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Bleach: Rise of the Bount [PG-13][Co-Owned by Ryuujinn][Second Arc][Accept via OOC]


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[spoiler=Plot:]Many years after the defeat of the bount and of Aizen himself, Go Koga lives peacefully with Ran Tao while believing that he is the last surviving Bount. He is wrong however, for there was a Bount who was raised by Jin Kariya many years ago. This Bount was meant to be Jin's student, a prodigy of the Bount's and the successor to the Bount line. This student of Jin's was taught secretly, unbeknown to the other Bounts or Soul Society. This student excelled in the powers of the Bounts, and even learned how to control three dolls instead of the average one. Now, he is waging war on Soul Society for what they have done to the Bount race. Through Jin training him, he came to take up some of Jin's beliefs about Shinigami. He was told many of the stories of how the Bount were hunted and destroyed by the Shinigami. With this hatred of Shinigami, Jin's student secretly waged war on Soul Society. One day in Soul Society, a man suddenly appeared and called for the Captains of Soul Society to come and fight him. They all battled him, and one by one each of them lost to the man's power. The man soon left after defeating all of the Captains, saying that he had left Soul Society and it's Gotei Thirteen crippled enough, just as it had left his race crippled. The man then told the people of Seireitei his name, which was Fui Moritaka. Fui has now amassed an army of Bount and openly wages war on Soul Society, but he also has a goal to destroy all hollow as well, for he knows that after the shinigami are destroyed, there will be no one left to keep the wild hollow in check. Fui's main goal is to put the world under Bount rule. A new group of Shinigami have risen to replace the fallen Captains. New Arrancar have appeared and are now taking the place of the old Espada who had fallen at the hands of Aizen and the other Captains. These new group of Shinigami and Arrancar must now either work together to save both of their worlds or perish from the spiritual world completely. Their destruction at the hands of Fui.




First Arc: The Lurking Darkness

The Bount have waged war against the Shinigami under the command of Fui Moritaka. Fui has declared that he will enter Soul Society in two days to attack it. He has now sent a few of his Bount into Soul Society to observe it and come back with a report for him before he attacks. All of the Shinigami now lie in wait for his arrival, not knowing that there are a few Bount in their midst.


Second Arc: The Fall of The Shinigami

Not revealed yet.


Third Arc: Destruction of Las Noches

Not yet revealed.





1. All Basic YCM Rules Apply


2. Strictly NO GOD MODDING. The GameMaster reserves the right to judge if a person is GOD MODDING or not, and also reserves the right to implement necessary warnings/punishment to violators.


3. Posts must be at least 4 lines long, proper format (meaning no script-type)


4. Any unnecessary arguments must be done over PM, not in the RP. If you need a judge, you can ask the Gamemaster ONLY if its related to the RP.


5. No DUPLICATE Abilities or powers. If a person already has a unique power, you cannot copy it or make minor changes to it and call it yours. Use your creativity and be unique.


6. The Gamemaster's words are the law. Live with it.


7. Vulgar words are allowed, but only up to a certain extent. Do not fill your post with 60% vulgar words.




9. FIREWALLING IS IMPLEMENTED IN THIS RP. Definition: Firewalling is the act of cutting off the writer's knowledge from the character's knowledge. Your character's cannot be all-knowing and cannot know what other people know unless it was explicitly made known to all. (Definition and Term C/o Bleach Roleplaying Forum)


10. Status Ranks Apply. Stats are there for a reason. You cannot have a stat of 60/70 and expect to be able to take on enemies with stat 70/70 singlehandedly. Be realistic. If you violate this rule, it can be considered God-Modding.


11. All posts must be checked for grammar before posted. If you have up to 3 grammar mistakes in your post then you will be given a warning.


12. Do not state that your character has super speed or super strength unless it is stated in your app and it is also stated how your character developed that super speed or super strength. This is considered God-Mod if you do not.


First and Second Violations merits warnings. In case of God-Modding, the post is ignored, and will be requested for deletion if necessary. Third Violation and you're booted out.




[spoiler=Shinigami App:]



Appearance: (At least 4 lines. Put in Spoiler please)

Personality: (At least 4 lines. Also in spoiler)


Captain or Vice Captain:

Seat(If not Captain or Vice Captain):

History: (At least 6 lines. Also in spoiler)



Zanpakutou Name:

Zanpakutou Appearance: (At least 4 lines. Spoiler please)

Shikai Release Phrase: (At least 4 lines. Also in Spoiler)

Shikai Appearance and Abilities:

Bankai Appearance and Abilities: (Include the Bankai Name. At least 4 lines. Also in Spoiler)




Kidou: (Captains are allowed to pick a maximum of up to 15 kidou. Vice Captains are allowed to pick up to 7 kidou. As the RP progresses, you may choose to learn more, but update your app as you learn them while training. The list of kido is here: (http://bleach.wikia.com/wiki/Kid%C5%8D)



Offense ??/10

Defense: ??/10

Strength: ??/10

Speed/Dexterity: ??/10

Intelligence: ??/10

Kido: ??/10

Spiritual Pressure: ??/10

Total: ??/70


[spoiler=Arrancar App:]




Appearance (at least 4 lines):(spoiler pls.)

Personality(at least 4 lines):(spoiler pls.)

History(at least 6 lines):(spoiler pls.)


Zanpakutou Name and Appearance: (at least 4 lines, excluding Zanpakutou name)

Resurreccion Phrase:

Resurrecion Abilities:

Segunda Etapa Appearance: (if applicable, only for Espada 1-4)

Segunda Etapa Abilities: (if applicable)


Abilities: (This is where you may list any other abilities of your Arrancar such as special cero or special techniques. You may also list your characters proficiency in Strength, Stamina, Spiritual Power, Swordsmanship, Cero, Hierro,Sonido, Hand to Hand, Bala, etc.)



Offense: ??/10

Defense: ??/10

Strength: ??/10

Speed/Dexterity: ??/10

Intelligence: ??/10

Cero: ??/10

Spiritual Pressure: ??/10

Total: ??/70


Note: Skills must be related to Rank. Rank 1 should be the only one allowed to have 70/70 as total stats. Rank 2-4: Max stats can total 65/70, Rank 5-10: Max stats can total 60/70. Rank 11-20: Max stats can total 50/70. Rank 20 above: Max stats can total 40/70. This is to prevent lower ranks from god-modding.



[spoiler=Bount App:]



Appearance: (At least 4 lines. This cannot be vague. It must give me a general picture of how your character looks. No pictures can be used for appearance.)

Personality: (At least 4 lines.)

History: (At least 6 lines)



Doll Name: (This should be german. You can translate the name using freetranslation.com)

Doll Sealed Appearance: (Should be at least 4 lines)

Doll Released Appearance: (Should be at least 4 lines)

Doll Abilities: (At least 4 lines)





Offense: ??/10

Defense: ??/10

Strength: ??/10

Speed/Dexterity: ??/10

Intelligence: ??/10

Doll Control: ??/10

Spiritual Pressure: ??/10

Total: ??/70


Note: For Bount, you may have at least two dolls, but you must explain how you were able to gain two in your bio. Fui is the only Bount able to use three dolls.



[spoiler=Quincy App:]



Appearance: (At least 4 lines. This cannot be vague. It must give me a general picture of how your character looks. No pictures can be used for appearance.)

Personality: (At least 4 lines.)

History: (At least 6 lines)


[spoiler=[b]Quincy Bow[/b]]

Bow Name: (Japanese name please)

Quincy Cross: (This is the Quincy cross used to summon the actual bow of reiatsu. Describe in detail please, does not have to be in the shape of a cross)

Bow Appearance: (Should be at least 4 lines)

Bow Abilities: (At least 4 lines)




Extra Items: (Seele Schneider, Silver tubes, Sanrei Glove, etc. If Seele Schneider, Quincy Bangle, or Sanrei Glove are included, the bio must state how (s)he acquired them.)



Offense: ??/10

Defense: ??/10

Strength: ??/10

Speed/Dexterity: ??/10

Intelligence: ??/10

Accuracy: ??/10

Spiritual Pressure: ??/10

Total: ??/70





[spoiler=Accepted Apps:]


Squad 2 Captain: Reserved


Name: Akiyama Nagano (Given Name: Akiyama; Surname: Nagano)

Age: 235 (Appears 23)


Akiyama has bright blue eyes and short black hair. The former was inherited from his American father; the latter, his Japanese mother. His nose and head are narrow, with thin lips and a small red birthmark on his right temple.

Akiyama stands at 6' even, with narrow shoulders and long legs & arms that give him a lanky, almost twiglike appearance. This often leads overconfident foes to underestimate him; however, Akiyama's human-life background in Muay Thai, Boxing, Ju-Jutsu (Japanese Jiu-Jitsu), and Koryu combined with his rigorous standards of physical fitness have led him to become quite muscular. Akiyama holds bodybuilders and the like in disdain and considers them brutish; as such, he has been careful to ensure his physical structure is as Ectomorphic as possible without sacrificing strength. He has a six-pack on his abdomen, as well as a three-inch-long, horizontal surgery scar just below his left ribs. Akiyama wears the normal Captain's attire, with a Shinigami robe, hakama, and the white Captain's cloak.




Akiyama is very intelligent, and that intelligence has converted itself to high self-confidence. Despite this, Akiyama is not overconfident or arrogant, and knows his limits; on the other hand, he has a tendency to assume people are wrong when they've proven themselves to be unintelligent. He is usually calm and highly analytical; however, when the tide is turned against him, he has a tendency to panic slightly. This panic is suppressed with mild difficulty. Akiyama has little patience for those with nothing useful to say, and dislikes small talk. When he says something, it's either highly valuable or a scathing reprimand of another's unintelligence. From a young age, Akiyama idolized the swordsman Miyamoto Musashi, and has memorized a number of his quotes and much of his philosophy.



Squad: 3

Captain or Vice Captain: Captain

Seat: N/A


Akiyama was not born in the Soul Society, unlike many Shinigami; rather, he was born as a human and retained his human memories when he became a Shinigami. Those memories and the lessons from his human life contained within them have served him well.

Akiyama was born in 1855 to an American sailor who had come to the country with Commodore Perry's forces and that sailor's wife, a direct descendant of Miyamoto Musashi's adoptive son Iori. Akiyama grew up learning to fight from his maternal uncle, who ran a Koryu Dojo, and American boxing/brawling from his father. He also studied Ju-Jutsu for five years with the husband of one of his mother's friends. At the age of 17, Akiyama went abroad to hone his technique, spending two years traveling and training, and going as far as Thailand before discovering Muay Thai. He then studied that art for three years, but after defeating his teacher in a sparring match, he felt he'd learnt enough and took a ship home. He returned to find his parents, two sisters, and brother slain by a group of bandits. Akiyama hunted the bandits down and slew all of them with his bare hands before dying of exsanguination.

Later arriving at the Soul Society once a Shinigami released his soul, Akiyama wandered about for a few days before encountering a Shinigami. Not knowing where he was or who the Shinigami was, Akiyama attacked the Soul Reaper, disarmed him, and held him hostage with the Shinigami's own Zanpakutou. However, the Shinigami's allies arrived, and Akiyama was explained where he was and who they were. He was recruited to the Soul Society and became extremely successful, quickly rising to 3rd Seat of Squad Three. He was away on a mission during Ichigo's adventures at the Seireitei. He returned sometime during Aizen's defection and attack, when Gin and Kira were both slain. Another Shinigami who had seniority became the new 3rd Division Captain, and Akiyama became Lieutenant. Akiyama went about his normal, bloody life for a while more until his Captain was slain by the new Bount leader. Akiyama then became Captain of Third Division.





Zanpakutou Name: Go-Rin

[spoiler=Zanpakutou Appearance:]

Go-Rin's sealed form resembles a normal Katana, albeit an impeccably forged one. The blade somehow manages to remain completely stainless regardless of use (with the exception of adhesive substances). The tsuba is jet-black, and resembles five identical, black tangent circles forming a ring around the blade. The hilt is not decorated in any way, with a plain, flat kashira (hilt cap) and jet-black tsuka ito (handle wrap). The sheath is as plain- and impeccable- as the sword, with a simple jet-black coloring. Much like the blade it contains, the sheath seems to be immune to wear, tear, and stains.



