an attack made by the nearest Hormiga, pushing it away. The entire area Yomi was standing on started to burst into rectangular section, covering him. After a few moments, the walls subsided, revealing Yomi, holding a scythe with two blades protruding at the top. The blades of the scythe glow brightly even in broad daylight. The scythe body is brown, with a dragon encircling from end to end, with its mouth opening around the blades' base. The middle of the scythe has a handle bar, which is golden in color. The other end of the scythe has a metal ball which has the kanji for "Earth Dragon" etched on it.


The Hormiga dashed forward at Yomi, only to be blocked by an immense wall of earth, pushing them away, then another pair of rectangular earthen wall popped out of the ground, then another , until it formed an octagon, completely encasing the Hormigas. Some of them tried to jump up, only to hit an earthen ceiling.


"Tsuchikago, the First Hour. If I can't attack you, then I will contain you. Not even an Espada Class Arrancar can easily break through my earthen cage. How much more can you?" Yomi calmly said, putting pressure on his wound to prevent further bleeding.


Zasalamel once again applauded. He never anticipated a captain-class shinigami would have access to such a defensive maneuver.


"Now, that's one seriously wicked Zanpakutou. Tatsu no Koku eh? That's one shinigami report down. Let's see for the others." the Arrancar remarked, writing on what looked like a hollow-mask on his hand.

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Nato was even more bewildered as he noted how the Hormigas changed form from their dreadfully dismembered forms to human creatures covered in grey armor. "How can this be? These Hollows are like nothing we've ever faced before!" he noted. "They are certainly strong in matters of numbers." He then saw the Hormigas suddenly ignoring him, and turning to another Shinigami; Akiyama. But it was only half of the Hormigas, so Nato was still under attack.


"Guess I have to finish this quickly." Nato said as be suddenly Shunpo'd backwards, and charged up another Kido spell. "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle! Hadō #63. Raikōhō!" he shot a beam of yellow lightning-like energy towards the Hormigas, as it exploded upon impact. He smirked as he thought it had effect, but to his disappointment, the Hormigas emerged unharmed from the blast.


"Damn it! Guess their armor is stronger than that." he said lowly, before unsheathing his Nodachi again, lightning crackling along its blade. "Guess I'll have to release my Zanpakuto to defeat them." he said slowly, and raised his Nodachi, holding it with one hand.


"Rage Through the Skies - Sandāburēdo!"


The sword then began to glow in a yellow tint, before a large burst of Reiatsu emerged both from Nato and his Zanpakuto. The Nodachi began extending in lenght, and taking the shape of a long lance. The lance was black with gold lines curling along the shaft of it, and had a spike on the tip of it, which then split into three. The entire spear looked like a lightning conductor.


"Now, let's see how you like being electrocuted." he said slowly, before he aimed Sandāburēdo towards the Hormigas, and launched a constant stream of lightning into one of their bodies, before it jumped from Hormigas to Hormigas, electrocuting all of the ones pursuing Nato with so much power, it would have killed hundreds of humans on contact.

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