Shikai Release Phrase: Perceive the invisible... Go-Rin.

[spoiler=Shikai Appearance and Abilities:]

In its Shikai state, Go-Rin becomes two swords rather than one- A Katana and Wakizashi, with Saya to match appearing on either of Akiyama's hips. They are virtually identical but for the blade length, and their design is the same as that of the Zanpakuto's sealed state.

Go-Rin's Shikai grants its user enhanced reflexes, speed, and perception. The user's sight is amplified to a degree that they can distinguish another person's individual eyelashes from two meters away. Their sense of touch allows them to feel the shift in the air when someone standing four feet away inhales and the shift in the ground when they adjust their weight even slightly to either side. The other three senses are amplified as such. The eye is also auto-regulated by the Shikai to adapt instantly to different light, making flash grenade-style sight inhibition impossible. However, the user is still susceptible to illusions and the like; they just can't be blinded by strong light. The user's speed of thought is doubled. Go-Rin's Shikai has another important power- it allows Akiyama to create a field which nullifies any Reiatsu blasts and similar types of attacks, rendering Ceros, Balas, and the like useless. The field is invisible to all but Akiyama, who sees it as a transparent yellow haze. Its shape and size can be controlled by Akiyama, who expends more energy if he uses it to cover a wider area. However, this energy amount is virtually insignificant until Akiyama extends it to cover an area exceeding a three-foot radius.



[spoiler=Bankai Appearance and Abilities:]

Name: Kensei no Ni-Ten (Twin Heavens of the Sword Saint)

Appearance: Akiyama's Bankai appears to be identical to the Shikai. Five golden energy rings float behind Akiyama. They are immaterial, and each is emblazoned with a symbol for Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, or the Void (which is blank).

Abilities: Akiyama retains the passive enhancements of his Shikai, but loses the power to create nullification fields. His Bankai's power depends on which Ring is at the top of the pentagon formation they are in. Akiyama can choose which Ring starts at the top, but they must rotate for him to switch powers. While they are rotating, Akiyama cannot access any Ring powers, but still retains his Shikai enhancements. Their abilities are detailed below, in clockwise order of Rings:

Earth: Allows for manipulation of earth/rocks. Also allows the user to change the Zanpakuto's form to different weapons, such as (but not limited to) a Naginata, a Yari, and a Bokken. The Bankai reverts to its default Katana-and-Wakizashi form when Rings are rotated.

Water: Allows manipulation of water and moisture, including the state of matter. Also allows Akiyama to levitate, hover, and move through the air extremely quickly.

Fire: Allows Akiyama to manipulate fire and heat. Also allows him to create a momentary field of repulsion around an object by touching/striking it with his sword. These fields' strength depends on the amount of Reiatsu he puts into it, but a strong opponent will most likely be able to maintain a hold on an object like their sword unless the repulsion field is especially strong.

Wind: Allows Akiyama to manipulate wind. Also allows him to mimic the attacks, movements, and abilities of others and use them himself. Both the act of recording and the act of reproduction place a significant strain on his stamina and Reiatsu, roughly doubling the cost of any Reiatsu-based technique.

Void: Allows Akiyama to open up Garganta-esque portals. These portals are much weaker than Garganta in terms of range, and are usually only used for travel over a mile at most. However, they have various combat applications and can be created at a distance of four yards at most. Akiyama can also become invisible and intangible for brief periods of time, during which his movement and thought speed are doubled, but a constant drain is placed upon his Reiatsu. Akiyama cannot become only one of the two; if he wishes to become invisible, Akiyama must also become intangible.





Kidou: Rikujokoro (Bakudo 61)

Danku (Bakudo 81)

Haien (Hado 54)

Raikoho (Hado 63)

Kurohitsugi (Hado 90)

Soren Sokatsui (Hado 66)

Tenran (Hado 58 )



Offense 10/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 8/10

Speed/Dexterity: 10/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Kido: 9/10

Spiritual Pressure: 8/10

Total: 65/70



[spoiler=Anbu Naruto]

Name: Jackel

Age:802 but appears as 21


Jackel is middle in height and has deep blue eyes and black hair

a standard sleeveless captain's haori with a green sash around his shoulders, held together by a round clip. The sash holds his Zanpakutō's sheath in place on his back and is tied to it at either end. He most of the time walks around in his tabi.



Jackel is very Strong by Soul Society standards. Born in Rukongai, he became the youngest ever to reach captain rank. Thus, he is called a "boy genius" or a "child prodigy" by many. Jackel is generally mature and serious. Although he can sometimes be short-tempered and irritable.


Squad: 10

Captain or Vice Captain: Captain


Jackel early life was spent in the most lavish part of the soul society. There he lived with his Father. As a child, Jackel had an icy demeanor that estranged himself from others, with the exception of his Father. They were very close, and Jackel was irritated when his father left to join the Soul Society academy. Throughout his childhood, he was always aware of what seemed to be an icy presence within himself and had continuous dreams about a plane of ice. Five years after fathers departure, Jackel encountered his long lost brother Sai, then a normal, unranked shinigami, in a marketplace, when he stood up to a merchant who left his change on the counter, rather than handing it to him.



Zanpakutou Name: Hyorinmaru

Zanpakutou Appearance:

When sealed, Hyōrinmaru looks like a normal katana with the exception of the guard, which is in the shape of a four-pointed bronze-colored star. Its hilt is light blue and sheath dark blue. The sheath completely dissolves when he draws his sword. The sword is somewhat longer than most Zanpakutō, at about 1.4 meters long, making it taller than Hitsugaya, preventing him from wearing it at the hip. Instead he carries it on his back by his green sash over his right shoulder

Shikai Release Phrase: "Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens"

Shikai Appearance and Abilities:

In its Shikai, Hyōrinmaru extends slightly in length, and gains a crescent-shaped blade attached to its hilt by a long metal chain, which can extend greatly if necessary by force of will. The chain itself can be used as an attack or to entangle a target. Hyōrinmaru allows Hitsugaya to control water and ice. His slashes create an immense amount of spiritual power which overflows from the tip of the blade, creating a flow of ice shaped like a Chinese dragon.

Bankai Appearance and Abilities: Daiguren Hyōrinmaru

Ryūsenka (竜霰花, Dragon Hail Flower): When Hitsugaya stabs his opponents, a huge burst of ice erupts from the point of contact between Hyōrinmaru and the opponents, encasing and freezing them. Hitsugaya can then proceed to shatter the ice and his opponent with it.


Sennen Hyōrō (千年氷牢, Thousand Years' Ice Prison): Hitsugaya creates many ice pillars which encircle him and his enemy. At his command (when he turns his sword 90 degrees counter-clockwise), these pillars then move towards the enemy, enveloping and crushing it. Though this technique is very powerful, Hitsugaya infers that it takes a considerable amount of time to prepare, and therefore the distraction of his enemy is crucial in successfully completing this attack.


Shield of Ice Wings: Hitsugaya is capable of wrapping his wings around himself like a sphere protecting him from any attacks.


Tōshirō's Hyōten Hyakkasō techniqueHyōten Hyakkasō (氷天百華葬, Frozen Heaven Hundred Flower Funeral): This ability is an extension of Hyorinmaru's Tensō Jūrin power. However, because Hitsugaya dislikes using Tensō Jūrin while his Bankai is active, he rarely uses it. The ability opens up a huge hole in the clouds through which a large amount of snow falls down on to his opponent. As the snow comes into contact with the opponent, ice flowers sprout all over their body, instantly trapping them in a pillar of ice. Hitsugaya claimed that when the last of the 100 petals falls, the life of the one who touched it will be over.


Bankai Regeneration: During his battle with Luppi, Hitsugaya's Bankai was damaged. However, it regenerated, and Hitsugaya stated that as long as there is water in the air his Bankai can be revived indefinitely.


Ice Clone: Once per activation of his Bankai, Tōshirō is able to create and shape a large amount of ice into his exact likeness. It is very life-like as it can appear to bleed. It has yet to be revealed the exact circumstances that limit the use of this ability to one use.


Guncho Tsurara (群鳥氷柱, Icicle Flock): Hitsugaya can transform water into ice and then swing his Zanpakutō in an arc which fires an array of ice daggers at his target.


Hyōryū Senbi (氷竜旋尾, Ice Dragon Swirling Tail): With this technique, Hitsugaya swings his sword in a linear direction and creates overflowing ice from his blade in the form of a crescent.


Zekku (絶空, Void Sever): This ability allows Hitsugaya to control his Hyouryū Senbi technique and send it up into the air.











Sajo Sabaku





Offense 10/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 6/10

Speed/Dexterity: 10/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Kido: 8/10

Spiritual Pressure: /10

Total: 54/70


[spoiler=Abarai Renji]

Name: Nato Sanketsu

Age: 749 (Appears to be 17)

[spoiler=[b]Appearance[/b]]Nato is around 185.3 centimeters long and weights about 67.9 kilograms, due to his past experiences. His hair is raven black with strings of purple along the neck, and his eyes are purely silver, but only one is visible as his hair laps over his left eye, and frame the left side of his face. He wears the standard Shinigami robes and a white Captain's Haori, with a few modifications as it is sleeveless, and looks more like an elongated vest. He wields his Zanpakuto near his waist, and he wears tabi along with his sandals.


[spoiler=[b]Personality[/b]]Nato is calm and collected in all sorts of situations, even when in battle, his cool mood never breaks. He is rather calculating and strategic, thinking before acting. If he is attacked at random, he will merely show his opponent the errors of his rash actions by either eliminating them, or dismiss them and walk away. His favorite hobby is to forecast the weather.


Squad: 11

Captain or Vice Captain: Captain

Seat(If not Captain or Vice Captain): N/A

[spoiler=[b]History[/b]]As a young man, Nato was always the "outcast" of any group he was in, or met, constantly being shunned and/or rejected because of his calm, almost "cold" behavior towards others. He found it quite difficult to blend into Soul Society's other youngsters, because of his behavior and beliefs.


Since he was alone the most time of his life, he was malnutritioned and almost starving to death every day, hence his low body weight. He was also an orphan, since his parents were killed by a Hollow attack when they were both out scouting, since they were both high-ranked Shinigamis in the 11th Squad's seats. He had sworn to avenge them since then, and joined into the 11th Squad to fulfill his promise.


As the years passed on, he rose quite rapidly in the ranks, and soon became Lieutenant, and after having gone through an intense training to achieve his Bankai -- consisting of meditating in storm weathers and regular sparring against other Shinigami -- he finally achieved the title of Captain, and with his skills and wits as a warrior Shinigami, he will fulfill his oath to his parents, whatever the costs.




Zanpakutou Name: Sandāburēdo (サンダーブレード Thunder Blade)

[spoiler=[b]Zanpakutou Appearance[/b]]The sword itself is a regular Nodachi with a golden and black hilt with stripes of white along the guard, which is formed as two lightning bolts crossing each other. The Nodachi's blade is charged with electricity, as it visibly crackles along the blade when he unsheaths it. The sheath is pitch-black, with a yellow lightning bolt across the right side of the sheath.


Shikai Release Phrase: Sukaizusurūreiji (スカイズスルーレイジ Rage Through the Skies)

Shikai Appearance and Abilities: In its released state, Sandāburēdo takes the form of a long lance, about two meters in lenght, with a long, spike-shaped tip. The entire spear is black with yellow stripes along the base and up to the middle. The tip spike has a hilt, which allows it to split into three spikes, as it takes the form of a lightning conductor.


Sandāburēdo's main ability is basically the ability to store and unleash torrents of electricity from the three spikes at the tip of it. It can either be released from the tip down to the base, as it electrocutes the ground beneath it on a radius of half a kilometer around him, or directly from the tips as lightning beams and/or streams of lightning bolts that spreads in a wide arc. In stormy weathers with thunderstorms, Sandāburēdo's abilities are enhanced as it constantly conducts lightning and stores it inside itself. In wet conditions, such as rain or battle near water sources - such as rivers or lakes - Nato prefers to use Sandāburēdo as a normal spear rather than a conductor, as he faces a risk of electrocuting himself as well.


Sandā Keimusho (サンダー刑務所 Thunder Prison) - Sandāburēdo unleashes a great amount of electricity into the ground which streams towards one or multiple targets, encasing them in a spherical prison of lightning currents. The captured target(s) will be electrocuted upon touch, and Nato can control these cages telepathically, either expanding them or shrinking them to crush his foes.



[spoiler=[b]Bankai Appearance and Abilities[/b]]Ten no Sandāburēdo (天のサンダーブレード Thunder Blade of The Heavens)


As Nato unleashes his Bankai, Sandāburēdo unleashes a great amount of electricity from its spikes, as it surrounds Nato and then materializes into his Bankai. In its Bankai form, Ten no Sandāburēdo takes the shape of a golden armor around Nato's chest, with a giant fan-like protrusion on his back, with four spikes on each of the fan's side. The fan construct is cruel in form, being pitch black with trims of gold and with barbs on the its metal poles. Nato's legs are encased in the same sort of armor as the one he has on his chest, being golden boots with spike-like protrusions on the toe-tips. He wields no real "weapon" in this form, but Nato can create replicas of his Zanpakuto's unreleased form made of pure lightning.


Zanpakuto Replicas - Ten no Sandāburēdo allows Nato to generate enough electricity to be able to create replicas of his Zanpakuto's unreleased form, which he uses to either fight hand-to-hand, or use as projectiles.


Enhanced Armor - Ten no Sandāburēdo's golden armor is almost invunerable to blunt attacks and slashes, and allows Nato to charge head-on towards his opponents.


Complete Lightning Manipulation - In his Bankai state, Nato gains total control of lightning, allowing him to encase his body in a "second" armor of lightning to harm nearby opponents, shoot lightning blasts from his bare hands, or send thunderbolts down from the heavens on his opponents. As he releases his Bankai, the weather in his area changes instantly as well, forming storm clouds that crackle with lightning and thunder.







Seki (斥, Repulse)

Shitotsu Sansen (嘴突三閃, Beak-Piercing Triple Beam)

Enkosen (円閘扇, Arc Shield)

Hyapporankan (百歩欄干, Hundred Steps Fence)

Sajo Sabaku (鎖条鎖縛, Locking Bondage Stripes)

Tozanshō (倒山晶, Inverse Mountain Crystal)



Byakurai (白雷, Pale Lightning)

Tsuzuri Raiden (製本電, Bound Lightning)

Raikōhō (雷吼炮, Thunder Roar Cannon)



Kongōbaku (金剛爆, Adamantine Blast)

Gaki Rekkō (牙気裂光, Raging Light Fang)



Offense 9/10

Defense: 7/10

Strength: 8/10

Speed/Dexterity: 10/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Kido: 7/10

Spiritual Pressure: 9/10

Total: 60/70









Primera Espada: Reserved


Name: Zasalamel Toreador

Age: Unknown

Rank: Segunda Espada



Zasalamel covers his entire face with bandages, allowing only space for his bloody red eyes, and a few of his azure blue hair to poke out. The bandage has runic writings spread across them. He wears an overcoat with a collar that covers half his face when zipped closed. The overcoat sports the Arrancar colors, white color with black linings around the end sections. Underneath the coat, he wears a black fitted shirt that highlights his eight pack, and sports a jagged set of tattooed teeth around the chest portion. He wears the standard Arrancar hakama, a black sash that secures his zanpakutou, and white waraji. His overcoat is always open, except along the neck area, where the collar portion is always zipped up, covering half his face.




Zasalamel is robust in terms of socializing. He doesn't mind the company and is usually seen mingling with other Arrancars lower than his position. He makes it a point to keep his spiritual pressure at a minimum, so that it doesn't bother other Arrancars. However, he is a composed, and calculating character under extreme pressure. His level of calmness exceeds his robust personality when he is fighting, something that the Primera Espada saw as commendable enough, as most Arrancars give in to baser instincts when fighting. He is not easily angered, and is prone to making jokes, despite his weird appearance. He has zero tolerance for shinigamis and non-hollows, however, and makes it a point to keep his distance.




Zasalamel was not fortunate enough as a Gillian. His reiatsu was exceedingly above average for his position, and thus, hollows of varying sizes kept their distance. He didn't know about his own power, and it made quite an impact to his life. He wanted to socialize but the other hollows were too scared. Eventually, his baser instincts took over, devouring all hollows he came into contact with until he evolved into an adjucha. As such, his appearance changed, as he now has two hands with ten fingers, and two legs with one foot each, having ten toes. His blank hollow mask still covered his face, revealing only a mouth. He tried to mingle again with other hollows in his more convenient form, but to no avail. He was mad at himself, but took it out on other hollows. He consumed a lot of them, increasing his powers overtime.


On one of his off days, he mused at the skies, lazing around the sandy dunes of Hueco Mundo. One adjucha suddenly charged at him, catching him off guard. As he tried to fight the seemingly strong adjucha, a flash of white lightning struck from his fingers, hitting the adjucha squarely on the chest, immediately killing it. He was amazed. It was the first time he became aware of his latent powers. Over time, he tried practicing and discovering the secrets of his reiatsu. He found out that he can polarize his reiatsu to make it negatively or positively charged, allowing him to take advantage of polarities. He found out that he can project a small magnetic field around him to hide his reiatsu, and up to some extent, even block a certain level of attacks, as he found out when a group of gillians tried to consume him. He blew them away with his magnetic field, crushing them. He trained and trained until he was proficient enough to condense his positively charged reiatsu into solid matter, able to mold them into projectile-like weapons. Eventually he evolved into a Vasto Lorde, after consuming more hollows, defeating them with his powers. He noticed that if he charges the ground he steps in with the same polarity as his foot, he can move in blinding speeds, nearly able to teleport. However, if he steps in a ground that's the same polarity, he is stuck for a while. He also found out that he can exert more damage on enemies hit by his blade if they were negatively charged, and his fist can do more damage if foes were positively charged. He also found out that polarity has a way of repelling attacks if he can time it right, as he demonstrated when he defeated a Vasto Lorde that controlled water. He charged the water attacks negatively, and charged his body negatively, repelling the attack. However, this was done easily because the water attacks were not fast enough.


After countless days of roaming, he came across Las Noches, and the Primera Espada, who was the first Hollow and Arrancar that talked to him. The Espada recognized his powers, and turned him into an Arrancar. The position of Segunda Espada was bestowed, and Zasalamel was put second in command. He learned to to keep his reiatsu and spiritual pressure at a minimum so that his fellow Arrancars and Hollows would not be scared of him, allowing him to socialize.



Zanpakutou Name and Appearance (Unreleased and Released): Magneto Oscuro


Magneto Oscuro, in its unreleased state resembles a nodachi with a rectangular cross-guard embedded with a plus (+) and a minus (-) on both ends. The blade has a black shade, and has a chrome-silver wavy pattern across the middle (lengthwise). Its handle has a dark-blue handlewrap, and a white handlebase. When released, Zasalamel retains his overall appearance, except half his bandage is removed, revealing a middle length, azure-blue, straight-flowing hair. His blood-red eyes becomes of lighter shade. His overcoat now sports a big plus (+) sign on the right side of the collar, and a big minus (-) sign on the left. Both are colored black. His hakama is now dual-colored, with the right side sporting white, the left side sporting black. His waraji also changes color, and becomes gray. His hands grow a pair of gloves with a polarity embedded on the backhand portion. The right hand sports a white plus (+) sign, while the left sports a black minus (-) sign. The gloves are colored light blue now. He still carries his nodachi, which is now colored black all throughout, and sparks of electricity sizzle around the blade portion, while the handle portion is filled with a white aura.



Resurreccion Phrase: Polarize in Regret and Despair!

Resurrecion Abilities:


Mangeto Oscuro allows Zasalamel to imbue his reiatsu with either positive or negative charges that has varying effects on his attacks.


Lanzador Primera: Zasalamel Polarizes his nodachi at the tip with negative charges, causing a spike in electric surges in his nodachi's blade. After charging, he can fire the energy in a lance-like pattern, producing a white current of electricity to flow from his sword. The lance-like energy can pierce the defense if the opponent has been positively charged beforehand. If it hits a negatively charged target, it is dispersed with no damage.


Lanzador Segunda: Zasalamel holds up an empty hand, and condenses his reiatsu into a lance-like projectile that has a white color. A black reiatsu spirals the lance from tip to tip, smoothly encircling it like a thin snake. The lance is thrown in a javelin-like manner, cruising in very high speeds. If the opponent is negatively charged, this attack automatically homes in on that target. If it hits a positively charged target, it is dispersed, causing no damage.


Distorcion: Zasalamel can polarize any part of his body, and any object or target when he makes physical contact, allowing him to utilize the polarization effect. If he hits a negatively charged target while he is negatively charged, the attack deals more damage. Same is true for positive charges. However, if the target is of different charge than he is, the damage is neutralized.


Bala Magnetico: Zasalamel can shoot a polarized Bala to his foes, dealing very very minor damage, but charges the foe depending on the charge of the Bala. The Bala charges anything it hits, regardless of composition (i.e. Reiatsu, Weapon, Steel, Hierro, Etc).



Segunda Etapa Appearance: Magneto Oscuro - El Gran Negacion


Zasalamel loses his overcoat, and his vest, revealing his toned upper body. On his chest, a white plus (+) sign is tattooed on his right chest, and a black minus (-) sign is tattooed on the left. In between, a glowing equal (=) sign is tattooed. He also loses the remaining bandages on his face, revealing a human face. He has light-red eyes, a middle length, azure-blue, flowing straight hair, and a slender nose. His lips are red, and his cheeks are lively enough. a White, blank, hollow mask grows on both his shoulders, serving as shoulder guards. The rest of his body remains the same as his Primera Etapa.



Segunda Etapa Abilities


When Zasalamel reaches his Segunda Etapa, his abilities gain a massive boost, as do his speed and strength. He also gains the power to apply neutral charges. While in this form, he can still use his Primera Etapa Abilities with added force.


Cero Negacion: Zasalamel can fire a Gray-colored Cero from his nodachi's tip. This Cero will split up to hit every single target that has been polarized and cannot be evaded entirely. This attack does severe damage if the target is negatively charged. If the target is positively charged, this attack ignores all kinds of defense. If the target is neutrally charged, the target is put in a magnetic stasis that does damage over time. This attack cannot be used during its internal cooldown (5 of the user's post).


Bala Negacion: Similar to Bala Magnetico, but instead can only be neutrally charged. This attack does no damage at all, but will explode, applying Neutral Charges to everyone caught in the explosion radius of 1 meter.. (Explosion will not do any damage, physical or whatever).


Hierro Negacion: Zasalamel can polarize his Hierro to negate reiatsu based attacks by enemies whose Combined Offense and Strength is less than to Zasalamel's Combined Defense and Reiatsu This lasts for 2 posts, and will require an internal cooldown of 4 posts.


El Gran Lanzador: Zasalamel can condense his reiatsu into five lance-like projectiles around him. Each projectile is neutrally charged. They can be fired simultaneously or individually. Each does moderate damage to non-neutrally polarized foes. The lances will seek out targets with neutral charges first, before any other targets. They will do severe damage to neutrally charged targets. However, a maximum of 1 lance can hit neutrally charged targets.





Magnetism Master: Zasalamel can produce his own magnetic field. The field allows him to completely hide his reiatsu to all sorts of creatures (ally or foe). He can also use the magnetic field to levitate and move faster by polarizing the ground or space he is standing on.


Sonido: His Sonido is at par with an average Espada's Sonido. He prefers to use his polarization ability to move faster.


Hierro: His Hierro is durable, given his position as Segunda Espada. However, his Hierro is unique than most Espada, as it can be applied with charges that can repel an attack that has the same charge.


Swordsmanship: Zasalamel is a master swordsman, able to fight toe to toe with even the best of swordsmen. He prides himself in being able to wield a nodachi faster than most nodachi wielders. He has an uncanny sense of fighting with swords that he can adapt to sword users easily.


Hand-to-Hand: Although preferring to fight with his nodachi, he can fight bare-handed decently to. During his Primera Etapa, he can forego the use of his nodachi and fight hand to hand, imbuing his hand with charges that can penetrate the defense of foes with the same charge as his fist.


Cero Oscuras: He does not prefer to use Cero most of the time, but has the ability to fire a Cero Oscuras in his Primera Etapa and Segunda Etapa. Most of the time, however, he can fire an Espada-Level Cero from his palms.


Solid Defense: His body is nearly as durable as his hierro, if not more durable. As a vasto lorde, he honed his body and mind to become more stronger, in hopes that he can control his reiatsu and spiritual pressure. And so, when he became an Arrancar, his already durable body became even more durable.




Offense: 10/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 9/10

Speed/Dexterity: 10/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Cero: 8/10

Reiatsu: 10/10

Total: 65/70



Name: Sven Trago

Age: 222

Rank: 3

[spoiler=[color=red]Appearance (at least 4 lines):[/color]]Arturo3rdEspada.jpg

He stood only 5' 8'' from the ground and weighed only 140lbs. His hollow hole is on the left side of his stomache area. He wears a half white t-shirt, that only connects at the top and the rest is left open to show his abs. His back has his family crest tattooed on it, to remind him of where he came from. On his hands are black gloves while on his elbows are black coverings. He wears a skirt like dressing to cover below his waist and is held around by a black belt. On his feet are black shoes that go up to his ankles and have a white stripe along the center vertically. He has long black hair, but is tied back and let hung down. His eyes are also pitch black as the blackest night. His hollow piece is on the leg and right side of his head, but are only 2 small spikes for each from his mask. His zanpakuto is carried on his right side on the hip.



[spoiler=[color=Blue]Personality(at least 4 lines):[/color]]A normally calm man who can be easily angered. When angered he becomes very dangerous and will do almost anything to kill. If calmed past the anger point however, he becomes even more dangerous then before. He will lure opponents in for attacks then strike without warning. He gives no mercy in all fights and ensures that his opponent be killed.


He likes the look of pain on an opponents face when he injures them as well as when they are angry. He absloutely loves the sight of blood and almost craves to see it. When not fighting he likes to be alone because if he is around people, he gets a wanting to kill. He enjoys a simple meal consisiting of a medium to large hollow every once in a while.


He absoutely hates other people and can't stand to be around them. He even more hates authority, but keeps himself under control. He hates to lose in a fight because losing means weakness and he knows he is not weak. He dislikes pesky little hollows who think they can do whatever they want. He doesn't like living in a giant castle because he feels it is a waste of space.


His major flaw would be underestimating his opponent because he feels he is superior. Though he doesn't show it, he does take them for granted. He minor flaw would be his blood lust. He sometimes forgets his strategy of lure and injure when blood is seen and goes on the attack. Though he has these flaws, he keeps himself in check and rarely shows the flaws.


[spoiler=[color=brown]History(at least 6 lines):[/color]]Sven was born into a somewhat large family of 4 children. He however was a twin to his brother Cameron. Because the family was so large, they lived in a large house. Besides Cameron there were 2 other brothers and 2 sisters. Sven never spent much time at home though because he was always playing with the kids from his school.


He went to a middle class school because his parents wanted to save money even though they didn't need to. He made many friends and was happy. Sometimes he would get in trouble in class because he was having too much fun with his friends. Sven's parents did not think that it was a good thing for him, but didn't take him out of the school. he was happy they didn't because he wanted to stay with his friends.


However, the kids he was playing with weren't rich like his family was. Sven didn't care about being rich though, he only cared about being happy. His parents did not like this and soon began treating him like a poor child. Cameron however always stuck up for him and even snuck him extras. His other brothers and sisters chose not to care for Sven.


One night Sven was out playing with his friends and a storm rolled in. On his way home he had to cross a large street. While he was crossing, a drunk driver looked away to grab his beer and his truck swerved off the intended path. The truck smashed into Sven's body, killing him instantly. The truck and driver however, continued along and disappeared into the night.


When his parents found out he had been killed they seemed to not care. his brothers and sisters didn't care either except for Cameron. Cameron was heartbroken about losing his little brother and sometimes wouldn't do anything because he was so sad. Sven watched day after day over his family and Cameron, as a spirit. After his funeral, he noticed Cameron no longer crying about him. In fact he had become like his other brothers and sisters, a rich snob who only cared for money.


This angered Sven so much that he turned into a Minus. He took the form of a dragon, like his families crest had in it. Except his mask was that of the sun. He began haunting his family, causing mass destruction to the home. He began eating other spirits to try to cure his cravings for them. It wasn't long before he began changing into a Gillian.


Sven spent a good 50 years as a Gillian, eating other Gillian and gaining strength. This in retrospect was actually a good length of time then other Adjuchas took, but there were also some that took even longer. When he became an Adjuchas, he returned to a near same form as his Minus, but smaller. He roamed the White Desert for 150 years, eating other Adjuchas who were weak and not very willing to continue on.


Through the 150 years, he gained and lost many companions. He would eat each one of them after they died. This just made Sven more happy becaus ehe hated to be around people now. Sven began to grow in power and some size. Then one day after eating one of his last companions. His body changed again.


A boy emerged from the large body of the Adjuchas. This would be Sven's normal form now as he had become an Arrancar. He wore a zanpakuto on his right side, it had a red sheath and a dragon hand guard. He soon entered Los Noches and stayed alone within the castle. At times he would exit to go eat large hollows because he still craved them.


He continued to spend the next 13 years inside Los Noches, training himself and learning cero. He trained using his zanpakuto as a secondary choice to his hand to hand style. He felt it was better to use his hands rather then a weapon to do his bidding. He also developed his defensive style of fighting to be able to catch his opponent off guard better instead of doing a full on attack to overpower them.


Sven would go days without eating and drinking, though hollows don't necessarily need to. After his intensive and harsh training he would sleep for a few hours, eat and drink before doing another set. He developed good discipline and good battle sight. He also developed a quicker speed and strength then a normal arrancar would in solitude.



[spoiler=[color=green]Zanpakutou Name and Appearance:[/color] Deragonu]Sven becomes coated in a white, scale like armor that can withstand simple sword strikes. His mask forms over his face and looks like that of a dragon's skull. A long spiked white tail grows off his tail bone. His hands and feet become claws, as spikes appear along his spine. Large white wings form off his back and can sustain him in flight, but can retract to all him to move on the ground. The wingspan has a length of 15ft.


Resurreccion Phrase: "Fly in the skys Deragonu"

[spoiler=[color=green]Resurrecion Abilities:[/color]]1) Elemental Protection - protects from simple large scale and nonprecise strikes from elemental attacks. Also protects from weather of any kind[except if lightning were to strike it since that is a precise strike].


2) Basic Elemental Manipulation - can use basic uses of fire and even wind. Such as breathing fire and blasting wind from the large wings.


3) Elemental Absorbtion - can absorb small amounts of elemental attacks. Such as taking in wind from a wind attack and changing it into energy. the same can be done to other elements, but only a small amount from any element.


4) Elemental Merge - can merge with the elements such as if he goes into the water he is not affected by the thought of drowning or if he merges with the ground he won't be suffocated to death. This does not work with elemental attacks.


[spoiler=[color=green]Segunda Etapa Appearance:[/color] Buruningu Deragonu]Sven's scale like armor increases in density. His mask grows 2 horns that can emmit a cero when Reiatsu is gathered between them. The claws and spikes become longer and as sharp as a sword. The tail gains more spikes and can emit a cero from its tip.


[spoiler=[color=green]Segunda Etapa Abilities:[/color]]1) Elemental Creation - can create some elements out of the air. Some of these include diamond from crystallizing water vapor i the air, fire from a spark possibly cause by clashing swords or even earth from floating dust.


2) Elemental Change - can change one element into another one. Such as water to fire or to earth or to sand or vice versa for any element that he feels would be better to use. This does not work on elemental atatcks, unless he is the one using the attack.


3) Elemental Cero - produces a cero unlike any others. It consists of the elements and is fired in the same fashion as the others. It is not affected by the elements when it is fired though, so weather and elemental atatcks do not affect it. Sven hides it with his Reiatsu though, so it is invisble until the moment before it strikes.



[spoiler=[color=orange]Abilities:[/color]]Cero: Can do most canon cero and a few special ones.[if needed can be listed]

Swordsmanship: As previously stated, does well with a sword, but doesn't use it first.

Hand to hand: As stated before, is very good at it.

Sonido: Has a fast sonido. Can be used without Resurrection. In Resurrection, it is faster.

Garganta: Can open one at will anytime except in battle.

Spirtual Power: His spiritual power is dark and menacing. Can bring gillian and lower hollow as well as souls to quiver and fear him as he walks. If he chooses to, he can put that power onto one being and cause that being to break down mentally, causing them to either give up to him and die or kill itself.

Bala: Has an incredibly fast bala. It is also a darker red, to show his dark reiatsu.

Strength: Has incredible strength. Can seem like superhuman if he actually uses his full power. When in resurrection, this is even more powerful.

Stamina: Has incredile stamina, capable of outrunning almost anything that runs. However will be winded after doing so and usually doesn't try after a good distance.

Hierro: His reitsu is so strong that only those stronger then him can even begin to pierce it. If someone of the same level or lower attempts to break it, it will most likely not break unless rapidily struck in the same place.




Offense: 10/10

Defense: 9/10

Strength: 10/10

Speed/Dexterity: 9/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Cero: 9/10

Spiritual Pressure: 9/10

Total: 65/70



Cuatro Espada: Reserved

Quinto Espada: Reserved





Name: Baldur Katze

Age: Several hundreds of years old appears to be 22

[spoiler=Appearance:] Baldur had soft glowing green eyes with black vertical slits as pupils. His grey hair is spiky. There are streaks of blue, the color is like a teal but it has more of a blue hue to it, within his hair that almost appear to glow. Baldur wears a Blue hoodie that has the sleeves cut off. He never puts his hood over his head. He had black cargo shorts and grey shoes. He has two diamond studded earrings, on in each ear. He has a large muscular build and a hoarse voice.



[spoiler=Personality:] Baldur has been in solitude for most of his life before meeting up and joining the horde of bount and doesn't trust others easily. He is very pessimistic and always has an eye out for anything suspicious. Although he thinks like that it is masked by a laughing and cheerful personality. During a fight Baldur gets very serious and tends not to talk, although depending on his opponent this can differ. Baldur rarely ever messes around in a fight but at the same time he does not like to use unneeded strength.



[spoiler=History:] Baldur was in in a clan of bounts before they were massacred by the shinigami. He killed and absorbed several quincy and hollows making his strength grow exponentially. When his kind was being slaughtered Baldur went into hiding and acted as a normal human hiding his reiatsu and existence from all that were in search for him. he lived an average life, while absorbing humans and moving around to blend into society. Then when he learned about Jin and his plan to destroy the shinigami and get revenge he started to search for him. Never finding him he then discovered that the shinigami had killed Jin. The Fui came and found him. He told him he what he was planning and asked him to help the cause. Baldur gladly accepted. Baldur was on of the first to join in this new group of bount. While with Fui he had absorbed several shinigami granting his power to double and a second doll formed. He trained day and night attempting to master both dolls. after what seemed like a year of training he finally learned to control both dolls at once. he had risen to the tops of the ranks and become second in command of the Bount.



[spoiler=Doll One]

Doll Name: Krake

Doll Sealed Appearance: When Krake is in its sealed form it takes the form of diamond studds that Baldur wears in his left and right ears. To release them Baldur raises his thumbs and and flicks them against the back of his hear. When this happens the studds fly out forward and join together infront of Baldur. When joined they grow into a diamond octahedron that can be manipulated.

Doll Released Appearance: After joining together from the two studds it takes the form of a diamond octahedron, this however is not its true appearence. Krake's true appearence is when the ball forms into liquid and expands into a being that has the torso of male a human as well as the head, and the bottom half of an octopus. It has two arms and eight tentacles.

Doll Abilities: Krake can solidify and liquify from diamond to liquid diamond at will. Krake can also split a part and form into several tiny octahedrons around the size of a pineapple. In this state the octehedrons become somewhat fragile and is only used for a quick escape. While in its true form it can shoot a jet of liquid diamond from his mouth to catch the opponent, if the liquid diamond lands onto the opponent it acts as a super adhesive sticking to what ever it touches and not being able to be removed from it, unless Krake wishes to release them from it. This attack isn't the quickest however so it can be dodged 9 times out of 10.



[spoiler=Doll Two]

Doll Name: Hundert-schnitt

Doll Sealed Appearance: Hundert is a very small ring that wraps around Baldur's indexs finger on his right hand. While sealed Baldur cannot really bend his finger but this does not bother him. along the ring are Bount symbols and markings that are etched deep into it. Through the etching shines a red like light giving it the appearence of glowing runes.

Doll Released Appearance: When Hundert is unsealed it forms into a hilt that Baldur uses directly. there is an eye on all four sides of the hilt and a mouth on the bottom allowing to to see and talk. the same markings of it while it is sealed are present in the form only they give off a teal glow. Only the markings and symbols are larger in this form instead of more forming on it.

Doll Abilities: It can form a 1 1/2 meter blade on the top of its hilt. That is not all. It can form up to one-hundred blades all at that length. The blades can also form and shoot out of the hilt like bullets, or bolts. The blades can also form off of other blades. They can form anywhere as long as they are connected to the hilt. The connection obviously only counts if it is connected by the dolls metal, this means that just because Baldur is holding the blade doesn't mean that he can form blades on his body, they can only be attached to the doll.




Offense: 10/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 9/10

Speed/Dexterity: 8/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Doll Control: 10/10

Total: 65/70








Name: Kaosu Rihi

Age: 19

Appearance: Kaosu has shaggy teal hair, it looks somewhat like ichigoes only more smooth. His eyes are the same color. Kaosu wears the white quincy uniform only it is decorated with biohazard symbols on it, on the left side near the hear, and a large print on the back. These are in black. Kaosu doesn't wear the quincy gloves however. But he does wear their shoes.

Personality: Kaosu is cool and laid back he likes to asses the situation before jumping in. Analyzing what he is dealing with before running in and dying. Kaosu is always thinking of the next step, whether it is in normal life or on the battle field. His personality does not change in any situation.

[spoiler=History]History: Kaosu was raised in a small village unknown amoungst the world or the seireitei. This being said, the entire town was filled with quincy and no one knew about them. That is, until one day they were found by a group of bount, one of them being Baldur. Kaosu was the only survivor of his clan. He fled to a larger village and met up with a group of quincy that like him were under the radar of everyone. he joined them since they planned to destroy the bount. Kaosu did not have a grudge against Baldur himself, but rather a grudge against the whole race. And he was going to avenge his clan no matter what the cost. Also upon fleeing his village of quincy he rumaged the items he could from it without being detected. The items he scavenged were silver tubes and a collection of Seele Schneiders. Kaosu always was considered to be faster then everyone his age growing up, in his small village he practiced his speed in track and cross country. He learned how to Hiyrenraku at a young age of 15 and has exponential speeds that grant him the ability to evade most attacks. Kaosu may be extremly fast but he does not claim nor is he the fastest out there. Along with his speed he is also very coordinated and flexible, he was also a gymnast having a secret obsession with circuses he trained to be like the people in them. Although it was only a phase and he continued with his training but no longer wished to join the circus, he recently around the age of 18 mastered Ransōtengai. The ability to contol ones body like a puppet dispite paralysis or injury.


[spoiler=Quincy Bow] 2ym6ahe.jpg


[spoiler=Bow Details]Bow Name: Ichimatsu-doku

Quincy Cross: It looks like the average quincy cross with a silver cross, and blue where it overlaps to from a smaller cross on the cross. The only difference is instead of the standard circle near the middle section of the cross it has a biohazard in its place.

Bow Appearance: It is a biohazard symbol shown above. His hand rests in the middle circle, and the arrow represents the direction the bow faces when its being fired. It is obviously a biohazard symbol turned to the side.

Bow Abilities: The bow is made of reatsu which means it has the ability to fire arrows of reatsu aswell, The bow can fire 1400 arrows at once, and fires them quickly and rapidly. the bow itself also has the ability to guard against minimal attacks that use small amounts of reatsu.

Extra Items: Seele Schneider, silver tubes.



Offense: 9/10

Defense: 8/10

Strength: 9/10

Speed/Dexterity: 10/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Accuracy: 10/10

Spiritual Pressure: 9/10

Total: 65/70








Note: I will be controlling the Captain-Commander, the Bount Leader, and the Primera Espada. If you have any questions pm them to me or Ryuujinn.

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Name: Jackel

Age:802 but appears as 21


Jackel is middle in hieght and has deep blue eyes and black hair

a standard sleeveless captain's haori with a green sash around his shoulders, held together by a round clip. The sash holds his Zanpakutō's sheath in place on his back and is tied to it at either end. He most of the time walks around in his tabi.




Jackel is very Strong by Soul Society standards. Born in Rukongai, he became the youngest ever to reach captain rank. Thus, he is called a "boy genius" or a "child prodigy" by many. Jackel is generally mature and serious. Although he can sometimes be short-tempered and irritable.



Squad 10 Captain Seat


Jackel early life was spent in the most lavish part of the soul society. There he lived with his Father. As a child, Jackel had an icy demeanor that estranged himself from others, with the exception of his Father. They were very close, and Jackel was irritated when his father left to join the Soul Society academy. Throughout his childhood, he was always aware of what seemed to be an icy presence within himself and had continuous dreams about a plane of ice. Five years after fathers departure, Jackel encountered his long lost brother Sai, then a normal, unranked shinigami, in a marketplace, when he stood up to a merchant who left his change on the counter, rather than handing it to him.




Zanpakutou Name:Hyorinmaru

[spoiler=Zanpakutou Appearance]

When sealed, Hyōrinmaru looks like a normal katana with the exception of the guard, which is in the shape of a four-pointed bronze-colored star. Its hilt is light blue and sheath dark blue. The sheath completely dissolves when he draws his sword. The sword is somewhat longer than most Zanpakutō, at about 1.4 meters long, making it taller than Hitsugaya, preventing him from wearing it at the hip. Instead he carries it on his back by his green sash over his right shoulder



[spoiler=Shikai Release Phrase]

"Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens"



[spoiler=Shikai Appearance and Abilities]

In its Shikai, Hyōrinmaru extends slightly in length, and gains a crescent-shaped blade attached to its hilt by a long metal chain, which can extend greatly if necessary by force of will. The chain itself can be used as an attack or to entangle a target. Hyōrinmaru allows Hitsugaya to control water and ice. His slashes create an immense amount of spiritual power which overflows from the tip of the blade, creating a flow of ice shaped like a Chinese dragon.

[spoiler=Bankai Appearance and Abilities]

Daiguren Hyōrinmaru

Ryūsenka (竜霰花, Dragon Hail Flower): When Hitsugaya stabs his opponents, a huge burst of ice erupts from the point of contact between Hyōrinmaru and the opponents, encasing and freezing them. Hitsugaya can then proceed to shatter the ice and his opponent with it.


Sennen Hyōrō (千年氷牢, Thousand Years' Ice Prison): Hitsugaya creates many ice pillars which encircle him and his enemy. At his command (when he turns his sword 90 degrees counter-clockwise), these pillars then move towards the enemy, enveloping and crushing it. Though this technique is very powerful, Hitsugaya infers that it takes a considerable amount of time to prepare, and therefore the distraction of his enemy is crucial in successfully completing this attack.


Shield of Ice Wings: Hitsugaya is capable of wrapping his wings around himself like a sphere protecting him from any attacks.


Tōshirō's Hyōten Hyakkasō techniqueHyōten Hyakkasō (氷天百華葬, Frozen Heaven Hundred Flower Funeral): This ability is an extension of Hyorinmaru's Tensō Jūrin power. However, because Hitsugaya dislikes using Tensō Jūrin while his Bankai is active, he rarely uses it. The ability opens up a huge hole in the clouds through which a large amount of snow falls down on to his opponent. As the snow comes into contact with the opponent, ice flowers sprout all over their body, instantly trapping them in a pillar of ice. Hitsugaya claimed that when the last of the 100 petals falls, the life of the one who touched it will be over.


Bankai Regeneration: During his battle with Luppi, Hitsugaya's Bankai was damaged. However, it regenerated, and Hitsugaya stated that as long as there is water in the air his Bankai can be revived indefinitely.


Ice Clone: Once per activation of his Bankai, Tōshirō is able to create and shape a large amount of ice into his exact likeness. It is very life-like as it can appear to bleed. It has yet to be revealed the exact circumstances that limit the use of this ability to one use.


Guncho Tsurara (群鳥氷柱, Icicle Flock): Hitsugaya can transform water into ice and then swing his Zanpakutō in an arc which fires an array of ice daggers at his target.


Hyōryū Senbi (氷竜旋尾, Ice Dragon Swirling Tail): With this technique, Hitsugaya swings his sword in a linear direction and creates overflowing ice from his blade in the form of a crescent.


Zekku (絶空, Void Sever): This ability allows Hitsugaya to control his Hyouryū Senbi technique and send it up into the air.











Sajo Sabaku



Offense 10/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 6/10

Speed/Dexterity: 10/10

Intelligence: 10/10

Kido: 8/10

Total: 54/70

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Name: Baldur Katze

Age: Several hundreds of years old appears to be 22

[spoiler=Appearance]Appearance: Baldur had soft glowing green eyes with black vertical slits as pupils. His grey hair is spiky. There are streaks of blue, the color is like a teal but it has more of a blue hue to it, within his hair that almost appear to glow. Baldur wears a Blue hoodie that has the sleeves cut off. He never puts his hood over his head. He had black cargo shorts and grey shoes. He has two diamon studded earrings, on in each ear. He has a large muscular build and a hoarse voice.



[spoiler=Personality]Personality: Baldur has been in solitude for most of his life before meeting up and joining the horde of bount and doesn't trust others easily. He is very pesimistic and always has an eye out for anything suspicious. Although he thinks like that it is masked by a laughing and cheerful personality. During a fight Baldur gets very serious and tends not to talk, although depending on his opponent this can differ. Baldur rarely ever messes around in a fight but at the same time he does not like to use unneeded strength.



[spoiler=History] Baldur was in in a clan of bounts before they were masecred by the shinigami. He killed and absorbed several quincy and hollows making his strength grow exponentially. When his kind was being slaughtered Baldur went into hiding and acted as a normal human hiding his reatsu and exsistance from all that were in search for him. he lived an average life, while absorbing humans and moving around to blend into society. Then when he learned about Jin and his plan to destroy the shinigami and get revenge he started to search for him. Never finding him he then discovered that the shinigami had killed Jin. The Fui came and found him. He told him he what he was planning and asked him to help the cause. Baldur gladly accepted. Baldur was on of the first to join in this new group of bount. While with Fui he had absorbed several shinigami granting his power to double and a second doll formed. He trained day and night attempting to master both dolls. after what seemed like a year of training he finally learned to contol both dolls at once. he had risen to the tops of the ranks and become second in command of the Bount.



[spoiler=Doll One]Doll Name: Krake

Doll Sealed Appearance: When Krake is in its sealed form it takes the form of diamond studds that Baldur wears in his left and right ears. To release them Baldur raises his thumbs and and flicks them against the back of his hear. When this happens the studds fly out forward and join together infront of Baldur. When joined they grow into a diamond octahedron that can be manipulated.

Doll Released Appearance: After joining together from the two studds it takes the form of a diamond octahedron, this however is not its true appearence. Krake's true appearence is when the ball forms into liquid and expands into a being that has the torso of male a human as well as the head, and the bottom half of an octopus. It has two arms and eight tentacles.

Doll Abilities: Krake can solidify and liquify from diamond to liquid diamond at will. Krake can also split a part and form into several tiny octahedrons around the size of a pineapple. In this state the octehedrons become somewhat fragile and is only used for a quick escape. While in its true form it can shoot a jet of liquid diamond from his mouth to catch the opponent, if the liquid diamond lands onto the opponent it acts as a super adhesive sticking to what ever it touches and not being able to be removed from it, unless Krake wishes to release them from it. This attack isn't the quickest however so it can be dodged 9 times out of 10.



[spoiler=Doll Two]Doll Name: Hundert-schnitt

Doll Sealed Appearance: Hundert is a very small ring that wraps around Baldur's indexs finger on his right hand. While sealed Baldur cannot really bend his finger but this does not bother him. along the ring are bount symbols and markings that are etched deep into it. Through the etching shines a red like light giving it the appearence of glowing runes.

Doll Released Appearance: When Hundert is unsealed it forms into a hilt that Baldur uses directly. there is an eye on all four sides of the hilt and a mouth on the bottom allowing to to see and talk. the same markings of it while it is sealed are present in the form only they give off a teal glow. Only the markings and symbols are larger in this form instead of more forming on it.

Doll Abilities: It can form a 1 1/2 meter blade on the top of its hilt. That is not all. It can form up to one-hundred blades all at that length. The blades can also form and shoot out of the hilt like bullets, or bolts. The blades can also form off of other blades. They can form anywhere as long as they are connected to the hilt. The connection obviously only counts if it is connected by the dolls metal, this means that just because Baldur is holding the blade doesn't mean that he can form blades on his body, they can only be attached to the doll.




Offense: 10/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 9/10

Speed/Dexterity: 8/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Doll Control: 10/10

Spiritual Pressure: 10/10

Total: 65/70

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@Anbu Naruto

You were supposed to make up your own character, not use one from the show. As stated in the plot, Fui destroyed all the Captains left after Aizen's death.



You're accepted. Great App. You should have put it in spoilers though. Like for example [spoiler=Personality]Then after you finish the personality


It keeps forming the spoiler, so I'm gonna do it like this. spoiler=][/spoiler Add a bracket before the first spoiler and one after the second spoiler.

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@ Anbu Naruto

It's okay. Yes, change the app. You can keep Hyorinmaru I guess, but just give it a new name if you really don't feel like creating a new zanpakutou.


@Random Dude

I knew I was missing something. Yes, you may create a Quincy. Would it be okay if I used the app you use to make your Quincy as a template for others who would like to make a Quincy?

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Okay. Thanks Random Dude. Yes, you can have a second character Allesk.


@Anbu Naruto

Your stats are too high. You have 70/70 right now. That is something only the Captain-Commander can have. You have to lower some of your stats. Other than that, everything looks good.

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Guest Random Dude



Appearance: (At least 4 lines. This cannot be vague. It must give me a general picture of how your character looks. No pictures can be used for appearance.)

Personality: (At least 4 lines.)

History: (At least 6 lines)


Bow Name: (Japanese name please)

Quincy Cross: Describe in detail please, does not have to be in the shape of a cross)

Bow: (Should be at least 4 lines)

Bow Abilities: (At least 4 lines)



Extra Items: (Seele Schneider, silver tubes, Sanrei Glove, etc.If Seele Schneider, QuincyBangle, or Sanrei Glove are included, the bio must state how (s)he acquired them)



Offense: ??/10

Defense: ??/10

Strength: ??/10

Speed/Dexterity: ??/10

Intelligence: ??/10

Accuracy: ??/10

Total: ??/70


How does this work for the app?

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@Random Dude

Yes, that works out well. Thank you so much.



Cuatro Espada and 3rd Division Captain Reserved.


Note: Also, for all of the apps, I miscalculated. I put ??/70 instead of ??/60.

For everyone that has already been created their app and been accepted, add Spiritual Pressure: ??/10 after your last category before the total.


I have posted the new Quincy app as well.

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My Arrancar APP



Name: Zasalamel Toreador

Age: Unknown

Rank: Segunda Espada



Zasalamel covers his entire face with bandages, allowing only space for his bloody red eyes, and a few of his azure blue hair to poke out. The bandage has runic writings spread across them. He wears an overcoat with a collar that covers half his face when zipped closed. The overcoat sports the Arrancar colors, white color with black linings around the end sections. Underneath the coat, he wears a black fitted shirt that highlights his eight pack, and sports a jagged set of tattooed teeth around the chest portion. He wears the standard Arrancar hakama, a black sash that secures his zanpakutou, and white waraji. His overcoat is always open, except along the neck area, where the collar portion is always zipped up, covering half his face.




Zasalamel is robust in terms of socializing. He doesn't mind the company and is usually seen mingling with other Arrancars lower than his position. He makes it a point to keep his spiritual pressure at a minimum, so that it doesn't bother other Arrancars. However, he is a composed, and calculating character under extreme pressure. His level of calmness exceeds his robust personality when he is fighting, something that the Primera Espada saw as commendable enough, as most Arrancars give in to baser instincts when fighting. He is not easily angered, and is prone to making jokes, despite his weird appearance. He has zero tolerance for shinigamis and non-hollows, however, and makes it a point to keep his distance.




Zasalamel was not fortunate enough as a Gillian. His reiatsu was exceedingly above average for his position, and thus, hollows of varying sizes kept their distance. He didn't know about his own power, and it made quite an impact to his life. He wanted to socialize but the other hollows were too scared. Eventually, his baser instincts took over, devouring all hollows he came into contact with until he evolved into an adjucha. As such, his appearance changed, as he now has two hands with ten fingers, and two legs with one foot each, having ten toes. His blank hollow mask still covered his face, revealing only a mouth. He tried to mingle again with other hollows in his more convenient form, but to no avail. He was mad at himself, but took it out on other hollows. He consumed a lot of them, increasing his powers overtime.


On one of his off days, he mused at the skies, lazing around the sandy dunes of Hueco Mundo. One adjucha suddenly charged at him, catching him off guard. As he tried to fight the seemingly strong adjucha, a flash of white lightning struck from his fingers, hitting the adjucha squarely on the chest, immediately killing it. He was amazed. It was the first time he became aware of his latent powers. Over time, he tried practicing and discovering the secrets of his reiatsu. He found out that he can polarize his reiatsu to make it negatively or positively charged, allowing him to take advantage of polarities. He found out that he can project a small magnetic field around him to hide his reiatsu, and up to some extent, even block a certain level of attacks, as he found out when a group of gillians tried to consume him. He blew them away with his magnetic field, crushing them. He trained and trained until he was proficient enough to condense his positively charged reiatsu into solid matter, able to mold them into projectile-like weapons. Eventually he evolved into a Vasto Lorde, after consuming more hollows, defeating them with his powers. He noticed that if he charges the ground he steps in with the same polarity as his foot, he can move in blinding speeds, nearly able to teleport. However, if he steps in a ground that's the same polarity, he is stuck for a while. He also found out that he can exert more damage on enemies hit by his blade if they were negatively charged, and his fist can do more damage if foes were positively charged. He also found out that polarity has a way of repelling attacks if he can time it right, as he demonstrated when he defeated a Vasto Lorde that controlled water. He charged the water attacks negatively, and charged his body negatively, repelling the attack. However, this was done easily because the water attacks were not fast enough.


After countless days of roaming, he came across Las Noches, and the Primera Espada, who was the first Hollow and Arrancar that talked to him. The Espada recognized his powers, and turned him into an Arrancar. The position of Segunda Espada was bestowed, and Zasalamel was put second in command. He learned to to keep his reiatsu and spiritual pressure at a minimum so that his fellow Arrancars and Hollows would not be scared of him, allowing him to socialize.



Zanpakutou Name and Appearance (Unreleased and Released): Magneto Oscuro


Magneto Oscuro, in its unreleased state resembles a nodachi with a rectangular cross-guard embedded with a plus (+) and a minus (-) on both ends. The blade has a black shade, and has a chrome-silver wavy pattern across the middle (lengthwise). Its handle has a dark-blue handlewrap, and a white handlebase. When released, Zasalamel retains his overall appearance, except half his bandage is removed, revealing a middle length, azure-blue, straight-flowing hair. His blood-red eyes becomes of lighter shade. His overcoat now sports a big plus (+) sign on the right side of the collar, and a big minus (-) sign on the left. Both are colored black. His hakama is now dual-colored, with the right side sporting white, the left side sporting black. His waraji also changes color, and becomes gray. His hands grow a pair of gloves with a polarity embedded on the backhand portion. The right hand sports a white plus (+) sign, while the left sports a black minus (-) sign. The gloves are colored light blue now. He still carries his nodachi, which is now colored black all throughout, and sparks of electricity sizzle around the blade portion, while the handle portion is filled with a white aura.


Resurreccion Phrase: Polarize in Regret and Despair!

Resurrecion Abilities:

Mangeto Oscuro allows Zasalamel to imbue his reiatsu with either positive or negative charges that has varying effects on his attacks.


Lanzador Primera: Zasalamel Polarizes his nodachi at the tip with negative charges, causing a spike in electric surges in his nodachi's blade. After charging, he can fire the energy in a lance-like pattern, producing a white current of electricity to flow from his sword. The lance-like energy can pierce the defense if the opponent has been positively charged beforehand. If it hits a negatively charged target, it is dispersed with no damage.


Lanzador Segunda: Zasalamel holds up an empty hand, and condenses his reiatsu into a lance-like projectile that has a white color. A black reiatsu spirals the lance from tip to tip, smoothly encircling it like a thin snake. The lance is thrown in a javelin-like manner, cruising in very high speeds. If the opponent is negatively charged, this attack automatically homes in on that target. If it hits a positively charged target, it is dispersed, causing no damage.


Distorcion: Zasalamel can polarize any part of his body, and any object or target when he makes physical contact, allowing him to utilize the polarization effect. If he hits a negatively charged target while he is negatively charged, the attack deals more damage. Same is true for positive charges. However, if the target is of different charge than he is, the damage is neutralized.


Bala Magnetico: Zasalamel can shoot a polarized Bala to his foes, dealing very very minor damage, but charges the foe depending on the charge of the Bala. The Bala charges anything it hits, regardless of composition (i.e. Reiatsu, Weapon, Steel, Hierro, Etc).



Segunda Etapa Appearance: Magneto Oscuro - El Gran Negacion


Zasalamel loses his overcoat, and his vest, revealing his toned upper body. On his chest, a white plus (+) sign is tattooed on his right chest, and a black minus (-) sign is tattooed on the left. In between, a glowing equal (=) sign is tattooed. He also loses the remaining bandages on his face, revealing a human face. He has light-red eyes, a middle length, azure-blue, flowing straight hair, and a slender nose. His lips are red, and his cheeks are lively enough. a White, blank, hollow mask grows on both his shoulders, serving as shoulder guards. The rest of his body remains the same as his Primera Etapa.


Segunda Etapa Abilities:

When Zasalamel reaches his Segunda Etapa, his abilities gain a massive boost, as do his speed and strength. He also gains the power to apply neutral charges. While in this form, he can still use his Primera Etapa Abilities with added force.


Cero Negacion: Zasalamel can fire a Gray-colored Cero from his nodachi's tip. This Cero will split up to hit every single target that has been polarized and cannot be evaded entirely. This attack does severe damage if the target is negatively charged. If the target is positively charged, this attack ignores all kinds of defense. If the target is neutrally charged, the target is put in a magnetic stasis that does damage over time. This attack cannot be used during its internal cooldown (5 of the user's post).


Bala Negacion: Similar to Bala Magnetico, but instead can only be neutrally charged. This attack does no damage at all, but will explode, applying Neutral Charges to everyone caught in the explosion radius of 1 meter.. (Explosion will not do any damage, physical or whatever).


Hierro Negacion: Zasalamel can polarize his Hierro to negate reiatsu based attacks by enemies whose Combined Offense and Strength is less than to Zasalamel's Combined Defense and Reiatsu This lasts for 2 posts, and will require an internal cooldown of 4 posts.


El Gran Lanzador: Zasalamel can condense his reiatsu into five lance-like projectiles around him. Each projectile is neutrally charged. They can be fired simultaneously or individually. Each does moderate damage to non-neutrally polarized foes. The lances will seek out targets with neutral charges first, before any other targets. They will do severe damage to neutrally charged targets. However, a maximum of 1 lance can hit neutrally charged targets.






Byakurai: Zasalamel can fire long strips of White Lightning from his nodachi's tip. The lightning deals damage equivalent to an Espada's Bala.


Magnetism Master: Zasalamel can produce his own magnetic field. The field allows him to completely hide his reiatsu to all sorts of creatures (ally or foe). He can also use the magnetic field to levitate and move faster by polarizing the ground or space he is standing on.


Sonido: His Sonido is at par with an average Espada's Sonido. He prefers to use his polarization ability to move faster.


Hierro: His Hierro is durable, given his position as Segunda Espada. However, his Hierro is unique than most Espada, as it can be applied with charges that can repel an attack that has the same charge.


Swordsmanship: Zasalamel is a master swordsman, able to fight toe to toe with even the best of swordsmen. He prides himself in being able to wield a nodachi faster than most nodachi wielders. He has an uncanny sense of fighting with swords that he can adapt to sword users easily.


Hand-to-Hand: Although preferring to fight with his nodachi, he can fight bare-handed decently to. During his Primera Etapa, he can forego the use of his nodachi and fight hand to hand, imbuing his hand with charges that can penetrate the defense of foes with the same charge as his fist.


Cero Oscuras: He does not prefer to use Cero most of the time, but has the ability to fire a Cero Oscuras in his Primera Etapa and Segunda Etapa. Most of the time, however, he can fire an Espada-Level Cero from his palms.


Solid Defense: His body is nearly as durable as his hierro, if not more durable. As a vasto lorde, he honed his body and mind to become more stronger, in hopes that he can control his reiatsu and spiritual pressure. And so, when he became an Arrancar, his already durable body became even more durable.




Offense: 10/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 9/10

Speed/Dexterity: 10/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Cero: 8/10

Reiatsu: 10/10

Total: 65/70




My Bount APP



Name:Reinhardt Gefühllos

Age: 100



Reinhardt has dark-brown hair with white highlights at the back. His bangs drop down to his face, covering the left side. He has a pair of emerald-green eyes, and red-lips. He has pale-skin and an average height. He wears a light-blue shirt with long sleeves that covers his hands. The shirt has one chest pocket, located on the left side, and sports an insignia depicting a blue snowflake. He wears a leather black belt around his waist, securing a whip on the left side. He wears a pair of leather jeans, black colored, and wears a pair of leather shoes. His whip is leathery brown, and has a blue handle grip. The end of the whip is smooth and dark blue. Although already 100 in age, Reinhardt appears as a 20-year old adult.




Reinhardt portrays little emotions. He speaks at times, but devoid of any emotions. He keeps mostly to himself, and only talks when spoken to, or the situation calls for it. He doesn't like shinigamis more than he dislikes Arrancars, but he hates them all the same. He has an affinity with Quincys, empathizing with them as he views them as the same victims of the merciless attacks of shinigamis. Most of the time, Reinhardt can be seen eating ice cream on a cone, or on a cup with a spoon.



Reinhardt used to be an orphan wandering around the mountains of Greece. He did not know his circumstances until two men in black haori and black hakama introduced themselves as Shinigamis. They took him with them towards the peak of the mountain, saying that he will be given a home. At the peak of the mountain, he saw other children who were either crying or dead. His eyes grew with fear as the two shinigamis threw him along with the lot, saying that Bounts have no right to live. He did not know what a bount is, but the two shinigamis insisted that he is one.


Reinhardt tried to escape from the place, but every time he attempted, he was caught. He did not know what to do. Until one day, as he was gazing at the empty horizon above, snow suddenly fell. It was gentle at first, building up, until it became a blizzard. The other kids were in panic, but somehow he was unaffected. He saw two items on the ground, glowing ominously, as if inviting him to take them. One is a leathery brown whip, and the other is a snowflake symbol. He didn't know what to do with them when the two shinigamis attempted to cut him in half. The snowflake glowed, creating a frozen wall between Reinhardt and the two shinigamis. The wall expanded, then engulfed the two shinigamis, freezing them. Reinhardt instinctively grabbed the whip, and hit the frozen shinigamis with it, shattering the two of them.


Hence forth, he immediately stepped down the mountains, and into the town below, consuming the souls he needed to sustain his age. It was not long before he followed Fui, vowing revenge against the shinigamis' attempt at his life.




Doll Name:Vereisen Sie Creme



Doll Sealed Appearance: Vereisen Sie Creme appears as a six-pointed snowflake weaved on the front pocket of Reinhardt. The snowflake is azure-blue, and seemed to glow very ominously under dark. Whenever its too hot, the snowflake is colored red, producing a sort of cooling effect to keep its user under normal temperature. If its too cold, the snowflake becomes dark blue, producing heat to keep the user's body under normal temperature.

Doll Released Appearance: When invoked upon by Reinhardt, Vereisen Sie Creme engulfs the left arm of its owner in crystal-blue ice that extends until the users left hand. At the left shoulder area, a dragon head forms a shoulder guard that has white eyes. The dragon head is side ways, with one eye in seeing clearly in front of its user, and another eye at the back of the user's left shoulder. The dragon can talk through its mouth, where a misty breath of icy winds escapes. If need be, the ice dragon Vereisen can separate from Reinhardt, forming a slender, full-bodied, humanoid type creature, with a dragon head. Vereisen's human-dragon form is equipped with a large shield made of ice, and a large claymore made of compacted snow, with an icy core.

Doll Abilities:

Vereisen Sie Creme's ability is easy to grasp. Its icy appearance gives it authority over ice and snow, able to produce a variety of effects that revolves around manipulating ice and snow. Vereisen can compact the moisture in the air around Reinhardt to produce a wall of Ice strong enough to withstand attacks. This is dependent on his spiritual pressure and overall defense. Vereisen can also form spikes around the ice wall, impaling anyone within 2 meters of the wall. Vereisen can form combination attacks with Schmerz.



Doll Name:Schmerz



Doll Sealed Appearance: Schmerz appears as a leathery brown whip, with a blue handle grip, and a smooth and dark blue whip end. It has a red lining running from the smooth whip end all the way to the handle grip. It glows in dark with intense red aura. During day time, the red lining is barely visible. The dark blue whip end glows red when Reinhardt feels negative emotions, and glows a stronger shade of blue if Reinhardt is feeling more positive emotions.

Doll Released Appearance: When Reinhardt invokes upon Schmerz, it encircles around his arm, extending from his hand, all the way to his shoulder, where a minotaur's head forms a brown, metallic shoulder guard. It has red eyes, and steam constantly vents out of its nose. If need be, the minotaur Schmerz can separate from Reinhardt, forming a bulky, muscle-bound, full-bodied minotaur. Its horns are bloody red, with equally red pair of eyes. The skin is tanned, and metal-like. Schmerz is equipped with a tower shield that depicts a Minotaru's face in front, and a large, double-edged axe whose blades are constantly doused in fire.

Doll Abilities:

Schmerz ability is fiery application of brute force, as seen when he separates from Reinhardt. He can manipulate fire and heat, the exact opposite of Vereisen. His ability revolves around producing explosive amounts of fire, and imbuing Reinhardt' attack with it when he is attached to him and imbuing himself with an aura of flame when he is separated. Another notable ability of Schmerz is his ability to synchronize with Vereisen, despite being exact opposites. Schmerz's fire can be applied to the icy defense of Vereisen, allowing them to create steam and frozen flames. Frozen flames create a ring of fire and ice around Reinhardt that will freeze opponents to the ground, then burn them to a crisp if it hits. The steam produced by Schmerz and Vereisen's synchronization can be used as an effective smokescreen which cannot be dispersed by wind.







Offense: 9/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 7/10

Speed/Dexterity: 9/10

Intelligence: 8/10

Doll Control: 10/10

Spiritual Pressure: 10/10

Total: 63/70




My Shinigami APP



Name: Jukenjiro Yomi




Yomi is a slender, 5'8 in height, 125lbs in weight captain. He has long, flowing black hair, with bangs covering the left side of his face. His eyes are pearl-blue, and often piercing. He wears the standard shinigami black robes, but his haori has clean-cut, sleeveless look, with red linings. He wears a white obi, in which he tightly secures his zanpakutou. His hakama has the kanji for dragon imprinted on the front, and the kanji for earth on the back side, both in white colors. His skin is fair-brown, and vibrant, and he always has an air of dignity around him.




Yomi likes to play shogi in his free time. He is analytical and composed most of the time, often examining the situation first before attempting any actions. He has a habit of eyeing his targets very carefully, often remarking loudly what he observes. His favorite food is takuyaki and ramen, and is often seen eating these in the barracks. In Seireitei, he is well-respected and highly honorable, always treating new shinigamis in his squad to a feast as a welcoming party. Ever since his appointment to the 13th Squad, he worked non-stop to keep Seireitei intact despite the attempted attacks of all sort of opposition, namely Hollows and Bounts. He gets along with most of the Seireitei Captains, especially with the Captain Commander.


Squad: 13

Captain or Vice Captain: Captain



Jukenjiro Yomi first entered Seireitei as a graduate from the Shinigami Academy, graduating as the top Kido user of his class. He immediately gained the 5th Seat position in the 8th Squad, and eventually as the 3rd Seat of 13th Squad. He fought in the first contact war with the bounce, demonstrating his skill with Kido, shackling opponents left and right for his captain to finish off. He also demonstrated his analytical skill when he fought in the hollow wars years after his promotion into the rank of the 13th Squad Captain.


As a Captain of the 13th Squad, he was tasked to send Patrols throughout Seireitei when the reformed squads of Gotei 13 came into existence. He personally oversees the patrols, and can be seen roaming around Seireitei during duty hours. He is often accompanied by a group of shinigamis. To date, he still keeps the peace in Seireitei intact.



Zanpakutou Name:Tatsu no Koku

Zanpakutou Appearance:


Tatsu no Koku, in its unreleased form, is an average sized katana with diamond cross-guard. Its habaki has an inscribed diamond, with the kanji for Dragon embedded on the center. The blade itself is very reflective, similar to mirrors. There's a distinct wavy pattern seen along the middle of the blade. The handle is colored brown, and the diamond cross-guard is golden. A dragon can be seen etched on the blade itself whenever it is viewed from a specific angle.


Shikai Release Phrase: Shatter the Earth, Tatsu no Koku!

Shikai Appearance and Abilities:


Tatsu no Koku, in its released form, resembles a scythe with two blades protruding on the top portion. The blades of the scythe glow brightly even in broad daylight. The scythe body is brown, with a dragon encircling from end to end, with its mouth opening around the blades' base. The middle of the scythe has a handle bar, which is golden in color. The other end of the scythe has a metal ball which has the kanji for "Earth Dragon" etched on it.

Tatsu no Koku can manipulate the earth itself, able to create earthen walls or even create boulders of varying shapes and sizes from the ground Yomi stands on.


Bankai Appearance and Abilities:


Bankai: Tatsu no Nen


Appearance: Tatsu no Koku shatters and transforms into a pair of brown, earthen wings that grows on the back of Yomi. The wings are indestructible, and creates a patch of earth on the ground Yomi stands on. This allows Yomi to use the earth manipulation ability of Tatsu no Nen practically anywhere. Also, aside from the patch of earth, Tatsu No Nen automatically defends Yomi from attacks by erecting a wall of earth in the direction of the attack, even without Yomi focusing on the attack.


Kidou: [spoiler=Bakudo]

#39 Enkosen

#61 Rikujokoro

#75 Gochutekkan

#77 Tenteikura

#81 Danku

#99 Bankin



#4 Byakurai

#33 Sokatsui

#63 Raikoho, Soren Sokatsui




Offense 8/10

Defense: 10/10

Strength: 8/10

Speed/Dexterity: 10/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Kido: 10/10

Spiritual Pressure: 10/10

Total: 65/70



NOTE: For Arrancars, refer to this APP as guide. This is my app. ALSO, add REIATSU to your Skills to make it a TOTAL OF ??/70. Remember, Stat-wise, lower ranking Espada cannot have a perfect stat of 70/70. Primera Espada, and the leaders of each factions are the ONLY ONES allowed to have a perfect stat.


This goes as well with Bounts and Shinigamis. Refrain from having a stat that is too close to 70/70. We're creating a balanced set of characters here. The difference should be at least 5.


@Allesk: Redo your stat to make it 65/70, and your Krake doll's ability is a little too OP, especially when it gets into a cut. Try to balance it out a bit, or better, add disadvantages to it. We're trying to lessen, if not completely eliminate God-modding here through abilities. Once those are done, you're accepted (2/2)..


Any questions, post it on this thread or PM me or Namelessk. :)


BTW, you need to have a (2/2) approval before becoming accepted. Its not really hard, just please, try to make a balanced character. And also, as another note, Observe FIREWALLS. No CHARACTER, including mine or Namelessk, can be all knowing. Only the Gamemaster can be All-knowing.


Edit: Anbu Naruto (2/2) Accepted (Though you could've done better with the abilities. You're like hitsugaya, but his abilities are balanced enough. Just be sure to take note of the limitations of those techniques.)

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Sorry about that Allesk. Just give a few of your abilities a drawback. Like the being able to split into many octahedron one. I'm not saying you would do it, but that could be used continuously with no drawback at all if there isn't one. We're trying not to have people godmod with characters.


Edit: @yugiohblaze

Sorry I just checked my pm. Someone already reserved those two spots. I also checked the time I received the pm, and it was at 10:36 while you asked about 30 minutes later. So that person most likely gets the spots before you.

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Well my first doll was basses off of Go's that's whhy he has that ability.. But alrighty :/ and also about the 65/70 don't you think that's too weak since he is second in comand he should be comprable to the leader.. Which means everyone elses. Would have to be fairly low.. Don't you think?

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Well I'd say that after the second in command, the total stats shouldn't be any higher than 62 or 63. I'd say 65/70 was an okay number for the second in command. Especially since your guy only uses two dolls while the Leader uses three. Sorry about all of this. Just trying to lessen god-modding.

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My App is Segunda Espada, and its sitting well with 65/70. Primera Espada has 70/70. If everyone where to have 68 or 69/70 as stat, it would be like being able to keep up with the leader of each factions alone. Please do understand, we're trying to keep a favorable gap here so that it would take at least two people to take on the leaders of bount, or shinigami, or arrancars when a confrontation arises.


And yeah, if it comes to that, anyone lower than the second in command of each factions can have a stat of 63 or something. Please note that this RP will be heavily based on stats to see if one character can take on enemies of a given stat, or other opposing factions as well.


Edit: The ink is good, but remove its alienation ability (i.e. getting inside the opponent's body to do damage and stuff.). Also, you don't need to become weaker. Just adjust the stat so it would fall nicely into 65/70 category. suit yourself which area of stat you're going to increase.


@Namelessk: I will be posting a Bount App Later after I do my paperworks.. lol


Edit**: Allesk (2/2) Accepted once the stats are done. Your abilities are good, and I'll take Namelessk's word for it. :)

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Name: Sven Trago

Age: 222

Rank: 3

[spoiler=[color=red]Appearance (at least 4 lines):[/color]]Arturo3rdEspada.jpg

He stood only 5' 8'' from the ground and weighed only 140lbs. His hollow hole is on the left side of his stomache area. He wears a half white t-shirt, that only connects at the top and the rest is left open to show his abs. His back has his family crest tattooed on it, to remind him of where he came from. On his hands are black gloves while on his elbows are black coverings. He wears a skirt like dressing to cover below his waist and is held around by a black belt. On his feet are black shoes that go up to his ankles and have a white stripe along the center vertically. He has long black hair, but is tied back and let hung down. His eyes are also pitch black as the blackest night. His hollow piece is on the leg and right side of his head, but are only 2 small spikes for each from his mask. His zanpakuto is carried on his right side on the hip.



[spoiler=[color=Blue]Personality(at least 4 lines):[/color]]A normally calm man who can be easily angered. When angered he becomes very dangerous and will do almost anything to kill. If calmed past the anger point however, he becomes even more dangerous then before. He will lure opponents in for attacks then strike without warning. He gives no mercy in all fights and ensures that his opponent be killed.


He likes the look of pain on an opponents face when he injures them as well as when they are angry. He absloutely loves the sight of blood and almost craves to see it. When not fighting he likes to be alone because if he is around people, he gets a wanting to kill. He enjoys a simple meal consisiting of a medium to large hollow every once in a while.


He absoutely hates other people and can't stand to be around them. He even more hates authority, but keeps himself under control. He hates to lose in a fight because losing means weakness and he knows he is not weak. He dislikes pesky little hollows who think they can do whatever they want. He doesn't like living in a giant castle because he feels it is a waste of space.


His major flaw would be underestimating his opponent because he feels he is superior. Though he doesn't show it, he does take them for granted. He minor flaw would be his blood lust. He sometimes forgets his strategy of lure and injure when blood is seen and goes on the attack. Though he has these flaws, he keeps himself in check and rarely shows the flaws.


[spoiler=[color=brown]History(at least 6 lines):[/color]]Sven was born into a somewhat large family of 4 children. He however was a twin to his brother Cameron. Because the family was so large, they lived in a large house. Besides Cameron there were 2 other brothers and 2 sisters. Sven never spent much time at home though because he was always playing with the kids from his school.


He went to a middle class school because his parents wanted to save money even though they didn't need to. He made many friends and was happy. Sometimes he would get in trouble in class because he was having too much fun with his friends. Sven's parents did not think that it was a good thing for him, but didn't take him out of the school. he was happy they didn't because he wanted to stay with his friends.


However, the kids he was playing with weren't rich like his family was. Sven didn't care about being rich though, he only cared about being happy. His parents did not like this and soon began treating him like a poor child. Cameron however always stuck up for him and even snuck him extras. His other brothers and sisters chose not to care for Sven.


One night Sven was out playing with his friends and a storm rolled in. On his way home he had to cross a large street. While he was crossing, a drunk driver looked away to grab his beer and his truck swerved off the intended path. The truck smashed into Sven's body, killing him instantly. The truck and driver however, continued along and disappeared into the night.


When his parents found out he had been killed they seemed to not care. his brothers and sisters didn't care either except for Cameron. Cameron was heartbroken about losing his little brother and sometimes wouldn't do anything because he was so sad. Sven watched day after day over his family and Cameron, as a spirit. After his funeral, he noticed Cameron no longer crying about him. In fact he had become like his other brothers and sisters, a rich snob who only cared for money.


This angered Sven so much that he turned into a Minus. He took the form of a dragon, like his families crest had in it. Except his mask was that of the sun. He began haunting his family, causing mass destruction to the home. He began eating other spirits to try to cure his cravings for them. It wasn't long before he began changing into a Gillian.


Sven spent a good 50 years as a Gillian, eating other Gillian and gaining strength. This in retrospect was actually a good length of time then other Adjuchas took, but there were also some that took even longer. When he became an Adjuchas, he returned to a near same form as his Minus, but smaller. He roamed the White Desert for 150 years, eating other Adjuchas who were weak and not very willing to continue on.


Through the 150 years, he gained and lost many companions. He would eat each one of them after they died. This just made Sven more happy becaus ehe hated to be around people now. Sven began to grow in power and some size. Then one day after eating one of his last companions. His body changed again.


A boy emerged from the large body of the Adjuchas. This would be Sven's normal form now as he had become an Arrancar. He wore a zanpakuto on his right side, it had a red sheath and a dragon hand guard. He soon entered Los Noches and stayed alone within the castle. At times he would exit to go eat large hollows because he still craved them.


He continued to spend the next 13 years inside Los Noches, training himself and learning cero. He trained using his zanpakuto as a secondary choice to his hand to hand style. He felt it was better to use his hands rather then a weapon to do his bidding. He also developed his defensive style of fighting to be able to catch his opponent off guard better instead of doing a full on attack to overpower them.


Sven would go days without eating and drinking, though hollows don't necessarily need to. After his intensive and harsh training he would sleep for a few hours, eat and drink before doing another set. He developed good discipline and good battle sight. He also developed a quicker speed and strength then a normal arrancar would in solitude.



[spoiler=[color=green]Zanpakutou Name and Appearance:[/color] Deragonu]Sven becomes coated in a white, scale like armor that can withstand simple sword strikes. His mask forms over his face and looks like that of a dragon's skull. A long spiked white tail grows off his tail bone. His hands and feet become claws, as spikes appear along his spine. Large white wings form off his back and can sustain him in flight, but can retract to all him to move on the ground. The wingspan has a length of 15ft.


Resurreccion Phrase: "Fly in the skys Deragonu"

[spoiler=[color=green]Resurrecion Abilities:[/color]]1) Elemental Protection - protects from simple large scale and nonprecise strikes from elemental attacks. Also protects from weather of any kind[except if lightning were to strike it since that is a precise strike].


2) Basic Elemental Manipulation - can use basic uses of fire and even wind. Such as breathing fire and blasting wind from the large wings.


3) Elemental Absorbtion - can absorb small amounts of elemental attacks. Such as taking in wind from a wind attack and changing it into energy. the same can be done to other elements, but only a small amount from any element.


4) Elemental Merge - can merge with the elements such as if he goes into the water he is not affected by the thought of drowning or if he merges with the ground he won't be suffocated to death. This does not work with elemental attacks.


[spoiler=[color=green]Segunda Etapa Appearance:[/color] Buruningu Deragonu]Sven's scale like armor increases in density. His mask grows 2 horns that can emmit a cero when Reiatsu is gathered between them. The claws and spikes become longer and as sharp as a sword. The tail gains more spikes and can emit a cero from its tip.


[spoiler=[color=green]Segunda Etapa Abilities:[/color]]1) Elemental Creation - can create some elements out of the air. Some of these include diamond from crystallizing water vapor i the air, fire from a spark possibly cause by clashing swords or even earth from floating dust.


2) Elemental Change - can change one element into another one. Such as water to fire or to earth or to sand or vice versa for any element that he feels would be better to use. This does not work on elemental atatcks, unless he is the one using the attack.


3) Elemental Cero - produces a cero unlike any others. It consists of the elements and is fired in the same fashion as the others. It is not affected by the elements when it is fired though, so weather and elemental atatcks do not affect it. Sven hides it with his Reiatsu though, so it is invisble until the moment before it strikes.



[spoiler=[color=orange]Abilities:[/color]]Cero: Can do most canon cero and a few special ones.[if needed can be listed]

Swordsmanship: As previously stated, does well with a sword, but doesn't use it first.

Hand to hand: As stated before, is very good at it.

Sonido: Has a fast sonido. Can be used without Resurrection. In Resurrection, it is faster.

Garganta: Can open one at will anytime except in battle.

Spirtual Power: His spiritual power is dark and menacing. Can bring gillian and lower hollow as well as souls to quiver and fear him as he walks. If he chooses to, he can put that power onto one being and cause that being to break down mentally, causing them to either give up to him and die or kill itself.

Bala: Has an incredibly fast bala. It is also a darker red, to show his dark reiatsu.

Strength: Has incredible strength. Can seem like superhuman if he actually uses his full power. When in resurrection, this is even more powerful.

Stamina: Has incredile stamina, capable of outrunning almost anything that runs. However will be winded after doing so and usually doesn't try after a good distance.

Hierro: His reitsu is so strong that only those stronger then him can even begin to pierce it. If someone of the same level or lower attempts to break it, it will most likely not break unless rapidily struck in the same place.




Offense: 10/10

Defense: 9/10

Strength: 10/10

Speed/Dexterity: 9/10

Intelligence: 9/10

Cero: 9/10

Spiritual Pressure: 9/10

Total: 65/70

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